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FitnessNerd01 02-09-2022 10:36 PM

I Tried to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week — Here’s What Happened Part 1
My roommate and I were planning on going out of town for the weekend and it was my turn to host, so I thought that would be the perfect opportunity to try out this lose 5 pounds in one week fad that’s been going around on Pinterest. I decided it would be fun, but I ended up feeling terrible afterwards. So here’s everything you need to know about how to lose 5 pounds in a week: do not do it! Watch out for the next part...

FitnessNerd01 02-09-2022 10:42 PM

I Tried to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week — Here’s What Happened part 2
Weight Loss Planning 101To lose five pounds, you need to eliminate 500 calories from your diet each day. In other words, if you normally eat 1,600 calories per day, cutting back to 1,100 will result in a weight loss of five pounds over one week. So here’s what I did. During my first week, I tracked every calorie I ate on an app called MyFitnessPal and made sure that my daily intake stayed at 1,100 calories. It was tough: One afternoon I caught myself fantasizing about eating a package of Oreos and said out loud That would be so good right now, which is totally not what you want to say when you’re trying to watch your waistline! Still, being able to see every bite helped me cut out mindless eating — when it came time for lunch or dinner (my biggest meals), instead of going through the drive-through or ordering takeout, I sat down with pen and paper and planned out exactly how many servings of salad or broccoli or turkey burgers were going into my body. Next, I followed The Hacker’s Diet by Michael Matza, which has detailed meal plans designed for quick weight loss. These days I follow The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss — tracking calories has become second nature to me and helps me stay aware of my consumption; plus it makes losing weight really easy. The Four Hour Body also taught me about carb cycling — cyclically switching up your carbohydrate consumption in order to boost energy while staving off hunger pangs; I love doing carb backloading where all my carbs are consumed before 6pm so after dinner all I have left are green veggies, tomatoes and a bit of avocado… yum! There are tons of apps and websites that can help you count calories easily. If they work well for you, great! But don’t get too wrapped up counting calories — remember it’s more important to enjoy smaller portions of delicious food than spend too much time stressing over whether something contains 400 or 500 calories. And remember that everyone loses weight differently and there isn’t just one way to do it: Weight Watchers, Atkins and Paleo are just three popular approaches. Experiment with several options until you find something that suits your lifestyle and goals — then stick with it! Once a week (preferably Saturday morning) track everything you’ve eaten from food labels in addition to checking websites like CalorieKing . This is important because oftentimes manufacturers post inaccurate information online — better safe than sorry. Part 3 Loading.....

FitnessNerd01 02-09-2022 10:44 PM

I Tried to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week — Here’s What Happened part 3
My Diet Plan for Losing 5 Pounds in 7 Days

I have tried every diet under the sun, but I’ve always had trouble sticking with them. I was determined to lose five pounds by Saturday night. After about four days on my plan, I can say that it has been quite simple and easy to follow. However, it definitely hasn’t been fun. First things first: If you’re looking for a miracle diet or magic weight-loss trick, you won’t find it here. In fact, there is no such thing as an overnight solution when it comes to losing weight; there are just ways of making your lifestyle changes more gradual (and less painful). Below are some tips that worked for me during my seven-day challenge of losing five pounds — give them a try! 1. Think About How Your Food Is Going to Make You Feel Later: The main reason why diets fail is because they focus too much on immediate results instead of long-term ones. If a certain food isn’t going to make you feel healthy, strong and energetic, then there’s really no point in eating it; however good those foods may taste right now, they will eventually make you feel sluggish. So think twice before taking another bite of processed junk or fast food…treats are treats after all! By focusing on what each meal will do for your body down the road rather than how hungry/full/happy you’ll be at that moment, I ended up consuming fewer calories per day. And by restricting myself from certain foods entirely, my willpower to eat well just kept getting stronger. 2. Go Meatless One Day Each Week: While most people don’t realize it, meat is not essential to a healthy diet! But even if you love beef and bacon as much as I do (which is A LOT), switching out animal protein for one day of each week can go a long way towards reducing calorie intake and cutting your carbon footprint. 3. Don’t Fill Up on Snacks/Salads: This tip might seem kind of counterproductive considering I’m telling you not to snack between meals while also advising you not fill up on salad ingredients like croutons, avocado or dressing — but hey, we all have our vices so indulge away!

