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almeeker 10-02-2011 11:19 PM

7-Day (and I mean all 7 days!!!) Motivational Thread starting 10/3.
Monday Report


1. Calories 1,400 M-Th & Sun, 1,600 F&S.
2. Water 100oz.
3. Deficit 4,000 for the week.
4. Exercise 7 hours.
5. Protein 25% or higher.

Other stuff:

1. Pick the rest of the garden and deal with the veggies.
2. Plant odds and ends in flower garden.
3. Work on Halloween costumes.
4. Prep for October Girl Scout meetings.
5. Call Grans.
6. Make appointments for orthodontist and car.
7. Pick up apples at Farmer's market.
8. Housework 45 min/daily + 1 load of laundry.

Kumochi 10-02-2011 11:48 PM

Good morning. Amy, I hope you are ready to crack the whip all week. We need some motivation. Your schedule makes me exhausted already!

My Goals:

3500 calorie defecit
Use my new food scales
Water, water and more water
Y times 2
Keep below 3000 calories on Saturday -- Canadian Thanksgiving
Bike ride X 2
Walk X 2

House goals
Peel off border in bedroom
Prep walls for paint


Nailkita 10-03-2011 12:38 AM

Good Morning Almeeker and Kumochi.
It was a rough week for me too, hopefully I'm off to a better start this week, I made a HUGE pot of lentil soup for dinner last night so that I can be sure I have healthy lunches the first half of the week (assuming my boyfriend doesn't eat it all today ;) surprisingly despite his distaste for vegetables he loved the vegan soup)

My Goals This Week:
  • Get back and stay under 200 lbs
  • Figure out why I'm gaining (not sure how I'm gaining when I haven't reached my max calories)
  • Survive Thanksgiving
  • Finish my Portfolio Website
  • Get back on track with Freelance work (fell behind this weekend)
  • Take Measurements of Kitchen

bojibridge 10-03-2011 12:47 AM

I'm in for the are my goals:

1.) Stay under 1550 calories/day
2.) Drink more water than I normally would
3.) Take multivitamin
4.) Finish Astro 502 HW by Wed
5.) Finish Astro 542, 501 HW by Fri

I'm throwing in some stuff that would normally happen anyway, but maybe writing them down will add some extra motivation! I hope everyone is off to a great start.

quinnesec 10-03-2011 01:00 AM

I'm in as well. Did ok, calorie-wise, this weekend but my food choices sure could have been better. Again, I'm going to keep things simple so that I get some discipline back in to my eating. Then, I'll add to it in the next couple of weeks:

1. Keep calories around 1200.

2. Eat clean.

3. Drink 80-90 oz. of water daily.

4. Flax seed oil, Vitamin E, calcium and vitamin daily.

5. Make sure scholarship apps get out this week.

wildbeanerz 10-03-2011 01:56 AM

I'm in ... don't know about all 7 days, but I'm in! I am excited this week. Saturday I got to 50lbs lost. I reached it a few weeks back but put back on a few pounds right away so I couldn't count it. This time I kept it until my Monday morning weigh-in so it's a keeper! I have officially lost 50.6lbs since 02.21.11!! Woohoo!! :D

My dad will be here tonight. Unfortunately he will get here at about 6pm and has to leave to head back home tomorrow at noon. Makes me curious why he is driving all this way when he can't stay longer. It's a 6hr trip each way. :confused:

Amy ... your school principal sounds like a fun and awesome guy. The kids probably really like him!

Mary ... Good luck on your border removal. I hope it goes smoother than mine did. All my other rooms were easy to remove but the bathroom was terrible. Must be the moisture in that room.

Joanna ... Sometimes I put down things that I would normally do as goals too so that I have more motivation seeing all that I have accomplished. I noticed on the last thread you said it was cold...get ready for the time of the year where you can have A/C on in the day and the furnace at night.

Mike ... I think you raising money for breast cancer is really awesome. As someone who has family history of lumps and mastectomy it means alot to me. I personally have not had any issues but my OB recommends that I start have mamograms at age 35 (next year! :eek: )

This weekend went by fast. I was so busy prepping the house since this will be the first time my Dad has been here and he is bringing along his very new girlfriend. I cleaned the whole house top to bottom...spotless! Only thing I didn't do is move appliances and clean under them but who's gonna see that? Then I took down the ugly pink patio blind on my deck doors and replaced it with a very nice curtain rod and set of curtains. Did all the laundry in the house including my bedding. Trimmed the dogs nails. Put out my fall decor. Made stuffed peppers ... Yum! Redid the caulk strip around the tub. Touched up the flat white ceiling where I bumped it with stain finish white. Who knew it would be visible? Not me!

