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7 Day Motivational Summertime Fun Thread starting 07/04/2011


7 Day Motivational Summertime Fun Thread starting 07/04/2011

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Old 07-10-2011, 01:16 PM
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Mike, that's great that you went fishing today. Wow, six hours in that La. sun! Whew, I couldn't do that! It's horribly hot and humid in Ohio right now and I just know it's worse in your neck of the woods. What kind of fish did you catch and how many? Great that your policy writing has picked up. I'm really happy for you.

Main80...but you did great the rest of the week and STILL have a calorie deficit of 3445! Congrats on that--no kidding! And look how "symetrical" you are on the water: yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. And on the dog walking, 3 no and 3 yes. Symetrical counts for something, doesn't it? LOL Aw, you'll get it. Just be proud of the things you CAN accomplish. You'll be fine. I'm really amazed myself that I enjoy the Y so much that I consider it ME TIME, even on a Sunday afternoon. I hope the enjoyment lasts and that my membership keeps me from getting back to dreading exercise like I used to. I decided to go ahead and try the seniors Cardio Circut group class tomorrow to see if I like it. It's 45 minutes three days a week. Let me know if you got the Pilates in. Hey, lets you and I really try hard to make this coming week "our week." We can do it!

Signing off to go watch some TV.
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Old 07-10-2011, 01:20 PM
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MAIN80, even with the slips, you still did a darn good job this week. Looks like should be about a pound gone for you, and I know you had fun!

Mike, I agree with Mern...you should be durn done in tonight! Hope you enjoyed your fish if you cooked it tonight.

Mern, I love it; definitely going to try your recipe. What I like about it is that you can do just a couple at a time...I am bad with having a plethora of goodies about. Thanks for the idea! I can do Splenda but try to avoid it, usually just get it in the flavored waters and an occasional diet soda. I might drizzle with honey or use some turbinado sugar. But thank you, thank you...it sounds great! Although if I bake anything else my family might throw me out of the house about now. I have to somehow use up about a quarter of a pineapple and three bananas, so I'm on a mission to figure that out by tomorrow morning.

Sheesh, I hope I get some work soon.

Yep, I have to buy top and bottom separately; I'm different sizes (unfortunately the smaller size is the top). But I ended up with a bikini top, a tankini top, a string bikini bottom () and a pair of swim shorts that are so comfortable I might never take them off. They all coordinate so I can mix and match, but I don't think I'll be wearing the bikini top and bikini bottoms together...a little too much skin if you know what I mean! So I am set for summer and don't need to tie the straps of my old suits with a shoestring to keep them up.

Aaaaannnndddd tomorrow is Monday and another round of goals!
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Old 07-10-2011, 01:22 PM
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Thanks Mern we caught a little of many fish... Drum, catfish, trout, croaker, even got a big blue crab and a sting ray that I let go
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:46 PM
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Sunday Check In:

1. Keep calories below 1300. 959, 1236, 1252, 1198, 1298, 1276
2. Exercise 6 times. Weights, Cardio Tennis, Tennis, Weights, Nothing , Stationary Bike & Jog w/fam
3. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Post daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Drink 64 oz. water. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, Yes
6. Try 2 new healthy recipes. Yes-Chicken Cutlets Pomodoro, Yes-Orange Chicken Broccoli Stir Fry, Yes-Granola Bars, Yes-Pie Crust, Yes-Trail Mix

7. Send invoices out. Done
8. Deal with the dreaded insurance situation. Decided to let it go
9. Continue working on pics for scrapbooking. Hmm. Did not get to this
10. Get oral surgery scheduled. All they will schedule now is a f/u visit - Done
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:00 PM
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Oh, the before and after pictures I was talking were about the extra bedroom. Sorry, I should not post so late at night or when I am so tired. We got my bed and bookcase in the room now. We are going to work on going through some of the boxes tomorrow.

For before pictures of me... go here. I actually have to take pictures tomorrow for week 2.

Hoping for a call from any of the places I interviewed or applied to today.

I need to work on replying to people's post... I feel like I am ignoring people and I'm not. I just suck at joining the convos, I guess x.o.

Check-in for Sunday:

My goals for this week:

1. Eat between 1300-1500 calories per day... 1040, 1160, 980, 940, 1020, 1120 calories.
2. Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day... 10 glasses, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8 glasses
3. Go on walks 3 to 4 times this week... Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes
4. Take my multivitamins Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Increase my fiber intake... Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Take measurements... No, No, No, No, No, No
7. Weight myself daily and write it down... Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

Other goals:

1. Clean the extra bedroom out... No, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Worked on it ^_^
2. Take my bed out of storage and place it in extra bedroom... No, No, No, No, Yes, FINALLY I miss my bed T_T
3. Empty out boxes for the bedroom... No, No, No, No, No, No
4. Apply for a new job... No, No, No, No, Yes, Yes!
5. Keep boyfriend on track with his diet... Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

