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laurenmw2002 05-25-2010 10:18 AM

Binge eating
Does anyone have this problem? It makes it impossible to diet for me. Every time I start a new diet I do well for one or two days and then I binge eat. I have never stuck to a diet for longer than a couple of weeks. :mad::confused: Then everytime I try to lose weight I always just end up putting on 5-6 pounds because of my binge eating! How ridiculous.

dizzy_44 05-25-2010 10:36 AM

IMO Dieting is impossilble for most people, myself included, as I too am a binger. I have embarked on many, many failed diets. It cannot be a "diet" to succeed, it must be a lifestyle change. I had to change my entire mindset about the way I eat and the activities I perform. I had to start thinking in terms of a life-long change to become healthy and not just a quick fix. It's about learning what works for you and your life style. My suggestion would be to get brutally honest with yourself. You can do me...if I can...anyone can.

Don't forget to use the support network here, you don't have to go it alone.

Nobody said this would be easy, they just said it would be worth it!

Luckygir15 05-25-2010 10:42 AM

Have you looked into the "zig zagging" calorie plan yet? On this you can follow your strict calorie goals and then go up a little on certain days (eating more) This pyschs out your metabolism into burning more calories. Look into it when you get a chance, it seems to work best for my "life style journey" and following a diet just wasn't going to be an option for me.

cjohnson728 05-25-2010 11:05 AM

I agree with Luckygirl...I use the calorie cycling and continue to do so on maintaining. I found that if I was overly restrictive, I would be more prone to binge; relaxing the reins a little bit keeps me from doing so.

tjkhoover 05-25-2010 11:13 AM

"Weigh Down at home" offers a free online course. Check it out....this may truly help you.

wannabefitgrl 05-25-2010 11:40 AM

I'd look at the quality of the foods you're eating while 'binging' as well. I know it's more fun to go for chips, cookies, crackers, ice cream, or candy. If it's possible, just stop buying those things. I'm lucky in that aspect...I live alone and control what is in the cupboards and my fridge. Buy some fresh veggies, carrots, celery, broccoli and cauliflower. When you get home from the store, take some time to wash and cut up all those veggies and when you get the urge to munch for no reason, reach for them. You will fill up fast because they're full of good carbs and lots of water, but you won't undo your entire day of healthy living.

You might try getting out and going for a walk or doing something active when you get the urge to much, or even sitting down to read a good book...anything to take your mind off of food.

In addition to those things, I plan out my meals and snacks, I even try to do that on the weekends. I eat 5-7 small meals a day, plan out what I want to eat and keep track of the calories. I pay attention to what time I ate and schedule another snack in 2-3 hours. It keeps me from eating too much when I do eat, and also from eating too often (or all day long if I happen to be home).

Best of luck! And keep reaching out here for that support.

rpmcduff 05-26-2010 02:38 AM

Try to change a little at a time. I have spent almost a year and a half changing the way I eat. First I gave up just soda, then iced tea with sugar, then I would get the salad at McDonalds (with low cal dressing) instead of the Big Mac Meal. You need to slowly find a healthy diet that you can live with. You also need to control your calories without putting your body into metabolic shock. Try to do a 500-700 calorie deficit daily. If your deficit is greater you will have major cravings. For the minor cravings use healthy alternatives like almonds, a protein bar, or protein shake. Make sure your Fat, Protein and Carb percentages are reasonable. Studies have shown that besides being unhealthy cutting fat intake to less than 20% will cause cravings. Fat it seems has the ability to satiate hunger. That is why healthy fat sources, like almonds or other nuts, are a good alternative when the cravings to occur. Just use moderation, as you can consume a lot of calories in a handful. Good luck!

laurenmw2002 05-26-2010 06:58 AM

Thanks for all the replies! I could be trying to do too much too fast. I will look into this zig zag diet. I weigh about 130 lbs and when I diet I am for 1200 cals. What I find is that I kind of psych myself out with counting calories and exercising. Then I go for the bag of cookies! :p It all happens fast. I should just stop buying them since I do live by myself.

This is a great forum! Maybe next time I feel a binge come on I will just post here. :D

mecompco 05-26-2010 09:36 AM

If you think you may suffer from binge eating disorder, you might want to check out one of the books by Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. As a binge eater myself, I found his book very helpful.


Meggs84 05-26-2010 10:11 AM

Its all about choices!
I sometimes do the same thing, I'll eat well for a few days then really splurge on the weekends or a dinner out. I, like many others, don't believe in dieting, whatever choices you make need to fit in with the lifestyle that you want! Instead of reaching for that bad , bad so good, food maybe think of alternative munchies that will keep you happy!

For example:
want chips, try popcorn
something sweet, try a handful of prunes,
feeling munchie? I will grab food that requires some handling, like a grapefruit or an apple with some almond butter, the dipping and peeling process sometimes helps me when I am eating because I am bored. And of course don't forget your water! Tones of it too, try an ounce for each pound you weigh. It fills you up and keeps everything moving!

Food is something that you can control in your life. You can decide what goes into your body, so become empowered by making those healthy choices and eventually you will not be tempted!

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