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Mern 08-08-2012 02:46 AM

arcy? Are you still with us? If so, I hope you're doing well.

Mike, so sorry 'bout your bike and having to file the claim on your own insurance. Glad you weren't on it when he hit you! Even though he won't be charged with driving with no license and no insurance, will you be able to take him to civil court to try to get him ordered to pay your $1000 the deductible?

cjohnson728 08-08-2012 03:59 AM

No time to check in last night, so here it is...

1. Calories below 1300. 1109, 1306-close enough
2. Balance pie chart and follow my rules. Yes, Yes
3. 72 oz. fluid daily. 78, 76
4. Log everything and post daily. Yes, I logged and posted, just didn't post what I logged till today
5. Eat clean. Yes, Yes
6. 3-4 fruits and veggies per day (I'm stealing ). 4, 3
7. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, Yes
8. Sleep 7 hours, at least, per night. 5.5 7
9. Exercise 6 hours total this week. 30 min., 60 min.

Busy day at work; will try to catch up later!

amalthea1892 08-08-2012 04:34 AM

My un-posted, but always on my mind goals will be to drink water all day Y, Y, limit coffee to 2 cups/day N, Y, reduce portion sizes Y, Y, and to be nice to EVERYONE, no matter how stressed out I get this week…! Y, Y

Grandma is finally on antibiotics she responds to :p. May get into her wheel chair today for a spin through the ward! DS is back in preschool. Work is manageable :). Gotta count my blessings as next week I may be finished with my current taks and need to go scouting for clients/work/paycheck! Love my job but is always feast or famine... but could use a little famine right about now :(.

Thanks for the kind notes Judi, April and Mern!

April, I sure hope your ankle feels better soon - love the TAT!

Mike - What a moron, take him to court! Will we be seeing you on Judge Judy anytime soon?

Happy Wednesday Everyone! Ama

jjrudd 08-08-2012 05:18 AM

1. Exercise for 30 mins 5x this week
2. Drink more water (at least 6 250ml glasses)
3. Eat more fruit
4. Be kind to myself. Not to beat myself up because I ate something bad. Tomorrow is another day.
1.currently 15 min mon and tues, 16 min SO FAR today
3. yes
4.had an "off" day yesterday where I was feeling sad. didn't eat poorly thankfully!

01gt4.6 08-08-2012 08:06 AM

Here I is. I put in just over 5 miles today.


1-post starting weight and make log public (185.4) 01gt4.6 - free online diet and fitness journal
2-log everything Yes, Yes
3-most amount of water 135.2, 118.3
4-most amount of fruits/veggies 5, 2
5-least amount of bread 0, 1
6-most miles walked 0, 0
7-lose 1.5% of starting weight (-2.8#)

Tori Specific:
1-do NOT slack on paperwork
2-get car taxes reduced for high mileage
3-plan ahead all meals

Mike Specific:
1-tile master bedroom this weekend
2-plan ahead all meals (starting Tuesday) yes, for the most part

For my deductible, this is how it works... my insurance company will go after him for the money. Once they've recooped their $2600, then I'll get my $1000. Chances are, he'll start to make restitution, then quit paying. I'll probably never see my $1000, but I won't just lay there and take it. Even though I'm sure he could use the money more than me, it's the principle to me. If I don't start seeing $$ from him soon or hear that he's paying back my insurance company, I will take him to court to see about getting a lein on whatever I can or have his wages garnished. Lets just say, that when he hit me, he hit the WRONG person!

judipurple 08-08-2012 12:24 PM


Calories: 1,424 Fats: 88.0g Carbs: 73.6g Protein: 98.1g

1) Post #'s daily Wed. yes
2) Get the 5K done at least 3X this week - keep the running/sprints at or above 200' per, and do at least (gads) 5 per 5K Wed. yes - but with a * - see note below
3) Keep calories under 1500 Wed. yes
4) Keep carbs under 90g Wed. yes
5) Take supplements Wed. yes

*Pulled something in my lower back yesterday - didn't feel it until this morning. Felt it alot when jogging - so did the 5 sprints, keeping them at about 50' each - altho it didn't hurt as much as jogging, my 'recovery' walking was quite slow. Will see how I feel for Friday's walk - might just take it reeeeeeal sloooow....:(

Well, I got a date with the Advil bottle, and a pillow under my knees. G'night all!

kayla.underhill 08-08-2012 03:00 PM

Hey guys. I had a pretty good day today. I felt like I ate all day, but when I was logging everything, I discovered that my calories were actually way down so I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought. Carbs were through the roof though, sorta. Percentage was way up, but it was only like 82 grams.

