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7-Day Motivational Thread starting 11/14/11 (OMG there are only 42 days until X-mas)


7-Day Motivational Thread starting 11/14/11 (OMG there are only 42 days until X-mas)

Old 11-18-2011, 10:21 AM
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Default I'm coming clean... about coming clean.

I know I'm always pushing Terri to get all dolled up and I've pushed others about dressing up and feeling good about yourself, yet I've let myself slip. As much as I hate hair, you'd figure that I'd shave more often. Well I pretty much wore my clippers out and it's hard to find a good razor to shave something round like a hairy head. I figured that I better practice what I preach. I went out today and bit the bullet (well not really, they were only ~$50)and got some new clippers. I got a nice little "unit". It's a Wahl Professional series and guess what they are called... Balding clippers! They don't have the little adjustment on the side b/c they are designed to shave you bald. So know I have no excuse.

If any of y'all have a man that shaves his head and needs new clippers, this would make a good gift! It's not quite as close as a razor but it's pretty damn close.

Last edited by 01gt4.6; 11-19-2011 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by MAIN80
Mike, thanks, this week I am not minding having an off day so much, may have to do with the fact that I have been serious with exercise the previous days. And yes you have to be good from here on out, specially if you want Santa to bring you a nice present Thanks for bringing the missing girls back!
Sometimes I feel bad send the MIA a message b/c I never want anyone to feel that I'm hounding them. I do it b/c I care and I want everyone to know that whether they've fallen off the wagon or not, we are all here... like one big dysfunctional family. I also know that from personal experience I tent to stray away when I'm not motivated, which is the time that I really should be here leaning on everyone for support.

I'm being good from here on out. I haven't cheated but my choices haven't been super clean. I had a wrap and salad today for lunch. The wrap was bigger than what I expected and I ate it. BUT it's not like I was eating friend chicken and french fries. This weekend I need to be clean, clean, clean. I also think I need a little cleansing so I think I'll drink a cup of CCT tonight.
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Old 11-18-2011, 03:55 PM
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Mern, Rose, Terri, so nice to have you guys around again!

Er, so today kind of went off the rails. Let's just say it involved onion rings, chocolate covered almonds, pumpkin pie and potato chips. Now I feel gross. Anyway, I'm having a potluck here at the apartment tomorrow, and I'm making cheesecake! I think I managed to get cheesecake batter on every surface in my kitchen before I got it into the oven, including all walls and ceiling. Anyway, I'm going to try to keep it smart for dinner tomorrow but we'll see. I tried to log all that I ate, and if I did it correctly (there's no telling) then I think I broke even on calories even still. Actually, my weight loss seems to benefit from one day a week where I eat like 2000 calories.

Anyway, I survived my week! Exams/HWs went fine. Looking forward to Thanksgiving break, for sure.
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Old 11-18-2011, 04:31 PM
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Joanna, tomorrow is a new day to get back on track.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:15 PM
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I am totally out of date so sorry if my replies seem dated but I really want to go back and catch up!

Quinn I am sorry your scale did not move. My scale will not budge if my carbs are high or if my healthy fats are to low so calories in calories out only goes so far in my life what those calories are made of matters to my scale.

Pam I think professor Pam has some very valid points thanks for sharing.

April I hope you enjoy your visit with your dad. Thanks for the kudos on Christmas prep I really find myself busy at this time of year so I like to get as much done early as possible so I can enjoy the holidays. I love that you enjoy your family at Christmas it’s a real blessing to have your kids close during the holidays, my family teases me I collect strays at Christmas I don’t want anyone to be alone so there is always a couple extra seats at our table. I am also excited my parents will be hear, last year they were in Florida and we all agreed that won’t happen again we all missed each other terribly. Congrats on the weight loss this week.

Cassie Enjoy your visit with your brother.

Joanna I would like to see pic’s of your hair it’s so brave of you I am way to chicken to try radical colours.

Main80 I guess I do not share my email with many people so I don’t have to worry about the amount of emails in my inbox, I would imagine it would be stressful if I had lots to address, sort and reply to. The guy who was supposed to give me an estimate on my tank rescheduled until Monday we had a good dump of snow today and he cancelled all his appointments. I will try to do the gym but I have a party planned for Saturday so we will see how I feel Sunday I guess I will be ok if I get my 25k in for the week.

Amy You are doing so well this week congrats. I wish I had a house keeper just until my parents leave, I keep a very tidy house and yet today even though I got up early to clean it turns out my oven needs to be cleaned, my fridge door shelves come out you know which would help me get them cleaner, I should probably clean my carpets before Christmas and one of my tiles is lose by the back door, all mentioned with genuine concern. I am glad you understand my pain because be time they leave in Jan I will be doubting my ability to clean anything properly I may need you for therapy.