Last edited by ChibiSub; 07-10-2011 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:18 PM
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Fitness (same o'l, same ol')
1) 1600 calories or less, 1664, felt like a billion, 1661, 1614, 1370.1449
2) stretch, yes, no, no, yes, no, yes
3) 64 oz of H2O sigh why is this so hard? 64, 80, 72, 50, 64, 40
4) gym or walk 2-3 times, does walk through town for fireworks count? no, no,no, yes, no
5) avoid sugar yes, erhhh sugar free candy bbque sauce on pork, no,yes, yes,yes
6) go easy on the carbs (exception: July 4th) no (hamburger bun and a little whole wheat pasta with pesto), nope, no and now I am suffering, yes, yes mostly (ate some pita bread), yes

1) remember to take fibro meds, yes, yes, yes needed to take more, yes, yes,yes
2) do not get back to relying on painkillers (exception: July 4th), No, yes, no, yes, yes (only 2 Advil both days), yes
3) ditto for sleep meds. one half a benadryl, yes, one half a benadryl to sleep and for allergic reaction, yes, yes,no
4) write at least one hour, no,class, no, yes, maybe 40 minutes,yes
5) meditate, no, no, no, no, no,yes
6) schedule fun (museums, plays, dinner by the river, etc), talked about it, no, was asked but no, no ,no,no
7) stop obssessing over DD, yes, no, yes, yes, no,eh

Last edited by canary52; 07-10-2011 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 07-10-2011, 05:41 PM
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Last numbers

1. Weekly calorie deficit of 6000: 604, 451, 755, 1008, 1037, +410 -577(4022)
2. Drink 3.5 L of water per day: Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, No, No,
3. Walk dog 3 times this week: No, No, No Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Finish two lessons: No, No, One down, started the other, No, No, No
5. Work on the handbook: No, No, No, No, No, No, Darn it
6. Deal with the inbox,: A little, a little more, getting there, my inbox is suffering from a summer flood... I will try to sort it over the weekend.... NEVERMIND, its a little decent.
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Old 07-10-2011, 05:49 PM
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Mern and Cassie, thank you for your words! I also believe symmetry has to count for something But yesterday was a planned cheat so I actually don't feel guilty or anything, the wine was not planned for but well, I did enjoy it!

Chibisub, you finished off your week great! Dont worry about the replying
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Old 07-10-2011, 11:27 PM
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Default Holy Cannoli! Sunday's Epic Fail

Hi Ladies & Mike,

So after a flawless week I ended in a flaming blaze of epic fail. Sunday was a hot mess. I started off great, went out for a run and did 20 minutes non-stop with 10 minutes of power walking before and after for a total of 40 minutes. I surpassed my goal of working out for at least 4 hours this week! Then I madly cooked and prepared all morning to have my aunt and uncle over for lunch. I had not invited any family to visit my new home since I had moved in over a year ago, mostly because my dad passed away last year from a horrific disease and it took me months to even get to the point when I could sleep or function properly. I made fresh pasta because my uncle won't really eat anything "weird" like brown rice. It was delicious of course and I guess eating the pasta unleashed a carb monster in me. I obviously busted right through my calorie limit for the day. Also my cousin brought cannoli and I just cannot resist those! So I caved and had one.

All in all, I think that I will be ok. After all here I am, accountable and back on track after a one day pig-out.

My goals for this week:

1. Eat between 1100-1400 calories per day. YES 1131/ YES 1232/YES 1297/YES 1365/YES 1306/YES 1106/ NO 2428!
2. Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day. DONE!/ DONE!/ DONE!/DONE!/DONE!/DONE!/DONE!
3. Exercise 4 hours this week. 40 min./45 min./45 min./80 min./40min. (total so far: 4 hour 10 min.) YAY!
4. Take my multivitamin. YES/ YES/YES/YES/YES/YES/YES
5. Eat 30% protein or more. YES 44%/ YES 30%/YES 41%/YES 38%/YES 36%YES 37%/NO 17%
6. Stay away from that sugar! YES!/ RESISTED!/YES!/YES AGAIN!/OH YEAH!/SUCCESS!/NO

Other goals:

1. Put up the solar blind in the kitchen!
2. Apply sealer to the coffee table. DID IT!
3. Get copy of key made. DONE!
4. Water the flowers. YES/YES/YES/YES (and then moments later it poured rain! )/ YES
5. Mail package.

Cassie, you did amazing this week! Wow, look at your goals! And thanks for all the encouragement!

Mern, fantastic work at the Y with your walking! Way to go!! As for the salmon recipe, I used a blend of herbs that I purchased at a spice store that just opened right in my neighbourhood. The store is so quaint and is filled with fair trade herbs, spices and sugar from all over the world. The one I used is called 'Poseidon's Catch.' I believe it contains dill, sweet basil, garlic, coriander, fennel seeds and white pepper, but this is just from looking at it and smelling it.

