Fitness Nutrition Forums

The Nutrition of Oats

Fitday Editor
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Best known as a species of cereal which is grown for its grain, oats are in fact good for both human consumption as well as simple livestock feed. For instance, both cattle and horses eat oats, and this makes up a decent amount of their daily diets, with horses sometimes counting 20 percent of it just based on oats. Oats were domesticated for the first time in Bronze Age Europe, and they are looked at as a secondary crop, much in the same way that wheat often is. Today, oats are grown all throughout temperate zones on the planet; their versatility lies in their greater tolerance of rain as well as their lesser need for a certain amount of heat to grow.

Benefits Regarding Cholesterol

Oats have been discovered to help people reduce their risk of developing heart disease. More specifically, this beneficial property is actually found in the outer casing of the oats, known as the oat bran. Studies have found that eating oats, including the outer casings, has led to a reduction of bad cholesterol in people, commonly referred to as LDL cholesterol. In addition, because of the high content (more so than in any other grain) of soluble fiber in oats, they have been shown to help lower cholesterol. One kind of soluble fiber called beta glucans has been seen as an effective factor in lowering a person's cholesterol. In the late 1980s, something resembling a craze of sorts seized the country with regards to oat bran, as the studies about it and the lowering of cholesterol became more known.

Weight Loss Benefits

The soluble fiber in oats plays an important role in another health benefit: weight loss. Weight loss is made more possible through oats because of the presence of soluble fiber. One of the most defining characteristics of soluble fiber is that it results in your body digesting food slower. You also receive the sensation of being full for a longer period of time. In particular, the latter will help towards weight loss because the longer you feel full, then the less likely you are to eat again.

Nutritional Value

In a 3.5 ounce serving of oats, you get a good helping of several important nutrients. For instance, the amount of protein is almost 18 grams. Dietary fiber is fairly high, too, with 11 grams being present in the same serving size. The water-soluble vitamin called Bg (folate) is also present in oats; folate is important for pregnant women. The mineral iron is present in oats, which promotes the carrying of oxygen to your blood cells. Finally, magnesium is found in oats, and magnesium is a mineral nutrient that is essential for life, being found in all types of cells across all forms of organisms.

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