Fitness Nutrition Forums

Making Healthy Choices at the Ball Park

Fitday Editor
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It can be difficult to make smart diet choices without someone there to tell you, "eat this, not that." When you think about baseball stadium food, you probably imagine calorie-rich foods like hot dogs, ice cream and cotton candy. If you're watching your diet, you might not want to over indulge in unhealthy foods at the ball game. Thankfully, baseball stadiums offer more healthy options today than ever before. You can still enjoy some great food when you visit the stadium without ruining your diet.

Fresh Fruit, Not Candy

Fresh fruit is a great choice because fruit is low in calories and high in fiber. This makes fruit a healthy option that's also filling, meaning you will be less likely to run to the concession stand for a second serving of nachos. Fruit is a great alternative to candy because fruit still provides sweetness without packing calories or fat.

Grilled Chicken, Not Chicken Fingers

Grilled chicken breast is a healthy option because it's low in fat and calories and high in protein. Many stadiums offer grilled chicken salads and sandwiches. Be sure to load up your salad or sandwich with plenty of fresh vegetables, like lettuce, tomato and onion. If you're looking for a flavorful yet low calorie dressing, try balsamic vinegar. But, you should avoid fried chicken fingers, as chicken fingers are loaded with fat and calories.

Frozen Yogurt, Not Ice Cream

If you're visiting the baseball stadium during the hot summer months, chances are you might crave a cold and creamy frozen treat. Before you head for the ice cream stand, look around the stadium for frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt is a better choice than ice cream because it's lower in fat and calories and contains healthy yogurt probiotics. If you want to add a little punch to your frozen yogurt dessert, sprinkle on a few spoonfuls of fresh fruit, like strawberries or blueberries, or granola.

Vegetarian Burgers, Not Beef

You might be surprised to learn that many baseball stadiums now offer vegetarian options. Vegetarian burgers are a great choice for both meat eaters and vegetarians alike. If you find yourself craving a burger at the stadium, a vegetarian burger is a better choice than a ground beef burger because it's lower in fat, calories and cholesterol. If you're watching your carbohydrates, you could forget the bun and wrap your burger with a lettuce shell.

Peanuts, Not Caramel Corn

If you're looking for something salty and crunchy to munch on, peanuts are a healthier option than caramel corn. At many stadiums, you can get a bucket of roasted, salted peanuts for just a couple dollars. You should be careful not to eat the whole bucket yourself, however, because peanuts are high in fat. If you consume just a few handfuls of peanuts, you should still keep your diet in check.

If you don't go to baseball stadiums too often, you might want to treat yourself to an indulgence or two. If you really want a little cotton candy, then why not split a bag with a friend. You can still eat the foods you love without wrecking your diet.

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