Okay...I guess you guys can tell I get really talkative when I am excited. I'll probably drive you all nuts today. I took tomorrow off work so that I can get the most time out of Dad being here. It's been 10 yrs since he has even gotten to visit and never to our new house. And now I can tell him that I have lost 50 lbs too!!!

Hunny24 10-03-2011 01:56 AM

Ok #1 slacker for last week!!! Here are my goals for this week:

Run 4 times this week and stop eating crap!!!

My friend needs me to sub on their soccer team on Sunday so that will also keep me motivated throughout the week so stay on track. Used to play my whole life but stopped playing last year since I lost my love for it. But still a great workout.

I am not even going to weigh myself until next Monday since I know it won't be what I want to see. But getting things in check and not giving up!

Nailkita 10-03-2011 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 58504)
I'm in ... don't know about all 7 days, but I'm in! I am excited this week. Saturday I got to 50lbs lost. I reached it a few weeks back but put back on a few pounds right away so I couldn't count it. This time I kept it until my Monday morning weigh-in so it's a keeper! I have officially lost 50.6lbs since 02.21.11!! Woohoo!! :D

CONGRATS~! It sure is a big deal to hit that mark you should be excited and proud :)

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 02:13 AM

I'm in for SEVEN days!
I started off the day on a bad foot and ended up telling my GF to GTFO before walking out the door to work.

Health & Fitness goals
1) eat clean for 6 days
2) workout like a beast 3 times
3) walk 10 miles
4) gallon of water/day

Non Health & Fitness
5) 3 pledges to help fight breast cancer
6) write 3 policies

Mern 10-03-2011 02:15 AM

April, enjoy your visit with your Dad--how special! That 50 lb. loss is just awesome! :)

I was the number one diet CHEATER this weekend. Just totally awful! This week I'm going to make a real effort to do my exercise first thing after I take the grandkids to school and before I can get on the computer. I achieved that today. Then next I'm going to try to plan out my menu for the whole day right after I eat a healthful and on-plan breakfast. When I have my menu planned I don't seem to snack between meals as much except for what I already had planned.

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 02:29 AM

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 58504)
Mike ... I think you raising money for breast cancer is really awesome. As someone who has family history of lumps and mastectomy it means alot to me. I personally have not had any issues but my OB recommends that I start have mamograms at age 35 (next year! :eek: )

Congrats on the -50.6 pounds! Thanks, check out the links on my site for early detection. Mern said it's not that bad, so don't be scared.

Ann, you should make brush, rinse and floss several times a day a goal, especially if you continue to eat crap. :D

JapaneseSlipper 10-03-2011 02:30 AM

I'm in! New to the site but looking for motivation and accountability. I fell off the wagon about two months ago, and have, for some reason, allowed myself a free pass to eat as much junk as I could possibly inhale. This weekend was one of those weekends where I just kept eating, and eating, and eating no matter how full I got. I laugh it off some days by telling my husband that I have some kind of illness (in my head) to be stuffing my face when my stomach is completely full.

I realize I don't have a lot to lose but I've been struggling with losing the last 20 pounds for about a year now. I've managed to drop to about 12 lbs above my goal by being totally restrictive, but then always gain it back because I'm obviously not losing it the sensible way. Starting the Abs Diet today, but using it more as a guideline to help keep me in check as far as eating healthy.

My goals for this week: (short and sweet but will add to next week)

1.) Do 30 minutes of cardio Monday and Tuesday (will get automatic cardio Wed-Sat while waiting tables)

2.) Do yoga Wednesday through Saturday

3.) Stay between 1300-1400 calories per day

4.) Take vitamins daily (multi, iron, calcium, B12 and fish oil)

5.) Eat breakfast every day

taubele 10-03-2011 02:41 AM


I am back in the land of not-working-my-butt-off-every-day this week now that The Beast Experiment From Hell is done, so I should be able to focus more on my goals. Last week was a fail for the larger part of them (especially checking in - I checked OUT this weekend to focus on getting work done), though I managed to keep my food calories well in check. I'm down to 163.2 this morning, that's officially 52 lbs. lost since 1/4/11 -- not too bad!!! I've had a slow and steady loss of a pound-ish per week lately, which is good, especially considering I only got in 1 day of exercise last week, and exercise seems to be becoming as important as food at this point (there's only so many calories you can cut!)

