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blackrhino2 04-06-2011 12:56 AM

Mern, I forgot to answer your question about what I ate in Hawaii. I sadly never tried poi, although I remember seeing it on menus, what is it? One of Hawaii's local dishes is loco-moco which is a hamburger with rice on top of it, then chili on top of that, and then an over-easy fried egg on top of that. very delicious even though it seems like a bad combo, and of course it's a far cry from clean eating!

I ate very well for the first 6 days. I'd eat fruit, veggies, and almonds for lunch and have a big breakfast (since we stayed at a B&B) and a medium sized dinner. This also was a money saver as we never needed to buy lunch at a sit-down restaurant.

Once we got to Honolulu, where Lou's gparents live, we ate more and more! They are big eaters. We ate breakfast every morning at their apartment and she had asked what I eat at home and I told her oatmeal. So she bought me honey bunches of oats w/dried peaches?! I of course was very grateful and ate it every morning but I was taken aback that people think that cereal is like oatmeal. It still tasted great! I guess because it has the word "oats" in the title it can be confusing. Lou's grandparents eat nothing healthy and seem to have a rule to not let anything green pass their lips.

They were so much fun to hang out with and were very generous to treat us to lots of meals, etc. It's funny bc they seem to have a jam packed social life in Honolulu and just love living there, and I can see why! At first I was like "why would anyone move so far from family/friends" but they seem to have met a lot of wonderful people there.

almeeker 04-06-2011 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by taubele (Post 42620)
almeeker: Buffets are so hard! I think you did pretty well, all considering. And holy crap, 50 pushups?! I can't even do like...10 modified ones yet. My arms are so weak. I hope to be able to do 50 one day!

You want to know the funniest thing about push-ups? They get easier with every pound you lose. At 244.6 lbs. I could do maybe 20-30 from knees, but at 147 it's a whole different ball game. I've suffered through a shoulder injury since I started this journey, so I actually bench press a bit less now than I did at my heaviest, so it's not arm strength that has made the difference.

Awesome job on the measurements!!! There is nothing quite like vanishing inches for motivation. I find that almost better than the scale, cause in the end that's what you have to live with and what everybody can see right?

almeeker 04-06-2011 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 42621)
Thanks, everyone, for the sinus suggestions. I think I feel well enough to go out today and look for some of the herbs, oils, etc. that were suggested. But I think "we need to install a hot tub on the deck" is going to be a hard sell :(.

Well, if you do sell the "hot tub on the deck" idea, I'd be happy to get some pointers for how to broach that subject LOL.

almeeker 04-06-2011 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by staceyalberta (Post 42637)
almeeker ~ i love asian food too. when i worked in richmond (city near vancouver) my co-worker would go to restaurants where we would be the only non-chinese people in the place & on top of that they maybe had one waitress that would speak english, but wow the food was good. like you said you can still make goal just start over. sorry your shoulders are sore i hate that. you could always try & work up to 50 i've never heard of gargling with Alcolol. i've gargled with salt water for sore throats, but never alcolol interesting. pull out your harry b & shimmy away or the gypsy kings both are fun to shimmy too.

When I was in college I learned how to use chop sticks from a Chinese toddler, he was hilarious trying to get me to do it right. We sort of had a language barrier, but at the same time we didn't, if you know what I mean. Anyway to make a long story short, I'm left handed and the little guy is right handed and we were facing each other through our silly game, so I use the chop sticks in my left hand. Only that's considered taboo in China, really taboo. So I can eat with chop sticks almost as well as any Chinese woman, only in a seriously offensive manner - typical.

Alcolol works really well, a good friend of mine is super homeopathic, I'm a little more skeptical (my mom's a nurse) but willing to give some of those remedies a try. But she's totally on target with the alcolol, it always works well for me and I have some nasty seasonal allergies.

canary52 04-06-2011 01:20 AM

Fibro diet:
1) sugar: Y, Y
2) gluten and yeast: Y, Y
3) nightshades: Y,Y
4) additives:Y, Y
5) aspartame:Y, Y
6) dairy:Y, Y
7) caffeine including chocolate:Y, Y

8) stretch at least 3x this week: stretched and did floor exercise 2x (abs hurt from situps), N
9) more H2O: 128 (how's that?!?), 48
10) take magnesium supplements: yup and already they helped, Y
11) smile more/bitch less, starting W:

Almeeker I never even heard of alcolol, sounds interesting. You have mentioned your Mom has fibro; my heart goes out to her. I worry my daughter has it. That is also why I am so determined to find a way to cope with this.

