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cjohnson728 11-04-2012 11:59 PM

7-Day Motivational Thread 11/5/12
Hi Everyone!

Let's get some goals going and get serious as we count down to Thanksgiving...still time to get some good habits into place ;).

I'm keeping goals simple, as I'm still buried under work and home stuff, and it's only two weeks till I leave for the House of Schizophrenic Food...

I did really well over the weekend; hope to keep it up. Seems the staying power is my downfall lately.

1. Calories 1200 or fewer.
2. Do some sort of exercise every day.
3. Eat clean.
4. Get enough fluids.
5. Get enough sleep.
6. Log and post.

7. Decide about cutting my hair off/not cutting it off by Friday.
8. Start the car search. I should be more excited about this than I am.

Hope everyone has a great week!

ToriD1012 11-05-2012 12:17 AM

I'm SO in!! I really need to get back to doing what works. WHN and I talked last night about how we really need to start cooking better. I guess I'm lucky, in a way, that he also struggles to keep weight off. The one thing we differ in is that he doesn't calorie count, just works out more and eats better and the weight comes right off for him. Yeah, well, this short fat chick has to count every calorie AND work out for the weight to come off. Life sucks sometimes :)

Anyway, I'll post up some goals when I get home from work. Or I may collaborate with my Bubba and see of he has any ideas of goals that he and I can actually stick with :p

See y'all later!!

lcriswell0421 11-05-2012 01:00 AM

My weekend was abysmal. Soooo bad. :( Sara did awesome, but I am struggling with the fact that she's eating what seems to keep her full and fine at about 1400 calories, when what I read says she should be getting at least 1600. I don't want to force her to eat even when she's not hungry. That's how bad habits start. So I'm very confused. I wish my dh weren't unemployed right now; as soon as he gets back on a job site I'll take Sara to the pediatrician to get some good advice and recommendations. For now, I won't force anything and we'll just keep track of her nutrition, watch portions, and cut out a lot of junk food. Major change this week for her is that I will be packing mini water bottles in her lunches instead of sugary juices.

For me, the weekends seem to be the worst. I need to get on track all 7 days this week. It seems my mind says, "Oh well, you've already gone over your calories today so you might as well give up." And then I go insane on the calories instead of stopping the bleeding.

Goals for the week:

1. Aim for 1600 calories/day.
2. Take meds 2x day.
3. Do some sort of exercise 3x this week with Sara for at least 20 minutes each time.
4. Log everything everyday.

jjrudd 11-05-2012 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by lcriswell0421 (Post 91514)
I need to get on track all 7 days this week. It seems my mind says, "Oh well, you've already gone over your calories today so you might as well give up." And then I go insane on the calories instead of stopping the bleeding.

Oh my gosh, I am the same way. I have days when I have a muffin for breakfast and then figure "oh I've already gone over so might as well eat whatever." I did really well on exercising on the weekend but food could've been better. I need to actually eat within my allowance everyday--or at least aim for it. I'm struggling with what I know I should do and actually doing it.

Goals for the week
1. Keep carbs and protein in check
2. Eat 4 servings fruits and veggies
3. Drink the water!!
4. Exercise 5x for 30 mins

Personal Goals
1. Clean hall closet:eek: (can't find anything)
2. Finish bagging leaves
3. Stay positive


frenchhen3 11-05-2012 01:30 AM

I'm in too! I had an okay weekend food wise. I did a little damage at dinner last night, and I was less than stellar on my water consumption. With that in mind here goes:

1. Ingest 64 oz water minimum.
2. Log food.
3. Slow down and be mindful when eating.
4. Walk dogs M-T-W-Th- (then walk dog F, S, Sun) (one dog is going duck hunting f-sun)

I have to remember that food has no feelings, just like clothes. I have no trouble pitching items of clothing that no longer fit the new me. Why do I sometimes have problems with food that I find in the cupboard that doesn't "fit the new me" also? Something to ponder...

01gt4.6 11-05-2012 02:11 AM

Sis and I are in. This morning I tipped the scales at 190.4# :eek::eek::eek:

jjrudd 11-05-2012 02:17 AM

Closet is clean!! YAY. Wasn't quite as bad as I thought, just a matter of putting shoes back on the rack and hanging stuff up. I also had a big glass of water after finishing.


dmartz 11-05-2012 02:57 AM

No house guests this week, (or halloween,) so it should be easier to get my 'regular' exercise. Even with 3 days of non-stop walking I gained 1-2 pounds last week.
  • Exercise > 40 minutes three times this week
  • Calories < 1600 daily
  • Protein > 50 grams daily
  • Vegetables > 2.5 cups (CDC site says that's the minimum I need.)
I made excellent progress on my Todo list prior to house guests, so the focus is on the items above this week.

dmartz 11-05-2012 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by lcriswell0421 (Post 91514)
I am struggling with the fact that she's eating what seems to keep her full and fine at about 1400 calories, when what I read says she should be getting at least 1600. I don't want to force her to eat even when she's not hungry. That's how bad habits start. So I'm very confused.

If you weren't keeping such a close eye on calories yourself you might not notice she had a calorie deficit. Perhaps let her try this for a while and see if she still feels energetic and alert. If so, I think I'd not worry too much about the numbers, but focus on the quality of the food she's eating.

canary52 11-05-2012 03:15 AM

Food and fitness:
1) Plan meals
2) Try to stick to meal plans (or close)
3) Mindful eating (I like that, Frenchhen; I hope you don't mind I'm using it)
4) Water - 36 oz, c'mon 6 glasses
5) Do not be a carb monster
6) 2 gym visits or walks (even short) min, 2 c'mon how hard can that be? (answer with fibro: very hard but NOT IMPOSSIBLE)
7) stretch

8) Wriiiiiiite
9) Meditate
10) mindful speech/listen
11) Practice Spanish

OK this morning I notice I lost one pound but that might be because I weighed myself later. I love that, Cassie: The House of the Schizophrenic Food.

Good luck, everyone!!!

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