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quinnesec 01-12-2016 07:23 AM

Any pics of the new house? I'd love to see your project. =)

KathyS46 01-12-2016 07:27 AM

New discovery
Hi Quinn, Tori and everyone!

I can certainly identify with your recent retirement and all the wonderful time you have to do new things. When I retired, a brand new web design business was plopped in my lap (long story). But a couple of years ago I was diagnosed with heart failure and had to retire again. This time has not been as much fun.

My wonderful cardiologist pulled me back from the brink of death but couldn't explain my constant fatigue and she was concerned about my drastic cartilage loss (knees and shoulders). That mystery was cleared up. with a recent diagnosis of mitochondrial disease (muscle weakness, basically).

Mito disease is treated with large, concentrated doses of specific nutrients. One of theses nutrients is L CARNITINE.


L CARNITINE is one of the main nutrients I need to take. I have lost 8Lbs in a week. Here's couple of quotes from This site is chuck full of helpful articles for me. Mito disease is extremely complicated and I spend 2 hrs a day in research.

1. "L-Carnitine is a natural compound that is found in avocadoes, dairy products, beef and lamb. Of course, if you are on a restricted diet and trying to burn off some extra fat, you may not be eating those foods in large amounts.

That's where supplementation can help. Taking an L-Carnitine supplement will support your overall goal of losing fat, and it may improve your workout performance to help you get better results.*

L-Carnitine works by potentially helping to convert fatty acids into fuel your body can use for energy, while at the same time promoting growth and development.*

2. "All cardispan is, is L carnitine. So i figured taht direct l carnitine is a great way to convert fat to energy therefor, getting rid of some problem areas. Please advise? Thanks
That's not the way it works.

Carnitine transports already freed fatty acids into the mitochondria to be burned, but you need something to free the fatty acids in the first place."

To get the weight loss results I take 3 pills with each meal. This is what body builders do when they want to lose weight.

I would really like to share my discoveries, failures, etc with all if you (or ya'all as we say in Texas. LOL).

Losing it,

gypsyjoy 01-12-2016 07:42 AM

Nice meeting you all.:) Guess it's my turn for an introduction. ( Sorry, it's a little long)

Another shorty here; 5 feet if I stretch. Mother of 2 adult children, retired, (although I do my husband's books) and life long dieter.

Actually, that's not true as I never had a weight problem until I got married. Yes, cooking and baking for two started my weight gain. From 105 to 130 in 6 months! I felt awful. So off to Weight Watchers to take the weight off.

I made lifetime goal at 115 and kept it there for awhile .............and then I got pregnant. Pregnancy weight brought me to 145 but after DS was born, I couldn't seem to shake the last 10 pounds. I actually was on fen phen but I still couldn't lose. So I settled in at 125 and got pregnant again.

This time my weight went up to 165 as I was on bed rest for 4 months. I lost some weight after DD was born but even though I was nursing, the scale stuck at 145. (DQ also came out with Blizzards around this time so that may have had something to do with that :eek:).

So there I was, a busy mom, cooking kid friendly meals, baking sweets and treats(Ds has allergies so had to be homemade) and just watched the scale climb. 150....160,162....168; oh, my body liked 168 so I stayed there for years.

A few more years and a few more pounds, 172......175.....178....182......188. Went to Weights Watchers again but had such painfully slow losses. It took a year to reach 172 as I only lost a pound or 2 a month. And of course, my weight went back up.

Fast forward a few more years until I topped out at 194 by the time I turned 50. Tried Weight Watchers again, tried low fat, low carb,.......... and with all of them, it would take a year to lose 10-15 pounds which, of course, quickly returned. Very discouraging.

Then it was time to try something new.......yes, I jumped on the hcg wagon. And I had 15 pound losses in 6 weeks. Yay! Unfortunately, I failed at maintenance and kept repeating hcg rounds.

Which brings me to today. Last year, my weight fluctuated between 162 and 188 ( all old set points). I was doing low carb but I was struggling to lose. So my response was to stop logging into Fitday :eek: and I ultimately ended the year higher than the year before.

