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kajajo 02-21-2011 01:45 AM

Keeping me accountable
I was looking for a way to make public my daily journal rants in order to keep my self accountable but as that isn't possible(not that I have found) I am going to post my writings here on a daily basis. I will not bore you by backtracking and posting all of my journal writings from the past week but will start new today. Please feel free to comment or not as you prefer, I just know that for me if I know someone else has read this it is going to keep me on my toes

Week one has come to an end and I am down 6.3 lbs and have lost .5" off my chest, 1.5" off my hips and .......Drum Roll please.......3 inches off my waist. I am more excited about the inches off my waist than the weight lost. Maybe this is a new revelation for me, I have always obsessed with the weight and never in the past did I do my measurements. Thank you Fit Day for starting me on the right path. My eating all week has been great but then I have mostly been home. With my job and having to travel a great deal and a lot of staying in hotels it will be much harder to behave on those weeks than this past week. I will take my laptop with me and keep track of my foods as much as possible. Now I am worrying about travelling and I don't know my work schedule beyond this week. I really do need to stop obsessing over things I have no control over and start concentrating more on things that I can control like all the thing I stuff in my face.

Snowing outside and has been all night think maybe I will walk to the grocery store later on instead of cleaning the snow off my car. That will be my excercise for the day.

Oh and just a small note, I didn't keep to my mini challenge yesterday of drinking two bottles of water, it was a coffee day as I was freezing all day. I will try again today.

cjohnson728 02-21-2011 06:50 AM

Hi, kajajo, sounds like your first week brought you some successes, which is always good. Congrats on those inches! It sounds like you have a crazy schedule coming up, but knowing your enemies and having a plan ahead of time to deal with things that might trip you up will go a long way.

If you are interested, we have a great accountability thread posted under the & Day Motivational Thread. Our new goals for the week started today; you make your own, as many or few as you want, and check back in througout the week. If you think that sounds good, I'm looking forward to seeing you over there!

kajajo 02-21-2011 10:36 PM

Well I am still alive, I actually drank water yesterday and lived to tell about it. Only 2 bottles but its a start, going to pick up some crystal light today, its gotta be better than plain water.

Started out on a walk to the store yesterday but by the time I was half a block away I turned around and came home, it was snowing, the temperature was -12 C and the wind was wipping in my face, just not worth frost bite to get in a little excercise.

In the afternoon I spent about 4 hours scrapping peeling paint from concrete block walls, I am trying to revamp the old shower in the basement so the boys will have thier own shower and stay out of my bathroom. My husband can go down their too. I should be able to finish scraping this morning then a trip to Home Depot for paint, going to have to do major research on this one, a paint that will stick to old paint, concrete block and will withstand 2 teenage boys taking hour long showers every day, and being the good mom that I am, I do NOT want to know why they need to take an hour in the shower. Scraping paint has to be considered excercise because I have muscles aching that I didn't even know I had.

Mini goal for today continue drinking water, at least 2 bottles or if I am really feeling like a rebel I could drink 3.


kajajo 02-23-2011 11:54 AM

Worked all day today, and did enough physical work to constitute excercise for the day. I was working close to home this week so was able to come home for lunch which means my eating for the day was great. I am still having a problem getting enough water in each day, forgot to pick up the crystal light yesterday. I can't even explain what it is I don't like about water, maybe its the fact that it is boring and tasteless and I would rather drink things that are sweet, even if they are sugar free.......Apartane is my best friend.....please no lectures on the harm it will do my body, I have heard it all before, I have sweeteners in my tea and coffee and I drink diet coke, I am not going to stop just because the artificial sweetener is bad for me, I have managed to cut about 90% of all sugar out of my diet, I read labels very carefully and have found that most products can be found without sugar if you look hard enough.

Finished painting and caulking the downstairs shower so hopefully by the weekend I can banish the boys from my bathroom. Going to buy a new showerhead, curtain and shower caddy tomorrow after work. I can't wait for the weekend so I can relax and kick back a little.


crblack1218 02-24-2011 04:35 AM

I just love that you are exercising and doing home improvement at the same time! Doule duty! I hope to be doing the same thing once school is out, b/c I have a lot of indoor painting to do.

sirion 02-24-2011 05:41 AM

Did you take your own measurements? I would like to do it, but do I need help?

Good job on the weight loss and inches lost last week! This is my first week so I'd like to add my measurements.

kajajo 02-24-2011 07:34 AM

Yes I did do my own measurements, a seamstresses tape measure and a stand up mirror are all that is necessary.

