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msmarilyn3 01-21-2010 02:31 AM

Congrats on your weight loss
Marky's Mom, Congrats on the weight loss :)Try cutting cucumber in half first then only peel the half you plan on eatting- store other half in a Ziploc or green bag for next day...have you noticed Walmart has greenbags on a roll dispenser by veggies I get them when I buy Romaine lettuce and they work great. The best part is they're free so if you shop at Walmart put your cucumber in one of those bags. Also try the steamfresh frozen veggies with meals they're awesome!:p I'm having a delightful pain that comes after a good workout did 30 crunches on my balance ball and I can definitely feel it - so yeah for me too;)

Destinyschoice76 01-21-2010 03:51 PM

Hi Ladies,
It's been about a week since I posted. But I am still with you! Glad to see we have so many ladies in our club. We are truly bringing sexy back!!

I have lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks - YEAH!! So excited! But I kinda cheated - hubby, myself and my 2 yr old son all had a really bad stomach virus earlier this week. So I didn't eat much, but expended alot over 2 days, LOL. So it kinda kicked my plan into high gear. Although I do not recommend that tactic! It was miserable!! LOL

Anyhow...I have had a hard time entering my food every day, although I am watching my intake and doing well with that.

Two friends and I from work have started our own weight loss club. We are all field case managers, so we agreed to meet once every 1-2 weeks for lunch, etc to share tips and encouragement. We also call each other all the time to stay on track. It is so nice to have their support as well as your's here!!

I finally did some exercise today, a 10 min dance video. I really enjoyed's taking me some time to get the steps - I used to be coordinated, not so much anymore =) But it is fun and I could laugh at myself! I really liked it when I was getting the moves right. It will just take some practice.

Great job ladies! Hang in there!

msmarilyn3 01-22-2010 02:42 AM

Hi Destiny
Hey, Good to hear from ya! Sorry you've been sick:( I hate the stomach flu..yuck! Hppy to hear you're feeling better now. I like your diet club idea with your coworkers that is great :) I had my cheat day yesterday (eek) but back on the train to Sexy town today ha-ha!;)

MarkysMom 01-22-2010 04:17 AM

Hey, Destiny,

Congrats on the weight loss, even if you had to suffer for it. :D

What dance video do you use? I like that it's only 10 minutes. I need to get over my fear of exercising in front of my husband - makes it hard to do anything since he only goes in 2x a week and does the rest at home. It's not like he'd laugh at me or anything (unless I did a pole dance video!)

Destinyschoice76 01-22-2010 08:39 AM

Thanks, Ladies!
The video is "10 Minute Solution: Fat blasting dance mix". I got it from Netflix. We recently got a Bluray player and I can stream some netflix videos live. Once you are registered (I think it is about $11 month for unlimited videos streaming and 1 DVD at a time). So I have this and 1 other 10 minute workout "10 Minute Solution: Yoga" in my "instant que". I like it!! I am sure that you can get these videos at Walmart or the local video store.

There were a lot of 10 min videos to choose from. All seem to have 5, 10 min sessions. You can do one each time or more than one, depending on your time and the workout you want/need at the time.
I know what you mean about your hubby. I did mine from my laptop, in my home office in the basement (he was home, but did not know I was doing it!) I told him later and I joked about myself and the lack of coordination, but I would be embarrassed for him to see me. I don't know why!! He has seen me at my worst! Just something I think we like to do alone to really have fun!

Let me know if you try one. Good luck!
One of my freinds and I are going walking at the mall tonight. I am bringing my 2yr old son,. as hubby has to work. But there is an Aquarium at the mall and a nice playground he we will stop to do those things also. I am looking forward to it. my friend and I have made a pact to do this kind of active, social thing more often!

msmarilyn3 01-23-2010 09:05 AM

Thanks for the dance video tip...I like the idea of shorter work out videos because they aren't as intimidating :) Have fun at the Mall :)

msmarilyn3 01-26-2010 04:45 AM

Miss you
Where did all the sexy girls go? If you say to the gym I'm gonna feel lazy ha-ha! Actually I'm going later today.
The scales have not been kind to me my friend.... been gaining/losing same 3#'s for past week:( Must be all the sexy muscle I'm building right? I hope so! Well, Just wanted to say MISS YOU:(

Destinyschoice76 01-26-2010 01:15 PM

I'm here!
Hi Marilyn!
I am still here and miss you ladies also.
I have not been to the gym =( Just busy. However, I did get to the mall and walk again today. So that is a plus.

