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7-Day Motivational Thread starting 11/14/11 (OMG there are only 42 days until X-mas)


7-Day Motivational Thread starting 11/14/11 (OMG there are only 42 days until X-mas)

Old 11-18-2011, 05:49 AM
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Awww Mern...I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage. I hope that if you were trying to have an intervention for your friend that you continue with your efforts. As Pam said her withdrawal from you is not a good sign.

Good news for your BIL and live-in GD! National Honor Society is a very nice achievement!

Nice to see you back. Grab onto the wagon and hitch a ride!
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Old 11-18-2011, 05:57 AM
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Better late than never!

This Week:
Health & Fitness
1) Lose 4 pounds
2) 4 servings of fruit/veggies 5, 5, 4, 3
3) Gallon of water yes, yes, yes, yes
4) 3000 calories deficient -680, -897, -30, -547
5) Walk 10 miles 1.1, 0, 6.53 Like a big veggie pimpin', cheer leading BOSS, 0
6) 1 cheat meal ?, ate clean, nope (I think it was worth it), clean
7) Gym x 3 0, 1, 0, 1
8) Tennis x 2 (or 100 pushups for each one missed) 0, 0, 50 pushups, 32 pushups
9) Daily:
a) Fish Oil yes, yes, yes, yes
b) Vitamin yes, yes, yes, yes
c) Glucosamine yes, yes, yes, yes

Non Health & Fitness
10) Write 3 policies 1, 0, 1, 1
Originally Posted by mtlgirl
Hi Lovely Ladies and Mike,

First, let me say that you all are an awesome group and so funny! I have been trying to catch up on the thread but I decided to write to you all before I finish all the posts... there sure are a lot! I always knew that our motivational group was an effective tool in the effort to get to a healthy weight and now I know this more than ever. I totally fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago when I returned from England. When I arrived, everyone told me I looked great and I felt so amazing about that... so what went wrong?

I wish there was a simple answer. I have really been struggling to figure it out. Why would I throw all my efforts out the window when I had been doing so well? I have come to several conclusions. I am such an emotional eater. Big changes, like moving, traveling, anything that usurps my routine is especially challenging for me. I got a piece of news concerning my sister (who has major substance abuse problems) and it upset me to no end, not that this is an excuse but I sure used it as such. The drama was a real trigger and I am now on a mission to figure out how to deal with - well, life really - without using food to manage.

I also want you all to know that I missed you a lot! You all are so supportive, in such a fun and witty way, a really special group of people in this little corner of the world wide web. I owe a big THANK YOU to our very own Mike who sent me a PM and threatened to drag me back here kicking and screaming. It was the perfect thing to do! Thanks, Mike!

So, I'm back and happy to be back before things get totally out of control. I made up a big batch of turkey chili and stocked up on healthy food. I am ready to face the day... and the weekend!

I hope we all have a fabulous Friday!!!
No problem, I've been known to hunt down the girl here when they are beginning to be missed. We all fall off the wagon and need a break some times. I just like to remind people that were are her to help each other out, so I guess i shouldn't say "hunt down". Sorry to hear that you had upsetting news with your sister. Like I told Mern, we are all here for you. If nothing else, this has been a great place to vent. Lorn knows I do my fair share of it here, pretty much daily.

Originally Posted by almeeker
She sounds like a mental case (no offense), count yourself lucky that she didn't turn stalker on you, crazy teenage girls are evil and relentless. I've had a few minors hit on me, it's always weird because you don't see it coming. I used to work at an architectural firm that did a ton of K-12 work. Part of my job included field measuring existing conditions, which requires casual dress (jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirt), interstitial spaces are notoriously disgusting, but you have to crawl through them for an accurate set of measurements. Since schools are locked up tight after a certain hour, I had to work with class in session, and when I needed to access the classrooms I would stay past the last bell, while one team or another was practicing or working out. Anyway I was frequently mistaken for a "new girl", and apparently there is some sort of "I saw her first mentality" among teenage boys? After one almost scary incident (hoisted up over the shoulder of a track team member and run down the hall, at top speed, upside down, apparently "pick-up" is literal to some?). I started taking my flamboyantly gay male co-worker, aka the best "jock repellent" ever! No trouble after that.

Although a flamboyantly gay man might have doubled the problem for you, eh Mike? LOL Sorry, couldn't resist.
I think she was a little nutty. Gee thanks, that'll tech me to not wear pink again.
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Old 11-18-2011, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by taubele
Hi everyone!

I'm here - I'm tired, sore, a little cranky, and a little overwhelmed from my conference, but I've got ten fingers and ten toes and I got out alive.

I actually don't even know where to begin with updates, so perhaps I'm going to be lazy and list a bunch of things that happened, and then ya'll can ask me about it if you want In general: The conference went overall well with a few hiccups along the road. I'm still feeling pretty stressed from the activity and completely destroyed any semblance of a diet, but I'm hoping the damage is minimal.