As for the home improvements, there are enough projects to do in this old house to keep me out of a gym for years.

OK todays accountability:

Another day of work over and found out that I am expected to work tomorrow, 1.5 hour drive and a major snow storm on the way tonight. Oh well I will make the call in the morning, I am not risking my life to drive that distance in bad weather, no job is worth taking that risk. Todays food choices have been great and I can already feel a difference with how tight my jeans are, or maybe I should say how loose they are becoming. Still a long way to go but for now my mini goal is to get into some of the size 10 jeans that have been hanging in my closet so long they are no longer in fashion, or maybe bellbottoms are coming back into fashion again, everything seems to come back into fashion at some point in time.

I am going to stop worrying about my lack of water intake, things are going in the right direction without drinking water so that is one less thing for me to obsess over. I will keep a few bottles of water in the trunk of my car for when I am working and if I drink it then I do, if I don't I don't.

sirion 02-24-2011 08:02 AM

Congrats on your jeans feeling looser. It can be tough on your kidneys if you don't drink enough. I actually like water so I can't completely relate, but do try to get a bit in today. Your body will be happier!:)

kajajo 02-25-2011 12:54 PM

Thanks for the pep talk, and I will try with the water, but I never drink water even when in the past I dieted and lost lots of weight. 11 years ago when my youngest son was 3, I decided it was time to get rid of my baby fat (2 babies in 15 months) I was 208 lbs and in 6 months I dropped to 135 using weight watchers and working out daily at the gym, and even then no water. Of course I didn't keep it off but that was due to lack of willpower rather than lack of water.

Todays accountability:

What a day, the storm hit just as I was leaving for work, what should have been an hour drive took me 2 hours, the boss must have felt sorry for me, he let me leave early to avoid rush hour traffic and the horrible weather at the same time. Because I spent so much time on the road today I never did get around to eating lunch, so my calories are pretty low for the day. I am not going to eat more to try and make it up at this time of the night, so I will just have to deal with the consequences, hopefully an extra pound off on the scale on Monday when I do my official weekly weigh in.

So my thought for the day is about the scale, how often do you weigh in? are you a slave to the scale like I am and jump on every morning just to see if anything has happened, or are you good at only weighing in once a week? The disadvantage to weighing every day is that some days I actually eat great but still put on a few ounces (yes my scale is that precice)and then I have in the past gotten discouraged and sabotaged my eating. This actually happened 2 days this week, the few ounces gained not the sabotage, but thank goodness things were going back in the right direction today, and I stuck to my good eating plan even with the slight gains.

kajajo 02-25-2011 10:39 PM

Some foods are so hard to calculate, the grocery store has a number of premade salads so I find myself having to guess the amount for each ingredient, last night I had a premade garden salad with cheese, it was mostly lettuce with only a small amount of tomato, cucumber, peppers and onions. This morning I am planning to eat a small premaid fresh fruit salad with melon, pineapple, grapes and blueberries, the only way I will be able to figure out the calories is to count each individual peice of fruit and guess the weight of the melon. This seems like a lot of work, why can't the store figure out this information and add it to the labels. One of the grocery stores makes an amazing broccoli and cheese salad, but I have no idea what is in the dressing so I won't buy it because I can't count the calories. Any suggestions??

Its Saturday and we have no hockey to go to so the day is all mine, one son plays the other is a referee. I will finish the basement shower and get all the laundry done, I am on nights next week so will be sleeping during the day, this will be a good test of how well I eat. Going to buy a mini cooler today so I can pack healthy foods to take to work with me. My night shift runs Monday to Thursday from 8 pm til 6 am and I am generally starving when I get home so planning foods for the night will be the key.

kajajo 02-27-2011 09:59 PM

Week 2 has come to an end, I am now down 9.3 lbs, was hoping for 10 but am happy with what I got. My measurements went down another 2 inches, nothing off my waist this week but an inch and a half off my chest and another half inch off my hips. Yesterday someone even comented about how good I looked, I don't know if they were noticing the weight loss or just the fact that I was feeling better about myself shone through, but hey a compliment is a compliment and I will take it.

The boys are finally getting out of my bathroom, their shower is all done and ready to use before school this morning. There has never been a ring around my bath, as I clean it every time I use it, having the guys using it for one week and I almost have to replace the tub. How do they get so grubby?

My work schedule has changed yet again, no idea where or what times I am working beyond today, and today I get to do computer work from home.....can we say laptop in bed work day. If it wasn't for 3 dentist appointments today, me and both boys, I wouldn't have to leave my bed all day. Hubby is at work, boys will be at school, Yeah working at home. Gonna be a good eating day.

