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Old 08-20-2011, 08:31 AM
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I guess its time for me to take account of the horrible summer I have had. Didn't get laid off when everyone else did they actually brought me back for 5 weeks after I was healed from my surgery and then laid me off, that was 2 weeks ago. 4 of the 5 weeks I was working I was doing a job I hated, so anyway stress built up and I ate, then the lay off and I ate some more, hubby not working, problems with one of my teenagers amongst other things and I ate even more, I am guessing I am up 10 lbs since my last weigh in, will know for sure come Monday when I will do my weight and measurements again and readjust my signature. I am back and more determined than ever to get back on track. Hubby has a final interview for a new job next Wednesday, I have a really good chance at my dream job, its amazing how things work out when you know the right people. The teenager is smartening up (at least I think he is) and I am enjoying the spoils of my veggie garden so the eating is getting better. Stick with me folks I may need a shoulder to lean on every once in a while just to give me a strong talking to if I fall again.
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Old 08-20-2011, 03:46 PM
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Dee, I know how you feel. I have been posting this on the other thread, but I had a week of vacation and a week of being sick and I'm up a good solid seven pounds and that is after a week of "recovery" which I just blew again today. With state budget cuts my work referrals have really trickled off and it's been a concern. But neither one of us can give up; you and I will both get ourselves back into good situations. I'm making some job changes too; I so know what it's like to have the hubby looking for one, and I am ready to get back on the disciplined eating starting tomorrow. My teenager just started high school and I'm loving how responsibly he's handling it. So you and I are pretty much on the same track except I don't have a veggie garden .

Let's get this turned around together, shall we? If you need a boost, post it up, and if you want some personal attention, send me a private message; they're working now!
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Old 08-21-2011, 01:25 AM
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Thanks Cassie, and Yeah for private messages working. My boys don't go back to school until Sept 6th so we have started as of today getting them prepared by getting up earlier (instead of noon) My youngest is starting highschool too and I think he is a bit nervous, he chose to go to a different school than most of his friends, 2 minute walk as opposed to a 20 minute walk, which at this time of year isn't bad, but when there is a foot of snow on the ground will make a huge difference. Of course he chose the 2 minute walk, also his brother is at the same school, not sure yet if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I actually started eating better a couple of days ago but now I have the monthly bloat so lord only knows what the scale will do to me in the morning. Only thing I can say is I am still wearing all the smaller clothes I was wearing at my lowest, they are just a little more snug now. Good luck with the job search, I am in the same boat, I am not telling anyone yet about my dream job as I don't want to jinx things, and I probably won't know anything definate for at least a month. I was also sick for a week this summer and lost a few pounds at that time, but was so darn hungry after I was better then I went wayyyyy overboard.
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Old 08-21-2011, 04:29 AM
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Good to see you back, fingers and toes crossed for weight loss, job, kids and anything else you need support with.
I'll be around next week then I'm off, looking forward to the vacation but worried about the eating, oh well guess i'll just have to eat smart when i can.
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Old 08-21-2011, 10:52 PM
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Well I have revised my signature and I didn't gain 10 lbs I gained 10.5 and I have been eating really good the last 4 days so I don't want to think what that number might have been on Thursday. I can't find the tape measure to do my measurements so that will have to wait. Work (the guys who laid me off) have asked me to come in and work the next 2 nights and as its local I agreed so I will be here at some point just don't know when and maybe not until Wednesday, when I hope to have some good news regarding hubbies job prospect.
I am going to start treating my weightloss like a 12 step program, and though I know being fluffy is not the same as having an adiction I think the idea might just work. I need to focus more on one day at a time and not on the big picture. I love reading the 7 day motivational thread and love the idea, but for me it has to be one day not 7. So my healthy promises to myself today are as follows:

1. Journal everything that I eat (Done)
2. Walk to the grocery store instead of drive (Hubby went so I didn't have to)3. Clean out the fridge and set up moms healthy food drawer (this is the one spot in the fridge that holds things that I like and my kids wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole) Example: Humus, fat free cheese etc (Done)

Now the other part of this is going to be what I call my work agreements, these are agreements I make with myself of things I have to do today to get the rest of my life, house etc back in order, because unfortunatly when I am stressing and therefore eating a lot of other things get neglected.

