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cjohnson728 04-16-2012 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 79024)
She wanted the police to take my 10 year old granddaughter to the juvenile detention center right then and there on her son's word against my granddaughter's as to what happened, without my daughter being notified there was a problem so she could be present when my granddaughter was questioned.

Who thinks that way?? Honestly!! Sounds like that family may have some issues, that they're jumping straight to overkill.

Tori, glad to see you posted, and that you made an effort to get out and be active. You did it, good girl.

Jho82 04-16-2012 12:01 PM

Great job Tori!!! Amazing! :)

Mern 04-16-2012 12:14 PM

Lizzie, yup, you got the date right. :) I've been in my own little world for several days. What is Palma on the 28th? Nice goals this week--wishing you total success!

Tori, nice, simple goals except for the 2%. I read some about CN--so sorry. Huge hugs for now along with wishes for tons of future happiness. Kudos on your walk and I hope you keeps that asthma under control.

Quinn, great job sticking with your plan all weekend. Kudos on being back on the wagon and headed to your 4/30 goal. You can do it!

Jeanne, I couldn't last a day under 1000 calories. I'm a big weenie! Best wishes on your weight loss and on getting those taxes done and filed.

Hope, so glad your college visits are done. Best wishes on your decision. LOL on feeling like you're "owed" food. I totally understand that feeling. Best wishes on all your goals, especially #5. I'm one gal that's not shaming you on water intake.

Cassie! Whoa, I missed that! Kudos on the 8 hours of exercise last week and on your amazingly productive weekend! So sad about the fatality on the main artery. Batting back to you the wish for a wonderful and successful week. :)

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 79026)
Who thinks that way?? Honestly!! Sounds like that family may have some issues, that they're jumping straight to overkill.

Yeah, maybe something happened in the woman's past that makes her overreact to such extremes. Maybe she and her family need my prayers rather than my disdain. Honestly, I've been so aggravated and so hurt for my granddaughter that I didn't even stop to think of that.

Tunnrida, best wishes on level 3 with Jillian. Kudos on staying off the potatoes.

Jho, I love seeing your friendly face in your avatar. :) Can't tell ya how many times I lost weight and thought I could afford to cheat a little here and there. Yup, we know what to do and how to do it--just gotta stick with what we know. We'll both resolve to make this a good week. Ah, your prayers are soooooo appreciated. Thanks. Hey, we won't get sick of you. LOL but not kidding. Logging in often when I can helps keep me motivated, too. So cool that Braydon ate cucumber. :D Best wishes with your spaghetti squash recipe. I think I overcook that or something. I'm a veggie lover but haven't made recipes with spaghetti squash that I wanted to repeat. I need to try it again.

Mike, so neat you got to meet mh in Nola. You know how to get that weight back off and you will. You're such a sweetie cooking for Hospice again. They're so lucky to have you in their corner.

Nobe, good to see you again. I'll be rooting for you.

Amy, there you are! I thought you got stuck in a rabbit cage! Welcome back. Baby steps are so smart.

April, like many of our pals here, you are always so supportive despite having a full plate of life issues yourself. Huge hug to ya. OMG, I am just thrilled that you had such a wonderful kid free weekend and quality time with DH. " in touch with each other." That is so cool! Best wishes on your goals this week.

Terrie, kudos on the 4.4 lb. loss! Interesting about losing more weight during TOM. At 65, I don't get visits from either Tom or Aunt Flo, so I don't share your extra calorie burning experience Also, kudos on being half way through your weight loss goal and into the 170s and skinnier clothes. Fabulous!

nobe 04-16-2012 12:34 PM

Whoa, Mern, that story is insane! I remember fighting with neighbourhood kids, and it was no big deal to anyone. I mean, I was a shy wimp, but kids fight. I told a kid to stop picking my dad's flowers when I was about that age and he didn't stop so I punched him in the face. His mom came and got mad at my mom and that was that. I couldn't imagine a parent going to the police over little kids fighting. This world has gotten crazy, I tell ya. It's probably the same kind of mom that would go and yell at the teacher for giving her kid a bad grade. Call me a '50s mom, but kids these days need to toughen up and parents need to stop coddling them. Hope it all works out for the best.

jeannedehart 04-16-2012 12:54 PM

Mern - You have got to be kidding! That is not something that belongs in the court system. I agree with what everyone has had to say. This just totally sucks and hopefully someone in the legal / police system will stop it at some point. It's kids being kids and learning hard lessons along the way. It really should be worked out at home! I feel for you and your family for having to go through such ridiculousness.

Quinnesec - Way to go this weekend! Keep it up!

Hope - your daughter is growning into a young adult now. But at the same time she is not quite there yet. You will be amazed over the next 6 months how much more she changes and becomes more responsible for herself. But the going out of state to a Warped concert - I'm with you - No way. My daughter went to college out of state and she was a junior before I let her drive to school on her own. I wouldn't even let her have a car on campus the first two years. She got over it and life went on.

