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KristynBond 02-02-2010 07:51 AM

Hi Kimmy! I really, really like your posts. I just wanted to respond to a post you made a little while ago. You said you were doing step aerobics and no one does that anymore. I actually just tried my first step class in about 15 years on Sunday. It was SO much fun, but I also looked ridiculous. I think I'm gonna go again tomorrow. I had a great time.
Good luck with you challenge!

KimmyRocks 02-03-2010 01:05 AM

Hey Kristy :)
Thanks for posting. I applaud you for having the guts to take a live step class. THAT is something I'm not sure I'd want to do, though I guess if the choreography was basic enough and the instructor gave clear instructions, I might be okay.

I dunno though... It takes me SO LONG to get in the groove when I'm doing a new workout DVD! I do, and redo certain sections I don't get until I know the routines when I'm at home. (Can't do that in class.) Plus - knowing there are men at the gym (what used to by my gym, anyway) watching my clumsy attempts - ugh!

Yup. You're brave. Let me know how it goes today!

It's day 16. (Weight training this morning.) We got new sparkly powdery snow overnight, so I'm going out for a few hours of Nordic (cross-country) skiing as my cardio today. I can't wait. I love variety AND I love being outdoors.

75 days and 53 workouts to go!

KristynBond 02-03-2010 03:42 AM

Haha...thanks. Luckily I don't get embarassed easily. :-) If I did I probably wouldn't be going to the live classes. Everyone there is really nice, so it wasn't as scary as I thought it might be. I'm gonna go again tonight. I figure if I can commit to 3 live classes a week, that's a good start.
I look forward to continue reading your updates!

KimmyRocks 02-04-2010 01:35 AM

I love winter
I have to tell you - yesterday I had SO MUCH FUN skiing! I went to the same county park/forest as I had in the middle of January. Only that time, I fell on about 75% of the downhill stretches of trail. I avoided a lot of hills because of the risk of injury.I had fun, but it was at a cost. I went home sore with quite a few bruises.

I started training right after that.

What a huge difference in just two weeks! Since my legs and back are stronger, I did every hill without falling once. It was so much more fun now that I'm in better condition. I took some huge hills, too! Two hours later, I was tired, sweaty and very happy. Plus, I got to see some amazing winter landscapes. The quiet of the forest with the snow gently falling around me....? Wonderful.

So, besides wanting to be healthier, I also work out so that I can enjoy the sports and activities that I love. I want to learn kayaking and rock-climbing!
Oooh... look at me going on and on...

It's day 17 :) The forecast looks great for today and tomorrow. I'm going to get dressed, snack on a banana and head out for more skiing! WoooHOOOOOoooooo!

KimmyRocks 02-04-2010 11:43 PM

Jeans don't lie (?)
It's Day 18.

Being outdoors skiing this week has been great for my spirits. I'll head out again this afternoon. I'm burning around 1200 calories each trip out - and I really feel it in my back muscles and tushy. Good stuff! Today will be it for the next few days... so it'll be back to the treadmill on the weekend.

Weight training this morning before I head out. I noticed my jeans are fitting a little better this week - I hope that's not my imagination. :p

73 days and 51 workouts to go.

KimmyRocks 02-06-2010 12:08 AM

It's day 19.


I've burned a boatload of calories this week - so I'm quite pleased, despite blowing off yesterday's weight training. :eek: I know - shocking, right?

I was dragging and had to choose between skiing and lifting weights. I had enough energy for exactly one of them. I chose to get outdoors.

I feel I've earned my rest day today.
72 days and 50 workouts left in this challenge.

See ya'll tomorrow.

KimmyRocks 02-07-2010 07:04 AM

Day 20 and Week 3 is a wrap!
I just finished my weight training and 4.5 miles on the treadmill. I had to force myself to get moving today. I slept for 10 hours last night and I was still tired this morning. I did a little over 9 hours of cardio this week with the cross-country skiing - when I have been doing 5 - it's no wonder I'm beat!

I'm feeling refreshed now, so I'm glad I got up and got moving.

I'm drinking water and eating my favorite post-workout lunch: light peach non-fat yogurt, sliced strawberries, a handful of blueberries and 1/2 cup of cooked and cooled kashi pilaf - all mixed together. Yummm!

I'm looking forward to doing measurements after next week. I'm curious.

Tomorrow starts week 4. The first few have flown by. I have to say that I'm enjoying my herbal tea so much in the evenings, that I don't miss the martinis at all. And cigarettes? There have been a few days I've had cravings, but I'd rather spend the money on new music than a pack of cigarettes. New music downloads are a pretty sweet reward, actually.

Feeling proud of myself is another nice reward. Things are getting good now, so there's no way I'm turning back.

71 days and 50 workouts to go! (I shouldn't have ticked one off for yesterday, since it was a rest day)

KimmyRocks 02-08-2010 12:50 PM

Did a little over 5 miles on the treadmill, got showered and feel human again. Today was a scheduled rest day, but walking doesn't need to count as a workout, so I'm not going to tick it off. (Honestly, I was a little bored.) It's been an uneventful day. I did some writing, cooked, cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry. Big whoop.

I just got my favorite herbal tea in today's mail (this lemon wintergreen stuff that looks and smells an awful lot like potpourri :rolleyes: ) They stopped making it, so it's probably the last time I'll find it - even online.

It's the start of week 4 - closing in on the first month, which I'm pretty excited about. I'm really looking forward to being fit again. That will be sweet. For now - it's all about clearing away the doubts and creating new healthy habits. Right now feels good. I'm enjoying the process.

70 days and 50 workouts to go in the challenge!

KimmyRocks 02-09-2010 01:26 AM

when she got there, the cupboard was bare
Just finished planning my grocery shopping for the next few days - just to tide me over til the weekend. The list helps me answer the question "what's for dinner?" - which I MUST be ready to answer, or we end up ordering pizza or grabbing some other gawd-awful convenience food.

Was debating on whether to ski today or not. I think I'll wait and go tomorrow (and probably Thur & Friday too) since there's snow in the forecast. :cool: The trail will be better with new snow.

So... it's weight training and step aerobics today. I'm bored with the music on my Step DVD, so I'll need to figure something else out. (I have a dozen or so step workouts on VHS - but I don't have a VCR anymore.) Netflix, here I come.

It's day 22: 69 days and 49 workouts to go!

KimmyRocks 02-12-2010 03:35 AM

Get it done, girl
Haven't posted in a few days... Yesterday was a rest day and the day before, I did some skiing for cardio. *shrugs* Feeling a bit blah... and there's not much reason to keep up these posts - except I thought they would help me. Right now I'm kinda wondering: why bother?

The wind chill has been a bummer for skiing. I cut Wednesday's trip out short by an hour because I was cold and wet. No fun, that. I've been feeling chilled ever since.

So, it's indoors for me until the wind dies down. :( Not thrilled, but it is what it is. Hope the snow lingers, so I can get back outdoors.

Weight training today and (boring) cardio on the treadmill. Just going through the motions - at least I have some new music to hopefully make it better. Morgan Page... great for walking at 4+ mph. Love his stuff.

66 days and 47 workouts to go

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