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kajajo 05-27-2011 11:30 AM

Going away for 34 hours doesn't mean eating bad choices, in fact when you spend 16 hours driving, 2 hours at a funeral, 10 hours sleeping, the other 8 hours catching up with the best friends in the world, it doesn't leave a lot of room for food. Other than going out for breakfast this morning with 2 of the friends I didn't eat a darn thing other than a couple of carrot sticks, expecting a great result come Monday.

Unfortunatly all the driving and being on my feet has not been good for the foot I recently had surgery on. It is twice the normal size. My boss called me just before I went into the church for the funeral telling me they were desparate and needed me to work this week, unfortunatly the fact that I can't wear any shoe other than a flip flop pretty much gave me the answer I needed to give him, and that was "take my husband, he can work for me" So another month of staying home and keeping off my foot and my husband being out of my hair.......gotta love a compromise.

kajajo 05-29-2011 11:25 PM

WOW I got a bit of a shock this morning, down another 2.5 lbs this week, I have eaten really well, when I had the chance to. I just really hope this isn't another one of those situations were the scale is giving false readings again. I am 2 and a half months from my goal date and promised myself that if I made my goal I would treat myself to something, I am thinking I might get a new tattoo ( I already have a tiny one on my right hip) Up until now I have been too embarrassed to bare any skin to the tattoo artist, have to start thinking about what I want and where to put it.

Lizards13 06-01-2011 09:45 AM

Well my friend you are certainly on a roll, well done you. You don't have much further to go, excellent I've often thought about a tattoo but can never decide what and where. What's yours, if you don't mind telling. I'll be standing on the scales very gingerly tomorrow and I won't be surprised if I've gone up, just have to suck it up and knuckle back down.

kajajo 06-01-2011 10:55 PM

Lizzie I got my tatoo for my 39th birthday quite a few years ago. If you want to see it I posted a picture of it on my face book under the album Wall photos, and it is on my stomach right near my hip. I haven't decided what the next one will be or where to put it. As for being almost at goal I think once I reach it I will be revising it, I really want to get to 130, I just never thought it would be obtainable, but I have a lot more than 10 lbs worth of extra flab still hanging around my stomach and back. I will admit I did throw on a bikini yesterday to go out in my backyard sunbathing, no one saw me of course as the yard is fenced in, and I didn't stay out too long because I am lily white and would burn to a crisp.

Lizards13 06-02-2011 08:24 AM

Love the tattoo, very different, is there a story behind that particular theme? I quite fancy a little dragon or a small moon and stars, on the top of my thigh or on the small of my back, but I don't know if I'll ever do it. I know what you mean about the goal, I didn't want to make it too low but if I get there I will have a long lok at myself and maybe revise it. I don't expect to have a flat stomach because I'm not crunching and exercising, but flatter will do.

kajajo 06-02-2011 11:15 PM

No story behind the tatoo, it was just pretty and I liked it, I guess if anything is girly and I generally am not so its my hidden little secret. I think for my next tatoo it will have something to do with frogs and hearts, frogs I collect and hearts for my Valentines Birthday.
Had a really bad eating day yesterday, pure boredom, it was too cold to be outside, no one home to bother me, no one home to talk to on the phone, just a blah day so I binged, so today is going to be a cleansing day, lots of fruit, veggies and water, no carbs or proteins, this method has worked for me in the past so will try it again, I don't want to head into the weekend with my weight up. Just have to find a way to keep from being bored today, looks like it might be a nicer day outside so I will play in my garden for a while.

Lizards13 06-05-2011 09:53 AM

Yup I'm in hiding as I've had a couple of bad days, stressed out and my neck has been really painful. Had dinner at my sisters and it was delicious and had planned to work it off in the garden and on cleaning the car today but it rained all day so I nibbled and binged on food I had in for my son coming tonight. Now I just feel bad.

kajajo 06-06-2011 12:22 AM

Lost less than a half pound this week, but my day of binging explains most of that. Other than the one day I was really good all week. Doing a half hour of crunches everyday and man do I hurt every morning. Weather supposed to be amazing for the entire week, I will be too busy today to get out in the sun, but by the end of the week I should have a great tan happening. The boys and I are off to the eye doctor this afternoon then to the cemetary to plant flowers on all the family graves.

Lizards13 06-06-2011 06:40 AM

Now you're doing crunches, wow I am so impressed. I'm also feeling like a sloth, I just cannot get into the exercise thing. I know it has to be done but my energy levels are in my boots at the moment. I hope the weather perks up and that you can get out there, relax and bask for a bit.

kajajo 06-06-2011 09:54 PM

weather yesterday was great, but unfortunatly appointments in the middle of the day messed with everything. Son number 1 needs new glasses and to wear them all the time now, not just for board work at school. My prescription has also changed so I need new glasses as well. Son number 2 is now the only one in the family with good eyes. Lizzie I started doing the crunches in the hope of getting rid of the love handles, not sure its working yet and I really don't like doing them, but will out of necessity. I had planned to go to the cemetary today to plant flowers because the eye dr put drops in my eyes yesterday and they burned in the sun, but at this moment it is raining though there was no rain in the forcast. Guess I will have to wait and see what the rest of the day brings. Eating has been great the past few days, I just wish sleeping was, I am surviving on about 3 hours a night, soon its going to catch up to me and I am going to drop like a lead balloon. I guess if the rain keeps up during the day it might be the ideal day to catch up on some of that much needed rest.

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