Money is super-crazy-tight this month and BF and I are feeling it on the food front. We've had to get very very creative in the kitchen - and it's worse as we really don't have any freezer space to store food (our tiny apartment freezer is filled with frozen veggies). Between the two of us we literally have $30 in the checking accounts until this Friday, which is payday for both of us. While we do have some meager savings (and of course credit cards), we've been focusing on paying down debts that were racked up during my graduate school phase - largely taken out because he lost his job for months on end during the "Great Recession" and we had to put waaaaay too many things on the credit (because the salary for a graduate student is laughable - and 75% of it went to rent - and both of our cars broke down. 2008 was a bad year). I'm pretty sick of living paycheck to paycheck - it's like any single thing that's an unexpected expense just puts us months behind, and nevermind if we actually want to GO anywhere or DO anything. My best friend's wedding is in a couple of weeks, and the plane tickets are what are killing us right now - we paid for them up-front (rather than credit - which would have put us at least four months behind our paying-off schedule) and it just ate up three paychecks right there. However... it's my BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING. Nothing short of death or disease would have kept me away.

I'm trying not to whine about it and count our blessings (for instance, thank goodness we ARE able to pay all of our bills, even if it's by the skin of our teeth), but it's rough sometimes when you're staring at a bare cupboard and thinking about how long you've had to put off decent pay for schooling in a very broken academic system. We're out of meat, so I guess we're going vegetarian this week!! I was thinking of running and buying some beans to make a big pot of vegetarian chili - since chili ingredients are fairly inexpensive - and other such things. BF is a picky eater, though, so it complicates matters (anything without meat is pretty much a no-go for him, except for pasta. Should be fun). Any suggestions for dirt-cheap meals are always appreciated. I know we've all been there, I just needed to write it down.

Hey, I just remembered we have eggs, I bought some.... breakfast for dinner is always an option...

Anyway! Enough of my griping, on to goals.

Food/Exercise/Lifestyle Goals

1) Achieve an average between 1200-1400 calories for the week. No single day over 1600 cals.
2) Exercise 3-4 times this week
3) Calorie deficit of 5,000-7,000
4) At least 80 oz. of water daily
5) Multivitamin daily
6) Weigh in Monday and Friday

Other Goals

1) Make an effort on my appearance every day
2) Take some "time out" for myself every day
3) Cross-stitch; post pictures!

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 02:42 AM

welcome aboard Midori!

Hunny24 10-03-2011 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 58512)

Ann, you should make brush, rinse and floss several times a day a goal, especially if you continue to eat crap. :D

Yes I totally should Mike!! Either that or a crack to the side of my head will work. :D

wildbeanerz 10-03-2011 03:19 AM

Just realized that with all my talking I didn't post any goals :rolleyes:

Health/Fitness Goals
1. 80oz water daily
2. No stuffing junk in my mouth
3. Exercise when hubby leaves for work Weds-Sat M/T: N/a,
4. Limit to one diet soda daily
5. No added salt on my plate except specific foods

Life Goals
1. Enjoy visit with Dad
2. Cross-stitch project

I may add to these later, I just can't think of more goals right now. My brain is going to fast! :) ... The salt goal I didn't know how to word. Mostly I don't add any but there are a few foods for me that require a sprinkle of salt.

Hunny24 10-03-2011 03:45 AM

Terri -

You can make veggie soup, chili, lentil soup, etc. There are a ton of things you can make with just celery, carrots, onions and other veggies and just add pasta, beans, lentils to fill you up. Use the crock pot and then portion everything out into containers to make it easier to stick to your plan. Or like you said since you have eggs, just have breakfast for dinner one night and you should be ok. I have been there before when money is tight and it sucks. But the one thing that's great that comes from that, is you really learn how to stretch money and make it last. So when you have more, you can still save a good amount and keep what's left and make it last. Good luck!

bojibridge 10-03-2011 04:17 AM

Congrats on your 50 lb. loss, April! That's awesome!

