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iansteele 08-06-2013 11:46 AM

It's always good to rant Jenn, most doctors are really full of excrement these days


1. 3500 calories worth of exercise
2. Under 2000 calories per day
3. Under 40g fat per day
4. 3 fruit/veg per day
5. 3 of something to be decided later

iansteele 08-06-2013 11:51 AM


1. 3500 calories worth of exercise
M-415, T-256
2. Under 2000 calories per day
M-2313, T-1477
3. Under 40g fat per day
M-44.2, T-31.7
4. 3 fruit/veg per day
M-5, T-1
5. 3 of something to be decided later

RenewedSoul 08-06-2013 01:36 PM

Weeks goals:

Hope everyone is doing well!

Jennifer: sounds great that your weight was down at Dr. office

1. Post all food that enters my mouth: Yes
2. Walk 20 min. 5 out of the 7 days: No
3. Look for a walking buddy: live way out in the country, will be difficult to find one unless its at work
4. Continue to try and relieve stress: Yes
5. Lose 2 pounds

Robingen 08-06-2013 02:44 PM


1. Workout 3x, M-walk, T-Walk
2. Eat 3 veg per day, M-1, T-4
3. Do 3 (extra) chores per day, M-1, T- 1 very big one

If it wasn't for that veg goal I would not have had that huge salad tonight, had to get the vegs in and the kitten ate most of my chicken. She is relentless. And she says thanks for the kisses.

Jenn, I agree with Ian. I was raised to respect doctors and their authority and these days I have no respect for most of them. The more I learn the less trust I have in them. The jury is still out on my new family doc, I only met him twice. The surgeon that fixed my husband's leg was amazing. At least half the problem with the doctors is their office staff. You have to take charge of your own health, that's my take.

Robingen 08-06-2013 03:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 428


norsi89 08-06-2013 10:29 PM

As a workout I could recommend the Tabata workout. Check it out, it is quite intense. Advantage: Doesn't require that much time.

jjrudd 08-07-2013 01:22 AM

Thanks Ian, RenewedSoul and Robin. I agree with you Robin. I'm the the one who is in charge of what goes in my mouth and how much exercise I get. I do go to a diabetes centre (nurse and dietician) and I can ask as many questions as I want.

Since the week is half over I'm going to keep my goals simple
Drink 6 glasses of water
Keep carbs in check
4 servings fruits/veggies


RenewedSoul 08-07-2013 02:04 AM

Hope everyone is doing good so far! Cute kitty Robin! I have had some wonderful doctors and some that were horrible. The worse thing is having medical staff that is hateful and rude. I think that they forget who they work for, which is us. We pay them to take care of us. All the patients are their employers, which I think they forget.

1. Post all food that enters my mouth: Yes, yes
2. Walk 20 min. 5 out of the 7 days: No, yes
3. Look for a walking buddy: live way out in the country, will be difficult to find one unless its at work
4. Continue to try and relieve stress: Yes, no
5. Lose 2 pounds: hoping.....

Robingen 08-07-2013 03:51 AM

Yes I am struggling right now with a rude and disrespectful medical secretary who keeps blaming everything on the doctor (opthamologist). I have called the referring opthamologist to let them know what's going on. Because I can't speak to the doctor directly (that would be horrible wouldn't it?). This is all regarding my son's "emergency" eye surgery that he needs. The secretary does not know that am as relentless as my kitten with chicken lol.

Oh and I added a 3 goal:

4. Do lovingkindness meditation 3x this week: M-Y, T-N

And Jenn you are right, the medical system can't fix the problem they can only treat the symptoms. Maybe effectively or not. TAKE CHARGE! :)

jjrudd 08-07-2013 10:10 AM

Wed report
Drink 6 glasses of water probably be the end of the day
Keep carbs in check NO
4 servings fruits/veggies 6 had big salad for lunch


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