So this year, my goal is to log my foods, keep within my targets and stay accountable by chatting with you all.

Onward and downward!

quinnesec 01-12-2016 08:08 AM

Hi gypsyjoy!

Great to get to know you better. =) It sounds like we're in the same boat. I always had very healthy meals on the table every night when I had kids at home. But when they left, husband and I got really sloppy with our eating habits and "rewarded ourselves" for a job well done raising children for nearly 30 years and started to eat out... a lot. lol

Sounds like you know what to do. Like you, when I stop logging and being accountable, I slide into the ditch. Hope we can all encourage each other to find easy meal solutions that we can stick to for the long haul. I'm sitting here making out my menu and grocery list for the next two weeks, like I use to. That way there's no guess work involved.

Good luck!

ToriD1012 01-12-2016 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 119656)

thanks, Buddy. I can always count on you.

Originally Posted by lildebbieg (Post 119657)
Tori - A little about me....I'm a mother of two, a 9 yo boy and an 8 yo girl (great kids!!). I've been married for 16 years to a very patient man ;) I work full time, lucky for me I work days not nights! My husband and I juggle our schedules so that he can drop the kids off at school in the morning and I pick them up. Lucky for us we don't have the extra cost of daycare!! It's a crazy busy life working full time and having a family to take care of. I have very little time to myself. Usually when I'm posting on here, I'm either on a break at work or the kids are in bed. My weight history....I used to be one of the lucky ones who never had to worry about my weight....that is until I quit smoking at age 27 right after getting married. I went from 110 lbs. to 128 lbs. in a matter of a month. At the time, I was shocked...never had I weighed this much and I wasn't doing anything different except not smoking. I complained to a friend who quickly introduced me to Weight Watchers and that was that....I've been some kind of diet ever since...or so it seems. I lost the same 10 lbs. a few times over the next several years....but never going over 128. Then I got pregnant with my first...I was 121 when I got pregnant and by the time I had him, I was 155. I lost the weight after my first by simply watching what I ate and walking a few times a week. I wasn't sweating it at that time because I was planning baby #2 sooner than later. I easily got back down to 121 lbs. in few months then got pregnant with my second. I again got up to 155 by delivery time. After my second, I was pretty overwhelmed with 2 babies only 18 months apart. It was at that time that I started running....I think it was the only thing I could do to manage the stress at that time. I ended up with hip issues and eventually stopped running. I got down to 114 lbs. Then I discovered wine. Ah red wine...that sure did take away the stress. Sadly, wine has become a bit of a crutch for me and certainly a bad habit. That was when the weight came piling on!! Wine has a lot of calories and after a glass or two, I start snacking. In Sept. 2013, I weighed in at 143 lbs. I was actually now overweight!! I was in shock!! That was when I started posting here and tracking my calories....something I had never done before. I have always worked out off and I upped my workout intensity, counted calories and only allowed myself to have some wine on the weekends. I got back down to 119 lbs. by Spring of 2015 and then I injured my shoulder and couldn't do my high intensity workouts. I didn't substitute with lower intensity stuff or even walking....I completely lost my footing once again. The next year and a half, I would try a hundred times to start again but only last a few days. That brings me to current day....I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life...a couple of weeks ago I weighed 161.8 lbs....the heaviest I've ever been...even heavier than what I weighed at 9 months pregnant with both my kids. I still haven't given up....I think I'm now on my 101st try...but I'm still trying. I'm so very uncomfortable in my own skin, I simply refuse to give up. I'm determined to get back to a point where I at least feel comfortable in my skin again. Okay, I guess that was a lot about me! :p

Great to get to know you a little better. I look forward to our journey together

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 119658)
Mike and Tori,

Do I have to separate my two favorite siblings again from picking on each other?!? lol =)

I think he may need a time out

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 119658)
Mike, why is it when women get a plugged up head it's "just a cold", but when men do it's full-blown ebola? lol Just kidding... (...not really ;) )

because men just can't hang like women can. I will say that I am lucky. BF isn't one of "those" men **cough cough Mike*. He takes it all in stride. It may be the army in him though. No laying in a cot in Afghanistan because of a cold :eek:

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 119658)
Today it's 4 degrees with a -15 windchill. Our high is going to be a whopping 7 degrees. Hard on the lungs, for sure.

nope. just nope. I'll stay in the south and freak out if we get any snow or ice.

gypsyjoy--I remember you too!! I swear, it's been like a family reunion for me. I guess I'm the long lost cousin who no one has seen for years

Kathy--welcome to our little group. I'm ready to get to know you and help you along the way. I know there are going to be days/weeks that I will need encouragement. I'll always listen to good advice. I may not always take it, but I will definitely listen to it.

ToriD1012 01-12-2016 10:14 AM

Just a quick update before I get ready for work. I've logged what I plan on eating at work tonight and I'm well within my calorie limits. Even with having hotdogs for supper :eek: I've done a bunch of nothing today but finally feel like this cold is leaving. *fingers crossed* I'm hoping for a good night at work, no major issues or problems. Will do a full update tomorrow afternoon. See you losers then!

ToriD1012 01-12-2016 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 119664)
Any pics of the new house? I'd love to see your project. =)

I've seen some that he's posted on FaceBook. Looks like it's going to be way too large for him and the wife once all the kids are grown. I guess he's going to have to fill it up with rescue animals. :D In all seriousness, it looks gorgeous! When I get around to it I will take some pics of our new home, and the puppies, and share them with you guys. The house itself was in move in condition, we just need to do some yard work. Whoever owned it originally spent a good bit on the landscaping. We sit on a hill and thought we would have problems with pooling water when it storms. Nope. They put in underground drainage lines that go to the creek behind us. We also have plenty of trees and some nice flower beds. We just need to decide what we want to plant in them. We didn't plant anything this spring to see what would come up. We've made decisions as to what to keep, and what to weed. It'll take us a few years, but we'll get it the way we want it. The one thing I told BF was that wherever we moved, I wanted to plant magnolia trees. We don't need to plant them here. We have probably 10 around the property and maybe 6 crepe myrtles. Can't get more southern than my yard :cool:

libby135 01-12-2016 11:08 AM

Gypsyjoy, Our lives are almost carbon copies. I have two grown children and didn't have a weight problem till the second one was born. I have been on many diets over the years always losing some weight but gaining more back.
Sept 1st of 2015 I was at my highest weight and decided I couldn't live like that any more. Since then I have lost over 30 pounds and have 53 more to lose.
My DH and I are retired but I have three men to cook for which is why I gained
all this weight. I changed my eating habits and the weight is coming off. I look forward to losing this weight and going into maintenance by the end of this year or the next. We can do this. Onward and downward.

quinnesec 01-12-2016 11:14 AM


It is like a family reunion, isn't it? =) Your new home and all of the flower beds sound gorgeous. Yes! Post some pics when you can. The weather is just awful here and will be for the next 4-6 weeks. I'm not a gym rat at all, so it makes walking difficult. MD doesn't want me using a treadmill with my back, which totally sucks. So, that leaves me with old lady mall walking, which is such a drag. Everyone walking there is about to keel over. They're a cliquey bunch of old bags, too. lol If it's 30 degrees or more, I'd much rather be outside.

Have fun at work tonight! =)

lildebbieg 01-12-2016 11:24 AM

Hi all! Checking in for evening accountability! We've got a great group of people posting here! It's making me feel so encouraged and motivated to see so many in the same boat with me! Are any of us (other than Mike!) over 5' 2"? We are a bunch of shorties aren't we! :p

Weekly goals:

64 oz. minimum water daily: Mon - 72 oz., Tues - 72 oz.
max. 1500 calories per day: Mon - 1198 cals., Tues - 1443 cals.
full body workout x3:
core workout x3: Mon - yes
cardio workout x5: Mon - 30 min. elliptical, Tues - 40 min. stationary bike
take vitamins daily: Mon - yes, Tues - yes

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