I also stopped in at New York & Co. clothing store. LOVE their clothes, always have. Wasn't really planning to buy, just looking, but had a sort of a epiphany while there. I was looking at all of their cute work slacks and jeans. I decided that my big goal is to get into a size 10 at that particular store. I wear their size 18 now, 16 are tight. I have not been a size 9 or 10 since high school, and that is small for me, as I have a larger frame and was really thin when wearing that size. but I would LOVE to wear that size again and really enjoy all of the cute clothes without wondering if I will look to fat in them. To me, that would REALLY be getting my sexy back. So beyond my weight goal of 195 in June (1st weight goal), a size 10 at NYC & Co is my goal.
Any ladies had any similar inspiration??

Hope you are all doing well. My weigh in day is tomorrow. Marilyn, it sucks that you are fighting with the same 3lbs, I know it can be frustrating, but hang in there. You will break through that wall. I have not stepped on the scale in a few days, which is a lot of time for me. I was getting on it a few times a day, but them would get frustrated to see the weight go up and down as it does throughout the day. So I decided to only weigh myself first thing in the morning and oly 1-2x's/week. Keeping my fingers crossed for some loss tomorrow, but I kinda feel at a plateau this week - just a feeling.

Good luck all and let's hear from you!!

msmarilyn3 01-26-2010 02:35 PM

Hi Destiny
I think the solution to my weight 3# gain/ lose issues might be to start only weighing myself once a week, but like you said it is definely hard to avoid the scale- Good Luck tomorrow;)

nail-lady 01-26-2010 10:24 PM

Good Morning Sexy Girls!!
I did not realize there was a separate thread for the group...I'll just post here now. :)

Marilyn~I came across the Fat-burning Furnace a couple of weeks ago too! I like the idea, so started lifting weights. Love how Strong, powerful & sexy that makes me feel! The only thing that I don't care for is how it feels like they are Always wanting to Sell just 1 more thing to everyone. The program itself is a good one.
Right now, I am reading Tom Venuto's THe Body Fat Solution and I LOVE it! The first section starts off with addressing Goal setting, Emotional eating, self-sabotaging and other issues that we let get in our way and then he moves on to lifting, cardio & nutrition. He has a way with words, I really like this one!

Destinys~Congrats on the loss, It counts! I love NY & Co too! Bought myself a pair of yoga pants there, they are THE most Comfortable exercise pants that I have ever owned! I also treated myself to a new handbag from there, it is SO cute!

Marky's~Wooohooo You! Congrats on the loss and good for you, upping the workout can be a tough step. I have been using the Hefty Fresh Extend bags for my lettuce, it really seems to help it to 'keep' longer. I don't know if it would work for cukes, but might be worth a try. I'll give it a shot and report back about it in a few days. ;)

Well, besides the obvious Need to be healthier, I have 2 reasons for working hard to get to my goal:
1~High school class reunion will be this summer
2~going to be hanging out with my Nail-sista's at Premiere Orlando (HUGE beauty show) In JUNE!!! Gotta be feelin' my best!!

Today is my weight-training day, so I better get to it before the kids get up.:)

msmarilyn3 01-27-2010 06:18 AM

Goodmorning Nail lady,
It is funny you mentioned that the fat burning furnance keeps wanting you to buy differant products ...I was just thinking the same thing and like you I do think the program is good, but I'm not going to fall into that trap of buying product after product. I tend to log onto both sites...I guess I troll the first site for people then they find this site;)but it is all good! It sounds as if I'm heavier then your or Destiny because I'm not sure if I could fit into clothes at Ann Taylor or New York company although I have browsed at both but haven't even looked at sizes...maybe that can be my goal to buy something at one of those stores ha-ha! I'm up to 12 #'s total weght loss (yahoo) it's working :)

nail-lady 01-27-2010 06:33 AM

WOW! 12 lbs is Fantastic, Congratulations!! :D You must be feeling Great!

nail-lady 01-28-2010 06:28 AM

Okay So, I keep telling myself that I need to add some cardio on the days that I am not lifting, but for some reason, I am not listening! :confused: I Know, in my head that it will help me to not only reach my goals quicker, but that it will make me feel better & more energized immediately, but for some reason I keep choosing to skip cardio. I am staying on track with my weights and meal plan, so That's good!