Lizards13 02-28-2011 08:04 AM

Hi there, like you I am trying to post daily ( or at least often) and I have found that it DOES help me to know that someone might be reading my ramblings. I also have become discouraged by seeing the scales rise when I thought that I'd been pretty good, but at the moment I am getting better at ignoring this horrible phenomenon and concentrating on the fact that my clothes are more comfortable. It's infuriating not knowing what is in some of the pre made salads, I try to work it out and then add a few calories on just in case, or I try to find something similar that has the calorie content on it and again add a few on. Anyway keep chatting, it really helps.

kajajo 03-01-2011 03:41 AM

Hey Lizzie, I have been following your journey and that is what made me decide to post all of my journal ramblings here.

So for today:

Another day of working from home, I spent an hour on the phone for a conference call this morning and I have some web based training to do this afternoon, I love getting paid to stay home and catch up on all the shows I have taped on the PVR.

So as usual I got on the scale this morning and I am .1 lbs away from losing the first 10 lbs.....yeah I know I should only weigh in once a week but I knew I was close and couldn't resist checking again today, so I only have 38 lbs to go, and I know that this is where I always start to struggle and get defeated, so I am going to have to stay here and keep myself honest. Time to go and make myself some lunch....Hummus has become my best friend, I even picked up all the stuff to make it myself, and some fresh veggies and hummus have become my go to snack. Won't have time for dinner tonight have to run kids all over and hubby is working, not sure how I am going to deal with that, unless I pack a salad or something simple, I definatly don't want to resort to Arena fries, one of my main weeknesses, even the smell of them causes me to drool and gain 5 lbs.


crblack1218 03-01-2011 04:23 AM

Hi Dee,

I understand how tough it is to eat healthy when you are on the run for the kids. Last night I had about 15 min to prepare and eat something before heading out the door for band. What I did last night was open a can of tuna and make a quick tuna salad. Using light dressing and relish, I gobbled it down and ate some cantalope and fat free cottage cheese after that. The protein helped me feel satisfied so I could resist the fast food temptation.

I enjoy reading your posts! Keep it up!!

kajajo 03-01-2011 12:35 PM

Thanks for reading and not laughing at my sometimes incoherent rambling. I decided to wait until I got home at 8 pm to make myself dinner, I picked up Pizza for the kids and wasn't even tempted, threw a fillet of fish in the no stick frying pan, boiled up some spinach and cut up a bunch of fresh veggies with Humus on the side to dip the veggies in. I was ravenous by 8 pm, but feel full and happy with my choices now.


kajajo 03-02-2011 01:33 AM

Another day begins

Woke up way too early this morning, but got all of my computer work done for my job before 5 am, I also ate breakfast during this time. Come 7 am I was dropping and went back to bed for a couple of hours, I would probably still be there if I hadn't been rudely awoken by pounding on the front door. Damn Gas man, forgot something here yesterday when he came to look at the water heater. So what do I do with the rest of my day, I cleaned the house yesterday, laundry was all done on the weekend, guess I will have to go shopping, running low on fresh veggies. Does no one else have heart failure at the prices of veggies at the moment? My goodness over $2 for a tiny head of lettuce, and $2.49 for a scrawny cucumber. I did get a great price on blueberries the other day though so I guess its not all bad. We have a wonderful fruit and veg market here that is open year round, so that is where I will head this morning, just have to wait til hubby gets out of the shower and see if they left me any hot water for a bath? Both teen boys were in the shower not long before him. Maybe fixing the downstairs shower wasn't such a great idea, now they all take hour long showers(and I am still not asking why on earth they need to be in the shower for an hour.....teenagers have to have some privacy)and I never have any hot water.

Lizards13 03-02-2011 06:47 AM

Good to hear all your news, I have opposite problem to you, having cooked for three for many years, my boys have left home and so I grab all sorts of convenience food and ready meals. They may be easier to count calorie wise but I'm convinced that they are full of hidden fat attractors. Also I am free to socialise with friends who are on their own but that brings more dangers. Oh life can be good but diet life can be hard lol

kajajo 03-02-2011 10:02 PM

Lizzie try living in a house with 3 extremely skinny men/boys, all three can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce, so my husband loves to indulge them in ice cream, donuts, cakes etc (great bakery 2 minutes walk from my house) He is trying to put some weight on the boys but having this stuff in the house is deadly for me, but I can't deny them of the things they want. They are lucky they all take after my husbands side of the family and don't have my sides chubby genes. I am making two separate meals every day, one for them full of protien and carbs and the other for me.