Rose I am so glad you are back! Sorry to hear you have had some challenges since you got home I hope your sisters ok.

Terri Its nice to have you back it sounds like your conference was very productive from a work stand point. I am sorry you feel so out of control with sleep and diet but I am sure now that you are back home it will all smooth out.

Mike Did you get your computer working yet or did you accidentally spill something on it! You rock at keeping us real and plugged in thanks for keeping us together and chasing down the lost sheep.

Mern I am glad you are back! I am sorry about your granddaughters miscarriage that’s really tragically sad I will keep you both in my prayers. I am glad to hear your bil is out of the hospital and congrats for your other granddaughters achievement.

Joanna I am glad your exams went well and if it makes you feel better I failed in the food choices today also but the good news is tomorrow is a new day and we can start fresh.

I failed from a diet stand point today I ate mini sausage rolls, drank wine and indulged in angel food cake with berries and whip cream it all tasted great, I wish I had not eaten as many rolls as I did but they are hard to resist hot out of the oven. I have a reservation with my parents and good friends tomorrow at our favorite Greek restaurant so it will be another high calorie day I am looking forward to it so I will just have to be strict again on Sunday and repair any damage next week.Sorry If I missed anyone I just read 3 days worth of post and its 1245am so I am glad to be caught up but my sleep is getting worse and worse this week so I will post this and try to go to sleep before 2am today. Have a great Saturday everyone.

Walk 25k (15.5m): M=3.3k, T=7.2k, W=0, T=6k, F=0
Gym 2 days: 0, 0, 0, 0,0
Squats 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y, T=N, F=N
Ab work 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y, T=N, F=N
Calories less than 1400: M=1206, T=961, W=1339, T=1238, F=1671
Calorie deficit of 5000 for week: M=-803, T=-1141, W=-680, T=-728, F=301
Christmas prep everyday: M=Boxing Day invitations made. T=Christmas chocolates/pickles/crackers/nuts &baking supplies bought. W= Christmas storage boxes out/reindeer put together. T=Hubby’s gift purchased . F= Sausage rolls & nuts &bolts done packaged and ready to go and I only had to clean up Mom and Daughter made them.
List something wonderful that happened today: It snowed it was beautiful and very peaceful, we live directly behind a large park so the snow covering the trees and piling up on the edge of the creek looks like a painting.
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:34 PM
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Friday Report Card

Healthy Goals

1. Calories 1,400 M-T-W-Th & Sun, 1,600 F&S. 1,400, 1,399, 1,284, 1,395, 1,600
2. 100 oz water. Y,Y,Y,Y,Y
3. Protein 25% or higher. 27%, 22% 26%, 25%, 19%
4. Calorie deficit 5,000. -1,024, -1,306, -855, -720, -965 (total -4,150)
5. Exercise 7 hours. 50 min, 75 min, 55 min, 20 min, 70 min (4:30)
6. Log everything, and report on this thread. Y,Y,Y,Y
7. Report my weight right here. 157.6, 156, 156, 156.2, 156.2, 155.4
8. Limit cheating to a single meal, of normal size and duration. No cheating. No cheating. No cheating. No cheating. No cheating.
9. 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups, 10 sets of calf raises, 10 miles. 25-20-10-0-1, 25-20-20-2-0, 0-0-0-0-3, 50-40-50-2-0, 0-0-0-0-0 (total 100-80-80-4-4)

Other Stuff

1. Deal with flower pots. 2 down, N,N,N,N
2. Deal with squash, pickles and pumpkins. Finished the pickles! Washed all the acorn squash and baked 8 of them. Baked 14 acorn squash. Baked 15 acorn squash and put 6 quarts in the freezer. Finished the acorn and baked 2 pumpkins! N
3. Housekeeping 1 hour + 1 load of laundry/daily. YY, YY, YY, YY, YY
4. Start Christmas list and update wish list. N,N,N Did some shopping, started list.
5. Deal with coupon binder. N,N,N,N,N

Well yesterday wasn't too bad although I baked and ate squash so my carbs were high and I missed 2 of the 3 workouts I thought were going to happen. Which leaves me working out on Sunday, in order to make that 7 hour goal goal this week. I hate it when that happens. Normally I get up in the morning and workout, but I skipped it thinking I was going to be working out 2 hours later in the day. I did teach swimming in the afternoon, which is 70 min in the pool, most of it treading water. Then I thought the kids were going to have private swim coaching in the evening and I would get a chance to lift, but the new coach got called to swim at the State Championships, so she's out of town. She was an alternate on the team, so didn't think she was going, so we just stayed home and had dinner as a family, which was lovely and healthy in a different way.

