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tjkhoover 07-28-2010 08:23 AM

Rose you really kicked it up...congrats on the 2 lbs. That is terrific. I know you will eat and live like a thin person because you have already chosen to do so....enjoy!

As far as your goal goes....that is just what it is a your best to meet and and if you pass it keep going if you don't...keep going. Either way your are one step closer.

Kaitlin your running is coming along so well...8 minutes is great!

ukja your workout sounds like it covers alot and seems like you like it even though it kicks your butt...keep up the good work.

Well, my update: I spent a week in the hospital so my running came to a screaching halt but I am back out there now...they approved me to continue but I have to watch heat because of the medications I am on. The good news though is that I dropped 2 lbs and I hit a major goal of going below 200. I never want to see it again. My new goal for this month is to lose enough so that when I have that little monthly weight gain I still don't see 200. :)

Going on vacation also so I will be gone all of next week but I will be thinking about you and miss my check-in but I will be back. It helps me stay accountable and encourages me when I hear everyone stories.

Princess_Fyara 07-28-2010 12:27 PM

Hi I'm new. :) Can I use your check-in thread?

OK, so I started walking yesterday with a friend. We are going to walk once a week, but will be doing our own programs for the rest of the week. I don't have much to report except my starting goals.

I weighed yesterday afternoon at 225.8 (with clothes) which is about what I have been maintaining since my last go at losing weight. Between January and March I went down to 215 from about 225 and before that, between July and November I had lost a lot of weight while on a mission trip in Kenya I don't know how much I actually lost, but I thought it was between 20 and 40 lbs, but I gained it back. my highest weight was 230. Anyway, we have moved several times lately and I have been trying to just maintain my weight until I was ready to lose it. Now I am ready! I am counting calories and walking lots, because that worked for me before. I weighed a few minutes ago without clothes and I was 223.2 so I guess I get a jump start. Anyway, my goal is to fit in my wedding dress again by the end of the year, so I want to be 190 on December 31st 2010. This is a mini goal, and I would like to be 145 by July next year.

I haven't been able to walk yet today, because I missed the morning cool, but my husband and I will be walking tonight when it cools off.


mtlgirl 07-28-2010 12:52 PM

Welcome Fyara! You are more than welcome to join our club. You have been on a mission trip in Kenya? That is wonderful!

Jackie thank you so much! I am really sorry to hear that you spent a week in the hospital! But thank goodness you have been given the green light to continue your exercise program. And major congrats and dropping below 200! That's awesome! :)

Kaitlin, thanks so much! I'm so glad I could give you some ideas! Also, great job on hitting the 8-minute mark in running. It's a big accomplishment! I loved it so much when I first ran for 8 minutes. Keep up the great work!

Molly, how was your week?

tjkhoover 07-28-2010 02:20 PM

Of course you are welcome Fyara...glad to have you on board. We have a great little group and we celebrate each other's successes and encourage our efforts and both big and small you are in the right place.

missfitt42 07-29-2010 01:51 AM

The Wed Club
Good morning, is this a club that checks in on Wednesdays or is it a club that is getting married? If it's the first then I'd like to join, if it's the second, then I can offer advice since I've been married for 20 years.

I realize this is Thursday, too. I joined (again) yesterday. Is Fitday something one joins? I think it's more something one utilizes. At any rate, my goal is good health. Which my current weight does not support at the moment.

My weigh in yesterday was 210. This is also my highest weight ever, aside from pregnancy, but that doesn't count. One can't count someone else's weight even if while carrying them for 9 months! LOL

My goal weight for August is to lose 5 pounds.
My end goal weight is somewhere in the 125-135 range. (I'm height challenged)

Take care, have a good week and thank you in advance for welcoming me!


mtlgirl 07-29-2010 02:35 AM

Welcome Missfitt! You are funny :) This is indeed a club that meets on Wednesday mornings after our weekly weigh-ins but we don't have any prejudice against those who are wed in the nuptial sense.

Back in February I weighed 205 pounds which was close to my highest of 218. I lost weight very slowly and eventually discovered the Fitday forum. I count my start date as the day I started logging my food here and exercising regularly. This forum has been a great source of motivation for me and I have benefitted a lot from checking in regularly to see how the people in the same boat as me are doing. You will find that there is a fantastic exchange of ideas, tips, and most importantly support.

Welcome to the Wed Club! So glad you could join us!

MollySue2 08-02-2010 12:28 AM

Hi all!

so glad to be back... I have to admit I had lost my focus a bit, but can now report that I'm officially back on track! Ever since I did my trip down south I stopped logging in my food and it gradually started to show. I haven't really gained any weight, but my leg, bum and stomach area do feel squashier then they used to - only because I got lazy. If it wasn't for this forum and for the great people I met here I honestly might have given up... :(

However, I think I figured out why I gradually let go and I hope that my knowledge can be of use to someone. :rolleyes: After I had lost the first 5 pounds I missed the crucial point where I should have adjusted my eating and exercise habits. I just kept going without increasing my exercise regimen or adjusting my caloric restriction. I'm wiser this time and since it is Monday I make it my mission to start afresh today! The good thing is that I will set off for a ten-day hiking-and-kayaking trip this Thursday, so I should get some great workouts. :D

Rose, well done on getting some extra workouts squashed in! And you got a reward, too! Losing 2 lbs is awesome!

Kaitlin, running 8 minutes straight is great! Keep going - you are definetly on the right track!!

Ukja, wow, you seem to do a lot! I was especially intrigued by that Insanity Fitness test you mentioned.

Jackie, sorry to hear you had to spend a week in hospital. Congrats on getting below that 200-mark - that is such a terrific achievement! Enjoy your holidays!

Fyara and Missfitt, welcome to our Wed club! So glad to have you join us!

Frank, how did your week go?

Take care, everyone!

kcolville 08-02-2010 06:38 AM

welcome back- and you can do this!

missdevine 08-03-2010 01:51 AM

Is it ok to Join?>
glad someone started this thread!

keeps people motivated and supported! :)

mtlgirl 08-03-2010 02:32 AM

Hi missdevine! Welcome and of course you are more than welcome to join. Tomorrow will be a new Wed Club thread so stay tuned! It is a great source of motivation and the more the merrier! :)

Molly, welcome back! I was wondering about you. Good for you for figuring things out and getting right back on the horse... or in this case the kayak. Wow, 10 days of hiking and kayaking is amazing! Have an awesome time!

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