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Jho82 05-17-2012 12:13 PM

Cassie - I wouldn't call Frozen yogurt cheating!! I would call the chocolate that I just ate cheating though... only a couple small pcs - a couple pcs that I didn't need but too late now!!

Feeling a bit lazy right now.... I've been running around all day preparing for the open house but I think I still need to get some quality weightlifting in. Maybe I will feel like hoppin on the Elliptical afterwords while I wait in anticipation for GREYS!! Maybe not....GGGGAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

01gt4.6 05-17-2012 12:41 PM

Jho, you're doing great but really... 80 oz. of water? Why regress?

cjohnson728 05-17-2012 03:27 PM

Muna! Welcome back! I was just thinking about you a couple days ago. Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope it goes smoothly for you :).

Tracey, sorry for your sad news. Cyber hug to you. Take care.

Jho, you're doing great this week! Your calorie overage was so small, you already made up for it earlier in the week. Hope you got some great exercise in tonight. I call my froyo a cheat because it can be a real trigger food for me. Indeed, I ate more than planned tonight, but at least the overage was in organic pretzels. Will try to make up those calories over the next couple days

As my son once said, when he was quite young, everything was going okay, and then suddenly it wasn't okay!

1. Calories below 1300. 1090, 1297, 1298 (sheesh!), 1428
2. Exercise 6 hours. 30 min, 30 min, 60 min, 60 min
3. 2 big sports bottles water. Yes, No-1.5, Yes, Nope
4. Sleep 7 hours. 6.5, 7, 7, I was 5
5. Eat clean. Yes, Except for the peppermints at the office, Yes, Except for the fat free froyo and two Life Savers
6. Log everything; post it daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Name an excuse I've used, and shoot it down. 1. "It's a special occasion." This time of year, there is always a 'special occasion'. If I let things lax for every one of them, I'll never be on plan. I can celebrate the occasion without eating junk. 2. "I'm too busy." What exactly are my priorities here? Work or health? I have to make the tough choices until I learn to juggle everything even when things are crazy (no pun intended). Yes, exercise takes time, but it takes the same amount of time to make a good food choice as a bad one. Exercise relieves stress, so I should do it even more so now! "I'm going to be up late working; I need the energy." I'll have more energy if I fuel myself the smart way than if I snack my way through the night. This is not college and my metabolism knows that! "I had a good workout so I can eat more." Yeah, if I want to stay the same weight, instead of getting back to my preferred weight!

Have a wonderful night, y'all!

nobe 05-17-2012 03:31 PM

1) 1,600 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,600) - 1331, 1319, 1528, 1580
2) do 2 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons/stationary bike) - 2hrs gardening (I'm counting it!)/1hr+ walking, 1hr gardening/1hr+walking, 2hrs shopping and walking/20 mins stationary bike, painted 7hrs
3) 20% protein minimum - 26%, 17%, 29%(!), 19%
4) 64oz water minimum - 64oz+, 64oz, 64oz+, no idea
5) calorie deficit 700+ - 1167, 933, 751, 1188
6) take vitamins - yes, yes, yes, yes
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice) - no, no, no, no

almeeker 05-18-2012 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by traceymc1985 (Post 81437)
I promise i will taste a cream tea when i can afford the calories- but it would have to be in a proper tea shop!
I agree on tea having to be proper- mine is Yorkshire Tea- once i tasted it there was no going back.
There must be foods though that only the Americans do best??? I seen a product in the shop called fluff thats new over here- like melted marshmallow- i love toasted marshmallow!

Peanut butter, pork rinds and bacon butter cheeseburgers. Which might go a ways towards explaining why we're so fat as a nation eh?

I totally agree on the proper tea shop business. My workout partner and I are discussing the idea of opening a tea shop here in the US. She makes the most amazing cupcakes and I make confections. There is a business for sale cheap. I gotta get going I have a meeting in 20 minutes.

jeannedehart 05-18-2012 02:11 AM

Goals for the Week

1. Calories around 1000 - M:N, T:Y, W:N, TH:Y
2. Walk or exercise every day - M:Y, T:Y, W:Y, TH:N
3. Water - 100+ oz daily - M:Y, T:N, W:Y, TH:Y
4. Log activities - M:Y, T:Y, W:Y, TH:Y
5. Bed by 11 pm - M:N, T:N (11:30), W:Y, TH:N (11:45)
6. 1/2 day hike this weekend

Feel much more positive this morning - down 2 pounds for the week so far. I'm feeling more focused, but so much more to do.