Todays accountability

I am not a happy camper this morning. First of all let me explain that I always keep my cell phone turned on, and the ringer is quite loud, this is because I have 3 children(one is all grown up and lives on her own) and as I am usually working nights they need to be able to get a hold of me in the event of an emergency. Today I actually have to go in to work for 8:30 am, no more lounging at home working on the computer. My co-worker thought it would be a good idea to call me at 5:30 am to tell me he is going to be late. So now he has not only woken me up but everyone in the house is awake. With luck they will all get back to sleep but not me, I am up now and because of the rude awakening I can feel a headache coming on. Someone is definatly going to pay when he arrives late this morning.

Anyway enough about that, I will have to try extra hard today not to overeat out of frustration or anger, I have finally shaken off the first 10 lbs and don't want to sabotage it. I will make my plan now for lunch, as I am working fairly close by I should be able to run home for lunch. Breakfast is already taken care of, just have to figure out what I feel like for dinner. The men are having meatball subs, nothing there I care to indulge in, maybe I will stop at the grocery store after work and see if there is anything that catches my fancy. The grocery store has a new sushi bar, I have never tried sushi, but its got to be good for you, I mean how many overweight oriental people do you see.

kajajo 03-03-2011 09:30 PM

The scale is being a pain again, why is it each week there are at least 2 days in the week that I gain, I am not eating anything I shouldn't, I am staying in my calorie range, and I mean I could understand if it went up .1 or .2 lbs, but it goes up a half a pound, tomorrow it will probably be back down to yesterdays weight where it belongs, but those days it goes up get me really defeated. I even worked yesterday, and not from my bed on my laptop. I actually went into work and my job is very physical, a lot of walking, climbing running and generally swinging like a monkey. I am working again today already have lots of fruit and veggies packed for those times when I feel like grazing, and as I am working local again I will come home for lunch. Next week will be the first work challenge, night shift starts, and at some point in the next few weeks the real challange, night shift and living in a hotel for a week. I think I am going to invest in a small microwave and keep it in the trunk of my car, most hotels will provide a fridge, but not all can provide a microwave. The only good thing about staying in hotels is that most have a gym and a pool that I can take advantage of.

Didn't sleep well again last night, and I am sure that is half my battle, I need more than 5 hours a night, mind you I did have a nap yesterday afternoon for an hour when I got home from work, because I could feel a headache coming on. So I guess it probably all evens out.

I was hoping to start running again as soon as the weather improves, but I just got word my foot surgery is going to happen May 4th, so another year with no running, and by next year I just might be too out of shape and too old to even bother trying, guess we will have to wait and see. Of course if spring comes early I might get a few weeks in before my surgery.

Later in the day:

I ended up working 12 hours today without a break, didn't get lunch, grabbed an apple but that was it until I got home at which point I was too tired to make something special for myself so I ended up eating the same as the guys ate, pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce, I kept it down to a very small serving, used a side plate instead of a dinner plate. It will have to do for today, now I just need my bed.

kajajo 03-05-2011 02:07 AM

Slept late this morning, what a wonderful change for me. I was so tired after working yesterday but I still woke up after only 4 hours of sleep, so I got up and read for an hour then went back to sleep for another 5 hours, I can't remember the last time I got 9 hours sleep, even if it was interupted.

I love fruit dips to go with fresh fruit salad, but the one I always made had a whole jar of marshmallow fluff and a package of cream cheese, so I needed a substitute and found one this morning and it almost tasted the same and was just as good. One small container of ASTRO Zero Vanilla yogurt at 40 cal a container and 1 tablespoon of sugar free marmalade at 20 cal a tbsp. AMAZING!!!! I am looking into other subtitutions for some of my favorites as I love to bake, and I love sweets. The splenda site has a lot of recipes where sugar free applesauce is substituted for oil, might have to look more closely as I would like to find a fat free, sugar free brownie recipe.

