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quinnesec 08-27-2011 02:06 PM

Just quickly checking in... Had a good day. Just over by an A&W diet root beer float. (My weakness.) One more day to get through tomorrow, and I'm home free!

Have a good night, all!


quinnesec 08-27-2011 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 55089)
Rose and Quinn, you are teh awesomes!

Congrats on biting the bullet with your "fat" clothes, Quinn. Why is that scarier than it should be?

Anybody else ever get to the point at which the pie chart is so perfect that you just don't want to eat anything else for the rest of the day?? :p

I honestly don't get too worried about the pie chart anymore. For awhile, I was getting kind of obsessed with it. Now, with maintenance, I focus more on staying withing my calorie budget and workouts. Maybe I'm just kind of OCD! :eek:

01gt4.6 08-27-2011 03:02 PM

I have good news and I have bad news.
I haven't been walking much b/c I didn't want to risk getting blisters this close to the race. Today I went out and bought a nice pair of running socks. I just went for a 4.57 mile walk and come home with 5, yes F I V E little blisters on my left foot. No more walking for me. I will not hit that goal but I've already exceeded my 50 mile goal for my 5 weeks.

My plan for the race is to try body glide on my feet and lace my shoes a little tighter. I don't want to get a monster blister like I did for the last 1/2 marathon. I think I posted that picture before, don't I won't post it again, it was pretty nasty!

01gt4.6 08-27-2011 03:09 PM

1) Eat clean 6 days (only 1 cheat day): no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
2) 3000 calories deficient in 6 days (log food for those 6 days):too many, -934, -612, -494, -515, -1493 (-4048 over the last 5 days)
3) Weigh in on Monday and post a picture of the scale & my weight goal chart: yes
4) Make my food log public: yes 01gt4.6 - free online diet and fitness journal
5) walk 10 miles: 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4.57 (7.57 total for the week) :(
6) gallon of water a day: no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
7) work out 3 times: no, yes, no, no, no, yes
9) daily:
fish oil yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no
vitamin yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no
floss yes, yes, yes, no, no, yes
10) no more than 2 servings of nuts per day (including peanut butter) yes (maybe 1), yes (2), yes (2), yes(1)
11) 4 servings of veggies a day (green veggies don't get logged) No (probably 0), yes (4), no (3), no (3), yes (5), no (2)
12) no bread (of any kind) for 2 days NO (waaaay too much rum cake), nope, no, no, no, no

cjohnson728 08-27-2011 03:09 PM

I think we can form our own mental picture of your blisters, Mike. I'm sorry about the ones you got tonight. I know this is a chick thing, but did you wash the socks before you wore them?

Sitting here kind of stressed tonight...I have many relatives and friends in MD, DC, and VA, including a college crowd on the eastern shore and an elderly uncle and cousin in Kill Devil Hills who did not choose to evacuate. No news is good news, I hope. I also have a sinking feeling that my beach will be gone by morning :(.

But I'm not eating my emotions, so yay for that.

01gt4.6 08-27-2011 03:16 PM

Cassie, no I didn't wash them. In fact I wore them out the store (I did pay for them BTW).

Yeah I read your other post about that. For a cat 1 it's a pretty nasty storm! Good job on not stress eating. :D

What beach? Va beach? I'll be there in a few days.

cjohnson728 08-27-2011 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 55126)
What beach? Va beach? I'll be there in a few days.

Ocean City MD is my beach. Or what's left of it after tonight. Funky, quirky, chaotic, cheesy, crowded...but I love it.

1. Stay below 1300 cals/day. 1244, 1305 (close enough), 1292, 1245, 1269, 1299 ha!
2. Eat clean. Yes, Yes, except for a frozen yogurt, Yes, except for froyo again--band night; had to support!, Mostly; two exceptions, Yes, Yes
3. Reasonably balance pie chart. It's perfect today!, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Eat 25 g fiber daily, at least. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Exercise 7 times. Weights & stationary bike, Cardio Tennis, Hiking & Cardio Tennis, 5 miles on trails today, Weights
6. Take vitamins. Yes, Yes, Yes but forgot calcium, Yes, Yes, Yes but forgot calcium
7. Journal before eating anything that's not a meal. Mostly, Journaled a good bit but not always right before eating, No-too crazy today, Completely forgot but didn't eat anything I didn't have planned, Ditto today, And today
8. Weigh in daily no matter how much it hurts. Yes :(:mad::eek:, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and it still hurts, Yes and a little better
9. 72 oz. water daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
10. Do shoulder & elbow PT exercises. No, Shoulder, yes; can't find the elbow instructions, No, No, No, No
11. Get in bed by midnight! No, Yes, No-kid up with stomachache, No, No

