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vivace72 09-19-2012 06:07 PM

A healthy pregnancy: needing to get back on track
Hi, I'm a normally healthy active person, but have put on more weight than I should have during this pregnancy (as much as I gained in total with my first). Now at 6 months and have gained 40 pounds with dr. directed care in nutrition. I'm a mom of "advanced maternal age" (but not THAT old!)

I want to be healthy as a new mom for myself and my kids. So tracking food as of today, including protein and calcium intake. Mostly need accountability to stay away from the simple carbs, too.

Perhaps unrealistically hoping to start to reverse the process I've started in the extra weight gain of the first 6 mos. Anyone done this successfully? I will be absolutely certain to have plenty of protein and calcium for the baby (and me) and am focusing on fruits and veggies. The good thing is my base diet is pretty healthy. It's making sure I don't go overboard on snacks and even things like the almond butter on things. Which has been a total failure the last 6 mos. I give myself a break for the first trimester, but have maintained bad habits since. So frustrating.

Also aware people will say not to worry, you're pregnant, etc etc but think that's actually not the case- I do need to pay attention. So any ideas, thoughts, things that have worked, encouragement- would love it!

anderson02 10-05-2012 08:28 AM

Hi, I had a similar post when I was pregnant and got blasted for counting calories. Pregnancy is not the time to diet but it's also not the time to eat everthing in site. Neither of the two is healthy for the baby. So be mindful of what you eat and that will make it easier to take the weight off once your little one arrives. It's hard to say if I had success or not because I did not lose weight during pregnancy but what more would I have gained if I wasn't keeping an eye on things?!?! :eek: The scale shot up on me towards the end as I was retaining a lot of water too. The frustrating part was that I didn't realize it was water at time and wondered why I was gaining so quickly. My Daughter was only 6 pounds so my thought was "Ah crap! That means the rest is ice cream!" :p Lol!! I wasn't good all the time.

That being said I lost a bunch of weight right after the baby with ZERO effort. I then plateaued for probably a month. It was again frustrating since I was doing what I should but my body had to adjust to such a big loss all at once.

I am also a mom of "advanced maternal age" so I think we have to work a little harder and be a little more careful not to get too crazy during pregnancy.

armortellaro 10-15-2012 06:15 AM

I gained all of my weight in my first trimester with my second baby as I was too ill to give a hoot about what I was eating. Once I stopped feeling awful I began to eat the way I did before the baby and didn't gain any weight up until 36wks after being reprimanded for not gaining weight for 16wks. I gained an excessive amount during my first trimester, 20lbs, but once I went back to the gym and could eat properly it evened out. Don't count calories, but be aware of what you are eating particularly if you're not active.

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