1. Take son to orthodontist (Done)
2. Strip the beds and wash the sheets (Done)
3. Find my kitchen table again (it is the dumping ground for anything that comes in the front door, mail, newspapers, groceries that didn't get put away. (Done)
4. Take both boys bikes in to be fixed (they both blew tires last week) (Hubby did this one too)
5. Nap this afternoon before work (Wasn't long enough noisy teenagers)6. Pack a healthy snack for work tonight (Done)
7. Clean out trunk of car and repack with all my tools for work tonight (note to self... charge the batteries for both drills before work) (Doing the batteries right now, trunk done)

Last edited by kajajo; 08-22-2011 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 08-22-2011, 03:33 AM
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Dee Hope today is going well for you, I think the one day at a time is a great idea. If you can make it through each day eating healthily it will soon add up and before you know it you will be on your way back down.
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Old 08-22-2011, 08:57 AM
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Thanks Lizzie, I miss your pick me ups. I will get it done and I have given myself until Christmas Day, if I can do it Hubby is buying me my tatoo for Christmas, so there is my incentive, just gotta keep a slow steady pace, and I really do have to try to excercise, though not sure if I really want to. I wanted so badly to start running again, but my foot is too messed up after my surgery, I still can't wear running shoes comfortably. That was really disappointing and I can't afford a gym membership unless hubby gets this job, but then if I can't wear running shoes how can I do aerobics or dance fit, or any of the other classes they offer. Have to come up with something that won't make my foot swell up.
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Old 08-22-2011, 06:09 PM
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Sorry to hear your surgery didn't go as well as expected. Hopefully this will settle with time. What about yoga? You can do this in your bare feet, I know it isn't aerobic but lots of people swear that it keeps them toned, or pilates. I'd love to have a lifestyle where I could start the morning with some yoga, do some lengths in my own private pool , obviously in a warm country and then take a dance class before my chef served me upma delicious healthy meal. Some hope eh? Back to the real world, have a good day.
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Old 08-23-2011, 03:43 AM
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Lizzie I am moving in with you when you get that dream lifestyle happening. The surgery went great, my foot looks lovely, I still don't have feeling in most of it and any time I wear shoes for more than a short time it swells up again.
Worked last night, slept for 2 hours this morning but I don't have to go back in tonight so I am up and moving already today. I even stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work this morning. There are so many things on 50% off at 6 in the morning.

So here are my healthy plans for today
1. Journal everything I eat, even the home made peanut butter cookie I ate when I got home this morning.(Done)
2. Plug in the ipod and go for a walk later today (my foot is already swollen from work last night so no more damage can be done) (took a nap instead or I wouldn't have been able to stay up and watch AGT)
3. Walk to the store for the milk I forgot to pick up this morning(ended up carrying 2 very heavy bags of groceries home)

Work agreements for today:

1. 2 loads of laundry washed and hung outside to dry(actually did 3, great breeze for hanging laundry)

2. Clean the bathroom (my least favorite job) (Done)

3. Try to make some sense of the mess that is my vegatable garden(Done)

Have a great day!!

Last edited by kajajo; 08-24-2011 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 08-24-2011, 03:35 AM
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Slept so good last night didn't get out of bed til 10 am, needed it after the lack of sleep the day before. Beautiful breezy day outside, definatly a good day for going for a walk. Hubby has finished his job interview, it lasted an hour, and I have no information until he gets home and he is making a pit stop at my mothers before he gets here to install her router. Maybe I will go for that walk now so I am not sitting here wondering what is going on.

Healthy plans for today

1. Journal everything I eat (Done)
2 Stop putting off the walk, I know the foot will hurt but I have to move (Happy to say done 5 km or 3.5 miles for you in the US and I ran half of it)

Work agreements for today

1. Remove all the furniture out of sons bedroom ready for rewiring and painting(Took everything apart, need help to lug it down to the basement)

Last edited by kajajo; 08-24-2011 at 10:22 AM.
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