How's everyone doing??? Awfully quiet in here lately.

msmarilyn3 01-29-2010 12:06 AM

Nail lady hang in there... just try to do short stints of cardio when you can fit it in...take the stairs instead of elevator -park your car further away when going to the store etc...once you start little things you'll get in the mood to do more cardio! Have a wonderfully sexy day!;)

nail-lady 01-29-2010 02:35 AM

You're right...Baby steps. The most important thing is to stay on track, not to push myself so hard that I can't do it all. I have decided that Tues, Thurs & Sat I need to add some-type of cardio, so it starts on Feb 2nd. I have many videos to choose from, so it's ON! Just gotta push Play, oh yeah And get moving. ;)

How are you doing?

msmarilyn3 01-29-2010 06:32 PM

Nail lady hoping 3rd time is the charm?
This is my third time attempting to respond to your last blog (^#@**^) Most frustrating... Not sexy ! It sounds as if you have a good plan for your cardio.

I found an exercise tape of Sensual Belly Dancing..sounds kinda Sexy ha?;)

Started Alli stomach was kinda flip/floppy but not too bad and no adverse developments (yeah) Stayed off scale today...I'm not weighing again until Monday at the gym...and then Friday for Alli program. I was weighing too much and bringing myself down. It is early Saturday 230 am I guess I should try to get some sleep:p Have a great weekend!

nail-lady 01-31-2010 11:19 AM

Ooohhh,Sensual belly dancing...that Does sound sexy! ;) I thought about trying that 'flirty girl' fitness video, it looked kindof sexy & fun, but have not ordered it. I figured I better start with using some of the videos I already have first.
I have neve tried Alli. You'll have to keep me posted on how that goes for you. Glad to hear you are not experiencing any of the negative effects.
Well, my weekend could have been better as far as my food choices, but it certainly could have been alot worse too. It was my son's birthday, can imagine! I did have a little bit of pizza and a couple of the bite sized cupcakes with a bit of ice cream, but definately did not over-indulge the way I have in the past, so I am calling it a step in the right direction!
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

msmarilyn3 01-31-2010 12:00 PM

Nail lady,
Sounds like the bday bash was fun and that you were able to enjoy some family time without blowing your diet...great discipline there toots! The flirty girl fitness does look fun but I would probably spend too much time laughing at myself ...I'm not the most coordinated ha-ha! Keep up the good work...we're on our way now and nothing can stop us! Sexy here we come!

nail-lady 02-01-2010 08:05 AM

I think that it's safe to say that I would burn more calories laughing at myself too, in fact, I am sitting here chuckling, just Thinking about how silly I would look doing those dance moves! I am a Klutz! :o
Well, I did do my weights this am, so tomorrow begins my cardio. I know I will feel better for it.....talking myself into the idea of it....

I am a bit discouraged today. I am happy and thankful to be losing weight & inches, but I am trying to keep track of my actual fat loss and was very discouraged to find that in the month of January I lost 8lbs, but only about 4 was fat and unfortunately 4 of it was lean. (I have been using an online site to track of body fat %) Not sure where to go from here......:confused:

msmarilyn3 02-01-2010 11:41 PM

Not sure what to tell ya Nail Lady...I've never really seperated fat/muscle loss. But, I wouldn't get too discouraged because it your lifting weights you'll be building muscle so it'll most likely even out ya know? The cardio may help with fat loss too. Are you drinking your water make sure to keep hydrated:p

Bugguts 02-02-2010 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Destinyschoice76 (Post 363)
We have a great group going in the other thread about feeling sexy again. So I thought I would start an "official" thread. Now we have our own group :p

All ladies are welcome, especially if you feel how we have talked about in the other thread. We want to feel confident, sexy and beautiful again. Our weight loss goal is a big part of this, but also we are talking about keeping ourselves healthy and re-focusing on what we need/want as women. We get so caught up in being moms, wives, employees, etc. Now we can remind each other to lose weight and be healthy for US. We deserve it and will feel better, and be a better person to all our loved ones.

Let's bring our sexy back!