Pouring rain outside today so it will be a stay in and do chores kind of day, did you know teenage boys go through just as many clothes as teenage girls? I didn't think it was possible. I do approximately 8 loads of laundry every weekend for 4 of us, and 3/4 of it belongs to the boys. Oh well at least the rain is washing all the snow away and a sure sign that spring is on the way. Even my tulips haven't figured out it is still winter and have popped out of the ground.

kajajo 03-05-2011 10:34 PM

I guess yesterday was a fluke, today I was up by 5:15 with no hope of going back to sleep so I have been sitting here for the last hour reading posts, in the hopes of finding some added inspiration. Tomorrow I start my night shifts so don't be too surprised if I am not here or posting for a few days. I am usually so exhausted after working 10 hours then the half hour to hour drive home in the morning that when I arrive I usually fall straight into bed. I have planned my meals out for the 4 nights I will be working, not sure how eating dinner before I go to work, lunch at 1 in the morning and breakfast when I get home is going to affect my weight as I said I will be sleeping all day which means I will be eating breakfast right before going to bed each day. I know this is a backwards schedule to what most conventional people would do, but it works best for me and having breakfast before going to sleep is a lot less light on my stomach than a heavy dinner. It also gives me the chance to eat at least 2 meals with the kids.

Tomorrow is my weigh in and measurements, not sure what to expect as I have been eating great, but I look in the mirror and don't see any changes. As I mentioned in an earlier post my jeans were feeling looser, but when I tried on a pair a size smaller yesterday I managed to rip the belt loop right off trying to pull them up, this was a nearly brand new pair of jeans so it left me feeling a little defeated.

The rain yesterday has turned to snow overnight and it looks like a winter wonderland outside yet again, and here I was so looking forward to spring. Got all my housework done yesterday so today is a lazy day except for the 4 hours I will be spending at the arena later this afternoon. We are into hockey playoffs, son #1 is refereeing 2 games and son #2 is playing in his first playoff game.

My daughter is having her 24th Birthday on Thursday and I still haven't figured out what to get her, got to put my thinking cap on. She lives on her own and has a very tiny apartment (about 400 sq feet) so buying anything for the apartment would be a waste of time. Anyone have any ideas


kajajo 03-06-2011 10:52 PM

Monday is my weigh in day and as of today I am down 11.2 lbs which means I lost 1.3 lbs this week which is low compared to the two previous weeks, but still a loss. And all total I have lost 7 inches 4 off my waist, 2 off my chest and 2 off my hips. My BMI is down 1.81% and getting closer to the healthy range, though what I consider to be a healthy weight for me and what the computer says it is are two totally different things.

All my worrying over what to eat on nights this week is no longer an issue, got the email yesterday telling me I am working from home at least for today, but that means the rest of the week will be day shifts also, whether they will be at home or on the road I won't know until I hear from my boss. One of the nice things about my job is I don't have anyone looking over my shoulder and the only times I hear from the boss is via email or conference call, it helps that he is 3000 miles away. Now it is time for me to go change my signature, post my journal and wake the boys up for school. Then figure out whats for breakfast.

Have a great eating day All

kajajo 03-08-2011 08:21 AM

Had to work today, took a bunch of fresh veggies with me so I didn't have to eat out. Tomorrow night I have to work over nights then I am off until Monday night when I have to go on the road for 4 nights. No hotel its not that far of a drive, so I will be home every morning and be able to plan better meals than I would if I was stuck in a hotel with no microwave. I actually thought about purchasing a small microwave and keeping it in the trunk of my car for any of the hotel stays, the only problem with that is there is no room in my trunk with all of my tools and other junk. I went grocery shopping yesterday and when I opened the trunk to put all my bags in I discovered my son hadn't removed his hockey bag and there was no room for the food. Try fitting 15 bags of groceries in the back seat of a very small car.

OK enough about work, I want to know how do people deal with cravings, last night, not long after dinner I wanted something sweet, I opened the freezer and saw cookie dough ice cream and drumsticks(the ice cream kind not the chicken kind)I wanted it so bad, but I didn't give in, I cut up an apple and made some of my yogurt fruit dip and managed with that, but damn it was hard. I can usually handle the crunchy cravings with carrot sticks or popcorn, but sweet cravings are so much harder.


kajajo 03-09-2011 12:03 AM

Slept really good last night and the scale is being nice to me this morning, I wonder if there is a correlation between the two. When I sleep badly the scale always seems to go up a few ounces, when I get a good night it goes down. Could it have something to do with fluid retention, when I wake up early and tired my hands and feet seem to be more swollen. Might have to do some research on this.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I love Hummus, today I am going to attempt to make it myself, I have everthing I need except a food processor so I am hoping my blender will work. Its all about saving money, until hubby gets a full time job I have to pinch pennies every way I can. Hubby has been working lots of temp jobs, in fact he is working overnights tonight, unfortunatly so am I, which means leaving two teenagers home alone. Luckily I am working locally and will definatly be able to run home and check on the little buggers.


