Fitness Nutrition Forums

Sucralose (Splenda) Toxicity: Fact or Hype?

Fitday Editor
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There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the artificial sweetener Splenda. This stems from the fact that not much is known yet about the effects that Splenda could have on your body over time. While some experts argue that it's a healthy alternative to table sugar, others say that Splenda is to blame for many Americans gaining weight and becoming diabetic. That said, there are some things that you should know about the safety and toxicity of Splenda. Here are some of the facts and some of the hype surrounding one of the most controversial artificial sweeteners on the market:

Fact: In Moderation, Splenda Is a Good Alternative

Most of the people that suffer from the negative effects are those that use it daily. Though Splenda can be a safe alternative to sugar, it can also be just as dangerous to your health as sugar if you don't use it properly. If you use it every day, you could find yourself suffering as a result. Instead, try to limit the amount of times that you use Splenda every week. Only use it when needed. It doesn't contain any calories, so you can be the beneficiary of that when you do use it. But that doesn't mean you should use Splenda during every meal.

Hype: Splenda Contains Chlorine

This is actually a fact. But the fact that Splenda contains a small amount of chlorine is very over-hyped. Unless you're literally using it with everything you eat, there's a good chance that the chlorine used in Splenda won't affect you. However, see the fact above because if you use it with everything, there's a chance it could affect you. With that in mind, using Splenda in moderation can prevent the chlorine from affecting you.

Fact: Splenda Can Cause Weight Gain

Like other artificial sweeteners, Splenda contains no calories. But that doesn't mean it can't cause you to gain weight. In fact, by using it regularly, you could put yourself at an even greater risk of gaining weight than if you just used sugar. That's because when you use Splenda, you trick your body. Your body sees that Splenda contains no calories so it doesn't heat up to burn calories. However, as a result, you don't feel full after eating and you overeat to compensate for this. Over time, this is why Splenda can actually cause you to gain weight.

Hype: Splenda Can Cause Diabetes

Splenda was designed to help those who use sugar all the time to avoid getting diabetes. Some experts argue that Splenda can still cause you to become diabetic. It all depends on how much you use. If you only use it occasionally, you're not at great risk for diabetes. Provided you don't use it every meal, you can prevent yourself from getting diabetes. Of course, there are exceptions, but if used properly, Splenda does not have to result in diabetes.

These are just some of the facts and hype surrounding Splenda toxicity. Just like anything, too much can be bad for you. But if you limit to amount you use and watch your diet, Splenda doesn't have to be toxic to your body.

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