I'm applauding this post! Excellent thread! From belonging to a gym in the past, I'm convinced that my health, beauty, and agelessness is can be found inside that gym. I reached a point where I could no longer afford the gym membership, and decided to carry that same mindset into my workouts at home. I've kept that going, and in four years, I've dropped 44 pounds. Because of working out I'm starting to see definition in my body, and feel sexy again! I'm in!!!

msmarilyn3 02-02-2010 09:09 AM

Great job Bugguts !!! Welcome to the Sexy Girl Revue were all on a one way trip to Sexyville glad to have you onboard!

Bugguts 02-03-2010 01:26 AM

Thanks! I love Fitday. It's definately educated me on what I'm eating and how to eat. I couldn't of lost the weight without it. Thanks for the welcome!

nail-lady 02-03-2010 08:56 AM

Congrats on the continued loss Bugguts! It can be a little harder to stay on task at home, so Good for you!! :)

How are things going for you MSMarilyn? Where are you in the Fat Burning Furnace program?

I did get myself to do cardio yesterday....Phew, that was Tough! I did one of the Biggest Loser video's, Cardio Max...holy crap! Thank goodness I started out with the beginner level, I almost skipped it and went to intermediate, thinking it might not get my heart rate up enough. Boy was I Wrong! That Bob can Really kick some butt!
Half-heartedly lifted weights today because I am very tired. Did not sleep well last night. But, I did what I could push myself to do and I figure that's definately better than skipping it.

msmarilyn3 02-03-2010 11:09 AM

Hi Nail lady things are going well with me I weighed in Monday and after a week of Fat burning routine I've lost 5#'s Yeah for me! My friend uses that Biggest loser cardio tape too! She is really in shape and says it kicks butt. I've been trying to do things even on the days I feel icky also...I think it helps keep ya on track! This week I'm starting to push myself a little more by adding some extra weight to life so we'll see.

Lizzycritter 02-03-2010 12:06 PM

Hello, got room for one more?

Married 35 year old mother of 2, ages 1 and 5. Husband works nights, so I hear ya girls with the scheduling issues. I'm 5'5, at my heaviest was 182, I'm hanging in around 170, hoping to reach 145 by summertime. I've been going to the gym but having a hard time staying consistent, goal is to do 30 min cardio + 30 min strength training every monday, wednesday, saturday-I work 10 hour shifts 3 days a week, so exercise on a work day is just not gonna happen. I've found that being accountable for what I eat with the food log keeps me on track as far as eating healthy, need some accountability for the exercise too. My weight loss goals are more about feeling good about myself than the number on the scale (really wanna lose the belly roll LOL), so when I saw sexy girls' club, I thought-yeah baby! :)

msmarilyn3 02-03-2010 09:44 PM

Hi Lizzy,
We always have room for one more! The more the meerier! We are a great group with goal in common getting our SEXY back! It sounds like you've got a good plan going so far I'd just keep it up! I work nights 12hr shifts three days a week and I thought fitting time in for exercise would be impossible but once I started I realized it gave me more energy so even on days I drag myself to the gym I know I'll feel better when I'm done. Just make sure you don't workout too close to bedtime or it might keep you up

nail-lady 02-03-2010 10:33 PM

WooHooo! Yeah, YAY you!! Fantastic Loss!:D How's the Alli for you, still going well?

Welcome Lizzy!:) Marilyn is the ultimate cheerleader, so you will get GREAT support here! Sheduling exercise can be really tough, but we need to do it for us AND so we can take better care of those we love. Sounds like you have it worked out pretty well and maybe in time you will find it more do-able to fit in some sort of exercise on workdays too....all things in time. I find that adding small changes as I go is better than diving in fully clothed and drowning, trying to do too much all at once.

Well, I guess that even though I only half-heartedly lifted yesterday, I worked some muscles cuz I am Sore! Going to have to give today a rest cuz I want to be able to lift tomorrow, so no cardio workout today. There will be plenty of walking....have a HUGE flight of stairs to climb when I get to work. I usually opt for the gradual grade, but will bite the bullet and climb that mountain of stairs. :p
Hope everyone has a great day!

rrrucke 02-04-2010 01:38 AM

I've got my sexy back!
I'm a 45YO, 5’4”, 209 lb, single woman who has struggled with having “a pretty face” on a fat body. While some here will understand my plight, it has been hard. How I let myself go, I don’t know. However, for the last two months I’ve re-dedicated myself to this goal and I’ve been feeling more attractive than I have in years! I'm nearly halfway to my goal of 160 lbs and maybe one day I’ll get to the 130-140 lb range.