I made the hummus, and I definatly need a food processor, it didn't turn out quite as creamy as I had hoped, but still delicious. Have to take some to work tonight, I have a co-worker who loves hummus, she is actually the one who turned me on to it.

Lizards13 03-09-2011 07:10 PM

Hi there, have just caught up on your posts and it all sounds so familiar, but you are doing so well, that's great... Well done you. I too am not a great sleeper at times and recently I have felt very tired and lethargic, and I find if it is cold out as well I tend to shut down and spend the evening hibernating in my front of the TV instead of doing my housework or exercising. Congrats on resisting temptation, especially if the scales aren't co- operating, it's so easy to stay - stuff it, what's the point but then you feel so much worse later. Between us we can do this, my start weight was 174 and I have gone down to 165 a couple of weeks ago but today it's 167.5 so we've pretty much at the same point. Anyway off to work have a great day

kajajo 03-10-2011 12:15 AM

Worked last night and was really good with my eating, I ended up taking a bunch of fresh veggies and hummus, and because I didn't get much sleep before going in for the night I drank lots of coffee and diet coke just to stay awake. Heading to bed soon, but don't want to sleep too long as I am not working the rest of the week. It hasn't stopped raining here for 2 full days and I am getting tired of it, the only good thing is it has melted most of the snow, so hopefully when it dries up I will be able to get out walking without out getting covered in slush and mud.

My foot surgery is going to be delayed yet again, I had hoped to book it for May becaue that is when we are on shut down, but the only available date was May 31st, which is not good for me. I have asked them to put me on a cancellation list for April, but if that doesn't happen the surgery will probably get put off for a least a year. On the up side, I might be able to run for a whole summer this year, my plan was a 5K in October, but if I can get in enough practice and my foot holds out, I might even be able to do a 10K. For now just going to Aim for the 5.

Lizards13 03-10-2011 08:50 AM

Hi Dee, sorry to hear that your surgery is delayed, does your foot give you much pain? Great that you had a good food night, and I am so impressed that you run. I have never been a runner, I played sports at school many years ago but running is so hard and I hate how everything jiggles about. I've been having a really rubbish week at work but have resisted the wine so far, how do I deal with cravings?.......badly! Tomorrow evening I'm off to the movies with my son and before that it is dinner out, I'm going to try, really try to make good choices. Have a good day.

kajajo 03-10-2011 11:07 PM

Hey Lizzie, I don't know if you can call what I do running, but its definatly faster than walking and everything bounces all over the place. I just tie it all down and wear really baggy clothes. As for my foot, its a bunion and it only hurts when I wear shoes, guess I don't live in the right climate to be going shoeless all the time so got to get it fixed eventually. I just hate the idea of taking time off work to get it fixed and as we have the Month of May off on shut down it would have been ideal, but the doctor can't get me in at that time.

Here is my journal rant for today:

Woke up to a winter world again, all the rain over the last 3 days must have turned to snow over night, according to the weather network it is too warm out to snow, guess someone forgot to relay that message to Mother Nature.

Speaking of Mother Nature, I am not due for a few more days and I am already feeling totally bloated and misserable, might have to stay off the scale for a few days so I don't get frustrated.

Not too worried about food today, eating breakfast then off to the dentist for a root canal, so probably won't be eating much the rest of the day. Speaking of the dentist my appointment is in an hour so I better get some food in me and get dressed.

Lizards13 03-11-2011 12:00 AM

Having just watched the scenes in Japan, I'm not going to complain about the weather here in N Ireland too much. I think I am just about through the menopause now so I don't get all that awful bloating and memory loss and feeling so low and bad temper (well not much). So you have a couple of areas of temptation this weekend like me, I know we can keep things under control but still enjoy ourselves, I'll check in with you later so keep that in mind. Good luck with dentist.

kajajo 03-12-2011 01:04 AM

Lizzie I just wish I would get over menopause, I have been pre-menopausal since I was 36 years old, and after 11 years I am done with it. Night sweats, hot flashes etc and still get my monthly visitor. I just want it done with. Physically the doctor can't come up with any reason to help it along so I am stuck. Have a great weekend.

My daily rant:

I have come to the conclusion that getting my teeth done might not be a bad thing, the scale was definatly happy with me this morning, can't wait to report my loss for the week on Monday. I am still in some pain today so will probably keep to fairly soft foods for the day. This is going to mean eating at the hockey banquest might not work too well. May have to let hubby takes the boy for the meal and I will go after for the presentations. That would also solve my problem of what to eat while there.

