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Hunny24 09-09-2012 11:57 PM

7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 9/10/2012
Well I haven't seen or heard from anyone all weekend or this morning so starting the thread myself. Was able to do two runs this weekend - one three mile one and one 4.5 mile one with my friend. Felt good to push myself to run two days in a row but took a break yesterday to watch the Bears game, have a few drinks and be unhealthy. Back at it again today and looking forward to starting a new week. Hope everyone had a good weekend and if you slipped, to start the week off strong and back on the wagon!

cjohnson728 09-10-2012 12:05 AM

Thanks for starting us off, Ann; your motivation is contagious. Guilty as charged; I stopped posting yesterday afternoon and indulged a little too much in the goodies I baked on Saturday :o. But as you said, it's back on the wagon today with another clean, clear food log! I'm keeping my goals and fervently hoping this is the week I get through each and every one of them:

1. Calorie limit 1200.
2. Balance pie chart & follow fiber/fat guidelines.
3. Drink 72 oz. fluid, at least.
4. Sleep 7 hours.
5. Exercise 6 hours total for the week.
6. Eat at least 4 fruits/veggies per day.
7. Take all vitamins and supplements.
8. Eat clean.
9. Log everything and post goal progress daily.

Mern 09-10-2012 01:23 AM

Sorry, Hunny! I thought I had posted over the weekend, but I must have been thinking about the email I sent to a friend about my new goals. Kudos on your runs! I joined you in going off the wagon slightly this weekend, indulging at dinner at a restaurant with DH last night--mashed potatoes with gravy and a slice of banana bread. But I'm back on the wagon today with new goals.

Cassie, I guess the slight cheats were contageous, too, since you and I and Hunny indulged a little over the weekend. But I'm ready to go with new goals this week that I'm QUITE confident will work for me. :)

I ditched the modified TLC diet that I tried that evidently was not giving me enough calories. The diet itself was great and allows for more calories but I had to reduce my calories to close to 1200 because of my personal carb and protein restrictions and the total fat restrictions of the TLC diet itself. Despite my continuing to exercise 5 days a week, my weight loss stalled out on the modified TLC diet- and I believe it's because the modifications I made caused my body to protest to too low calories for my body's needs.

I'm going to increase my calories by 100-200 per day sensibly by adding back to my diet monounsaturated fats from daily olive oil and/or half a Haas avocado that Doc told me I didn't need because my saturated fat and dietary cholesterol limits along with my fish oil and red yeast rice powder supplements were all I needed to help reduce my high cholesterol to normal. And she was right--my high cholesterol IS normal now, but now I could really benefit from more monounsaturated fats since I I'm pretty sure I need more calories and can't increase my carbs or protein. If I this works to get my scale moving again (absolutely positive it won't raise my blood sugar and cholesterol back to high levels) I'll be so "full of myself" you won't be able to stand me. :p

Caution: do not take red yeast rice supplement in any form (either powder or extract) without your doctor's knowledge and permission. And be aware that red yeast rice extract has the same health risks carried by the statin class of medications for high cholesterol (that I am not willing to take) and can interact with other medications. The red yeast rice powder I take carries only miminal risks such as upset stomach or diarrhea--but I have no problems with it at all.

This week's goals:
Calorie average 1300-1400
Dietary cholesterol average 250mg or less
Saturated fat average 10% or less of total calories
Net carbs after deducting fiber 25g
Fiber minimum 25g
Protein average 120g or more
Exercise 5 days
Morning and evening supplements
Nutritious snack that won't take me off target

jjrudd 09-10-2012 01:46 AM

Thanks Ann for starting us off!

Goals for the week
1. Log everything
2. Drink 7 glasses of water
3. Stay within carb limit
4. Exercise at least 30 mins 5x
5. Be gentle with myself. Know it's going to be an emotional week and just go with the flow. And as an aside not to take it out on other people!!
6. Be grateful for what I have (wonderful friends, a family that loves me and the most adorable niece)
7. Tidy bedroom!!!

As for last weeks goals--living room is tidy but kitchen is a mess again :(


jjrudd 09-10-2012 01:47 AM

P.S. Although I indulged last week weight did not go up YAY :D

Mern 09-10-2012 02:10 AM

Jenn, kudos on your little indulgence not causing your scale numbers to go up. I forgot to weigh this morning before breakfast, so I won't weigh until tomorrow.

