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msmarilyn3 01-21-2010 02:31 AM

Congrats on your weight loss
Marky's Mom, Congrats on the weight loss :)Try cutting cucumber in half first then only peel the half you plan on eatting- store other half in a Ziploc or green bag for next day...have you noticed Walmart has greenbags on a roll dispenser by veggies I get them when I buy Romaine lettuce and they work great. The best part is they're free so if you shop at Walmart put your cucumber in one of those bags. Also try the steamfresh frozen veggies with meals they're awesome!:p I'm having a delightful pain that comes after a good workout did 30 crunches on my balance ball and I can definitely feel it - so yeah for me too;)

Destinyschoice76 01-21-2010 03:51 PM

Hi Ladies,
It's been about a week since I posted. But I am still with you! Glad to see we have so many ladies in our club. We are truly bringing sexy back!!

I have lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks - YEAH!! So excited! But I kinda cheated - hubby, myself and my 2 yr old son all had a really bad stomach virus earlier this week. So I didn't eat much, but expended alot over 2 days, LOL. So it kinda kicked my plan into high gear. Although I do not recommend that tactic! It was miserable!! LOL

Anyhow...I have had a hard time entering my food every day, although I am watching my intake and doing well with that.

Two friends and I from work have started our own weight loss club. We are all field case managers, so we agreed to meet once every 1-2 weeks for lunch, etc to share tips and encouragement. We also call each other all the time to stay on track. It is so nice to have their support as well as your's here!!

I finally did some exercise today, a 10 min dance video. I really enjoyed's taking me some time to get the steps - I used to be coordinated, not so much anymore =) But it is fun and I could laugh at myself! I really liked it when I was getting the moves right. It will just take some practice.

Great job ladies! Hang in there!

msmarilyn3 01-22-2010 02:42 AM

Hi Destiny
Hey, Good to hear from ya! Sorry you've been sick:( I hate the stomach flu..yuck! Hppy to hear you're feeling better now. I like your diet club idea with your coworkers that is great :) I had my cheat day yesterday (eek) but back on the train to Sexy town today ha-ha!;)

MarkysMom 01-22-2010 04:17 AM

Hey, Destiny,

Congrats on the weight loss, even if you had to suffer for it. :D

What dance video do you use? I like that it's only 10 minutes. I need to get over my fear of exercising in front of my husband - makes it hard to do anything since he only goes in 2x a week and does the rest at home. It's not like he'd laugh at me or anything (unless I did a pole dance video!)

Destinyschoice76 01-22-2010 08:39 AM

Thanks, Ladies!
The video is "10 Minute Solution: Fat blasting dance mix". I got it from Netflix. We recently got a Bluray player and I can stream some netflix videos live. Once you are registered (I think it is about $11 month for unlimited videos streaming and 1 DVD at a time). So I have this and 1 other 10 minute workout "10 Minute Solution: Yoga" in my "instant que". I like it!! I am sure that you can get these videos at Walmart or the local video store.

There were a lot of 10 min videos to choose from. All seem to have 5, 10 min sessions. You can do one each time or more than one, depending on your time and the workout you want/need at the time.
I know what you mean about your hubby. I did mine from my laptop, in my home office in the basement (he was home, but did not know I was doing it!) I told him later and I joked about myself and the lack of coordination, but I would be embarrassed for him to see me. I don't know why!! He has seen me at my worst! Just something I think we like to do alone to really have fun!

Let me know if you try one. Good luck!
One of my freinds and I are going walking at the mall tonight. I am bringing my 2yr old son,. as hubby has to work. But there is an Aquarium at the mall and a nice playground he we will stop to do those things also. I am looking forward to it. my friend and I have made a pact to do this kind of active, social thing more often!

msmarilyn3 01-23-2010 09:05 AM

Thanks for the dance video tip...I like the idea of shorter work out videos because they aren't as intimidating :) Have fun at the Mall :)

msmarilyn3 01-26-2010 04:45 AM

Miss you
Where did all the sexy girls go? If you say to the gym I'm gonna feel lazy ha-ha! Actually I'm going later today.
The scales have not been kind to me my friend.... been gaining/losing same 3#'s for past week:( Must be all the sexy muscle I'm building right? I hope so! Well, Just wanted to say MISS YOU:(

Destinyschoice76 01-26-2010 01:15 PM

I'm here!
Hi Marilyn!
I am still here and miss you ladies also.
I have not been to the gym =( Just busy. However, I did get to the mall and walk again today. So that is a plus.

I also stopped in at New York & Co. clothing store. LOVE their clothes, always have. Wasn't really planning to buy, just looking, but had a sort of a epiphany while there. I was looking at all of their cute work slacks and jeans. I decided that my big goal is to get into a size 10 at that particular store. I wear their size 18 now, 16 are tight. I have not been a size 9 or 10 since high school, and that is small for me, as I have a larger frame and was really thin when wearing that size. but I would LOVE to wear that size again and really enjoy all of the cute clothes without wondering if I will look to fat in them. To me, that would REALLY be getting my sexy back. So beyond my weight goal of 195 in June (1st weight goal), a size 10 at NYC & Co is my goal.
Any ladies had any similar inspiration??

Hope you are all doing well. My weigh in day is tomorrow. Marilyn, it sucks that you are fighting with the same 3lbs, I know it can be frustrating, but hang in there. You will break through that wall. I have not stepped on the scale in a few days, which is a lot of time for me. I was getting on it a few times a day, but them would get frustrated to see the weight go up and down as it does throughout the day. So I decided to only weigh myself first thing in the morning and oly 1-2x's/week. Keeping my fingers crossed for some loss tomorrow, but I kinda feel at a plateau this week - just a feeling.

Good luck all and let's hear from you!!

msmarilyn3 01-26-2010 02:35 PM

Hi Destiny
I think the solution to my weight 3# gain/ lose issues might be to start only weighing myself once a week, but like you said it is definely hard to avoid the scale- Good Luck tomorrow;)

nail-lady 01-26-2010 10:24 PM

Good Morning Sexy Girls!!
I did not realize there was a separate thread for the group...I'll just post here now. :)

Marilyn~I came across the Fat-burning Furnace a couple of weeks ago too! I like the idea, so started lifting weights. Love how Strong, powerful & sexy that makes me feel! The only thing that I don't care for is how it feels like they are Always wanting to Sell just 1 more thing to everyone. The program itself is a good one.
Right now, I am reading Tom Venuto's THe Body Fat Solution and I LOVE it! The first section starts off with addressing Goal setting, Emotional eating, self-sabotaging and other issues that we let get in our way and then he moves on to lifting, cardio & nutrition. He has a way with words, I really like this one!

Destinys~Congrats on the loss, It counts! I love NY & Co too! Bought myself a pair of yoga pants there, they are THE most Comfortable exercise pants that I have ever owned! I also treated myself to a new handbag from there, it is SO cute!

Marky's~Wooohooo You! Congrats on the loss and good for you, upping the workout can be a tough step. I have been using the Hefty Fresh Extend bags for my lettuce, it really seems to help it to 'keep' longer. I don't know if it would work for cukes, but might be worth a try. I'll give it a shot and report back about it in a few days. ;)

Well, besides the obvious Need to be healthier, I have 2 reasons for working hard to get to my goal:
1~High school class reunion will be this summer
2~going to be hanging out with my Nail-sista's at Premiere Orlando (HUGE beauty show) In JUNE!!! Gotta be feelin' my best!!

Today is my weight-training day, so I better get to it before the kids get up.:)

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