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Mern 07-18-2012 12:10 PM

OK--I'll guess October 12. :D

Did you also notice that your last post right below this one was your 1012th post?

catebert 07-18-2012 01:25 PM

Hi Everyone,

I’m also having trouble keeping up with everyone this week. Read all your posts, love the news but I’ve just been too busy this week with work – that happens when you take a week off – you have to work twice as hard to catch up when you get back! I was originally only going to jump in on Tuesday, but I decided to post Monday anyway. It wasn’t horrible, but certainly not Atkins-induction! I’ve been telling myself it’s a process and at least now I’m getting a good understanding of my new WOE – I know now that I have to limit carbs to <25 if I want to lose, and <60 if I don’t want to gain! That middle ground is my maintenance area, so I need to dial it back a notch and get back to some serious induction as my weight loss has stalled again.

April, sorry to hear you banged up your knee. I can’t wear heels at all b/c of sciatica, which I have as a result of my accident back in 1999.

Nobe and Hope you both seem to have had a couple of good days! Lots of green in your posts!

Quinn – always wanted to go to Mackinaw – seen some touristy stuff and it looks like a great place. Enjoy your trip!

Mern, sorry you are suffering in the heat – we had it bad the past few days too, but today was nice 25 and going down to 13 tonight. Sorry I don’t know what that is in F degrees, something in the seventies down to sixties I guess. Great for sleeping tonight! BTW, my birfday is June 18.

<1400 calories: M: 1523; T: 1455; W: 1412; it's close enough I'm calling it a win :)
Net Carbs < 20: M: 57.3; T: 31.6; W: 28.9;
Water >64(oz): M: +50; T: +50; W: 50;
exercise: M: 1st day back @ work after holidays; T: yes walking!; W: no, busy busy day @ work :(

Mern 07-18-2012 01:43 PM

Thanks for your birth date, Cate. Same as one of our grandkids. :)

Good guess on the temps. :) According to that's 77F down to 55.4F.

Great job on your calories and really close on your water. I'm having a really hard time getting back on the wagon with carbs and exercise. Although I'm CLOSE on the carbs--about 28 yesterday, I think, and abut 27 today but I need to get under 25. I maintain between 30 and 40, and gain over 40g per day. So annoying. But if I stay under 25g I can also keep out of the pre-diabetic blood sugar range I was in before.

quinnesec 07-18-2012 01:48 PM

Having kind of a weird week. Everything in my goals list has come easily for me except for my walking. I'm just not into it. I've been doing tons of heavy duty cleaning lately and I just seem to run out of steam by evening. I can't decide if it's a late spring cleaning or an early fall cleaning... lol. Maybe a little of both. Going through lots of closets and stuff getting ready to pack up daughter for college next month. (Is it mean to be picking out paint colors for her room already?? LOL) Have a touch of some strange respiratory thing, too, which may be sapping my energy. I think it's from going from super hot temps. outside into businesses that keep their a/c around 50*. Why do they do that?? Weight has been dropping slow and steady. Was hoping to be at my goal for my birthday, but as of today, I'm still about 2.5 lbs. high. Oh well... I gave it my best shot. I'll get there; just a little late. Hey, since I'm celebrating my birthday late, I can have a few more days to reach my goal, right?? lol ;)

Health and Fitness:

1. Calories between 1000-1200. Under, Yes, Yes
2. Minimum 80-90 oz. fluids daily. Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Minimum 3 fruits and veggies a day. 5, 5, 3
4. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, Yes
5. No breads for breakfast or lunch. None, None, None
6. Walk daily. Too hot, No, No


1. Finalize itinerary for backpacking trip. Working on it.
2. Convince myself that it's ok for me to take a week off for selfish pleasure and that everyone will survive. lol Working on that, too.

quinnesec 07-18-2012 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 85654)
Well, Quinn, whenever and however you celebrate

Thanks, Mern! You're a sweetheart! :)

By the way... I think we lost Mike somewhere! lol

canary52 07-18-2012 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 85659)
Thanks, Hope. I added you to my list :)

My month is July: birthday on the 6th, anniversary of the day DH and I met on the 18th (43 years today) and our 41st wedding anniversary on the 24th.