12. Call liability insurance re:canceling policy. Yes
13. Complete 4 additional location forms. 1.5; still working on this...need answers, so at a standstill.
14. Call to have computer fixed. Left message

Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend!

mtlgirl 08-27-2011 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 55103)
Rose, thanks a bunch. Congrats on having a successful day today. How's your progress coming? Monday is weigh in. :)

Mike, I have had a pretty good week, except Monday which was a total disaster and I didn't even log. I travelled back to Bristol from Scotland that day and was already so off the rails from my weekend that I didn't get my sh*t together until Tuesday. This is the first weekend that I have not travelled anywhere. I decided to stay here and explore Bristol. Good thing too, because I have a gym here and it's been a gorgeous weekend! I rode the double decker tour bus yesterday and got a really great overview of the whole city. It really is cool!

As for Monday, there is a national holiday here on Monday so hopefully the gym will stay open so that I can weigh myself and photograph the results. I doubt that I lost 2 whole pounds though because it is really hard for me to lose that much in a week.

Am I a complete glutton for punishment? I am up early on a Sunday morning to get to the gym for 9:30am because I have an appointment with a trainer who's going to design me a program and then I have a spin class at 11 so I am hoping to have another massive calorie deficit today! :p

mtlgirl 08-27-2011 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 55101)
Yo, Rose! Congrats on your successful Saturday! So cool about the boots. Don't have any myself but I love a pretty fall fashion boot--that's great that you treated yourself to a pair you wanted--because you earned that treat. :) OMG, I need to earn an all green check-in like you did. I have to APPLY myself. Hey, you know what? I could FEEL your genuine cyberhug and it felt wonderful. Thanks so much!

Cassie, I think I had that perfect pie chart just a few times but it was planned out when I had good willpower and I got in every morsel of food that I could program into it. I wanna be like YOU and ROSE when I "grow up." LOL

You know, after today's motivating thread, I think I'm going to have an even better week next week, getting closer to an all green report than ever before.

Mern, I am so touched that you felt the cyber hug all the way across the Atlantic. You have accomplished so much already, an all green report is absolutely within your reach. But don't be too fooled by mine, because I only jumped in on Tuesday and my Monday was such a disaster that I didn't even log it... had I logged it, it would have been red in every category!

I agree with you that after today's motivating thread, I think I'm going to have an even better week next week too! I have finally found my groove here in England and figured out where to shop, what to buy and joined a gym. I'm feeling very optimistic! Have a wonderful Sunday, Mern!!!

cjohnson728 08-28-2011 12:47 AM

Mern, you are so sweet. I appreciate you being here more than you know ;). Your kids and grandkids are lucky to have you.

Rose, I'm going to try to channel your motivation and get back into running. I've talked my hubby into starting C25K; it's been about three weeks since I've run so I guess I'll start over with him.

Good news this morning; I jumped down a pound. Another pound and a half till I hit the top end of my comfort range, 3.5 till I'm where I want to be. Bit by bit, I'll chip away at it.

Have a great day, folks. I wish I knew you all in "real life;" you'd be a hoot to hang out with and a pick-me-up when that's what's needed :). What an invaluable experience knowing you all has been.

01gt4.6 08-28-2011 02:00 AM

Late night eating.
I need to correct my #'s for yesterday. I ended on getting back up and eating. :( I should have known it was coming b/c I was too deficient.

cjohnson728 08-28-2011 02:10 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 55145)
I should have known it was coming b/c I was too deficient.

Bites. Me. Every. Time.

Take a few minutes and think about a good target to hit today without being deficient but without going over. Planning really does help immensely, as you know. You can do it; finish strong!!