Cassie - Great exercise last week!

Jho - Keep moving forward! And spaghetti squash is yummy! Freezes well if there are leftovers.

April - Sounds like you had a great weekend! Under 1000 calories is when I lose weight regardless of how much exercise, sleep, etc I get. Anything over I tend to gain weight, even when all is healthy choices. It really is not hard to do as long as I choose items that leave me feeling full and not hungry. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, salmon, chicken, turkey. No sugars, flours, grains for now. And I think that because I naturally drink lots of water / tea each day it helps as well.

Almeeker - baby steps are good!

Terrie - Hooray! on the 50% to your goal.

Tori - so glad you got out and walked! I'm sure that the time outdoors listening to the birds, etc. did some good for you.

Time for dinner and a few other things now.

canary52 04-16-2012 01:11 PM

Thank you , Jeanne for supporting me, the "mean" mother. I'm glad someone else can see it from the Mom point of view.

Mern, I am so sorry you have had this aggravation. It's so good of you to try to think of the other side.

Tori, sorry about your asthma attack. Reading between the lines, I am wondering if the walking might not replace other ways of coping. I think it's great you got out there. Give yourself a chance. You'll make up the miles, you'll see.

We still have one more college visit and honestly I wish we could cancel. I think out of all the choices there is one that makes the most sense. But I guess we will go just to say OK that's it; we saw it all. I almost hope we don't like the last one cause it will only make things more complicated.

On a different note, a friend of mine teaches at the U of Pittsburgh, crazy what's going on there with all the bomb scares.

Cassie, I was also sad to hear of the fatality on the road.

Mike, I would say the cooking is a definite RAK (especially now that I know what a RAK is.) You are inspiring me to want to add a RAK to my list. Mine will definitely NOT involve crawfish or crab unless it will benefit someone if I eat some!!!! Then sign me up!!!

canary52 04-16-2012 02:11 PM

1) what else? water, 6 glasses of it minimum: 9
2) calories 1650 of em maximum: 1345
3) stretch stretch strech: yup
4) sleep, may be my hardest goal of all: ? I hope!!!
5) try not to worry and obsess, NO this one is the hardest: Y

ToriD1012 04-16-2012 02:24 PM

1: keep calories under 1600--1282
2: 48 oz water daily--58.7
3: walk 10 miles--1.5
4: log everything--Y
5: post weight daily--193.0 :mad:

I was suckered into Mike's 2% Challenge--which would be 3.86 lbs....we'll see....I'm going to do my damndest though

Today wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I made it through work without decapitating anyone, even though I was told it was allowed :cool: Calling it an early night and hoping my dreams are filled with bunnies and kitties, and not a certain soldier like they have been. Thanks for all the support. Check up with you all tomorrow. 'Night

01gt4.6 04-16-2012 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 79028)
Mike, so neat you got to meet mh in Nola. You know how to get that weight back off and you will. You're such a sweetie cooking for Hospice again. They're so lucky to have you in their corner.

Thanks Mern. Tomorrow I'll have to post up a pic of mh and I eating beignets. I was so lucky to have hospice in my corner when my mom passed. That's a great group of people.

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 79032)
Mike, I would say the cooking is a definite RAK (especially now that I know what a RAK is.) You are inspiring me to want to add a RAK to my list. Mine will definitely NOT involve crawfish or crab unless it will benefit someone if I eat some!!!! Then sign me up!!!

Hope, you don't like crawfish or crab??

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 79033)
1) what else? water, 6 glasses of it minimum: 9
2) calories 1650 of em maximum: 1345
3) stretch stretch strech: yup
4) sleep, may be my hardest goal of all: ? I hope!!!
5) try not to worry and obsess, NO this one is the hardest: Y

great job on everything. Way to kill the water!

Originally Posted by ToriD1012 (Post 79034)
1: keep calories under 1600--1282
2: 48 oz water daily--58.7
3: walk 10 miles--1.5
4: log everything--Y
5: post weight daily--193.0 :mad:

I was suckered into Mike's 2% Challenge--which would be 3.86 lbs....we'll see....I'm going to do my damndest though

Today wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I made it through work without decapitating anyone, even though I was told it was allowed :cool: Calling it an early night and hoping my dreams are filled with bunnies and kitties, and not a certain soldier like they have been. Thanks for all the support. Check up with you all tomorrow. 'Night

There's a sucker born every minute. :) Nice job on everything so far!!

01gt4.6 04-16-2012 03:31 PM

Health and Fitness
1) 2% challenge! (drop 2% of my body weight by Friday, -3.66 pounds) starting @ 183.2
2) work out 2 times no
3) bench press 280 pounds
4) walk 10 miles 0
5) 4 serving of fruit and veggies no
6) all my daily vitamis, etc yes

7) write 3 auto policies (or $4k in premium) 0
8) have fun Saturday

Was super busy today and barely got a chance to eat much.

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