Mern 10-03-2011 05:10 AM

Welcome, Midori. :) I stuffed my face all weekend so I totally understand but I'm obese and just about your height. I'm going to try really hard this week to control my eating and to not eat anything I shouldn't.

Will catch up with the rest of you later.

Nailkita 10-03-2011 05:18 AM

Terri: As another person with a somewhat picky boyfriend especially when it comes to veggies, do a search on the Canadian Living website for Lemon Lentil Soup, it's a slow-cooker recipe that requires little effort, and I have to say for a vegan recipe it had a LOT of flavour, and my boyfriend licked his bowl clean!

It reheats nice too had some today for lunch :)

dar n 10-03-2011 06:10 AM

Amy Sorry you had a bad weekend but your having an awesome Monday so far. May I take advantage of your gardening knowledge? I have 5 pots of overflowing herbs, parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary and thyme I would like to dry them but do not own a dehydrator should I go buy one? Can they be done in the oven? Do you have any other tips other than drying? Thanks.:)

Mary I am going to borrow a goal idea from you, this weekend is going to be like walking through food landmines. My sons 20th bday is Sat, we are going out to Thanksgiving dinner Sunday with some couples at church and on Monday we have family Thanksgiving dinner.

April Way to go 50 pounds is awesome YEAH. I love that you are excited about seeing your Dad, have a great visit and I am sure he will be so pleased to see the new healthier you.

Midori Welcome.

Mike I do not see any squats in your goals? I hope you and your gf make up soon.

Terri Glad you are back. “52 pounds not bad” more like 52 pounds awesome way to go:) that’s a small child you don’t carry around anymore. My hubby thinks eggs for dinner are a treat and I am spoiling him. I think your chilli idea is great, soup also goes a long way and you can use cheap chicken backs or legs as your protein. I also use chicken legs or whatever is on sale and simmer them in tomato sauce remove the bones and serve over whole wheat pasta and my daughter loves it and it’s cheap. I have not worked this summer and we are use to 2 incomes so I get doing some cost cutting but way to go for trying to get rid of your debt you will be so happy when it’s under control.

jjeand I hope all goes well with your daughter. My daughter is 25 and living at home she had her pace maker put in when she was 20 we have been dealing with specialist and tests since she was 18 her condition is controlled but not curable it’s heartbreaking to watch your child suffer and stressful for you. My prayers are with you.

All this slow cooker talk is making me wonder where mine is I will go on the hunt today. My Monday has started well the scale decided to like me today it read 158.1 that’s down 2lbs. I won’t change my signature as it seems a little too good to be true, I will see what tomorrow brings.

Have a great Monday everyone.

Do not talk diet with family:
Exercise daily:
Squats daily:
Avoid deserts Thanksgiving weekend:
Keep calories below 2000 Sat/Sun:

wildbeanerz 10-03-2011 06:25 AM

Thanks Darlene & Joanna! I feel so good compared to just 7 months ago! And I am rejuvenated to keep pushing forward.

Just back from my lunch walk. The air is brisk and the leaves are blowing around on the ground. For some reason I love that! Today I went even longer and further. 2 miles in 37 minutes. We aren't breaking any speed records but hey, I am walking laps around those sitting in their cars on lunch reading a book or taking a nap! :) Seven laps to be exact!

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 07:51 AM

I got a donation today but it was my own. I sent off my paperwork for my company match. That doesn't count for my goal this week, so I still need three.

Everytime I get a donation I get an email notification on my phone. When I get that donation it makes me :D just knowing that we are helping in this fight!

I hate to beat a dead horse but this horse ain't dead yet. ;) So here I go again...

A recent medical review states "The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is a little less 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 35. Breast cancer death rates have been going down. This is probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and better treatment. Right now there are more than 2½ million breast cancer survivors in the United States."

Do me a favor, even if you can't donate, please click on my link and scroll down to the bottom and check out the informational downloads that are available on .pdf. It may just be the information you need for an early detection that ends up saving your life!

Lizards13 10-03-2011 09:24 AM

April and Terri. Many many congrats on your fantastic lbs loss totals, truly inspiring.