As mentioned in a previous blog, I’m on the road to carboholic recovery. When I started, my weight was 257 lbs, which was the heaviest and most unattractive I’ve ever been. I joined a gym near my job and I go regularly each work night and on Saturdays with my daughter.

I’m half way to my goal and I’m getting a lot of attention from men & women, which is great. By combining the weight loss with a mini makeover, which I did myself, I’m walking taller, feeling very sexy and enjoying every minute of it! Today I reached an important milestone. I replaced my size 18 dress slacks with a size 16 from my closet. I couldn’t wait to throw away that ratty old pair. What a Feeling of Accomplishment!

Anyway, this journey has helped me appreciate what a simple look and a smile can give you. After a while I hope that spot light grows within so I don’t have to look for compliments from others.

I will achieve and maintain this healthier lifestyle and become more active and eat better with the help of my Fit Day community and Jenny Craig. Good luck lades and here’s to our success!! Regina

msmarilyn3 02-04-2010 07:33 AM

RRUCKE : What a wonderful example you are for your daughter. It's great that you exercise together and it sounds as if you're definitely on the right path to Sexy! I've only lost a total of 14#'s so far but I just started January 4th so I'm happy with that! I haven't gotten to the point where it is noticable it is nice to get recognition from others it makes it all more real ha? Well, wlecome to our group a lot of us blog daily so log on and enjoy the ride to Sexyville!

cjohnson728 02-04-2010 07:41 AM

There is some sort of evil paradox afoot that I am trying to get my sexy back, and any weight I lose comes straight off my cup size:mad:

I am trying to embrace my pear-shaped-ness and realize that I will probably never be the body type I find most attractive. Remember the kids' books where you would flip the different sections of the body (head, torso, legs) to create different looks? Well, I am ready to flip everything between my belly button and my knees! Next page, please!!

I am trying to remind myself of the parts of me I'm really happy with (I have really attractive ears and feet :p

Confidence is sexy, so I'm trying!

Lizzycritter 02-04-2010 11:43 AM

Cj-I hear ya there, the weight always comes off first where I DON'T want it to :mad: but a good bra can work wonders. Bought myself a few Victoria's Secret bras off the clearance sale, haven't worn those since before the kids, but it feels good to have the "girls" belong to ME and not the baby again ;)

msmarilyn3 02-04-2010 08:05 PM

;)CJ your post mad me laugh because that always seems like it is where weight comes off first....but if you think about it as you start to lose from other areas it will all even out...don't worry your sexy is definitley coming back. For now just wear some cute earrings to draw attention to the gorgeous ears and pretty face! :p

snolyzard 02-09-2010 04:34 AM

Where are all the sexy girls? I know you're out there!

snolyzard 02-09-2010 04:36 AM

Just read that and realized it sounds like a pickup line. Ha! I am just saying there haven't been any posts for a few days :p

staceyalberta 02-09-2010 04:49 AM

Love this thread everyone needs to embrace their sexyness. That means accepting what we can't change too my boobs will never be perky again (okay there weren't that perky to begin, but also means improving on what I can have control over, that means what I put into my body & exercise.

msmarilyn3 02-09-2010 08:52 AM

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
Hi Stacy Welcome to our group! It sounds as if you're on your way to a Sexier, Perkier you! Don't worry about your girls (boobs) I'm sure if you keep on the track you're going they'll perk up too;)

staceyalberta 02-09-2010 09:41 AM

msmarilyn3 ~ been there done that. I WISH they would perk up ~sigh~ but they won't. I lost 83 lbs a year & a half ago, am back for some 'maintenance' gained back 11 I know of what I speak. My girls didn't get perkier I did however go from a DD to a C cup thank goodness, BUT other than that all I can say is thank God for push up I don't dwell on it, cause I can't change it just accept me. Hey when I do wear my pushup bra they are perky Thank you very much for the welcome.

Lizzycritter 02-09-2010 11:34 AM

LOL stacey-yeah, the good and bad about having kids is I now HAVE to wear a bra (no more cami tops for me) but I can now fill a bra :p. I'm probably too old for the camis anyway......

staceyalberta 02-09-2010 12:45 PM

Lizzy yup joys of I have one myself. oh well with the bra on no one but my boyfriend knows how low they

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