I wish I had time to make comments on everyone's posts this week - I've been reading and cheering the celebrations and feeling the sorrow.

The day is starting. I have an install in an hour and I need to go load the vehicle and head out.

Stay focused to the goal everyone!

Jho82 05-18-2012 02:24 AM

1. Drink min 80oz of WATER! Y, Y, Y, Y
2. PM workout Mon/Wed/Fri(at least)!! Y:22m, Y:32m(bonus#1), Y:32m
3. Min 60 crunches/day! Y, Y, Y, Y
4. 5 Pushups (straight leg)/ 10 pushups (knees)! Y, Y, Y, Y
5. Calories below 1300/day! Y:1265, Y:1271, N:1359, Y:1139
6. Check in min 2x/day! Y, Y, Y, Y
7. Don't crash and burn on the weekend! WEEKEND WARRIORS UNITE!!!

MIKE: (you may have missed my first post of the week – read below)

“I'm going back to the basics - this includes my water intake - I'm dropping to 80oz from my attempt at 100oz - sorry Mike I just haven't been able to do it.... and because I was feeling discouraged about it I would give up before I even stood a chance - MIND OVER MATTER.... the mind is a very powerful thing. I've said this before and truly believe it. When I aimed for 80oz I was getting 80-100 easily but as soon as I bumped it up to 100 I felt like I couldn't reach that goal and would give up so my water intake has been crap lately. This is not an excuse - I really do believe that I will do better at 80oz. I'm already at 30 oz and its only 1030am. I hope you can understand Mike - its nothing personal - its not you, its me LOL “

Cassie – I can understand the trigger food. You are doing awesome with your exercises! I couldn’t pull enough energy to get my bonus in but I’m going to aim for 42m on the Elliptical tonight (+weights) – I’ve only done it a couple of times. I love your son’s quote! So cute! AND is it wrong that every excuse you’ve posted I’ve literally said “oh yep I’ve used that one!”…. every one!

Nobe – your report looks awesome too – Except for lights out! I find it more difficult to get up in the morning – I usually have no problem getting to bed early! What is keeping you up? How is your restless leg?

Jeanne – glad you are feeling positive! Congrats on the -2 already! YAY!! :)

Got another busy day of finishing up the laundry and mopping the floors! What an exciting life I live! Maybe I’ll even get outside for a little bit to rake the grass and weed the garden! WOOHOO!:rolleyes:

01gt4.6 05-18-2012 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 81481)
MIKE: (you may have missed my first post of the week – read below)

“I'm going back to the basics - this includes my water intake - I'm dropping to 80oz from my attempt at 100oz - sorry Mike I just haven't been able to do it.... and because I was feeling discouraged about it I would give up before I even stood a chance - MIND OVER MATTER.... the mind is a very powerful thing. I've said this before and truly believe it. When I aimed for 80oz I was getting 80-100 easily but as soon as I bumped it up to 100 I felt like I couldn't reach that goal and would give up so my water intake has been crap lately. This is not an excuse - I really do believe that I will do better at 80oz. I'm already at 30 oz and its only 1030am. I hope you can understand Mike - its nothing personal - its not you, its me LOL “

Oh, sorry, I did miss it.

canary52 05-18-2012 02:55 AM

Mern, thank you for the instructions. Even when you have your own very serious issues going on, you are so sweet and helpful.

And for that you deserve....

Mern, its' not working!!! I tried to copy and paste...

Hope is hopeless.

nobe 05-18-2012 03:07 AM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 81481)
Nobe – your report looks awesome too – Except for lights out! I find it more difficult to get up in the morning – I usually have no problem getting to bed early! What is keeping you up? How is your restless leg?