Good things that have happened in the past two weeks I have been gone:
  • I had an informal interview ("chat") with a woman whose lab I expressed interest in for a postdoctoral fellowship. I am extremely interested in this particular fellowship because it's a teaching fellowship at a very good liberal arts school (Smith College in MA). We got along famously and ended up chatting for a little over an hour. Hopefully, she gives me a good review to the search committee
  • I got really re-focused on work. It's actually making me feel equal parts stressed and motivated, but I'm trying to focus on the latter
  • I met up with someone who knows my constantly-broken machine and he gave me some really good advice for fixing it
  • I was able to network while at the meeting to the best of my ability. I have a tendency towards shyness/awkwardness, but I gave it my best.
  • My relationship with my boss has improved

Bad things that have happened in the past two weeks I've been away:
  • The scale said 165 this morning I don't know if it's water weight, bloat-weight, tired-weight (I feel like my limbs weigh 20 lbs. each) or real weight.
  • I had to stay in a very small hotel room with 3 party girls during my entire stay at the conference. They liked to roll in at 3 or 4 am - I like to go to bed at 11. You do the math - I got very little in the way of good, uninterrupted sleep.
  • The drama amongst the graduate students in the lab has reached a boiling point and is making me super-stressed. I want to bury my head in the sand.
  • I've gotten completely off of an eating regiment and back into some bad habits - not enough water, skipping breakfast, sleeping at odd hours.
  • We missed our connection flight in ATL on the way back and had a pretty crazy time trying to get home - got home SUPER LATE Wednesday. My boss/advisor blames Delta -- I blame her scheduling connecting flights half an hour apart in ATL
It's already Friday, but I DO want to post some weekend goals just to get my head back in the right place in regards to my diet and exercise!!! I haven't though much about ME since I've been gone, and it's scary how quickly things degenerate when you forget to make yourself a priority. These are going to be simple and sweet.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Goals
1) Log food again
2) Get in 64-80 oz. of water daily
3) Exercise on Saturday morning
4) Take multivitamin over the weekend
5) In bed by 11:00, no excuses

My list is usually longer, but I have to get my basics back. I think it should only take a few days to right the ship!!!! I'm really upset about the 165.0 this morning. I FEEL fatter. I feel like I can see those 4 lbs. that I gained. Even if only half of it is real, I'm really disappointed to be so backtracked. I know I'm just tired and being hard on myself, but it doesn't make it any easier to be aware, honestly. I almost logged in that 165 into my signature, but I stopped myself -- that sig is for successes!

I miss you all and can't wait to catch up properly For now, I need to get back to work and focus.

Terri, I see two big differences between your good and bad list!!!!!!!!! The bad list is over and done with and in the past, the good list is setting you up for a nice road ahead of you, right? Don't sweat the 165, once you get back in the swing of things, it'll start to come back off!
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Old 11-18-2011, 06:57 AM
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Quinn, thanks for the welcome. It's nice to be back.

Almeeker, thanks so much for the big purple text. It's like a present! I have missed you too!!! I really appreciate the hugs and it really is nice to be home. Seriously you guys are awesome. xo

Terri! Welcome back to you too! Congrats on all the good things that have happened in the past two weeks. As for the bad.... I totally totally hear you! I am not even daring to step on my scale until I have been on a seriously good stretch. I am too scared!

April, I have missed you too! Congrats on your scale moving in the right direction again today. You sound like you are in a great phase! As for your question about walking, I believe intervals burn the most fat so mix up some sprints into your daily routine and I am sure you will be happy with the results. That said, if you are already happy with your results, do what works for you and don't listen to anybody else.

Pam, thanks so much for the encouragement and the welcome. It sure feels good to be "home." Believe it or not I have already started another gig but I am not loving it yet. It's a really macho show for the History channel and reminds me too much of Ice Road Truckers. I will do it for a while to pay the bills but hopefully something better will come along soon!

Mern, my wonderful Mern, I am so sorry to hear of your granddaughter's miscarriage. One of my very best friends went through that and it's terribly hard. Regarding your friend and her alcoholism, boy do I understand what it's like to deal with an addict. I have had a lot of verbal abuse hurled at me during the several interventions I have staged for my sister so you might have dodged a bullet there but bless your heart for wanting to do right by your friend. If she ever stops drinking she will realize what an incredibly loving friend she had in you. I sincerely wish that for her and you. Big hugs to you, Mern.

Mike, whoa. What an awful backstabby thing that happened at work today. I hope the situation sorts itself out but it sounds like you made the right move. Thanks also for the support regarding my sister. It's so hard to interact with an addict and I probably will have to vent about it but right now I am focusing my energy on getting back on the wagon. Today has been very good so far!