Lizards13 08-28-2011 04:08 AM

Cassie. Another loss, excellent, it must be satisfying to see that you're not going to let a dip get the better of you.

Quinn. I cannot imagine taking all my fat clothes and giving them away, ( when the time comes that is), I would be so - but what if...... Now I think you have done the right thing, we should be optimistic and we shouldn't keep "comfortable" clothes, way too easy to slip them back on. No if we realise that we have to go out shopping again for a bigger size that will be our wake up call

Mike. No matter what the scale settles at on Monday, you will still have done a great job this month.

Mern and others, I ran a cardiac rehab class for some time and some of the patients would ask me why they had suffered a coronary as they had ate healthy, and exercised.
Mostly these patients had chosen a healthier lifestyle because they had parents who had heart conditions. I used the accounting analogy, you have credits and debits and if on the hereditary side there is a debit you can cancel this out with healthy diet and exercise as your credits. I also pointed out that in most of their cases the parents had either died at a young age or were incapacitated and that they were still alive and able to get back to pretty much normal and most of them were way past the age when it had affected their relative, so they certainly had been doing the right things.

Rose. Glad to hear you've found your groove thing, hope you had a great weekend.

01gt4.6 08-28-2011 04:18 AM

Rose, you and I both had a bad Monday! Tomorrow will be my next cheat but I'll try to keep it under control.

Cassie, you're right. I need to plan ahead. I may just end up logging my late night stuff under today when I get on my computer. I have one thing going against me, I was asked to make my lasagna that would make anyone want to slap their mama. It'll have enough cheese to clog anyones pipes and enough ground meat and Italian sausage to clog arteries. :D

Lizzie, thanks for the vote of confidence! I hope you have a great week. :)

cjohnson728 08-28-2011 04:33 AM

Lasagna tonight? Be right down ;).

01gt4.6 08-28-2011 04:39 AM

It may be for a late lunch or early dinner b/c the sauce has already been cooking for almost 2 hours, you better hurry up.

mtlgirl 08-28-2011 07:52 AM

Sunday check-in
This morning I got up bright and early and went to a 9:30 AM appointment with a trainer at the gym. She gave me a routine that is pretty killer! I don't know how I am going to get through the whole thing several times a week and I am already a little sore but I know that I can build up to it. After a 1-hour &15-min training session I went to another spin class! I certainly burned my fair share of calories today! I had to nap in the afternoon though. Two big workouts in one day winded me or as they say here in the UK, I was knackered. But the important thing is that I made it through a whole weekend staying perfectly clean and on track. My week started off dismally but I finished strong. Yes.


1. Eat between 1100-1400 calories per day. YES 1322/ YES 1370/YES 1397/YES 1378/YES 1107/YES 1143
2. Exercise 6 times. 3 spin classes + 2 runs + 1 workout with trainer = 6X
3. Take my vitamins. YES/YES/YES/YES/YES/YES
4. Drink 1.5-2 litres of water per day. YES/YES/YES/YES/YES/YES
5. Journal before I eat anything not on my plan. (Thanks Cassie I stole this from you.) Haven't had to yet!
6. Achieve a 7000 calorie deficit for the week! :eek: T-1244/W-827/TH-1266/F 836/S 1688/S 1664 total:7525!

Cassie, you dropped a pound! Awesome job! You are going to lick those next 3.5 pounds before you know it. I love the C25K program as you know so I highly encourage you to get back into it! It's such an amazing feeling. I love running and now I love spin class. They really are my two favourite fitness activities because I feel so powerful when I do them. I really feel like I could do anything! I wish the feeling would last all day but then I'd probably be completely intolerable like Donald Trump or something.

Like you Cassie, I too wish that we all knew each other in person. I can only imagine how much we would laugh together. I picture us all on our cheat day, at a long table in a Mexican restaurant toasting our giant fruity margaritas and causing a major ruckus. At the end of the meal Mike would whip out his rum cake and we'd all scream!