Nothing useful. Usually tv.If I watch something that starts at 10, and then have my bath, it's usually 11:30 before I go to bed. Wednesday I had high hopes - was going to watch Criminal Minds at 9 and have my bath at 10 and go to bed....well, the season finale was two hours long. I need to stop checking what's on at 10 and getting sucked into something, and just go read a book before bed.

No restless legs since I gave up chocolate!

Mern 05-18-2012 05:25 AM

Hope, in the box where we type replies to this thread, right above the reply box is a row of icons. Click on the
That's where you insert There's already an http:// there, so make sure you just have that once. Then hit OK. After your post is typed and you click the Submit Reply button, the dancing banana will appear in your post. Once you've done it, it's easy... :D

Kumochi 05-18-2012 05:44 AM

Not a good week. Hopefully the weekned will be better. Thanks for the laugh Amy. Maybe the new Tea Party will mess up all your green tea too.


canary52 05-18-2012 06:19 AM

My computer has been wonky today. This website has been wonky and I am not in full working order either. I slipped on wet tile in the bathroom yesterday and landed on my spine, right where I got hurt from my accident. I'm sure I will be OK but man I am hurting. Plus DD stayed home ostensibly to "help" me if by help you mean get mad at me.

Lizards13 05-18-2012 08:24 AM

Tracey. So sorry to hear about your gran.

Ref the Boston Tea Party, one of my favourite songs by the old Scottish group The Sensational Alex Harvey Band is about this event.

This is my last night in Budapest, and what a beautiful evening it was.

amalthea1892 05-18-2012 10:49 AM

Goals 5/14
Water, lots of water (70+): Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
1500 cals or less: Y, Y, Y, N
Gym 2x this week or Crunch workout: N, N, N, N :mad:
20 min power walks at work each day: N, N, N, N...
Lose that super stubborn 1lb this week: TBD (-0.2 so far)
1 load laundry/day: Y, Y, Y, Y, Y (I have no closet space to put it all!)
Thank you notes in mail: N, N, N, N (why don't men ever help write thank you notes???), YES
Call (you know who): N…errr but I did write her a thank you note

:) Ama

amalthea1892 05-18-2012 10:51 AM

I have lost .2 lbs this week so far, but I feel bloated and my clothes fit funky so it feels like I am up 3. Glad I stepped on the Demon Machine (love the term Tori) this am because I may have been tempted to drown my sorrow in a comforting vanilla latte this afternoon... instead I am chugging H2O like a good girl!

On another note – does anyone have any suggestions for quick relief of carpel tunnel syndrome (besides quitting my job that is ;-). I have had it on and off for years, but when I am super busy at work it flares up big time, and I have at least 3-4 weeks of intense work ahead before I get a good break again. My ring and pinky fingers are starting to get pin prickly, and my wrist and elbow hurt pretty much all the time when I type/scroll. I am thinking of wrapping one of those icy/hot pain patches around my wrist, but just at night. And I have been taking ibuprofen, which may help somewhat (but I hate taking any med for more than a few days at a time)… anyway, I’m looking for some natural pain relief for the next few weeks if it is out there…

amalthea1892 05-18-2012 10:59 AM

Lizzie – Oh those darn dessert tables! Glad the dinner was great though!

Mary – Sorry to hear about your bad week so far – stay positive; the weekend will be better!

Hope – OMG are you OK???!!

Mern – Yes, Dutch Bros is a drive thru coffee place – widespread in CA and Oregon. You’ll see people driving around out here with bumper stickers saying “Dutch Mafia” or “Dutch Princess.” Silly I know… but the coffee is really good! Check out the book “The Prophet” by Gibran. The entire book of poetry is awe inspiring, but I find the chapter on death really comforting.

Tracey – Sorry to hear about your Granny. So good that your mom was able to spend some time with her before she took ill.

Cassie – Love the excuses list! You sure do know how to talk back to yourself!

Mike – Way to go on the policies!!! You’re on a nice roll!

Jeanne – Down 2 lbs!!! YAY!

Jho – I wish I could just sit on your nice floors for a little while and know what it feels like to exist, if only for a few precious moments of time, in a really really clean house…

Tori – Sometimes motivation does stink – but when it does at least the stink makes you run a little faster!?!? Keep it going girl!