Terri. Hang in there with getting to grips with the debts, I racked up lots when I was a single mum who had gone back to uni and then there was my boys education etc etc but I nibbled away at the cards until I now have only one which I use for emergencies and pay off in total. It was a struggle to get here but it was all worth it, it just takes time and willpower, in fact it's pretty much like losing weight.

Jjeand and Darlene. My thoughts are with you and your daughters. When you have to watch your child cope with pain or disability it tears you apart inside and you feel so helpless, I hope things improve for you both.

I had a wonderful weekend, but not in a healthy eating way, however the first 1.5lbs of my 3lb holiday gain has gone so let's crack on with my goal for Halloween.

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 10:30 AM

Okay I get this call from my ex wife Danielle (my daughter's mom), which usually means that she needs something. She said that she made a podiatrist appt. for my daughter b/c of her ingrown toenail. She said it's $300 and she needs money. I tell her that I can take her to the nail salon and get it done. This then turn into a debate. I talk to my daughter and tell her that the podiatrist is going to most likely remove her nail, or a good bit of it. She doesn't like the idea of going to a nail salon for this. I eventually convince them that I know what I'm talking about and my ex brings my daughter to my office. I leave work early and take her to the nail salon. The lady says "oh this nail look bad, I never see one this bad before, but I can fix it." She gets the ingrown part out, clean the area really good. She worked on her for quite a while. She then says "I'm going to give her pedicure so all her nail look pretty." I'm thinking hell yeah hook her up. Well she finished up, my daughter was happy because she now realized that her daddy isn't so dumb. I go to pay and was shocked. She only changed me $35, she worked on her for probably an hour so I gave her a $25 tip. Hell yeah $60 is a bargain. I text my ex to tell her how much it cost and she replied that she'd get me some money (THAT NEVER HAPPENS). I replied telling her that I'm not worried about it but she can make a donation to help fight breast cancer!!

Mern 10-03-2011 10:31 AM

Terri, OMG, losing 52 lbs. in less than 9 months is fantastic! Congrats on a job well done! I must say from reading about your financial woes that you and BF seem to be doing a great job at keeping down going further into debt. Doesn't look like frivolous spending going on. Good for you two! Years down the road you'll be so glad you sacrificed pleasure and entertainment for more necessary expenses--and of course you can't blow off your best friend's wedding--that's too important--a (hopefully) once in a lifetime event. I'll bet you'll find a way to stretch those food dollars, too. Oops, my "grandma mode" is showing again. But I can't help it--I'd be so proud to have you as a granddaughter, Terri. And you know what? Doesn't sound like griping to me--sometimes just feeling free to talk about it helps keep you focused on the long term money management success goal. :)

jjeand, welcome back. :) OMG, my thoughts and prayers are with you over your DD's heart problem care. And best wishes on getting enough sleep. That's so important!

Darlene, you, too. I'll keep you and your daughter in my thoughts and prayers as well. Congrats on that 2 lb. loss--aw, I hope that sticks--so exciting.

April that's quite a respectable pace--2 miles in 37 minutes--nice and brisk. Well done!

Lizzie, congrats on that 1.5 lb. loss. Way to go!

Mike, I hope things are better between you and GF by now.

I'm very nicely on track today--even have room for a satisfying snack this evening--already logged so I won't go over. Just have to work on my water now for an all green report tomorrow. :)

MAIN80 10-03-2011 10:32 AM

I am in!

Goals for the week.

1. Stay under 1200 M-F:
2. Exercise 4 times:
3. Additional daily squats:
4. 3 Liters of water:
5. Report everyday:
6. Go to sleep before midnight:

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by dar n (Post 58552)
Mike I do not see any squats in your goals? I hope you and your gf make up soon.

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 58565)
Mike, I hope things are better between you and GF by now.

Yep but she had to eat crow.

MAIN80 10-03-2011 10:43 AM

April, congrat on the loss! And have a wonderful time with your dad.

Mern, you are off to a great start this week!

Mike, sorry to hear about your fight, but great news on the nail salon and getting more donations. I did 30 squats yesterday 15 per leg, I am feeling it today but not terribly, I am really not sure at how many I should be aiming for.

Welcome Midori.

Terri, you are doing great! More than 50 pounds lost! You wanting to clear your debt is great, this week will go fast and soon you will enjoy your best friends wedding.