The swimming was great, I love our gym teacher. She was really excited to work with our school, because we usually have more volunteers than any other elementary building. Our school district has 4 elementary buildings each one has it's strengths, but the reason we chose this one in particular is that the PTO is crazy awesome and the parents are a tight knit bunch, although admittedly the building itself is not the prettiest one. Anyway I had a group of 5 girls, 4 of them were great fun, and 1 a complete whiner. She complained about everything, my arms hurt, my legs hurt, my eyes hurt, I can't do... I can't do... I can't do... Next time hopefully she'll be in a different group. I've seen that kid eat plenty of times, and every last bite was junk food. If I ate like that I'd probably whine and complain too.

I'm planning on being here this weekend, I want to feel focused and strong heading into the holidays. Right now I'm heading back to bed, it's freezing in here and I'm starting to nod off. 'Nighty night.
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Old 11-19-2011, 02:04 AM
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This Week:
Health & Fitness
1) Lose 4 pounds no looking too good
2) 4 servings of fruit/veggies 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
3) Gallon of water yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
4) 3000 calories deficient -680, -897, -30, -547, -105?
5) Walk 10 miles 1.1, 0, 6.53 Like a big veggie pimpin', cheer leading BOSS, 0, 0
FAIL 6) 1 cheat meal ?, ate clean, nope (I think it was worth it), clean, cheat
DONE 7) Gym x 3 0, 1, 0, 1, 1
8) Tennis x 2 (or 100 pushups for each one missed) 0, 0, 50 pushups, 32 pushups, 75 pushups (157 so far)
9) Daily:
a) Fish Oil yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
b) Vitamin yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
c) Glucosamine yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Non Health & Fitness
DONE 10) Write 3 policies 1, 0, 1, 1

Well this week has been hit or miss. Exercising & Writing policies has been a hit. I've already got in 3 workouts, will get in 1 more. Wasn't able to play tennis but I'm pushing out pushups. I've almost hit my walking goal and have nice weather ahead of me. I actually wrote 4 policies this wee, but only counting 3.

Food has been a miss. Not a total miss, but a miss. Yesterday was clean, not the cleanest but not bad by any means, until my GF got home from work at 12:30am and brought me a piece of cake. I'm a late night eater and cake after midnight is hard to refuse.

My scale is steadily climbing even though I know I'm at a deficient for the week. Not so sure about yesterday but I gave it my best guess. I just want to say eff it and go pick up donuts for breakfast. Damn I'm craving them so bad. It's not like I'd have to make a special trip to go get them, I'm already out b/c I'm pet sitting for my brother. I just need to NOT stop at the donut shop. It's been a little while since I've had cravings this bad.

Cassie, (or anyone that hit last weeks 10 mile weekend challenge), what's on the agenda for this weekend?

Another rant below!
Darlene, I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever have a properly working work computer. They've swapped it out probably 4 times and I still have problems. The main problem is it being slow to do anything and it drops connection on a pretty regular basis. We've had the internet people come out a 100 times, we've changed providers, routers, modems, ethernet cables and like I said even computers. My brother sits across from me hooked up to the same router and doesn't have issues like I have. I spend many hours EVERY week on the phone with our field tech people as they remotely access my computer and constantly make changes, which seems to work for a VERY SHORT while. Most of the times an hour or two later and I'm having issues again. A couple years ago we even paid a couple hundred $$ to fly our tech people down to check everything out and they couldn't pinpoint the problem. I use to joke about there being a conspiracy against me, but it's no longer funny. It's taking a toll on my business and my sanity. I know I'll probably sound like a girl for saying this but sometimes it's so bad i feel like I can cry, scream, start breaking stuff, get up, walk out and call it quits. To make matters worse, most of my business is with writing car insurance. The company that I write my car insurance through recently changed our rating system. We now have outstanding rates, but they designed the software to work on Google Chrome and my company won't let me install Google Chrome on my computer. To say it's laggy and locks up is an understatement. For those of you that have had similar issues with beta, imagine you having to do your totally commission based job like that. It really sucks. I've complained for quite some time and now they are saying that they hope for it to run faster by late December/ beginning of January.
As for the sheep, there are still some out there that I haven't reached out to this time. I have in the past so I tend to let some stray a little farther.