1) Stay within calorie limits. Yes, 556.
2) Get 3 workouts done. M-Y. T-N. W-Y.
3) Keep carbs @or under 33%. No, 55%. All of them came from fruit though.
4) Get to bed by 10:30. Yes.

1) Finish cleaning out and scrubbing house. My bathroom got the treatment today. Every single surface (walls included) is squeaky clean.
2) Stick with budget, and STOP OVERSPENDING! I have now gone 3 days without buying things I don't need. You guys cannot possibly know what kind of progress this is.

Another side note, I am super proud of myself because not one single processed food went in my mouth today. Straight lean meats, fruits and veggies all day. :D

Cassie, you are having an awesome week! Proud of you girl, keep it up!

Judi, work that advil every 6 hours. And if its really bothering you, alternate it with Tylenol taking one or the other every three hours. Sounds extreme but you won't even feel it and you'll heal faster if you keep the inflammation under control. I hope you feel better soon!

Mike, that sucks that you are the last to get paid back in this situation. Don't give up on it though. That guy owes you.

Well, I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Goodnight all!

Mern 08-08-2012 03:22 PM

Will catch up with y'all tomorrow.

Busy day helping live-in GD shop for, buy, and set up her first computer--paid for with her own money from her Burger King job. Yesterday she got her school supplies and the day before that all but one of her books and that one is on special order, due in next week. So she's all set for her first semester of college--commuting locally. I feel so lucky to be sharing all this with her. :)

Wednesday report:
Cholesterol and sat fat have been low because I'm trying to go at least 50% vegetarian because of the meat prices going sky high. No trouble getting in my protein, though. :)

Exercise five days YES, YES, day off
Water 64 oz. YES, YES, YES
Calorie limit 1500 1485, 1685, 1140
Eat clean YES, YES, YES
Total carbs less fiber limit 25g 21.2g, 22.8g, 24.8g
Fiber target average 25g 39g, 37g, 46g
Cholesterol average 250mg or less only 24mg, 129mg, 158g
Sat fat average 11% or less of total calories 4%, 9%. 3%
Protein average 120g 138g, 155g, 141g

kayla.underhill 08-08-2012 03:32 PM

UPDATE. I just HAD to snack before bed, so here are my new numbers. Calories are more reasonable and carbs are down now. :)

Calories: 813
Carbs: 39%

cjohnson728 08-08-2012 05:13 PM

1. Calories below 1300. 1109, 1306-close enough, 1295
2. Balance pie chart and follow my rules. Yes, Yes, Fair
3. 72 oz. fluid daily. 78, 76, 56
4. Log everything and post daily. Yes, I logged and posted, just didn't post what I logged till today, Yes
5. Eat clean. Yes, Yes, Pretty Good
6. 3-4 fruits and veggies per day (I'm stealing ). 4, 3, 4.5
7. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Sleep 7 hours, at least, per night. 5.5 7, 6
9. Exercise 6 hours total this week. 30 min., 60 min., 30 min.

Mern, I hope your GD has a wonderful year at college. It has been a big few months for her! Graduation, car, computer; wow! Enjoy it, both of you :).

Kayla, great job this week! When do you start your new job? And congrats on your spending goal...sounds like it is quite a big deal!

Judi, April, here's hoping you both feel better soon and can get back to your routines. Rest up; we'll put you on the DL for now ;).

Mike, w00t on 5 miles! Keep it up!

jj, I consider it an accomplishment to not eat poorly when not feeling so great; kudos to you on that :).

" Love my job but is always feast or famine... but could use a little famine right about now." Ama, I am right there with you, sister. I feel your pain and hope it eases up for you soon!

Hope one and all had a wonderful day :D.

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