Fitness Nutrition Forums

Jogging to Lose Weight

Fitday Editor

Jogging can be a great way to get in shape and lose weight. It doesn't require any special equipment and it takes no time at all to learn. Plus, it targets the entire body in an aerobic fashion. Not only can jogging strengthen your legs and abdomen and help burn fat, but it also strengthens your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Here's some advice to help you lose weight through jogging.

Consider Your Own Fitness Level Before You Begin

If you're badly out of shape, you don't want to start off jogging right away. Not only will it be quite difficult, it could be dangerous; you could injure yourself. If you're already in pretty good shape and just want to improve a little more, you can go ahead and start jogging right away. If not, start with brisk walking until you've improved your physical condition. If you're not sure where to begin, ask your doctor for advice.

Set a Weight Loss Goal

No weight loss exercise program can work without a weight loss goal to strive for. You shouldn't try to lose weight too fast, as rapid weight loss can create health complications of their own. A goal of one or two pounds a week is safe and attainable.

In order to lose two pounds a week, you'll have to burn 1,000 more calories than you consume each day. It's easier to do if you cut 500 calories from your diet while burning away 500 calories through exercise.

The number of calories you burn while jogging will depend upon your personal Body Mass Index. FitDay can help you keep track of your calories burned. Once you know how many calories you burn per minute of jogging, you can estimate how many calories you're burning per jogging session.

Set a Jogging Schedule

Setting a regular jogging schedule is essential if you want to lose weight and get in shape through jogging. After all, jogging intermittently won't help very much. Consistency is key to losing weight. After the first few jogs, you'll begin to find the routine comes more and more easily.

You should jog three to five times a week, long enough to raise your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. Remember, during the first 20 minutes of your jogging session, you're only burning calories from the food you consumed that day. After the first 20 minutes have elapsed, your body will begin burning energy stored as fat instead.

Vary your jogging routine to stave off boredom and exercise more effectively. You might try varying your speed a little. Run fast for 15 minutes and then slow down to a more comfortable pace for 15 minutes (remember to keep your heart rate up so that your body will start burning stored fat as fuel). Some days, you might feel like jogging more slowly but for a longer period of time. That's okay, too. Jog along different routes on different days to keep things interesting.

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