Jjeand, hope you get your answers from the doctors, hang in there.

Nailkita, that lentil soup does sound good!

Darlene, congrats on your loss, I am sure it will stick, you were very good last week.

Lizzie, great you are losing your holiday gain!

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 11:05 AM

Main80, whatever works for you. I usually do 3 sets of 10-12 per leg.

bojibridge 10-03-2011 11:15 AM

Oh my goodness, what has happened to my day?! I think this is the most calories I've eaten in a day for months! I'm at almost 2500 right now, hopefully I'm done gorging. Goodness! I will say one thing, I remember feeling like this a lot before I decided I could lose weight - you know, that gross feeling when you've eaten waaay too much and just want to go into a coma lying on the couch? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling - at the very least, it's good to have a reminder about why it's not as much fun to eat so much as you think it might be! Better luck tomorrow, I'm sure...

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by bojibridge (Post 58572)
Oh my goodness, what has happened to my day?! I think this is the most calories I've eaten in a day for months! I'm at almost 2500 right now, hopefully I'm done gorging. Goodness! I will say one thing, I remember feeling like this a lot before I decided I could lose weight - you know, that gross feeling when you've eaten waaay too much and just want to go into a coma lying on the couch? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling - at the very least, it's good to have a reminder about why it's not as much fun to eat so much as you think it might be! Better luck tomorrow, I'm sure...

Yeah but 20 pounds ago it probably took more than 2500 cals to feel that gross. :D

almeeker 10-03-2011 01:33 PM

Monday Report


1. Calories 1,400 M-Th & Sun, 1,600 F&S. 1,397
2. Water 100oz. Y
3. Deficit 4,000 for the week. -1,452
4. Exercise 7 hours. 75 min
5. Protein 25% or higher. 23%

Other stuff:

1. Pick the rest of the garden and deal with the veggies. Garden Picked!
2. Plant odds and ends in flower garden. N
3. Work on Halloween costumes. N
4. Prep for October Girl Scout meetings. N
5. Call Grans. N
6. Make appointments for orthodontist and car. N
7. Pick up apples at Farmer's market. Wednesday or Saturday
8. Housework 45 min/daily + 1 load of laundry. NNN

I spent the afternoon out at the garden picking my little heart out, so I didn't make any of my "other" goals today. The weather was gorgeous, so I'm glad I was outside in that instead of freezing drizzle, which is how it usually goes for me. The deer have been munching away at all the veggies out there so it was getting rather necessary to bring everything in. I still need to dig up the rest of the beets, some potatoes and carrots, but I managed to get everything above the ground: squash, peppers, pumpkins, string beans and lima beans all picked. I think the deer have pretty much eaten all the popcorn, so we'll hope for next year on that one I guess. Oh well, every harvest has it's own bumper crops, this was the year for acorn squash, beets and zucchini. Who am I kidding, every year is the year for zucchini. Good grief they look like Bam-Bam's club they are so big. I've been handing them to my friends right and left and saying, "you can either eat it or use it to cause blunt force trauma, your choice". Then I make them hold out their arms like they are going to carry firewood and load them up. It's hilarious.

Terri, I can so feel your pain on the financial front. Been there, done that, revisit often. Although I can't complain about the pantry cupboards, which are filled to overflowing this time of year. If you lived closer, you would have a big fat pile of squash outside your door that appeared mysteriously overnight and probably some tomatoes too. I know it's really hard in an apartment to grow a garden and stock a deep freezer, but some of that will come in time (well the deep freezer anyway). It sounds like you are doing all the right things, going without the extras, staying on budget, paying for things up front rather than on credit. I highly recommend the book "Financial Peace", it helped DH and I get on the same page financially and helped us pay off a lot of annoying little debts that kept us from having enough to make ends meet. The author is a guy named Dave Ramsey, he's maybe more on the religious end of things than you typically would expect from a financial adviser, but still 90-95% of his info is spot on. BTW CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 52LBS!!!! A little choked up here, sniff sniff.

Mike sorry to hear that you and GF are fighting, domestic tranquility is a delicate balancing act. And glad to hear that you got DD's toe fixed up with a beauty treatment to boot! That was a serious score on your part, very resourceful. My grandmother had that ingrown toenail surgery, it's still pretty ugly. You made the right call.

