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01gt4.6 11-28-2011 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 63662)
Congratulations, Ann! That's wonderful news!

Day one of being back on track went really, really well. I'm glad to be back in control and, hopefully, the extra pounds will start to disappear.

Enjoy the Saints game tonight! With Manning and Brees, it should be a fun one to watch. :)

1. Calories under 1200. 1009
2. 4 fruits and veggies a day. 4
3. 80 oz. of liquids a day. Yes
4. NO bread until Friday. 0
5. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes
6. NO eating after supper... brush your teeth and read something! On my way to brush. :)

Great job so far on your goals. It should be a good game. Too bad we won't have Hank to start us off "Are you ready for some football?" :(

mgonzales74 11-28-2011 12:01 PM

so i totally f*%#ed up this weekend. i am a total emotional eater and know it. well with thanksgiving, big 3 day hockey tourney for the boys, late night games(one was at 11 at night!!!) early morning games(can you say 5AM is tooooooo early for any kinda game!?!?!?) i totally binged. not only was there the thanksgiving dinner and leftovers. spending all day at a skating rink made for lots of snacks and fast food. and i mean LOTS of snacks. i feel really bad about it but i know its a whole control/emotional issue with me. and Jeff doesnt make it easier. so i ate more... ughhh... anyways, this will be my first attempt to do a goals list like you guys do and its gonna be a small one because i will not be able to do a big one yet.

1. figure out what a good number of calories is for me
2. drink water!!!
3. take my vitamins (multi, b complex and b12. dont know what else i need to be taking).
4. no fast food
5. limit carbs
6. more protein
7. journal everyday
8. find out about chia

1. do not kill Jeff
2. do 1 hour of housecleaning a day
3. do not kill Jeff
4. finish my started poem
5. do not kill Jeff
6. read

01gt4.6 11-28-2011 12:06 PM

I'm guess that your going to try not to kill Jeff this week.;)

ToriD1012 11-28-2011 12:25 PM

I'm SO in....I had a good Thanksgiving week, didn't overeat but didn't abstain from my favorite holiday goodies (damn pecan pie). Then Saturday hit....big in-state football rivalry between Clemson and Carolina. Went for a nice long powerwalk with my workout buddy/cousin before the game. Ate chicken chili for supper while watching the game, didn't over do it, and then the hotdogs started calling my name....."Tori, just one....Tori, you know you miss us" (I'm a huge hotdog fan). So I caved and ate a freaking hotdog. And before you know it....I had eaten chili, a hotdog, half of a fat filled artery clogging pistachio muffin, AND 1 1/2 homemade chocolate chip cookies. Carolina won--AGAIN--(WOOHOO, WAY TO GO GCOCKS!!!!) and then we went and hung flags and banners at our Clemson friends' houses. We did get some moderate jogging-back-to-the-car-so-we-don't-get-caught in, does that count as exercise??? What started as a good week ended as a great week football wise, but not so much diet wise. Oh well, time to start over. So, my very first 7-Day Challenge will be.....

1--eat no more than 1300 calories a day
2--drink NO MORE THAN ONE DIET MOUNTAIN DEW A DAY, no exceptions
3--exercise at least 5 days
4--cut back on the carbs
5--log absolutely everything
6--DO NOT DRINK A 2nd DIET MOUNTAIN DEW (I have a bit of a problem)
7--lose at least 2lbs

01gt4.6 11-28-2011 01:38 PM

Nice goals Tori.

Hey does the Forum pages look screwed up to anyone else?

Does a pickle count as a veggie? I'll probably hit my 4 regardless, just curious b/c I'm eating one. The jar also said that the serving size is 1/4 pickle. :eek: What are you supposed to do, take a couple bites and put it back in the jar? :rolleyes:

ToriD1012 11-28-2011 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 63672)
Hey does the Forum pages look screwed up to anyone else?