Mike, your lasagna "makes anyone want to slap there mama?" AND you put sausage in your lasagna? Whoa. I'm Italian and that just freaks me out. But no matter where the scale ends up tomorrow, I still think you did an amazing job this month and you will have blasted away a great number of pounds. WTG! So my gym is open tomorrow despite the holiday, therefore I will be going after work to weigh in. No matter what that damn scale says, I feel so much better this weekend than I did last weekend. My clothes are a little looser and my mental state is much improved.

Lizzie, thanks! I hope you are having a good weekend in pretty Ireland.

01gt4.6 08-28-2011 08:06 AM

Cassie, good job on the scale going south!

Rose, congrats to you too on the looser clothes.

01gt4.6 08-28-2011 10:18 AM

I have a pain in the ass again today. Yesterday I did deadlifts and I think that's the reason. I only did 55#'s and I made sure to bend at the knees. I thought for sure that was light enough b/c before the injury I was doing 295# stiff leg deadlifts. I'm thinking that I won't be able to do these at all now. I know someone that had the same back issue and had surgery last week. It was a 7 hr surgery but he said if he knew then what he knows know, he would have skipped the epidurals and went straight to surgery. I'm sure it's still too early to see if he's better off now but if he can go back to a normal life, I think I may actually consider it. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life having to worry about my back. I miss being able to lift like I use to.

cjohnson728 08-28-2011 04:17 PM

Rose, your goals for the week look AMAZING. My hat is off to you, seriously! Nice job on that workout...sounds like a real punisher. I know you will smash your goals one day soon and I'm so glad to hear you hardly even broke stride changing countries. Here's to another successful week for you!

Mike, sorry 'bout the PITA. I know you must be frustrated. Hang in there. It's nice to have someone who's been in that position before; glad you have a "guinea pig" to watch who's a few steps ahead so you have as much info as you can get when you have to make decisions and get advice. Rest up and take care of yourself.

Check in:

1. Stay below 1300 cals/day. 1244, 1305 (close enough), 1292, 1245, 1269, 1299 ha!, 1301 seriously??
2. Eat clean. Yes, Yes, except for a frozen yogurt, Yes, except for froyo again--band night; had to support!, Mostly; two exceptions, Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Reasonably balance pie chart. It's perfect today!, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Eat 25 g fiber daily, at least. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Exercise 7 times. Weights & stationary bike, Cardio Tennis, Hiking & Cardio Tennis, 5 miles on trails today, Weights, Jogged the 'hood with the hubs
6. Take vitamins. Yes, Yes, Yes but forgot calcium, Yes, Yes, Yes but forgot calcium, Yes
7. Journal before eating anything that's not a meal. Mostly, Journaled a good bit but not always right before eating, No-too crazy today, Completely forgot but didn't eat anything I didn't have planned, Ditto today, And today, And today
8. Weigh in daily no matter how much it hurts. Yes :(:mad::eek:, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and it still hurts, Yes and a little better, Yes
9. 72 oz. water daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
10. Do shoulder & elbow PT exercises. No, Shoulder, yes; can't find the elbow instructions, No, No, No, No, NO
11. Get in bed by midnight! No, Yes, No-kid up with stomachache, No, No, NO

12. Call liability insurance re:canceling policy. Yes
13. Complete 4 additional location forms. 1.5; still working on this...need answers, so at a standstill.
14. Call to have computer fixed. Left message

Well, I've officially made it through a full week without running off the rails and sabotaging myself. I hope to continue the trend and thank all of you who shook my head out of my butt earlier this week!

mtlgirl 08-28-2011 05:55 PM

Oh Mike, I'm definitely not happy to hear about your back hurting you again. I really really hope that you get this problem solved permanently. Every case is different though, so maybe yours will be solved through epidurals and PT alone? I don't know enough about it but like Cassie said, at least you have a guinea pig before you who can report back. Get well soon, Buddy!

mtlgirl 08-28-2011 05:58 PM

Cassie, you did amazing this week! WTG! I hope you feel proud of yourself. You deserve it! And thanks for the support. It means so much to me. I hope I smash my goals too! I need to get out of this perpetual yo-you phase I have been in for a whole year! So frustrating.... :mad: Anyway, I do feel like I am back on track, focused, and ready to move forward.

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