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3 Ab Workouts You Can Do in Front of the TV

Fitday Editor

While there are a number of machines at the gym that claim to improve abdominal and core strength, it can be hard to find a good ab workout for home. The exercises below can not only improve muscular strength and tone, but are also easy enough to do at home. For best results, be sure to do at least two sets of 10 repetitions of these exercises on a regular basis.

1. Sit Ups

One of the best and easiest ab workouts you can do in front of the TV incorporates the use of sit ups. Not only are sit ups one of the simplest abdominal exercises, but also one of the most effective. To do a sit up properly, start by laying flat on your back on the ground with your knees and your feet flat on the floor. Lace your fingers together behind your head, supporting your neck. Inhale and exhale deeply for a few seconds, and during exhalation, use your abdominal muscles to lift your head, neck and shoulders off the ground. Inhale, and slowly lower your body back to the ground. Continue performing this exercise for 10 repetitions, and then take a short break. Do one more set of the exercise.

2. Reverse Sit Ups

Reverse sit ups are another great beginning exercise that can be used to successfully increase abdominal strength and tone. To perform the exercise, lay flat on your back on the ground, and extend your legs toward the ceiling, being sure to keep them as straight as possible. As with the basic sit ups described above, breath deeply for a few seconds, and during exhalation, use the abdominal muscles to lift your rear end off the ground, and push your feet higher into the sky. Inhale and lower your buttocks back to the ground. Do 10 repetitions of the exercise, rest, and perform one more set for best results. Be sure to avoid swinging your weight forward, toward your head when performing this exercise. Instead, rely on the muscles in your core to lift and lower your legs and buttocks off the ground.

3. Beginner Bicycles

Beginner bicycles are moderately challenging, and a great way to strengthen and tone your core muscles, especially the abdominals. To do this exercise, lay flat on your back with your right knee bent. Lift your left foot off the ground, bend the knee, and place your left foot on the thigh of the right foot, slightly above the knee. Lace your fingers behind your head, supporting your neck. Use your abdominals to lift your head, neck and shoulders off the ground, as with sit ups, but now rotate your torso slightly so that your right elbow reaches toward your left knee. Carefully lower your body back to the ground. Repeat the exercise 10 times, rest, and repeat.

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