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libby116 06-07-2013 12:02 PM

Did the lithrioscopy work for him? What kind of diet is he on? Do you live in an area with hard water? I would do anything to not have this happen again.

Robingen 06-07-2013 12:20 PM

Yes it did work. There was only one stone but it was too big to pass. He had a rough afternoon and has been pain free ever since (3 months). He had some subsequent x-rays and scans but they never called him back in.

He has converted to healthy eating anyway, meaning no more junk food, no chips, no take out, no greasy fried foods. He stopped adding salt to his food. Generally eating clean. Our water is fine but he drinks bottled water because likes to. Come to think of it I think the paper also said to reduce red meat..........he's also eating more chicken and fish. He's taking it quit seriously since it hurt ALOT.

ToriD1012 06-07-2013 02:24 PM

Tori's goals
1) Walk 4 miles--0, 2, 0, 1, 2 (total of 5 so far)
2) post daily--yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
3) drink 64 oz water--no, probably not but working on it, no, nope, nuh uh
4) spend at least 3 hours with JC--2, 0, 0, 1.5, 0 (total of 3.5)

Really tired. Sorry I haven't caught up with everyone. Hopefully I'll do better next week :o

libby116 06-08-2013 12:52 AM

Hi all. It's the week end and this is always the time when I slip up. I need a plan to keep on track. I will be on the treadmill shortly and plan to walk at least 2k. The food is the hard part. There is so much conflicting info on what not to eat that it scares me. So then I say the H with it and eat junk. I can't do that any more. Robin, what does your husband eat for breakfast? I was going to put some berries in a blender with soy beverage and some flax seeds. Have a great day.

episode2011 06-08-2013 01:54 AM

Goals for the Week:
  • Log everything, no exceptions (nibbles and "tastes" count!): yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
  • Maintain adequate daily hydration: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
  • Maintain a 7-day rolling average between 1200-1550 calories: 1503, 1474, 1624, 1633, 1545
  • Maintain a 7-day rolling average between 800-1300mg sodium: 1301, 1356, 1537, 1468, 1267
  • Maintain a 7-day rolling average of at least 16g fiber: 16, 14, 16, 16, 17
  • Some sort of physical activity 4x during the week: Mon=Tai Chi and Navrai, Tue=rest, Wed=Tai Chi and Navrai, Thu=Yoga Class, Fri=Yoga ...(4/4)
  • Study every day: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

episode2011 06-08-2013 03:12 AM

Mike, that 1 stinkin' sodium point left on the plate (that image made me literally chortle out loud) was apparently quite lonely. Look at how many more came to join it over the week (and sadly, they all ended up in my belly :eek:). Working hard to tame those goofy points, but it's tough!

Originally Posted by carolynnq (Post 99567)
10+ years without a soda!!! I haven't had a sugar soda in years - I stopped when I read that the average soda has 6 tablespoons of sugar in it. I do have a diet soda now and again.

Same here, Carolynn. Once Tab was introduced in the early 1960s (yes, I've been battling my body since all the way back then :(), sugar-sodas were out for me. Now, I do a Diet Coke several times a week, but that's it.

Originally Posted by dmartz (Post 99583)
...Calories Avg. < 1400 /day: 1078, 1069, 871, 1071

So far, so good. But the weekend looms...

So far, so good, indeed, Donna! I don't know how you can keep calories slow (low to me). I can do 871 before noon and that was your whole day!

Originally Posted by carolynnq (Post 99590)
...Time to jump back on the wagon though and make that red disappear...

I'm working on it. Two things I've come to realize over the past two weeks: 1) it takes a few off-track days in a row to truly get the average out-of-whack, and 2) once the average gets out-of-whack, it's a BEAR to get it back on track! Sheesh!

Originally Posted by carolynnq (Post 99590)
...I just watched at interesting BBC documentary called "Why Aren't Thin People Fat." I'm going to post a summary in new thread later...

I'm really looking forward to your summary, Carolynn. I haven't seen that documentary (sounds interesting! I hope it's on Youtube...), but I've looked into the idea of setpoint before and it really does make sense to me.

Originally Posted by ToriD1012 (Post 99608)
... Sorry I haven't caught up with everyone. Hopefully I'll do better next week...

Me, too, Tori -- trying to do that now :).

Originally Posted by libby116 (Post 99621)
...I will be on the treadmill shortly and plan to walk at least 2k...

Do take it easy, Libby. Don't want to get sick again. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Originally Posted by libby116 (Post 99621)
...There is so much conflicting info on what not to eat that it scares me...

It's maddening, isn't it? Sometimes, the paranoid Epixi swears it's a conspiracy to keep selling diet plans, pills and procedures. I keep trying to convince her that couldn't possibly be true :rolleyes:, but it sure does seem that way...

Here's to a good weekend, everyone!

carolynnq 06-08-2013 03:34 AM

epixi - good for you, you're back in blue!

Tori - terrific job on the walking and everything else.

Libby - I think there are lots of ways to eat that are healthful. Even doctors and nutritional experts don't agree on what the best diet is - although what most agree on is reducing consumption of sugar and refined carbs. Other than that, I think it's a matter of watching calories and eating foods that work for you in terms of weight maintenance, managing any health problems (like diabetes or kidney stones), and being a diet that you're happy with.

Robingen 06-08-2013 04:38 AM

Problems logging
I can't log my food today. The screen is so slow. Searching is horrendous. This happened one other time this week.

dmartz 06-08-2013 05:23 AM

  • Calories Avg. < 1400 /day: 1078, 1069, 871, 1071, 1564
  • Cholesterol < 200mg: 109, 78, 133, 204, 351
  • Vegetables > 3 / day: 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 (Really small portions, though)
  • Protein > 50 g / day: 53, 42, 48, 86, 100
  • Sugar < 50 g / day: 64, 57, 20, 41, 45
  • Workout > 150 min/wk: 55, 10, 55, 10, 10
  • 'Stretch' goal: Loose 2 pounds
Went to an Ihop like place with my work team. It was extremely hard to come up with a menu item that might fit my 'lifestyle,' so I opted for a "Florentine Chicken Crepe," hold the Hollandaise. I figured spinach, chicken, maybe some cheese, not much wrong with that. Well, I'll tell you, when I looked it up, it was 760 calories of wrong. Good thing I asked for no hollandaise, 'cause it still packed in 245 gs of cholesterol.

Today, there's a big graduation party. I'm bringing three pounds of fresh cherries.

dmartz 06-08-2013 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by libby116 (Post 99621)
The food is the hard part. There is so much conflicting info on what not to eat that it scares me. So then I say the H with it and eat junk. I can't do that any more. Robin, what does your husband eat for breakfast? I was going to put some berries in a blender with soy beverage and some flax seeds. Have a great day.

Yup, food is the hard part. And Excercise. I find that if I don't eat a substantial breakfast I'm doomed for the day. I usually go for: 1 cup of whole grain cereal of some type, and add some fruit. Bananas, blueberries( my favorite) or something. (I look for cereal with less than 10 grams sugar per cup, though the recommendation is generally less than 5 gms.) If I don't have fruit I add yogurt. If I'm in a hurry, I eat leftover meat (like turkey), or some cheese.

Carolyn: Very interested in the info on Setpoints. I think I've been at one since last September.

Originally Posted by episode2011 (Post 99625)
So far, so good, indeed, Donna! I don't know how you can keep calories slow (low to me). I can do 871 before noon and that was your whole day!

See above regarding breakfast. ~The~ most important meal! Actually, I can do 1000-1200 pretty easily, but under that doesn't do me any favors.

But now it's that weekend, & it's a minefield out there! Gotta run....

- Donna

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