Oh so chatty this afternoon - gotta go pick-up DS from Nana's house now. Have a great weekend everyone! Ama

almeeker 05-18-2012 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by amalthea1892 (Post 81510)
On another note – does anyone have any suggestions for quick relief of carpel tunnel syndrome (besides quitting my job that is ;-). I have had it on and off for years, but when I am super busy at work it flares up big time, and I have at least 3-4 weeks of intense work ahead before I get a good break again. My ring and pinky fingers are starting to get pin prickly, and my wrist and elbow hurt pretty much all the time when I type/scroll. I am thinking of wrapping one of those icy/hot pain patches around my wrist, but just at night. And I have been taking ibuprofen, which may help somewhat (but I hate taking any med for more than a few days at a time)… anyway, I’m looking for some natural pain relief for the next few weeks if it is out there…

As a matter of fact I do. I have this trouble intermittently myself. My doctor recommended that I get a pair of wrist braces and wear them at night. At first I thought this was complete bunk, but I went and bought a pair anyway. Well guess what? It's not bunk, they work like a charm. You need to get the kind that prop the wrist up, mine have a metal strap sewn into them so you can adjust (somewhat) the angle of the wrist, but it's the complete opposite of the position that gave you carpel tunnel to begin with. There are also a couple of key exercises that really help. The good news/bad news is that one of those exercises is push-ups. Regular or modified, makes no difference. If push-ups are not your thing, you can do them against a wall as carpal tunnel therapy.

almeeker 05-18-2012 01:38 PM

I can't believe you guys laughed at the Boston Tea Party reference, for once I wasn't joking. Okay I was joking a little, but there is always a good bit of truth in every joke. At the time of the Tea Party, many Americans were boycotting British goods, but the country was sharply divided on the issue. In part the protest was committed by the revolutionaries to keep the "middle of the road" Americans from caving in over their morning cup of tea. Oh I could go on and on over this particular subject, and bore you all to death. DD did her history project on Betsy Ross this year, so I've read way too much on the topic lately.

As for the new tea party, well they mostly just confuse me. When I first heard the name, I thought they must be like the Red Hat Society for lady republicans. But they held a gathering here in town last summer and I have to say it was a convention of grumpy old white men. A real shame that, because I had all sorts of preconceptions about what a giant red, white & blue hat decorated with elephants drinking tea would look like.

Nobe, my suggestion for your rls symptoms is to try sf chocolate pudding cups. They don't contain a great deal of chocolate for the calories, but they really help to curb the cravings. You might also try Nutella. Oh dear, now I'm hungry.

A cream tea is a cup of really good English tea, brewed in a pot not with a baggy, and to this you add a lump of sugar and some clotted cream. Which I think is just cream with lumps in it. Oh dear, now I'm thirsty. I'm going to have to call it a night.

almeeker 05-18-2012 01:57 PM

As for Cassie and her efforts in bashing her excuses to death...

Darn it woman, leave me one or two will you?

cjohnson728 05-18-2012 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 81519)
As for Cassie and her efforts in bashing her excuses to death...

Darn it woman, leave me one or two will you?

You will love tonight's :)

Ama, I also second almeeker's suggestion the wrist braces. I don't have carpal but I have deQuervain's, a type of tendinitis that affects the same area. The braces are great. I got mine from the orthopedist but Walmart and drug stores have a pretty good version as well.

The other thing I can recommend is massage. I was told I would need surgery, and the thought of being casted and not being able to write (um, and do my JOB) for 6 weeks sent me into a panic. My chiropractor has a massage guy in her office and he worked wonders, I swear.

nobe 05-18-2012 03:43 PM

1) 1,600 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,600) - 1331, 1319, 1528, 1580, , 1658
2) do 2 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons/stationary bike) - 2hrs gardening (I'm counting it!)/1hr+ walking, 1hr gardening/1hr+walking, 2hrs shopping and walking/20 mins stationary bike, painted 7hrs, painted 7hrs
3) 20% protein minimum - 26%, 17%, 29%(!), 19%, 18%
4) 64oz water minimum - 64oz+, 64oz, 64oz+, no idea, 64oz
5) calorie deficit 700+ - 1167, 933, 751, 1188, 1110
6) take vitamins - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice) - no, no, no, no, no

