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libby116 05-15-2014 02:23 AM

Hi all. Today I feel like I have come out from under the cloud of doom and am ready to move forward again. I will let you know later how the day went. I hope that other people are feeling better today too.
Bea you are a beacon for us all this week. You will make it to 50 by tomorrow.

canary52 05-15-2014 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by simplybea (Post 108320)
Hi Everyone,

This thread certainly took a trip south by the end of the day yesterday. Let's see if we can keep it from totally derailing!

I am on track to hit the 50 pound mark loss, for tomorrow's weighin! .2 away, which I intend to blow right past!

I have a friend who is occasionally tagging along on this journey with me, and while she is far less obese than I am, she is much less healthy with all kinds of medical issues.

She believes weighing/measuring and counting calories is too much work!
She is also not having any success, and if anything sliding.

I keep trying to think of what I can say or do that will flick the switch for her, but I'm failing miserably!

I see some key things, but the most notable, I am realizing, is she will say "I am going to TRY to........(fill in the blank)" I say "I'm going to........."

I think the word "try" implies the option to fail.

So for today and "to infinity and beyond!!!", unless it is something, I seriously do not know if I can do, "try" is stricken from my vocabulary!

I WILL be keeping my calories to 1100-1300 today
I WILL diligently watch my sodium today
I WILL do the 2.6 km boardwalk in 36 minutes today, but I am going to try to make it in 35 :)
I WILL be 50 pounds lighter than I was on January 10 of this year, by tomorrow's weighin :D and I am sooooooooooooo freakin excited by it!

Sunshine, rainbows, and fluffy bunnies for everyone!!

Whether you think you can or you can't, you are correct!

I love this! So inspirational!!! I won't try either , I will DO!!!

Congratulations on the 50!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for the sunshine, rainbows and bunnies. I could use them!!! I bet others can too!!!

Libby, welcome out from under the cloud. I am getting out too (I almost wrote trying but stopped myself, Thank you, Bea!!!) Back pain for 4+ months has gotten me down but I am going for treatment tomorrow and I WILL find a way out of this!!!

Mern 05-15-2014 04:55 AM

I am here--just been so busy and when not busy either someone else was on the computer or I was too tired and going to bed early. I'm also really good at procrastinating. :o

Great granddaughter will be here today for me to babysit until 9PM. I'll try to post if she takes a nap, otherwise I may have to catch up with y'all tomorrow.

Kudos to those of you who are doing well and cyberhugs of support to those who are not.

canary52 05-15-2014 09:25 AM

So glad you're here, Mern. I was just thinking of you today. Just your appearance on the thread makes me happy. And today due to weather, I am in lots of back pain. DH has been having a rough day so believe me when I tell you that the smile you brought just by showing up did worlds of good. So, though you give and do so much, please know you are so valuable.

simplybea 05-15-2014 10:00 AM

Well I can change: TRY to walk the boardwalk in 35 minutes, to......... I CAN walk the boardwalk in 35 minutes!!

This is the fastest I have done it in about 4 years

I started at 5:58 and ended at 6:33 :)
I suppose I should/could download a stopwatch to my phone

Kumochi 05-15-2014 10:29 AM

Can we all blame the full moon? I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. Happy to see the weekend Not happy to have to weight in. Mary

jjrudd 05-15-2014 02:04 PM

Ate really well today and then at 8pm I went to the fridge and was debating fruit or ice cream...fruit or ice cream and ice cream won.

aimeet_1 05-15-2014 05:10 PM

Bea-I think you are right that it means the world of difference not to say the words "try" but rather "will or do". Most def! Also- very excited for you on your 50lbs!!!
Mary- most def the full moon btw ;-)
Mern- nice to see you hon. xoxo
Libby-crossing fingers for you
Jenn- you are making me hungry.
Hope- I am sorry to hear your back pain has been acting up, but hopefully better soon!

1. Log foods daily (M/N, T/Y, W/Y, Th/y
2. Drink 4-5 glasses water daily (M/N, T/N, W/Y, Th/N
3. Workout/gym 3-4 times week (M/Y,T/N, W/Y, Th/Y
4. Stay under 1400-1500 calories daily (M/y, T/Y, W/Y, Th/Y

simplybea 05-16-2014 01:31 AM

Let's finish this week on a high note!

In Canada it is a long weekend, but I am opting to work on Monday for essentially double time and a half! I have vacation at the end of August, so I will tuck it away until then

So, today:

I WILL keep calories to under 1300 ( I ended at 1000 even yesterday and I am genuinely hungry today, my kitty is looking tasty :) )

I WILL restrict sodium today

I WILL do something in this absolutely, beautiful gorgeous weather... I may go to the beach this evening and walk there

I WILL be kind and encouraging (without being phony, cause I just won't do that crap) to everyone I come in contact with today. If I can't find something nice to say, I'll just smile :)

I WILL be grateful

canary52 05-16-2014 01:54 AM

Goals (some borrowed) from: ( technically starting Tuesday but will log for M)
1) 6 glasses of water: y, y, 8 glasses and I think it helped!!! 9 glasses, definitely helps!
2) mindful eating:Y, y though too much I guess yes in terms of what I ate but no in terms of how ( distracted) Yes
3) mindful speech: y, y no, talked too much Yes
4) stretch: y, y, y, y
5) walk or gym 2-3 x: N yes and danced at Bruce Springsteen show no tiny baby walk, baby steps
6) thro out 5 pieces of paper or 3 items: N Y,Y, Y
7) lose a pound at least: N, N - gained weight, WHAT???, GAINED MORE, HUH???? lost depending on my early morning weigh in (135) or my later one (134.2) either 3 or 4 pound so far
8) 1288 calories max: N, N, Y N, just over, 1298

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