So looks like today will be a laundry and cleaning day as I am definatly working nights next week, sleeping during the day is going to be a little more difficult than usual as the boys are on March break and will be home during the day, and being the typical teenage siblings they will spend part of that time argueing and waking me up. I have asked hubby to keep them as busy as possible and out of the house. I know one day they are going paint balling and another day I am sending them to the movies, just have to figure out the rest of the week. The older boy is refereeing 3 hockey tournaments over the week, but at his age and qualification there are only a few age groups he is able to ref, nothing over 12 year olds I believe, so it limits him in the amount of games he can do.

OK back to what I need to do today, I will call them my work agreements:

1- All the laundry, including stripping the beds
2- Clean the kitchen
3- Vacuum and sweep all floors
4- Clean the bathroom and downstairs shower (my least favorite)
5- Make dinners for the week (stuff the guys can heat up)
6- Bake banana bread, one regular, one sugar free/fat free

kajajo 03-12-2011 01:06 AM

Lizzie I just wish I would get over menopause, I have been pre-menopausal since I was 36 years old, and after 11 years I am done with it. Night sweats, hot flashes etc and still get my monthly visitor. I just want it done with. Physically the doctor can't come up with any reason to help it along so I am stuck. Have a great weekend.

My daily rant:

I have come to the conclusion that getting my teeth done might not be a bad thing, the scale was definatly happy with me this morning, can't wait to report my loss for the week on Monday. I am still in some pain today so will probably keep to fairly soft foods for the day. This is going to mean eating at the hockey banquest might not work too well. May have to let hubby takes the boy for the meal and I will go after for the presentations. That would also solve my problem of what to eat while there.

So looks like today will be a laundry and cleaning day as I am definatly working nights next week, sleeping during the day is going to be a little more difficult than usual as the boys are on March break and will be home during the day, and being the typical teenage siblings they will spend part of that time argueing and waking me up. I have asked hubby to keep them as busy as possible and out of the house. I know one day they are going paint balling and another day I am sending them to the movies, just have to figure out the rest of the week. The older boy is refereeing 3 hockey tournaments over the week, but at his age and qualification there are only a few age groups he is able to ref, nothing over 12 year olds I believe, so it limits him in the amount of games he can do.

OK back to what I need to do today, I will call them my work agreements:

1- All the laundry, including stripping the beds
2- Clean the kitchen
3- Vacuum and sweep all floors
4- Clean the bathroom and downstairs shower (my least favorite)
5- Make dinners for the week (stuff the guys can heat up)
6- Bake banana bread, one regular, one sugar free/fat free

Lizards13 03-12-2011 09:04 AM

My friend who is 10 years younger than me is sure she is menopausal now, today she kept getting hot flushes and she tells me that she keeps waking up soaked through, fortunately i only had little mini flushes but they were bad enough. You have a busy day planned, you're making me feel bad but I guess I paid my dues over the years and now I can hang out with friends and come home to a house that is in the same state as I left it....happy days. Tomorrow is my housework day, give the bathroom (which I just had remodelled) a thorough cleaning and do the laundry. Sounds like you will have good news for me on Monday, I'll have to pay more attention to how you are doing this as I don't think I am managing too well.

kajajo 03-13-2011 01:05 AM

Well I only got some of my work agreements completed yesterday so I guess I have today to get caught up, cleaning mostly all done, but didn't get any dinners made or baking done.

My mouth is finally feeling better, not 100% but good enough that I can eat food with texture today, I was getting a little tired of creamed soups and applesauce. I have another dentist appointment in two weeks, maybe I can talk him into another root canal instead of a simple filling just so I can lose a few extra pounds LOL.

Pizza party at the rink later today, going to make sure I have some healthy munchies with me so I don't even get tempted. My son is playing in the All Star game for his age group today. Oh I forgot to mention last night at the hockey banquet my son was given the trophy for Most Sportmanlike Player, and believe me as a defenseman its hard to stay out of scuffles and the penalty box. But he did it, not a single penalty all year. I think it has more to do with his size, he is so tiny compared to the other players that the ref's don't think he could possible do any damage to another player :-)

Have a great day everyone

Lizards13 03-13-2011 03:26 AM

That was a great achievement for your son, it's good to know that sportsmanship is still prized in this world. Sounds as if you managed to get plenty done yesterday, hope you enjoy the pizza party, well the party bit anyway. I've spent today clearing out drawers and tidying my bedroom, but I just can't seem to get warm, going to do some let's dance on my Wii, that should get some heat into my old bones. I'm also planning my late summer holiday and hope that this will renew my efforts to lose the flab.

kajajo 03-14-2011 12:11 AM

Hey Lizzie, I completely avoided the pizza last night. I have thought of buying a Wii but my living room is so tiny I would end up breaking something.