FitnessNerd01 02-09-2022 10:47 PM

I Tried to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week — Here’s What Happened part 4
It’s Day Two of my diet plan and so far I haven’t been hungry at all. In fact, I just ate breakfast — but only because I had already prepared it! As crazy as it sounds, I feel like my body has adjusted to having a smaller amount of food than it’s used to. The constant hunger pangs are completely gone; instead, I wake up feeling light and ready for anything. Today, while most people were eating hearty breakfasts like pancakes or eggs (amazing!), I opted for a smoothie made with strawberries, blueberries and plain Greek yogurt. If you told me that one day, during one week of my life, fruits would be my favorite meal option…I would think you were crazy. But here we are. My fruit-only morning wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable -– quite honestly, I felt happy and energized knowing that my tummy was full from healthy ingredients.

Although I still have 3 days left on my diet, I think doing what’s described above will continue to work for me long after these 7 days are over — no real sacrifice is needed since everything tastes good without sugar! So far, so good :-) Now if only losing fat from other areas of your body can be as easy… But alas, that seems to require some hardcore exercise commitment which is simply not going to happen until my new weight goal is met! Until then, here’s hoping my healthy smoothie routine sticks around. :)

How much would you bet that by day 7 or 8 she’ll want something more substantial? It’d be great if she comes back and shares whether or not she stayed with it longer than a week though. Maybe she will make it through…who knows? If anyone out there ever feels like trying her method please let us know how it goes ;-) Good luck! Lots of people struggle to lose weight, I was one of them! No matter what diet I tried I could never stick with it very long because they always left me feeling hungry, frustrated and starving which meant ultimately I just couldn’t follow them because they were causing me physical pain, making me overeat on cheat days then stressing about my weigh in. And don’t even get me started on extreme diets such as Atkins where all your fat intake comes from cheese but no vegetables?! That was pure madness for my body and brain -– which wants both vegetables AND fat! The other main issue for me has been cravings for different foods when following diets.

FitnessNerd01 02-09-2022 10:51 PM

I Tried to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week — Here’s What Happened part 5
A Few Days Into My Diet Plan, And I Already Feel Better
I woke up feeling great! I was still going strong on my calorie intake and exercise routine. My body wasn’t too sore or tired and it was nice to be able to see some results. It’s always motivating when you can actually see your body changing before your eyes. I also had quite a bit of energy even though I didn’t sleep very well due to excitement and nerves about how I was feeling physically. This made me realize how far my stamina has come! Working out is not as hard as it used to be so that motivates me even more, not only because it shows visible results but also because it feels good! On top of all these positive changes I noticed that my anxiety levels were down significantly. Normally if a day goes by where I feel like things are falling apart, little worries will build up into big ones and cause unnecessary stress, which then leads to bad eating habits since food is usually what calms me down when it comes to feelings of stress and anxiety. So now instead of thinking what if something bad happens? I think things are good at the moment; why ruin them? I truly believe having enough self-control makes things easier for us because we have confidence in ourselves that we can handle any situation as long as we don’t give into our destructive impulses… For now :)

ahvccenter 03-20-2022 09:52 PM

The community of fitday is one of the best place for anyone who like to maintain a healthy and fit life ..

Jane_967 04-20-2022 01:01 PM

Its great. I followed all your parts.

Jane_967 04-21-2022 06:51 AM

I think the more calories you consume the more weight you gain.
So always try to cut down your daily calorie intake.

ErinKeegan 04-21-2022 02:32 PM

Don't forget to sleep properly and take care of yourself, the weight isn't always important

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