Forum def looks a little off

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 63672)
Does a pickle count as a veggie? I'll probably hit my 4 regardless, just curious b/c I'm eating one. The jar also said that the serving size is 1/4 pickle. :eek: What are you supposed to do, take a couple bites and put it back in the jar? :rolleyes:

Pickles are absolutely a veggie. I usually buy the sandwich stackers, 1 1/2 slices is a serving size, so I usually eyeball a small one and a normal one and count that as my 1 1/2.

01gt4.6 11-28-2011 02:20 PM

cool. I may count the pickle as 1 but I won't count it as 4 servings, I'd feel like I was cheating on my goals if I did.

mtlgirl 11-28-2011 03:12 PM

I'm in!
Sorry I have been MIA until now. I had a crazy busy day and then had some friends over to share the big old pot of turkey chili that I made yesterday. It is delish! I also baked some celeriac, sweetpotato and brussels sprouts which I drizzled with walnut oil and a Spanish spice blend. They were fantastic!

I am now on day 11 with no sugar or white flour and I feel great. My cravings are disappearing more and more every day and I feel full much faster when I eat. I'm loving it!

My health goals:

1. No added sugar. YES
2. No white flour. YES
3. 1300-1500 calories per day. 1405
4. Drink min. 2 litres of water per day. DONE
5. Take vitamins. YES
6. Exercise 5 hours
7. Log everything.YES
8. Achieve a 5000 calorie deficit. M: -732

I still have to think of some other goals which I'll have tomorrow morning.

Mike, thanks for starting things up today! Somehow, I have trouble believing that you consumed 20,000 calories in 4 days and if you really did well, there should be a special about you on TLC.

Amy, how did you do on BF? Get anything good?

Terri, I'm really bummed to hear about your headaches! It just sounds awful and I'm sorry you had to go through that during the holiday weekend. No fun!!! But damn, Girl, you are BELOW 160 and that is amazing! WTG!

Mern, I sure do hope that your wedding ring shows up. I actually wear my grandmother's wedding ring (on my index finger though because she had chubby little hands) but it has so much sentimental value and not much financial worth. However it is one of my prized possessions. I really really hope that you find your ring. My grandmother would tell you to pray to Saint Anthony of Padua to get it back. He is the patron saint of lost things.

sorry to hear about your tummy trouble. I hope you feel better soon! I am really impressed that your ran 3 miles on Thanksgiving morning. WOW!!!

April, well done! that is amazing that you didn't gain a single ounce during the holiday! You rock.

Congrats Ann!
What happy news! I hear making a human being is tiring so you have the best excuse for your absence. We missed you!

01gt4.6 11-28-2011 04:03 PM

Rose, I haven't logged a hard core cheat day in a while but they are usually 5k+ calories. I had 4 days back to back like that. Besides eating a lot of food, I also have pumpkin pie, apple cobbler, cheesecake, a blast, ice cream... and not just single servings. I wish I could say that I thought that it was an exaggeration, but I'd be lying if I did.

RunbikeSki 11-28-2011 04:35 PM

So, so start to the week:

Diet & Fitness
1.) 80oz water (coffee, tea, propel, etc don't count)M=Y
2.) Carbs less than 30% M=N (33%)
3.) Protein @ 90g M=N (78g)
4.) 1 (or less) glass of beer or wine w/dinner M=N(3)
5.) 2 servings of fruit per day M=Y
6.) No white foods M=Y
7.) 2 yoga, 2 X-fit, (possible race on Sunday) M=rest day

Work & Home:
8.) Finish booking Feb X-C train trip M=Y
9.) Get rat exterminator estimate M=Y (yikes…expensive)
10.) Finish presents for east coast relatives
11.) Chip tree branches
12.) Wash patio windows
13.) Get decorations down and up
14.) Start cleaning out the garage rafters.
15.) Offer gratitude every morning. M=all is well in my world

A couple hundred more calories than I would like, but we are moving in the right direction.

Nite-nite all!

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