Last edited by mtlgirl; 11-18-2011 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 11-18-2011, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by wildbeanerz
So I have a question about walking...is it better to walk faster and not as far or pace yourself and get more distance? There is a guy at work who insists my 3mph is not fast enough to burn fat.
He's an idiot, you've lost 56.6 lbs by walking. Although I will say the lighter you get the faster/further you have to walk to get the same calorie burn. So eventually he'll be right, you gotta hate when that happens.

Last edited by almeeker; 11-18-2011 at 07:18 AM.
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Old 11-18-2011, 07:59 AM
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Running. Labs. Want to eat everything. Every single lab has run over due to language difficulties. Haven't been able to get out and eat more than some pudding this morning, a powdered "cappacino" and a 180 cal packet of crackers. I. Need. Protein. or else I will start having to literally eat my arm.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by mtlgirl
Mike, whoa. What an awful backstabby thing that happened at work today. I hope the situation sorts itself out but it sounds like you made the right move. Thanks also for the support regarding my sister. It's so hard to interact with an addict and I probably will have to vent about it but right now I am focusing my energy on getting back on the wagon. Today has been very good so far!
You have no idea how much that set me off this morning. I fight hard for my cliets, I should have to fight to keep them from being stolen by some jackass in the home office. I'm glad that today has been good so far. Any new pics for us?

Originally Posted by almeeker
He's an idiot, you've lost 56.6 lbs by walking. Although I will say the lighter you get the faster/further you have to walk to get the same calorie burn. So eventually he'll be right, you gotta hate when that happens.
I've read befor that you burn ROUGHLY the same amount of calories per mile for running and walking. I know that may sound odd but think about it like this:
1) person A runs a 10 minute mile
2) person B walks a 20 minute mile
Sure for the first 10 minutes person A is burning more calories but what happens when that runner is now sitting down for 10 minutes waiting on the person B, that's STILL walking? I'd assume that the runner may still burn more calories but I'd bet it's not that big of a difference for someone to be giving you their opinion, especially if you didn't ask for it.

That's just my opinion... because you asked for it.
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Old 11-18-2011, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by mhibdon
Well helllooooo lovelies! Running. Labs. Want to eat everything, but I'm not b/c I'm a boss like that. Every single lab has run over due to language difficulties, but that's okay b/c I'm runnin' this biznatch. Haven't been able to get out and eat more than some pudding this morning, a powdered "cappacino" and a 180 cal packet of crackers. I. Need. Protein. or else I will start having to literally eat my arm... and my toe nails. BTW Mike, you're the best!
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Old 11-18-2011, 09:43 AM
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Yesterdays report

1. Under 1200 calories M-F. Sunday 1400. 1116, 1067, 1558, 1208 (close enough)
2. Water 3 liters every day. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Exercise 4 times M-F Yes, Yes, No, Yes
4. Additional daily squats Yes, Yes, No, Yes
5. Stay away from cheese Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Stay away from baked goods Yes, Yes, Yes, No
7. Take vitamins Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Go to sleep before midnight Yes, Yes, No, No
9. Clean my inbox. Halfway there. Mmmm, didn't get that much done with this one, again no progress, got some out of the way.
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Old 11-18-2011, 10:08 AM
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Been running around like crazy with errands... haven't slept enough, all my fault and I really need to find some time today to exercise. But I am in a great mood so it really doesn't matter.

Mike, thanks, this week I am not minding having an off day so much, may have to do with the fact that I have been serious with exercise the previous days. And yes you have to be good from here on out, specially if you want Santa to bring you a nice present Thanks for bringing the missing girls back!

Quinn, you are doing great. Hopefully the scale will show you what you want. Cool bottle btw.

Mhibdon, your nap post was great! Don't eat your arm off and get rest this weekend!

Chibisub, good going on your calories, find the exercise routines over the weekend ok?

Pam, sorry but I have to ask how many kitties do you have?

Darlene, hope you got good news about your oil tank, maybe at least one gym day over the weekend.

Almeeker, or can I call you Dr. Ruth. Its good to know I am not alone. Hope your swim teaching went well.

Rose, great to read you again! I am sorry to hear you have had some bad news at your arrival and I wish things are getting better. Just get back on the wagon, you can do this!

Terri! Great to read you too! Get back to your water drinking and those silly pounds will start coming off quickly, it probably is water weight if you are feeling limb heavy. Great on the networking, I am awfully shy myself when it comes to that. Have a good weekend.

April, no wonder real dremmels are noisy, I have the pedipaw thing its quiet but my dog can only handle one paw every week Thank you for saying you noticedf almeekers words too, I was starting to feel like the only dirty person! Just today I was thinking of how most of the time I am an edited version of myself, very mindful of what I say which is generally good but sometimes I just really have to say (or in this case write) my reaction to something! Gladly almeeker also found it funny.

Mern, dear a big hug to you on the hard time you have endured but great that your BIL is out and your granddaughter is such a great girl and brings you so much pride. I hope you can take the time to focus on yourself more these days!

Cassie, are you gone already?

Running late! Have a great Friday night all and don't be weekend strangers!
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