01gt4.6 05-18-2012 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by nobe (Post 81521)
1) 1,600 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,600) - 1331, 1319, 1528, 1580, , 1658
2) do 2 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons/stationary bike) - 2hrs gardening (I'm counting it!)/1hr+ walking, 1hr gardening/1hr+walking, 2hrs shopping and walking/20 mins stationary bike, painted 7hrs, painted 7hrs
3) 20% protein minimum - 26%, 17%, 29%(!), 19%, 18%
4) 64oz water minimum - 64oz+, 64oz, 64oz+, no idea, 64oz
5) calorie deficit 700+ - 1167, 933, 751, 1188, 1110
6) take vitamins - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice) - no, no, no, no, no

I see your light on. ;) Lights out!

nobe 05-18-2012 04:59 PM

Hey, man, I'm on the west coast! I still have an hour before tomorrow's red!

cjohnson728 05-18-2012 05:00 PM

Check in:

1. Calories below 1300. 1090, 1297, 1298 (sheesh!), 1428, 1269
2. Exercise 6 hours. 30 min, 30 min, 60 min, 60 min, 30 min
3. 2 big sports bottles water. Yes, No-1.5, Yes, Nope, Yes
4. Sleep 7 hours. 6.5, 7, 7, I was 5, 6.5
5. Eat clean. Yes, Except for the peppermints at the office, Yes, Except for the fat free froyo and two Life Savers, 3 slips: butterscotch candies, Goldfish, and more froyo
6. Log everything; post it daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Name an excuse I've used, and shoot it down. 1. "It's a special occasion." This time of year, there is always a 'special occasion'. If I let things lax for every one of them, I'll never be on plan. I can celebrate the occasion without eating junk. 2. "I'm too busy." What exactly are my priorities here? Work or health? I have to make the tough choices until I learn to juggle everything even when things are crazy (no pun intended). Yes, exercise takes time, but it takes the same amount of time to make a good food choice as a bad one. Exercise relieves stress, so I should do it even more so now! "I'm going to be up late working; I need the energy." I'll have more energy if I fuel myself the smart way than if I snack my way through the night. This is not college and my metabolism knows that! "I had a good workout so I can eat more." Yeah, if I want to stay the same weight, instead of getting back to my preferred weight! "I have PMS." Suck it up, buttercup!! I suppose you'll have the "vapors" next, and have to take to your bed. Drink water, eat healthy, and stop using your lady parts as an excuse!

Tunnrida 05-19-2012 02:50 AM

calories intake max 1200 - m/y, t/y, w/y t/y F/y s/y
exercise my routine every day - m/y, t/y, w/y t/y f/y s/n
drink neem - m/y, t/y, w/y t/y f/y s/y
take walks - m/y t/y, w/n t/n F/y s/n
don't eat junk food - m/y, t/y, w/y, t/y f/y s/y
don't drink alcohol - m/y, t/y, w/n t/y f/n s/y
drink lots of water - m/n, t/y, w/y, t/y f/y s/y

I'm today something sick. I was throwing up all morning, rest of the day my stomach hurts

Tunnrida 05-19-2012 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 81415)
what is neem?

I drink tea from the neem

Azadirachta indica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What Are The Benefits Of Neem Powder? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Tunnrida 05-19-2012 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 81440)
Tunnrida, you, too--great job this week.


amalthea1892 05-19-2012 05:49 AM

Cassie and Amy - I will definitely try a wrist brace! Since ya'll mentioned it I remember a long time ago having wrist pain and getting a brace from the drug store... can't find it so I'll go pick-up another this afternoon at Walgreens. Amy - I did push-ups last night, and it felt great! I stuck a big note on the fridge reminding me to do push-ups. I wonder how many cals push-ups burn... Cassie - So glad you were able to get around having surgery! It has been years since I have had a real massage. Bet I can talk DH into a wrist massage tonight though! Love the ideas Ladies - thank you!!!

almeeker 05-19-2012 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by amalthea1892 (Post 81543)
Cassie and Amy - I will definitely try a wrist brace! Since ya'll mentioned it I remember a long time ago having wrist pain and getting a brace from the drug store... can't find it so I'll go pick-up another this afternoon at Walgreens. Amy - I did push-ups last night, and it felt great! I stuck a big note on the fridge reminding me to do push-ups. I wonder how many cals push-ups burn... Cassie - So glad you were able to get around having surgery! It has been years since I have had a real massage. Bet I can talk DH into a wrist massage tonight though! Love the ideas Ladies - thank you!!!

