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cess10 06-10-2010 12:38 PM

Hi, I,m a french speaking, I will like to join your group on weight lost. I'm 190 lbs , i WILL LIKE TO LOOSE 40 lbS. Then I will see How to lose more in the future.
For people who lose please can you tell me what was your technic?
Using this group I will like as well to improve my english. Please correct me each time I 'm wrong

yauncin 06-11-2010 01:40 AM

Could you give a sample of your food intake for a day and what your workout routine is for a week. Also you might want to start a new thread. rpmcduff gave good advise too. There are some good people over at

lostneedhelp 06-12-2010 05:30 PM

I now weight about 193 and my final goal weight is 135. I have gained 30lbs in less then a year. No idea what happened. Just recently realized how big i have gotten.

alice6065 06-13-2010 05:53 AM

I topped out at 230 two or three years ago. Started this round of FitDay at 197 with a mini-goal of losing 12 pounds in 13 weeks. It's been two weeks, and I'm down 5 pounds to 192. Ultimately I'd like to be around 160 (the high end of my "healthy weight range." That's what I weighed last time I felt thin, which was over 30 years ago.

Cookie_50 06-13-2010 08:12 AM

Hii!! My current weight is 130lb my inicial goal would be to lose at least 7 punds in one week, btw i´m 5'4 :)

hawaiiadobo 06-13-2010 12:02 PM

I'm currently 218 (weighed last Tuesday) and I ultimately want to reach 150 by next June 4. My mini goal is to lose 25 pounds by my birthday (October 5) and then get down to 175 by Thanksgiving. It's a bit lofty, but it's keeping me motivated and I'd rather aim high and miss it by a few.

ctraugh 06-13-2010 01:05 PM

Age: 32
Height: 6ft
Weight: 320lbs

I have been wanting to loose weight for many years now but didn't really know where to start. I have been going to collage now for a year and had to take a Physical Education Class so I decided to take Fitness for Life. Basically they show me how to make an exercise program and how to eat better.

My goal is to get under the obese weight.

I have been a gig man for a long time. I found this site and thought it could help me on my goal.


waynegretzky 06-13-2010 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by ctraugh (Post 13351)
Age: 32
Height: 6ft
Weight: 320lbs

I have been wanting to loose weight for many years now but didn't really know where to start. I have been going to collage now for a year and had to take a Physical Education Class so I decided to take Fitness for Life. Basically they show me how to make an exercise program and how to eat better.

My goal is to get under the obese weight.

I have been a gig man for a long time. I found this site and thought it could help me on my goal.


Welcome :)) I am 5'9" and back in November 2009 i was 300 lbs so with the difference in height we are pretty similar in size. I wish i had found this site earlier as it has been a big help. Log all your food so you can track your calories and nutrition. I have lost 74 lbs doing this with minimal amounts of exercise other than walking. Most importantly come back and log in every day as it helps you to stay focused and on track.

jakeaveres 06-13-2010 11:25 PM

Was 126kgs, 6ft 18. Now am 97kgs 19 and I want to get to 89kgs. So i guess 37kgs, Im very commited.

Jimmidy 06-15-2010 05:46 PM

I thought this would be a good place to do my first post. I am currently a soft 207 lbs that is going to be a firm 170 lbs within the next 6 months. I've just completed 3 months of a wonderful fitness challenge in our province (British Columbia, Canada) that has kick started my journey so looking forward to an excellent year of positive results ahead.

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