Last edited by 01gt4.6; 11-19-2011 at 02:27 AM.
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Old 11-19-2011, 02:37 AM
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Everyone is so sweet for all the welcome-backs, thank you <3

April: Thanks for the encouragement! I'm not going to weigh again until next Friday and see where I stand... I think I needed a lot of sleep, I feel better and more balanced this morning. Though there is NO food in this house and I am without car, so it's going to be a scrounging sort of day for me. Ugh.

Amy: Thanks for the big welcome!!! I'm hoping the networking does lead to something - I'm sending off applications left and right, maybe it'll do me some good in the end. You're right, I do want to be a rocking hottie come Christmastime. We'll see what Santa has in the stocking

Mike: You're such a sweetie, thanks for the PM It's always good to know that you're being thought of, I didn't think it was pushy in the slightest. I just got swamped by work. Also - WTF?!?! I hope you give that thief a HUGE piece of your mind!!! And thanks for pointing that out about my good and bad lists -- so true. And one of the things on the bad list is hopefully resolving itself right now (other than my weight) -- had a LONG talk with one of my grad students about the drama and I think some fences were mended. And hey -- nice head!

Pam: Thanks for the finger-crossing!!!! I'm really quite interested in the position. I'm applying for Assistant Professorships too, now it's just the waiting game to see if I get any interviews. But I think the job is pretty much exactly what I need, and it would be so lovely to be back near family. I'm feeling alone a lot of the time here in FL.

Mern: So sorry to hear about your granddaughter's miscarriage; I'll keep her and your family in my thoughts. I can't imagine the sorts of feeling that come out from that kind of happening. Also sorry to hear about your best friend; sounds like the family might be enabling, too, which is a shame (unless I'm reading that wrong!!) Hopefully she will be able to find some help. Great news about your BIL and your other grad-daughter, however. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, some up and some down! Hugs for you.

Rose: Lovely to see you - maybe we can both make a pact to step on the scale the same day next week? Haha.

Main80: Thanks for the welcome sweetie. I hope some of your good mood rubs off!!

Joanna: I benefit from high-cal days too - I think it keeps our metabolisms on their toes! Sounds like you're going to be having a fun potluck!

Darlene: Thanks for the encouagement! Sleep was definitely needed. I feel better today. Now I just need to get my butt working out!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Goals
1) Log food again F: yes - 1284 + 1 spoonful of BF's Frosty
2) Get in 64-80 oz. of water daily F: yes (64)
3) Exercise on Saturday morning F: N/A
4) Take multivitamin over the weekend F: N/A
5) In bed by 11:00, no excuses F: I fell asleep on the couch at 9:00 and woke up at 11:15 to stumble to bed -- I think that counts!!

I'm feeling better today - still a little tired, but a lot of that heaviness is gone from my limbs. BF did some wonderful things while I was gone including cleaning and taking care of some issues with my car, but he did NOT go grocery shopping. He has the car today, so I'm stuck in a house that has... uh... popcorn, peanut butter, some pasta, and a few flatout wraps. No protein in sight. Technically, the grocery store is walkable. I might go down there and just pick up a few things - like some meat and a couple other staples that are depleted - as an extra workout today.

Right now, I'm eyeing my TV and knowing that Zumba is waiting. Hard to get off my butt, but the more I type, the longer I wait. So here's to making that one-day workout goal! lol.

Talk with you crazy ladies-and-Mike later. I hope you have a lovely Saturday!

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Old 11-19-2011, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by almeeker
He's an idiot, you've lost 56.6 lbs by walking. Although I will say the lighter you get the faster/further you have to walk to get the same calorie burn. So eventually he'll be right, you gotta hate when that happens.
That is kinda what I thought too. Don't fix what isn't broken. Eventually I will have to step it up a bit but for now it's working.
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Old 11-19-2011, 06:09 AM
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Originally Posted by 01gt4.6
I've read befor that you burn ROUGHLY the same amount of calories per mile for running and walking. I know that may sound odd but think about it like this:
1) person A runs a 10 minute mile
2) person B walks a 20 minute mile
Sure for the first 10 minutes person A is burning more calories but what happens when that runner is now sitting down for 10 minutes waiting on the person B, that's STILL walking? I'd assume that the runner may still burn more calories but I'd bet it's not that big of a difference for someone to be giving you their opinion, especially if you didn't ask for it.

That's just my opinion... because you asked for it.
And I thank you for your opinion...yes I did ask for it Seems some people are always up for providing unsolicited opinions even when they have a huge 'beer belly'.
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