My daily rant and today was Weigh in day

I am really excited as of this morning I have lost 15.2 lbs in the one month since my 47th birthday, I know this is quite a lot for one month, and yes I understand the big number the first week was water weight and the big number this week was because I couldn't eat much for 2 days because of the root canal. The two weeks in between when I only lost a total of 3 lbs will probably be closer to what will be normal for me, but still I am very excited. This means I only have 25 lbs to get to my goal instead of 40, that in the whole scheme of things is pretty exciting. I have also dropped almost 3% on my BMI, though still in the overweight range, normal is fast approaching.

Snow on the ground again this morning. Every day I wake up to this crap is another day I get behind in running. I haven't figured out how to work training into my night shifts, may have to run late in the afternoon when I wake up, which will be fine for spring, but come summer it might be a little too warm at that time of day. And I can't see me strapping on the sneakers when I first get home from work after being on my feet for 10 hours, though that would be the coolest time of day.

Speaking of work, I am definatly starting nights tonight, travelling back and forth each day, I will try to post when I get home in the morning if I can keep my eyes open, if not it will be when I wake up later in the day.

Lizards13 03-14-2011 10:46 AM

Big congrats on your loss. You deserve it for being so careful even in the face of temptation. You have helped me re-evaluate what I need to do to achieve my goal and today has been a very good day. I have eaten more protein and veg and fruit than usual and went to my class as well. I also went shopping and bought hummus and celery and have lots of other healthy foods. I also reduced my calorie allowance to 1100 but today I am below this, so hopefully I will be able to report a loss this week too (not as high as yours though) Hope you really enjoyed today.

kajajo 03-15-2011 06:13 AM

Lizzie, good job on the healthy choices.

I am awake and I am not sure why, I got home from work at 8 am asleep by 9and by 1 pm I was awake, hope I will be able to get another few hours before I go back in tonight. Well lunch break at work was a little crazy, I was working away ( I am the only one working alone the rest are in pairs or larger groups) and one of the girls walks by at 1:30 in the morning and asks if I went out for lunch? Lunch? no one told me everyone was going for lunch so I basically missed it. I had some veggies and hummus with me so I continued working and munched as I worked and ate the rest of my lunch at final break. I took this time while I am awake to pack my lunch ready for tonight, I even packed a couple of water bottles, I may not drink them, but at least they are there if I get the urge.

Lizards13 03-15-2011 09:06 PM

Dee, Yesterday was a weird food time day for me too, I had planned to have my dinner at around 6pm but some of my personnel came in earlier than usual so I didn't get a chance to eat unti I got home around 10:30pm and I was ravenous but I stuck to my light choice and ended the day under 900. You have really spurred me on to control my intake better but there will be days when I can't promise to get so low, however the raw veggies and fruits are a big improvement. Have a good day/night.

kajajo 03-16-2011 07:58 AM

Night shift sure plays havoc with both my sleeping and my eating, I am too tired all the time to even think about food, and when I am at work I am too busy to concern myself with what I am eating. Its not that I am eating the wrong foods, I am just not eating much of anything and certainly not enough. Yesterday I think my calorie count was under 400. I have planned out today and I am closer to 900 cal if I eat everything I plan and take to work with me.
NEWS FLASH....I actually drank two bottle of water at work last night, I think in recent memory this is a first for me, I have managed one bottle on the odd occasion, but two in one night is a huge milestone for me. Only two more nights of work this week then I can get back to normal for a few days. My daughter is planning on coming home for the weekend, and she might even be visiting me at work tonight. I haven't seen her in over a month, she came up the day before my birthday, which was the day I started this new healthy eating plan, so hopefully she will see a difference.

Lizards13 03-16-2011 08:39 AM

Great job on the water, I find it hard to force water into me, I just never seem thirsty. When I was travelling with my friend and it was very hot we bought bottles of water, a couple of hours later she was on her third and I was only half way through the first. Maybe those melons of mine are like camel's humps and I conserve the water. I'm sure your daughter will notice all those inches lost. I'm waiting to see who is the first of my family and friends to notice when I've dropped my first stone but I guess I'll have to stop wearing those baggy sweaters first. Hope work goes quickly for you tonight.

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