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lcriswell0421 11-29-2012 02:49 AM

1. Try to average 1650/day for the week. way off. too high.
2. Get back to logging everything every day, even the bad stuff. yes. yes.
3. Take my meds 2x/day. yes. only 1x.
4. When I start to grab junk food, make a better choice. yes.* yes.

Considering I ate a ton of Chinese food last night from Panda Express, my stats were surprisingly not as bad as I would have guessed. I have my two favorites from Panda as custom foods with info from their nutritional page. I did weigh everything and so I have an accurate log of the nutritional info. It was over my calories, but only by about 1/2 as much as I thought it would be. Pleasantly surprised...or at least not as shocked. lol

I'm going to try really hard to not eat any junk food today. Does an apple cinnamon fruit & grain bar count as junk food? I had one in the middle of the night. It was 140 calories, so definitely not as bad as a handful of Oreo's or a bowl full of Cheez-Its.

Have a good day everyone!

amalthea1892 11-29-2012 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by lcriswell0421 (Post 92474)
I have my two favorites from Panda as custom foods with info from their nutritional page. I did weigh everything and so I have an accurate log of the nutritional info. It was over my calories, but only by about 1/2 as much as I thought it would be. Pleasantly surprised...or at least not as shocked. lol

Now that's the way to do it! Great job! I love Panda as well, but tend to consider those free days (bad me...). If I could just do what you did then I could keep portions and calories in reason, and not feel so guilty! Ama :o

amalthea1892 11-29-2012 04:18 AM

Lots of H2O: Y, Y, Y
Focus on whole foods: Mostly, Mostly, Mostly
Focus on fruits and veggies: Y (big veggie soup for dinner), Y, no so much...
Focus on exercise: N, Y (kicked butt at the Gym!), Stretching,
Lose 1lb: -.2 so far, -1lb!!!
Post to FD even at the end of the week when I get lazy: Y, Y, Y
Don’t stress over Christmas (I manage to pull it off every year and this will be no different): Y - I am debating skipping cards all together. So far not too stressed out. Y - Planning a white elephant party with close friends and it is pot-luck so no worries about providing all the food. Sorta - too busy to think about not stressing, well maybe this is a Y after all!

Food Plan - Thursday
Coffee x 2
Breakfast - Kashi cereal and soy milk
Lunch - ?
Snack - Nuts
Dinner - Chicken, rice and broccoli
1 Drink with dinner if at all
Back-up food for after dinner craving - low cal, low carb and low salt
Chocolate piece for dessert

:D Ama

blkblueanimegrl 11-29-2012 06:28 AM

Alright, here's a check-in for the week! I feel checking in is helpful when I start to fall back on some goals.

1) Eat <1900 calories a day: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes so far
2) Yoga for 30 minutes at least 3 days: Yes, No, No, No won't have time (gotta make Friday and Saturday my two days...)
3) Walking with dog at least 5 days: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes heading out in an hour to do so
4) Stretching every day!: Yes, Yes, No :(, Not yet
5) Stay happy and positive all week!!: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

I can still make all but four, but even stretching just 6 days this week is better than none, since that is what I'm coming from. So keeping positive! Bought a lot of dried fruit for snacks and some nuts to snack on. I'm careful to measure it out, though. High calories in nuts for sure! But needed vitamins and minerals for myself.

Hope everyone else is doing well too!! :)

bojibridge 11-29-2012 06:38 AM

Start of my week has been a bust, but here I am again, giving it another whirl. My problems always arise when the unexpected things come up. On Tuesday it was a friend inviting me over to help him it a bunch of snacks, and I was like, okay, I can control myself... yeah right. Yesterday, it was a Women in Astronomy free pizza lunch. What a bad day. 3 pieces of pizza, 3 chocolate chip cookies, Thai curry dinner and a box of butterfingers at the movie theater later... well, I didn't add it up.

Okay, that's alright. That's done. Moving forward.