I'm going to second massage as a treatment, hot rocks, Skinner's and vitamin-e oil baby! Okay, it's great if your SO helps out, but I cannot recommend professional massage enough. I have a girlfriend who is a massage therapist, it's always in my best interest to keep her indebted...

almeeker 05-19-2012 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 81524)
Check in:

1. Calories below 1300. 1090, 1297, 1298 (sheesh!), 1428, 1269
2. Exercise 6 hours. 30 min, 30 min, 60 min, 60 min, 30 min
3. 2 big sports bottles water. Yes, No-1.5, Yes, Nope, Yes
4. Sleep 7 hours. 6.5, 7, 7, I was 5, 6.5
5. Eat clean. Yes, Except for the peppermints at the office, Yes, Except for the fat free froyo and two Life Savers, 3 slips: butterscotch candies, Goldfish, and more froyo
6. Log everything; post it daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Name an excuse I've used, and shoot it down. 1. "It's a special occasion." This time of year, there is always a 'special occasion'. If I let things lax for every one of them, I'll never be on plan. I can celebrate the occasion without eating junk. 2. "I'm too busy." What exactly are my priorities here? Work or health? I have to make the tough choices until I learn to juggle everything even when things are crazy (no pun intended). Yes, exercise takes time, but it takes the same amount of time to make a good food choice as a bad one. Exercise relieves stress, so I should do it even more so now! "I'm going to be up late working; I need the energy." I'll have more energy if I fuel myself the smart way than if I snack my way through the night. This is not college and my metabolism knows that! "I had a good workout so I can eat more." Yeah, if I want to stay the same weight, instead of getting back to my preferred weight! "I have PMS." Suck it up, buttercup!! I suppose you'll have the "vapors" next, and have to take to your bed. Drink water, eat healthy, and stop using your lady parts as an excuse!

You have clearly grown a mean streak, that's all I'm saying.

canary52 05-19-2012 09:36 AM

Hey guys, having trouble with this site but still lurking a little. had acupuncture and am trying to drink water and stretch and WRITE. Calories are a bust tho.

canary52 05-19-2012 09:37 AM

Wait can I make excuses too?

Mern 05-19-2012 10:14 AM

On the run and don't have time to chat, but I am very well on track with food, water, and exercise. Bumped up my exercise today with treadmill plus some beginner reps on machines that DH helped me with at the Y-- biceps machine that I'm thinking could possibly help with my arthritic shoulders according to the diagram on the machine, an ab machine, and a lumbar back machine that feels really good when I stretch on it. :)

Hope, I hope you feel better soon!

Kudos to all the weekend warriors. I'll try to log on again tomorrow.

Mern 05-19-2012 10:21 AM

Ama, thanks so much. :) I've heard of "The Prophet" by Gibran but never read it. I'll look for it at my local library. Thanks for the confirmation about Dutch Bros. I hope you enjoy your treats there--on plan. There's a local coffee shop I pass on the way to the Y that has coffee better than Starbucks. But now I've discovered my own formula of cheap store brand decaf coffee with non-fat dairy creamer and almond extract that's even better than the local coffee shop. And I can buy those styrofoam coffee house cups with the lids cheap at my local grocery store, so I feel like I'm driking ritzy coffee, but it's el cheapo. LOL

Jho82 05-19-2012 10:43 AM

A very unsuccessful open house :(- I shed a tear or two thinking of all the hard work for nothing - and all the neglecting of my children for nothing! Not completely neglected obviously but there was some time wasted on useless cleaning when I could have been playing outside! I've decided next time I will just send the kids with the grandparents overnight where I know they will be safe and having fun! **sigh**

On a a different note - I attended a memorial today for a former coworker and someone commented that I've lost a lot of weight so I'll take that as a good sign even though I don't feel that I've lost that much... it gave me some hope though and thats what matters! AND because of the memorial my nails are done! It's been a while!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Jho82 05-19-2012 10:56 AM