Main80, let me know if you try the salmon! I am making it again next Wednesday when I have my friend over for dinner. As for the running. I started with a program called 'Couch to 5K.' It starts you off slow and you gradually work up to running a full 5k. I really enjoyed it and never got injured.

Mike, you must be tanned after spending 6 hours in the sun!

Chibisub, good luck with the job hunting! Hope you get a call back. And great job taking before pictures. You will appreciate them very soon!

Last edited by mtlgirl; 07-10-2011 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 07-11-2011, 03:15 AM
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Mern: You're so awesome to keep up with everyone! I try to always view myself as a work in progress and it helps me -- when you're a natural worrier, it's kind of like breathing. You find yourself worrying before you even think about it, and then you have to undo whatever it is that's getting you worked up. Lol! I have a laid-back BF though who is not a natural worrier. We even each other out. Congrats on the find for the beans!

Cassie: You're making me want to get over my fear of baking, those bars sound delicious. I might try them the weekend after next! I hope your cold is better

Hope: Thanks for the congrats It definitely felt good. He had also had a note to schedule me for a nutritionist and just crossed that right out on his notepad! Talk about an ego-boost at a time I really needed one.

ChibiSub: Good luck on your job applications!! Before and after pics are GREAT!

Mike: I often find that when I start to go bad I do the same thing, or have the same mindset of all-or-nothing (Well, I had a piece of pie, no sense trying to save it, I'll have another!). Sometimes I can talk myself out of it and sometimes I can't, but we're all here for you!

Rose: I was pretty relieved to see that the doc's scale was close, haha. I had a dream of going in there and it showing up as 10 lbs. heavier, glad to see that it wasn't! You did GREAT this week, you deserved a cannoli~ haha!

Hugs to anyone I missed, I'm going through this thread so quickly.... you are ALL ROCK STARS!

Final Report Card

Fitness and Exercise Goals:
1) Average of 1300 calories (no more than 1450 on any given day) T: 1,179 W: 1,349 Th: 932 F: 1,303 Sat: 1,158 Sun: 1,106 (Week Average 1,171)
2) Achieve a 7,000 calorie deficit through a combination of eating and exercise. T: -726 W: -556 Th: -1,231 F: -602 Sat: -747 Sun: -1,008 (Week Total: -4870)
3) 96 oz. of water daily T: No W: yes Th: yes F: No Sat: yes Sun: No
4) 30 Day Shred 5x per week T: No W: No Th: Yes! F: No Sat: No Sun: Yes
5) 2 or more "extra exercise" cardio days T-Sun: No
6) Limit eating out to 2 lunches and 1 dinner or less T: No eating out W: No eating out Th: Dinner out F: Lunch out Sat: Lunch/Dinner out (Total: 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners)
7) Weight and record on Friday ONLY (it's TOTM, but I have a doc's appt. Friday and I want to see how their scale measures against mine) T: Did not weigh W: Did not weigh Th: Did not weigh F: Weighed Sat-Sun: N/A
8) Fiber pills and multivitamin every day T: No W: yes Th: yes F: No Sat: No Sun: No
9) Roughly 40/30/30 C/P/F ratio for the week (mostly focusing on the 30% protein) T: 48/29/23 W: 53/23/24 Th: 53/24/24 F: 36/27/38 Sat: 48/20/32 Sun: 29/29/42 (Week Average: 44.5/25.5/30)

Other Goals:
1) 5 hours of sewing done this week T: 0 W: 1.5 hours Th: 0 F: 0 Sat: 0 Sun: 0 (Week Total: 1.5 hours)
2) Clean (or at least tidy) one room every day T: yes, kitchen W: yes, bedroom (laundry) Th: No F: No Sat: yes, laundry and kitchen Sun: No
3) Reserve car for birthday weekend trip! T: Done! W-Sun: N/A
4) Mail out thank-you note T-Sun: No
5) Make an effort on my appearance every day T: Meh... W: Better Th: Yeah F: Yes Sat: No Sun: No

Man, sorry for phasing out on you guys, I got struck with a series of cluster headaches from Saturday afternoon through Sunday night and spent the weekend on the couch eating whatever I could in the times where the headache lessened -- that included a large pizza (BF's sweet attempt at comfort food, and hey, he got me a thin-crust!), though their thin-crust cheese is very low-cal according to their website (104 cals per slice really isn't bad at all), so I don't feel too badly.

Woke up this morning with a more manageable headache. I hate cluster headaches, thank goodness they only come a few times a year. And the scale said 173.9 this morning, so hey, I'm losing again!! Just in time to go on another trip, lol.

In terms of report card, I did better-than-expected on calories, but totally dropped the ball on exercise and water intake, which I'm usually pretty good about. Interesting.

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