If I didn't wish you a happy birthday on the 6th HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MERN!!!!!!!! Happy 1st meeting today (DH and I celebrate the anniversary of our first kiss - June 20th) and our 30th wedding anniversary is a day after your 41st.

Mike, are the girls getting to you or what? Where ya at?

Mern 07-18-2012 03:18 PM

Thanks, Hope. I had considered myself 66 for months before my birthday, so since my birthday didn't seem special to me as it approached this year I didn't mention it to anyone. I just wanted to celebrate by going out to breakfast with DH--just the two of us--so that's what we did. Thanks for the happy "first meeting" wish. Aw, anniversary of your first kiss--that's REALLY romantic! :) Well, it ought be easy for me to remember your anniversary, but I put it on my list anyway because I can barely remember my own name some days. LOL Are you doing anything special to celebrate your 30th? For our 30th we drove to Paducah, Kentucky to eat an exquisite gourmet dinner on a really romantic, plush, 1940's style dinner train.

01gt4.6 07-18-2012 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 85638)
Quinn, oh, that backpacking trip in the Smokies does sound lovely, especially in the fall colors! But Mackinaw even for a day sounds great, too. :)

Last year when someone in this group mentioned his/her birthday I wrote it down on a list.

Anyone on my list: please correct me if I have your date wrong
Anyone NOT: I'd welcome your posting your birthday

FitDay Motivational group birthdays I have:

Mai (lastri) March 15
Nobe March 19
WeightlossBoo March 23
Darlene (Darn) March 28
Mike May 9
April May 23
Terri (Taubele)July 15
Quinn July 19
Pam (Run/Bike/Ski) July 28
Mary Kumochi is in August but I don't know the day
Cassie October 11
Zyxst (hasn't post with us for quite a while) also Oct 11
Joanna (bojibridge) October 19
Amy (Almeeker) October 25

I was wondering how you knew mine this year, now I know. :)

01gt4.6 07-18-2012 10:45 PM

Ladies, I'm here trying one last attempt at the sunrise. I've been sitting in the dark with the camera rolling for about a 1/2 hour. The sun is starting to peek out and so far nobody has decided to block my sunshine. Speaking of my sunshine, happy birthday quinniepoo!!

My diet has consisted of junk food, lots of it. I'm sure I'll be way up.

The girls have been on the straight and narrow since I exploded the other day.

wildbeanerz 07-19-2012 12:14 AM

Health / Fitness Goals ...
1. Gallon of water M-F and 100oz S&S M: 144oz, T: 160oz, W: 128oz,
2. Walk on lunch 4 out of 5 days unless raining M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
3. Exercise before work 3 times minimum M: No, T: No, W: Yes,
4. 5 fruits & veggies (maybe not servings just 5 different ones) M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
5. Weigh and post it starting Sunday to show my sodium gain for Monday Sunday: 234.0, M: 236.4lbs, T: 235.2lbs, W: 236.6lbs, Th: 235.4lbs,

Life Goals ...
1. Laundry M: No, T: No, W: Yes, Th: Yes,
2. Ummmm IDK

Ugh the week continues. This morning I didn't feel like working out. A little sore (probably from my flopping about on the ground yesterday) so I laid on the bed to search for a stretching video online to do instead of a vigorous workout but fell asleep instead. Woke up at 7am. What time do I start work? Yep, you guessed it 7am. I usually get here about 7:15 and that is okay with my boss. I made record time this morning. I went from night shirt and sleep hair to fully dressed, teeth brushed, contacts in and hair & makeup done in 12 minutes. Heck yeah! It was 7:34 when I punched in today. I won't get in trouble but it does make the heart race.

Happy Birthday Quinn!!!

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