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cjohnson728 01-02-2014 05:19 PM

Hi Tori :)

Glad to see you again, and not just because you make me feel less alone in the wagon-falling department. I've also had my tail kicked quite roundly by life and am ready to get back to where I need to be...which is here.

Mern, how fun to incorporate your exercise with your little sweetie. For a minute, skimming and juxtaposing posts, I read yours about shipping your DH and then saw Libby's post about getting a package, and for a minute my brain thought, Oh, cool, Mern shipped her husband to Libby...obviously I need to be in bed and not still on the computer.

Thanks to the ladies who posted about being able to combat wanting to binge eat. Part of my problem over the past months has been that I've been up working till 1, 2 in the morning. That's a long time since dinner, need I say more? Y'all (yes, I live in the south) posting those comments reeled me in tonight - thank you!

Nyda, they sell diffusers in pet stores that are supposed to work if you plug them into an outlet (like one of those air freshers, about that size); it is supposed to calm your cat and decrease behavior problems. I haven't tried it personally, but I know folks who have, with varying success.

Oh, Tori, how is Jazzi Cat? Soooo sadly, we lost our Jazz in July. The vet found cancer and less than 6 weeks later we had to let her go. It was heartbreaking, and so hard on my husband...he was the one she gravitated to. He held her at the end and rocked her and told her how she was the best cat ever and I bawled my eyes out. It's so hard to let them go :(

Debbie, good job back on track. You've had a great week with the workout! What is it that you do that you love so much?

Erin, hope you enjoyed your snack, whatever you chose. Sounds like good planning.

I did meet goals today, logging, posting, worked out a bit with weights. Discipline is not as much fun as reckless abandon, but it pays off in the long run!

beccafries 01-03-2014 01:39 AM

Hi everybody...I will be checking in on this post weekly as well...
Im gonna try and work out at least 3 times a week or more.

Today was Friday weigh in.... Im in a good place :D:D

You are more than welcome to join us on Fridays... ( look for the post )
if you weigh in on Fridays, just include your name and your current wt
make sure to post that Fridays date..... go check it out :)

A brand new year everybody...we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lildebbieg 01-03-2014 01:41 AM

Good morning all! Today is my regular weigh in day and I'm up from New Years Eve....I was 126.8 on NYE and today weighed in at 128.6. I went way off the rails on Wednesday and managed to get back on track yesterday...but it will take a few days to get rid of the water weight....yet again.

Is anybody else this sensitive to sodium and cyclical fluctuations? I have to be so diligent in eating no processed food and watching sodium and keeping up with the water intake. If I stray at all, up goes the weight overnight. Is this just me? I am also sooo sensitive to water weight gain....twice a month...if you know what I mean. Sorry Mike!! :o

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 104584)
Debbie, good job back on track. You've had a great week with the workout! What is it that you do that you love so much?

Thanks Cassie! Maybe it's the endorphins? I'm not sure, but I truly enjoy getting a good sweat going....I love high intensity exercise! If I'm doing a workout that doesn't get me breathing hard and sweating, I feel like I'm wasting my time. I find exercising to be soooo much more enjoyable than counting calories....I guess it just works for me ;)

Originally Posted by libby116 (Post 104583)
Debbie: I am so excited about the DVD's. I tried 3 of them tonight and they are going to give me a good work out. I started with the total body toner and worked till my arms were tired. Then I tried 6 min. abs and finished with
Yoga for beginners. I could do a different work out every day with endless possibilities. You have made me look forward to exercising. I am going to look hot this summer at least hotter than I have looked for years. I can't thank you enough.

I'm so glad you're enjoying the dvds and glad you feel have a good variety!!! It's good to change things up so you don't get bored. You are totally going to be smokin' by summer! :p

I'll check back in later after I have completed my workout. Have a great day all!!!

cjohnson728 01-03-2014 02:10 AM

Yep, Debbie, endorphins are awesome...but what type of workout do you do? Sorry I wasn't more specific! I'm just always looking for ideas; I had some injuries a while back that sidelined what I usually do.

Morning to all; have a great day!

Mern 01-03-2014 02:32 AM

Fell asleep early while watching TV and missed two small meals. Not good for most people (including me) to eat below 1200 calories.

Thursday report:
Green=on track according to goal Blue=still time to get on track for the week Red=missed goal

Calories: 1200-1600 per day 1228, 827
Sat fat average: maximum 12% of total calories 11%, 7%
Dietary cholesterol average: maximum of 250mg per day 227mg, 145mg
Fiber average: minimum 25g per day 40g, 17g so average is 28.5g
Protein average: minimum 120g per day 127g, 103g
Net Carbs average (total carbs less fiber): maximum 25g per day 20g, 19g
Exercise: 3 days per week for first three months. Any extra is a bonus 1, 2
Water 64 oz. per day. Lost track--probably closer to 48 oz., ditto--must work on that!

In case anyone wondered, the resistance band I used playing with my great-granddaughter while exercising yesterday was a clean one--not dirty or sweaty.

Tori! Welcome back! Several of us have been absent from the group for a long time, having regained. We can all get back on track together.

Cassie, congrats on meeting your goals again yesterday. Doc suggested I do my aerobic walking DVD while holding the baby, but the added 12 lbs. was too much extra load on my bad back. Looking forward to my stamina being better. LOL on my shipping my DH to Libby. I am still in love with him after 42 years of marriage, but there are days where I'd like to ship DH off to Siberia. ;) So sorry about Jazz last year--I bawled my eyes out holding my dog years ago as we had him put to sleep--cancer of the pancreas. I believe we'll be reunited with our pets one day in Heaven.