Mern 11-29-2012 07:48 AM

My reports start with Tuesday this week

Wednesday Report
25g net carbs (after deducting fiber) 26g, 17g
minimum 120g protein 128gm 129g
maximum 250mg dietary cholesterol 170mg, 198mg
take supplements YES, YES
exercise 4 days Tues-Sun Not yet
Portion control YES, YES
Select most foods from metabolism boosting foods list: YES, YES
water 64 oz. NO, YES

Had the willpower to buy the grandkids a pizza after school today and eat only two pieces of pepperoni off a slice and enjoyed a Diet Pepsi. Felt good to be back in control. :)

jjrudd 11-29-2012 08:00 AM

Not a good day food wise. Had a muffin for breakfast and I am going to be over my protein too. I am logging it so will see totals when I add up at the end of the day or tomorrow morning. I feel like I am letting myself down when I don't eat properly.


Mern 11-29-2012 08:43 AM

Didn't quite get caught up with the posts. Hopefully will be back later.

Welcome, smartday! :) Nice plan!

Originally Posted by lcriswell0421 (Post 92460)
Ama and Hope, thanks for the well-wishes.
rn and Jenn, I totally feel your pain losing the same few pounds over and over. If I were pounding my head against the wall, I would learn that it's not a good idea and I would stop hurting my body. Why can't I apply the same concept to eating the wrong food?

Lisa, it feels good to cheat on my diet only for a moment, after telling myself I'll get back on track tomorrow. It's like a popcorn addict convincing herself she can eat just one piece, or a chip addict thinking she can eat just one potato chip. I THINK I actually try to convince myself I'll make up for the cheat without sabotaging my weight loss progress, but deep down I know better. Good job on ammending your number 4 goal. Oh, that dreaded E word--I'm out of the habit and haven't gotten started. Kudos on your 20 minutes of exercise--that's a really good start and you should be proud of yourself. Great job at Panda Express! We rarely get Chinese so I just can't turn it down, either. And unfortunately I can't resist the sesame chicken or beef lo mein noodles. And the sodium is outrageous--my ankles and hands always ache from water retention the next day because I'm so sodium sensitive--but it's only maybe two or three times a year, thank goodness!

Hope, your reports are really good this week. Congratulations! Kudos on your meal planning. I haven't been doing that. No chocolate is a killer, isn't it? I've been in control this week with only two Hershey Sugar Free Special Dark miniatures this whole week. Wish they could make caffeine free, fat free chocolate that tastes good. So glad to read you're being kinder to yourself.

Donna, low sugar and low fat is hard to do at the same time. In managing my blood sugar and cholesterol without meds, I am compelled to eat high protein to keep my carbs and fats under control. Have you tried egg substitutes like Egg Beaters? I use the cheaper store brands. It's zero fat and zero cholesterol. In omelets and as chopped egg for tuna salad, I can't taste the difference between it and real chicken shell eggs. I so wish there were some "one size fits all" easy, magic diet. We all just must do the best we can with what information we have at the time. Big hug to ya!

dmartz 11-29-2012 11:14 AM


I haven't been using egg substitutes, but I'm going to start. I just found out that my cholesterol went up, from 240 to to 260, even with doing more exercise. Damn. Not at an all time high, but moving in the wrong direction for sure. And I refuse to take meds. Too many studies that say they don't work as well for women as they do for men, etc. etc. The more I read about the physiology of cholesterol, the less compelled I am to use a pharmaceutical remedy. The good news is all my other health indicators, bp, triglycerides & glucose are great.

I think I just need to cut way back on sat. fat. & Chol intake. Logging everything into fitday is great because I can look at the 6 mo report vs the one month report and see that my cholesterol intake has increased about 15% in the last month, which corresponds roughly with the bloodwork results.

P.S. Thanks again for the tip.

dmartz 11-29-2012 11:27 AM

log it all!

I know it's a pain, but I'd encourage you to estimate cals and log them even if you go way over. It's ok to have a few spikes in the calorie chart once in a while. I just think of them like interval training during a workout - it's ok to not let your body get complacent with a similar number of calories every day. By logging everything I know what I have to 'make up for' to lower the average on the other days. I also think the graphics help keep me in check when I look back at the reports over time.

Your mileage may vary, but I find it very interesting all the info I glean from looking back at my long term eating trends.

- Donna

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