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canary52 08-05-2012 01:42 AM

1) low carb baby; i'm feeling better fibro wise: yup, yes, yes, yes, yes, mostly but not perfect. I ate some corn chips and sipped some sweetened coconut milk at poker. not terrible
2) be a strretchy mama: yup, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
3) exercise or walk 3x: walked, walked, no, no shopping for DD for sniff sniff college, no, no (too tired)
4) avoid aspartame: a few sips thank u DH for nagging me, 1/2c, 1/2 c both, times "behind DH's back," yes, yes
5) be nice because as a sign here says: nice counts: yup, yes, yes, mean with reason, yes, yes (been too tired to be mean)

Because of my fibro, my fatigue and freaking out over DD's imminent departure for college, I have been eating like crazy. Yesterday I ate without hunger and could not stop. I went to bed nauseous and woke up with my stomach aching. Combine that with lack of movement or exercise and you get 2 lost pounds regained. Sigh. I think I'm gonna try and log today or for a couple of days, maybe plan meals. Plus I think this stevia sweetened diet soda I bought is not so great for me.

Funny I go away on vacation I walk and eat well and lose weight. I come back home and gain. Go figure.

cjohnson728 08-05-2012 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 86865)
Funny I go away on vacation I walk and eat well and lose weight. I come back home and gain. Go figure.

That's where you're reminded of your stress. Go back to the shore!

Good luck to you and DD as you move on to this next phase. I know you will both handle it with grace (albeit a few obligatory bumps along the way) ;).

canary52 08-05-2012 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 86869)
That's where you're reminded of your stress. Go back to the shore!

You are sooo right!!!!!!Good luck to you and DD as you move on to this next phase. I know you will both handle it with grace (albeit a few obligatory bumps along the way) ;).

DH are dropping off Dh and then going on vacay. If we ddin't need it now (we do) we will REALLY need it then.

canary52 08-05-2012 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by judipurple (Post 86814)
::stands over here, waving::

Yeah, I am finally back on... Supper and the feeding frenzy is over, made grilled pizza for the family (and a friend) - had my carb-out, and the numbers reflect that:

Calories: 1,991 Fats: 89.1 Carbs: 199.5 Protein: 95.0

Back on the wagon tomorrow. Curious to see how my body reacts to this many carbs...don't feel particularly tired (other than being on my feet for most of the day).

Had a good walk/run this a.m. - my friend who usually walks with me on Fridays cancelled last minute, so I did my regular walking with sprints. I cut my 5k time to 50 minutes - Happy Dance! I've increased my running blocks from 100 feet to 200-300' - averaging 5-6 'blocks' during the walk.

Regarding the homemade mozzarella - well, I use raw milk, and found the recipe/technique in some of my books, as well as online. It does take time and focus, but the results are quite good. I am a homesteader here in CT, and enjoy learning how to do old-fashioned things, like the canning, working with dairy, gardening, useful herbs and we had raised small livestock (chickens, turkeys, rabbits) for about 10 years as well. Most winters I get my exercise keeping the woodstoves burning - splitting, hauling with the help of the kids.

We are blessed to be able to do these things - altho, it isn't usually done here in CT (surrounded by urban and suburban areas):eek:.

April - Congrats on the successes this week - 4 times on the workout! Yay! And that's in addition to your daily walking!

Cassie - the way the boys fell on the pizza tonight, I would have been worried you'd have been swept up in the frenzy (ever see those videos of shark feeding frenzies? yep - my house tonight!) - but if you're ever in the neighborhood, let me know! BTW, I took your idea and did 50/50 white and wheat flours for the crust - yummy!

Hope: can't blame you on that w/DD - it is tough teaching them to get out of their comfort zone to stand up for themselves (I have a 21 y.o. son who is painfully shy - while the other (17 y.o.) has NO prob with that).

Quinn: Can't wait until August is over, she is safely tucked into her dorm room and the money hemorrhage can be tourniquetted. Great analogy - and lovely that you had some additional quality time with your daughter.

Well, getting close to crash time - g'night all, and hope to see more of you 2mrw!

Wow you sound so talented. I've always admired people who can do so many things. I have done canning of strawberrieds; that's about it.

Grilled pizza sounds awesome BTW.

judipurple 08-05-2012 11:28 AM

Hope - don't get too impressed - I tend to learn things to avoid other things - like housecleaning! I am not known for my housekeeping abilities, and prefer to "play" in the garden or the kitchen. :rolleyes:

I slept in today to 8:30 - couldn't believe it, since my body clock generally is pretty exact (6 a.m., every day whether I want to or not). Sort of lazy day - Dh & I went to see that dance movie (Step Up) - really great (we enjoy the TV program, So You Think You Can Dance). Just a brainfree, strainfree day.

We've got a decent storm coming in shortly - no guarantees on having electricity or internet , so might not be stopping in later. Gotta go find the flashlights and candles, and fill a container with water. Gonna suck sleeping tonight w/o the a/c if no power...:(

Calories: 1,444 Fat: 89.5 Carbs: 68.6 Protein: 101.3

canary52 08-05-2012 12:59 PM

Judi, I am not much of a housekeeper either and I don't have your other talents!!!

OK fellow motivational-ees may I get an honorable mention at least in the BIDIA awards? I did not want to cook and eat healthy at home; I wanted drunken noodles at the local Asain restaurant. But I already had my cheats (truffles sweetened with agave as well as a good amount of corn chips) and I knew knew that fibro wise homecooking was better for me. Didn't want it but I did it anyway - a terrific chicken and veg curry. And as DH said we prolly saved $50 too.
I was gonna say someone should start a BIDIA thread. And then I thought why not me? So go to success stories and add you BIDIA (But I did it anyway) stories.

arcy 08-05-2012 02:05 PM

I have to get back to eating healthy!!!!

cjohnson728 08-05-2012 02:39 PM

Welcome, arcy!

Watch for a new thread (we start one every Monday) tomorrow morning!

cjohnson728 08-05-2012 05:09 PM

Final tally:
1. Calories below 1300. 1295, 1247, 1311, 1213, 1369, Not even close! 1247
2. Balance pie chart and follow my rules. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Fair, Yes, Yes
3. 72 oz. fluid daily. 77, 79, 84, 86, 74, 72, 72
4. Log everything and post daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Stopped logging :o Yes
5. Eat clean. VERY, Pretty good, Fair, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
6. 3 or more fruits and veggies per day (I'm stealing ). 4, 5, 4.5, 5, 3.5, 4, 4
7. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Sleep 7 hours, at least, per night. 7, I honestly cannot remember what time I went to bed last night! 7, 7, 5.5, 7, 7
9. Exercise 6 hours total this week. 30 min., 30 min., 60 min., 30 min., 30 min., 30 min., 60 min 4.5 total :(

1. Write 2 reports. Done
2. Proof 2 postdoc reports. Didn't get to it
3. Make banana bread/muffins. Done
4. Try a new recipe. Done
5. Prune/pinch annuals in pots on deck and front porch. Done
6. Get new family pics for family room and stairway printed. Done
7. Pay bills. Tomorrow
8. One session parallel parking with the boy. Didn't have time

NedAble 04-20-2024 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by arcy (Post 86890)
I have to get back to eating healthy!!!!

Me too!!

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