A little computer program I now use to remind myself to take my supplements may be worth looking into for those of you who have a problem remembering. It's compatible with my computer which uses Windows Vista and an anti-virus program to scan files for malware/viruses before I download them. I used to keep my pill box by my computer as a reminder, but I'm used to it being there so no longer take note of it. Desktop-Reminder 2 (you can find it through any search engine) resides in the system tray, is very easy to use, and gives a comical yodel as an audible alarm. In order to keep it working, you must minimize it rather than close it out--clicking "task is done" or the snooze button will minimize it. It will reload itself to the system tray when you restart your computer. Since I downloaded it a couple weeks ago I haven't missed any doses of my supplements. :)

quinnesec 09-10-2012 02:13 AM

Sticking with the same goals as last week as they seemed to be about right. Going to continue with my fall cleaning and painting this week, which should keep my hands busy and out of the fridge! ;)

1. LOG EVERYTHING, no matter how small.
2. Calories under 1100.
3. NO breads, cheese or deep-fried ANYTHING!!!
4. Take ALL vitamins and supplements; even the big, nasty ones.
5. 3-4 fruits and veggies a day.
6. Be grateful, humble and patient with everyone... no matter how hard. lol

01gt4.6 09-10-2012 02:48 AM

I'm setting the goals for Tori and myself

1) Post starting weight- 185.6 pounds
2) Lose 1.5% (2.8 pounds)-
3) No eating past bedtime-
4) Gym x 3-
5) Gallon of water a day-
6) Tuesday 9/11 (give blood, hang an American flag, do something to remember the day that we were attacked on our own soil)-
7) 4 fruits/veggies a day-

1) Post starting weight-
2) Lose 1 pound-
3) Walk 1/4 mile for every cigarette-
4) 80 oz water-
5) Tuesday 9/11 (remember)-
6) 2 fruits/veggies a day-

traceymc1985 09-10-2012 03:33 AM

Back after 2 weeks of being BAD! 3lbs gain!
Hi everyone-ive not been sticking to plan for the past 2 weeks. Im not going ti use any of my excuses because i know that i could have worked around them. But ive been to weigh ins and exercised but just ate too much fat and calories. Im determined to sort this out and get back on track.
We have a 14 weeks to christmas in our class next monday and its an incentive to lose a stone for the big day. Little Black Dress we call it. All i need to do is lose a pound a week to stay on track and i want to smash it.
Here we go...Back to Basics- i want this 3lb gain to get off me as fast as it went on!

# WATER- make this my 1st drink of choice before the tea/coffee/diet coke/hot choc

# FAT RULE- 5% or less per 100g

# CALORIES- 1200 Daily

# EXERCISE- just do it, time for me to make this a proper habit and increase it at every chance i have.

judipurple 09-10-2012 01:21 PM

Hello everybody! Quiet night here - the kids went to a friend's house to play video games, and I am just enjoying the silence and solitude. Man, it has been quiet on this board lately. Not unlike the tides, it just seems to ebb and flow...
And much like a barnacle, here I am, stubbornly clinging to these changes! hey,whatever works, right?

Still journaling, keeping up with the supplements, posting the numbers on FitDay and on this forum. Ended up making 16 pints and 10 quarts of black bean/roasted corn salsa- at least I finished something right yesterday!:rolleyes:

Tracey - it could just be water weight - eat clean and drink lots of that miracle liquid - H2O! Flush it out!

Mike - thanks for the reminder about Tuesday - we should never forget.

Miss you Tori!

Quinn - that whole "Humble, grateful, patient" thang - I think this week, for me, might be a good week to remember to cop an "attitude of gratitude". In all this darkness, you shine a light of goodness on us all. Thank you.

Jenn - Wise thoughts : 5. Be gentle with myself. Know it's going to be an emotional week and just go with the flow. And as an aside not to take it out on other people!! Touche!

Mern & Cassie- et tu? yeah, I fell off that same danged wagon yesterday - three ears of corn! Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy Ice Cream! Thought I was doing so good, working all day with the salsa making - but I let my guard down, got too tired to cook (anything else!). I even ate one of the ears of corn raw - how sad is that?!?

Ann - just incredible with your running! Impressive numbers/mileage!

ok - here are the numbers for Monday:
Calories: 1,390 Fats: 85.7 Carbs: 48.4 Proteins: 111.8

Happy to keep the carbs on the lower end of the spectrum. The total calories weren't too bad either.

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