OH and I just got in trouble for not mentioning that my wonderful husband also thinks that my butt is getting smaller! woohoo! :D

nobe 05-19-2012 03:40 PM

1) 1,600 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,600) - 1331, 1319, 1528, 1580, , 1658, 1603 (for 3 calories, I'm counting it)
2) do 2 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons/stationary bike) - 2hrs gardening (I'm counting it!)/1hr+ walking, 1hr gardening/1hr+walking, 2hrs shopping and walking/20 mins stationary bike, painted 7hrs, painted 7hrs, 1/2hr gardening/a bunch of walking, not sure
3) 20% protein minimum - 26%, 17%, 29%(!), 19%, 18%, 20%
4) 64oz water minimum - 64oz+, 64oz, 64oz+, no idea, 64oz, 48oz?
5) calorie deficit 700+ - 1167, 933, 751, 1188, 1110, 720
6) take vitamins - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice) - no, no, no, no, no, yes!

cjohnson728 05-19-2012 04:48 PM

Check in:

1. Calories below 1300. 1090, 1297, 1298 (sheesh!), 1428, 1269, 1222
2. Exercise 6 hours. 30 min, 30 min, 60 min, 60 min, 30 min, 45 min
3. 2 big sports bottles water. Yes, No-1.5, Yes, Nope, Yes, Nope
4. Sleep 7 hours. 6.5, 7, 7, I was 5, 6.5, 7
5. Eat clean. Yes, Except for the peppermints at the office, Yes, Except for the fat free froyo and two Life Savers, 3 slips: butterscotch candies, Goldfish, and more froyo, No - hubby and I had a froyo date
6. Log everything; post it daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Name an excuse I've used, and shoot it down. 1. "It's a special occasion." This time of year, there is always a 'special occasion'. If I let things lax for every one of them, I'll never be on plan. I can celebrate the occasion without eating junk. 2. "I'm too busy." What exactly are my priorities here? Work or health? I have to make the tough choices until I learn to juggle everything even when things are crazy (no pun intended). Yes, exercise takes time, but it takes the same amount of time to make a good food choice as a bad one. Exercise relieves stress, so I should do it even more so now! "I'm going to be up late working; I need the energy." I'll have more energy if I fuel myself the smart way than if I snack my way through the night. This is not college and my metabolism knows that! "I had a good workout so I can eat more." Yeah, if I want to stay the same weight, instead of getting back to my preferred weight! "I have PMS." Suck it up, buttercup!! I suppose you'll have the "vapors" next, and have to take to your bed. Drink water, eat healthy, and stop using your lady parts as an excuse! "Everybody else eats whatever they want/slips up, too!" At the risk of sounding cliched, if everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you do it, too? Do what is right for you and let everybody else worry about themselves.

Sure, Hope, jump on aboard the excuse train. It's rather fun when it gets rolling!
Almeeker, I think the mean streak is a by-product of work this week. The evals I have are keeping me in a horrible, horrible poor boys :(.

Nobe, you week looks fantastic! Finish strong!
Jho, I'm sorry your open house wasn't as successful. A sale will happen when you least expect it. Keep the faith!

Mern, hope you are hanging in. {{more hugs}}.

canary52 05-20-2012 03:06 AM

1) 6+ glasses of water, 6 6,8, 8, 10, 12
2) stretch, Yes Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
3) write two hours a day 5 days a week, Yes if you call sitting and blankly staring at my screen then writing very little writing, Yes did "real" writing well over 2 hours, research mostly, Yes, Yes, [COLOR="Red"]NO[/COLOR
]4) 1500 calories or <, 1273 1734, 2200 (!!!!), 1800+ TH, F, S :(
5) lose at least 1 lb this week, not yet! Yes but I'm afraid it won't stay off, NO, no, Y, Y
6) keep positive, tryyyyyyyying, Yes and it helped DD, Yes and it helped again, Yes, NO, Y

I'm not sure what the discussion was but I love The Prophet by Gibran, especially the famous one on children but also the ones on friendship and marriage.

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