Diet and magnesium seem to be helping. And the other benefit is I lost at least 2 of those stubborn pounds.

I also want to say I admire the fact that many of you personally address others and give encouragement. This is a big thread to keep up with; many times I can't even read all the posts. But I so appreciate the words of kindness. You do not even know what it means to have, especially in tough times. Thank you, guys! :) see? Smiling more already.

acameron34 04-06-2011 01:21 AM

almeeker- 50 push-ups is awesome, weight difference or not I think its something to be very proud of!

Quinn- So sorry to hear about the car, did they at least stick around to do something about it? And since I'm so behind on posts... Good luck with the phobia, at least you are conscious of it and doing something productive to over come it.

Cassie- Good luck with the remedies, hope you're back to 100% soon.

Taubele- I find I do the same as you if I eat the same balance every day it will be a 1 lb loss that week. If i still keep it clean but give myself a few extra calories one day its a 2 lb week. I wonder if it is our bodies way of stopping the plateau?

Sorry to anyone I missed!

1) Get the balance back carbs/protein/fat: M-starting to T: Yes W: so far
2) Get some new shake recipes: M-N T-N W-probably wont have time
3) Get in at least 4 days of exercise: M-N T: Y (run, weights and house cleaning I was on a role!)

1) Do something just for me- spa day? Booked for next Tues
2) Get back to a normal schedule at work: Looks like it will stick to 6 days a week but down to 8 hours instead of 10
3) Get in a little quality time with my guy M- Yes! :D

almeeker 04-06-2011 01:33 AM

Tuesday Report Card

Health & Fitness Goals:

1. Eat clean and kept calories 1,350-1,850 all week. 2,326, 1,499
2. Drink 96 oz of water. YES, YES
3. Exercise 6 hours. 42 min, 0 min (total :42
4. Calorie deficit of 3,500 for the week. +116, -603
5. Carbs 45% or lower, Protein 40% or higher. 58% c / 13% p, 28% c / 36% p
6. Log food and report every day even weekends. YES, YES

Non-Fitness Goals:

7. Get DD practicing for State finals (without too much nagging). A little, NO
8. Sign up for Summerfest Race. NO, NO
9. Call my grandmother and aunt. NO, NO
10. Call the eye doctor and read her the riot act. NO, NO
11. Be a fun and entertaining mom, (kiddos are on Spring Break). YES, took the kids to see the butterflies exhibit and out to lunch. YES, took the kids shopping for shoes and out to eat.

Yesterday was awesome!!! I have a new favorite restaurant, IHOP!!! The middle DD really wanted to go there for lunch. I haven't been in one for years, but I vaguely remember mountains of flapjacks smothered in sticky stuff served with butter and big piles of fatty breakfast meat and fried potatoes (all of which I love). So in we went, me with a heavy feeling of "going to blow it". But I have to say IHOP has done a really nice job of putting the calories on the menu and they also have dishes that are "Simple & Fit", so I was able to take the kids out and stick to my calorie budget for the day. How cool is that? Not only did we eat lunch there, we went back for the "Kids Eat Free" dinner.

quinnesec 04-06-2011 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by acameron34 (Post 42783)
almeeker- 50 push-ups is awesome, weight difference or not I think its something to be very proud of!

Quinn- So sorry to hear about the car, did they at least stick around to do something about it?

Nope. Hit and run. :mad:

taubele 04-06-2011 03:16 AM

Thanks to everyone for the congrats on the inches :) It was really nice to see the numbers add up - about 9 inches in a month felt pretty good! As for chicken -- I like thighs for stews and breasts for just plain eating and sandwiches and things

Rhoda: Looks like you have your body figured out! Full steam ahead!