Libby, thanks so much for YOUR support! This is a really great group from whom I'm already getting much needed tips and encouragement. Happy to give my great grandbaby a hug. Thanks. :)

My new scale: my old one was a Health-o-meter and from the very beginning, if I stepped on it three times I got three different readings. Not saying it was the brand's fault--might have just been that particular scale was not accurate. It also weighed me four lbs. heavier than my doctor's scale. My new scale is a Taylor digital scale and appears to be very accurate. If I step on it three times, I get the same reading each time. It cost $23 but doesn't do anything but weigh--no body mass index or weight tracking for two-four different people or anything like that.

The conversation about binge eating, especially in the evening, was a great topic for me on our restart, too. It reminded me that I need to get back in the habit of planning my daily menus as well.

Nyda, nice that you got in some sewing and a nap. Sorry 'bout your cat. I don't have any advice--we've had only one cat and that was my son's cat who was very docile. Best wishes on learning how to deal with your pet.

Erin, OMG, I love toast. especially loaded with butter, but it's off limits for me. I used to be pre-diabetic but reversed my blood sugar to normal with my doctor's help through diet alone and no meds. Normal blood sugar now since 2011. :) My evening snacks now are mostly protein--like leftover cold meat or a protein shake or eggs. Peanut butter is good, too. My doc said an evening snack of protein helps keep one's metabolism sped up. Hey, know that I'm not preaching. I've been known to binge eat Hostess chocolate covered mini doughnuts in the evening. :o

Debbie, good for you for doing what you know is best for YOUR body. There certainly is no "one size fits all diet." My doctor encouraged me last month to lower my exercise goal because she thought my goals of exercising 5 days per week (which is generally recommended for virtually everyone) was too high a goal for me and that it may be setting me up for failure. I had gotten to the point where I was so burned out on exercise that I just quit altogether. So she suggested I lower my goal to three days per week and that if I ever DO manage to surpass that, it'll be a bonus I can feel good about but I am still perfectly free to return to three days a week. But I am one that does best with logging all my food to be sure I get my ratios right for net carbs to keep my blood sugar in the normal range without meds and keep my saturated fat and dietary cholesterol intake on target to keep my cholesterol reversed from high to normal without meds.

Mern 01-03-2014 03:00 AM

Becca, hi! I remember you! Major kudos on your weight loss to date!

Debbie, at 67 I'm well past the "cyclical fluctuations" but I can SOOOO relate to you on the sodium sensitivity. I have to be really careful about not eating too much processed foods for that very reason. Eating at the Chinese buffet, even when meeting my targets for calories, sat fat, carbs, cholesterol, protein and fiber, causes me an overnight weight gain of about two lbs. It's the soy sauce... Although I could do a lot better, I have cut back on processed foods. Except for cooking pasta, DH and I use Morton Lite Salt (half the sodium of regular table salt) in our salt shakers and in other cooking or food prep. For roasts I cook in my slow cooker, I can use the brand NoSalt--but in any other food prep, NoSalt has a disgusting metallic taste to me. It's wonderful that you find exercise so invigorating. :)

01gt4.6 01-03-2014 03:03 AM


1) PWTJCx2
2) WTBMx3
3) W2mi

libby116 01-03-2014 04:55 AM

Week 2
Day 1

1. Stay within calorie limit under 1200
2. Eat 4 servings fruits and vegges
3. Drink 6 glasses of water
4. Lose 1 pound
5. Post daily and weigh in on Friday no matter what
6. Use the treadmill 3 + times a week
7. Use hand weights 3 times a week

Week one went well. The holiday gain is coming off and by the end of the month I should be at a new low weight.
Goal 167

lildebbieg 01-03-2014 06:44 AM

Hi all! Checking back in with my workout for the day...a 40 minute upper body strength/cardio interval workout. Awesome workout! My arms are sooo tired! Love it! ;)

12 Week Exercise Challenge, 84 days...84 workouts
Week 6, Day 1 - yes

Cassie - I love HIIT workouts and I also love running...although lately I've been using the elliptical a lot....I guess I love running outdoors but at almost -40 C with the wind chill running outdoors is out of the question for me until the warmer weather arrives. ;) For the HIIT workouts, I pick an amount of time I want to workout for, select the strength focus (upper body, lower body, abs, etc.) and choose some cardio moves...I mostly do skipping, but also add in jumping jacks, high knees, etc....and then set my interval timer for 10 seconds rest and 30-40 seconds work and alternate between strength moves and cardio exercises. What do you normally do and how did you injure yourself?

Mern - hats off to you for managing and changing your health without meds! Many others would have thrown in the towel and just taken the meds! You should be proud of yourself...I'm sure you are! ;)

Becca and Libby - my fellow both did awesome this week!!!

TGIF!!! :D

Mern 01-03-2014 07:51 AM

Libby, congrats on week one going well. Simply awesome that you should be at a new low weight by the end of the month! :D

Debbie, congrats on your workouts! :) Thanks for your encouragement. My doc did tell me that not all patients with high blood sugar or high cholesterol are able manage those health issues without meds. I'm lucky to be one of them who is able to (at least at I have been since 2011--no guarantee it will work longterm) plus lucky to have a doctor who had faith enough in me to let me try before handing me a prescription. She also helped me work out, through trial and error, my own custom nutrition goals.

After lunch I pre-logged all the rest of my food for the day to be sure I could enjoy evening snacks and not blow my goals. Small meal dinner will be skinless, baked chicken breast, cooked cabbage, and nuked mushrooms with onion. And still left for the evening are a flaxmeal muffin, 3 oz. more chicken and Kroger Carb Master Dairy Blend which tastes like yogurt but is only 4 net carbs. :)

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