April, I'm so glad your dad is visiting, you're so revved up! It's really cute, and well if you're still feeling wired after he goes home, my house is a disaster, so come on over, I'll help you burn it off. Just kidding, have fun honey and CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 50LBS!!!! I'm so proud of you.

Mern, glad you're back on track, this thread wouldn't be right without you. And just so you know, you could not have been worse than me this past weekend, unless of course you ate whatever you wanted and poured a quart of beer down after it (which is what I did).

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 01:34 PM

I've come to the conclusion that she hasn't eaten enough crow. I usually don't let stuff get to me but for some reason I'm still mad.

As far as food I have eaten clean today but haven't logged much b/c I wasn't concerned about calorie amount.

My ex still hasn't made a pledge and probably won't (knowing her), so I still need 3 pledges.

almeeker 10-03-2011 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by bojibridge (Post 58572)
Oh my goodness, what has happened to my day?! I think this is the most calories I've eaten in a day for months! I'm at almost 2500 right now, hopefully I'm done gorging. Goodness! I will say one thing, I remember feeling like this a lot before I decided I could lose weight - you know, that gross feeling when you've eaten waaay too much and just want to go into a coma lying on the couch? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling - at the very least, it's good to have a reminder about why it's not as much fun to eat so much as you think it might be! Better luck tomorrow, I'm sure...

I had that feeling myself just after lunch today. Normally I have 1 1/2 cups of chili, but I packed a lunch with 2 cups in it today because I went to mom & dad's to work on the garden. I always have trouble there, the cupboards are a diet landmine. Anyway after eating the full 2 cups, I felt like I might chuck for a little while after. In fact I still have heartburn, which used to be my constant companion. So from now on it's 1-1.5 cups for me no matter what I'm doing, 2 cups is just more than my body needs (even if my inner fat girl disagrees).

almeeker 10-03-2011 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 58579)
I've come to the conclusion that she hasn't eaten enough crow. I usually don't let stuff get to me but for some reason I'm still mad.

As far as food I have eaten clean today but haven't logged much b/c I wasn't concerned about calorie amount.

My ex still hasn't made a pledge and probably won't (knowing her), so I still need 3 pledges.

When do you need them by?

almeeker 10-03-2011 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by dar n (Post 58552)
Amy Sorry you had a bad weekend but your having an awesome Monday so far. May I take advantage of your gardening knowledge? I have 5 pots of overflowing herbs, parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary and thyme I would like to dry them but do not own a dehydrator should I go buy one? Can they be done in the oven? Do you have any other tips other than drying? Thanks.:)

I have a food dryer, love it. If you can lay your hands on one cheap (less than $30) just do it. You can dry enough herbs to pay for it in about a week. On the flip side I used to take my herbs, put them in bunches and tie the stalks together. Then stick the bunch, leaves down into a paper sack, tie the sack around the stalks and hang the whole thing upside down in the basement until it dried (couple of weeks). Then just crunch the leaves inside the bag and untie the bag. Ta-da, dried herbs in a bag. You can also lay the herbs out on a cookie sheet, let them dry in the sun. I never had much luck drying them in the oven, it's just too hot for most herbs. Good luck, keep me posted.

The rosemary I would just bring in the house and water it through the winter snipping off what you need when you need it. It's not hardy but generally will survive year after year as long as you protect it from freezing.

almeeker 10-03-2011 01:55 PM

I'm off to bed now, my sinuses are having a race to see which side can drip to my chin first. Ugh, I hate seasonal allergies!!!

01gt4.6 10-03-2011 02:08 PM

Wow this thread is busy.

Amy I missed your post before my last and all the posts since. I think the money is due by the 22nd BUT I made it one of my goals this week to get 3 this week, so by Sunday.

I'm currently at $410, the 2:1 company match should hit on the 15th. I quite possibly could pull off my $1,000 goal if I keep pushing hard!

bojibridge 10-03-2011 03:45 PM


1.) Stay under 1550 calories/day: 2539
2.) Drink more water than I normally would: OK
3.) Take multivitamin: Yes
4.) Work out 3 times:
5.) Finish Astro 502 HW by Wed: Close
6.) Finish Astro 542, 501 HW by Fri

Yeah, so, about today... Ha, I suppose there's always tomorrow!

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