Jenny: I hadn't heard of that, but I went to the website. Sounds very much like me -- my up-and-down weeks by far are better than my "eat on average" weeks. I actually added it up and looked; on the weeks I fluctuate (or even have 1-2 days somewhat over-budget) I lose an average of 2.1 lbs. On the weeks I do not, I lose an average of 1.3 lbs. Quite a little difference there. I guess I just have a metabolism that needs to be surprised! Great job on your food/water goals!

quinn: OH NOOO!! I'm so sorry about your car! Hit-and-run is the absolute worst. What a jerk! I hope that the headache that comes with the aftermath is short and that things can get resolved.

almeeker: I'll try to remember that about pushups ;) I tend to avoid them since I know I stink at them, but I need to get into the mindset of doing them BECAUSE I stink and trying to get better! I can't even do 20-30 modified ones yet, maybe that's a good first goal for myself. And I love the inches too - they're very informative! And you're right. That's what everyone notices at the end of the day. Also, great job on your goals!

Hope: You are kicking butt on your goals! Way to go!

acameron: I think you're probably right. I think the fluctuating makes sure my body doesn't get "comfortable" with a certain intake and keeps my metabolism up.

Tuesday Report Card

Food, Exercise and Lifestyle Goals:
1) Achieve a 7,000 calorie deficit by the end of the week (through a combination of eating and exercising) M: -771 T: - 647 (week total = -1418)
2) Do not take off two days in a row from exercising. M: Day off T: Unfortunately, I did not exercise :(
3) Achieve a 35% protein average for the week M: 21% T: 20% (weekly average 20.5%)
4) Carbs at or below 50% average for the week M: 50% T: 46% (weekly average 48%)
5) Protein powder after every workout - in a smoothie! M: N/A T: N/A
6) At least 96 oz. water daily M: yes T: yes

Other Life Stuff:
1) Laundry, laundry, laundry -- put away, ironed, spring cleaning and donation of clothes I simply no longer want to wear! M: Put away two whole baskets! T: Nada
2) Buy new makeup and a flatiron for the disaster of hair on my head M-F: No, weekend
3) Buy small Easter presents to send to family M: No T: No
4) Balance savings/expenditures (this is a weekend goal, won't be updating until then!) M-F: N/A
5) Work on my embroidery for at least five hours this week M: No T: No
6) Don't worry, be happy! M: Was in a great mood yesterday! T: Utter failure

I had a pretty miserable day yesterday, though nothing life-threatening or monetary -- just stressful. Thunderstorms kept me up all night so I was running on about 4 hours of sleep, if that. I choked badly on my fiber pills in the morning (and had a sore throat for the rest of the day), tweaked my bad ankle (rolled it on a curb from a misstep), had a 13-hour workday with one thing going wrong after another, and had a stress/emotional meltdown when I got home -- though luckily BF was very understanding and helped me to get back on an even keel before sleep. I'm trying to focus on the good things I got done, like a few book chapter edits, but I simply had one of those days where I felt like I should have stayed in bed and hid under the covers. I didn't get to the gym, as I got home at about 10:00 last night and just had time to eat and go to bed.

I did manage, however, to eat cleanly. At least that's something. And I did call a professional about the root of my problem and she told me how I was likely to fix it. I had to stay at work late to get it done, since I had equipment failure, but this morning the problem DOES seem to be reversing itself, or at least looking better. So today is a "deep breath" kind of a day, I think. If I have a good day at work, the rest will resolve itself (I love being passionate about my job, but there is a down side ;) )

I hope that "Hump Day" lives up to its name! I need to be over the hump!!


Mern 04-06-2011 06:57 AM

Julia, poi is a Hawaiian dish made of the root of the taro baked, pounded, moistened, and fermented. It's traditionally eaten using one's index and middle fingers as a scoop. I've never been there--just saw people eating poi on TV many times. I was surprised about the loco-moco--wouldn't have suspected it to be Hawaiian--maybe it came from Mainland influence. "Lou's grandparents eat nothing healthy and seem to have a rule to not let anything green pass their lips." Well, I hope they have long, healthy lives in their paradise. I'm so glad you had such a great time.

Quinn, so sorry 'bout your car!

Terri, you certainly had one of the "suckiest" days yesterday! I hope you're over the hump now!

Almeeker, congrats on the IHop meal. Nice that they have the calories on the menu now.

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