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Jho82 03-31-2012 11:23 PM

Good Morning Warriors!!!!!

Its day 2 of the weekend warriors and .....well I'm kinda hungry! I can't break today!!! My son was up early (615am) so I'm pretty sure there will be 2 breakfasts this morning! Just had some whole wheat toast - I think I'm going to try the egg and oatmeal in a cup thing - sounds disgusting and good at the same time! I think I'll leave out the yolk though and just get some good protein out of the whites. I need more protein in my life (I've given up on romance LOL)!! I'm going to try to come up with some new goals for next week.

Nobe – your post made me LOL!! You sound super excited and I was excited for you! That’s amazing!!

Lizzie – I don’t think we’ve met…?? HI! You tried to sneak in to catch up with these “Chatty McChatters!!”? Hope to see you around next week!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

1. Drink min 64oz of WATER!! Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
2. Wake up early before my monsters wake up! ****** N, N, N, Y, N, N, N.....ooops :o
3. PM workout Mon/Wed/Fri!! Y, Y(bonus workout1), Zumba, Y(bonus workout2), Y, Y(bonus workout3)...yeah baby :)
4. Min 50 crunches/day! Y, Y, N, Y, Y, Y
5. Log ALL food - no cheating or snacking on junk! Y,Y,Y, Y, Y, Y
6. Calories below 1300/day! N:1411, Y:1241, Y:1028, Y:1143, Y:1283, Y:1292
7. Don't crash and burn on the weekend! ******* Fri: sofarsogood, Sat: goin strong! Sun: hoping to make it thru!

1. Sell it. no
2. Sell it. no
3. Clean it. A little..
4. Sell it. NO:mad:
5. No dishes in sink before bed / counters cleared! Almost – feels good waking up to a completely clean kitchen – I will keep it as a goal to remind me!

1. Do fun activity/craft with kids min 1 hr/day! Epic fail!!! I really need to work on this one! We need a more stable routine around here!
2. Convince Braydon that Veggies are good! Besides smuggling the veggies into Braydons oatmeal, he just doesn’t like them! More smoothie smuggling next week! haha
3. Work on Makenna's walking! She just won’t let go!! She is practically running with her walker but won't let go of the handles!!!!
4. Encourage hubby to workout! Getting frustrated – his heart is just not into it….YET!!! I will continue to try… we worked out once this week together – I’m not even sure he is doing his situps….

cjohnson728 04-01-2012 12:37 AM


Glad to see fellow warriors along for the journey! Lizzie, hope you've been doing well!

Nobe, I'm glad you found your 16s too big. We have an old theme on here as to how horrible the dressing room experience can be; I personally just about had a meltdown in an ON a couple years ago. I hope you mindset stayed strong whatever comments your mom decided to come up with.

Jho, way to be a WW :). You and I both need to make it through today clear. This is the closest I've been to having a good, tight week since the holidays :o! I am not going to blow it on the last day.

I am slacking on the exercise, sadly; I could say it's being sick and busy, but that's an excuse. Will try to double up today and get five in total. I had a remarkably productive evening Friday and also all day yesterday; my to-do list is a mile long but getting methodically slayed. Hopefully this will be another full day; have a great one, everybody!

1. Calories no more than 1300. 1249, and 150 of that is cough drops, vitamin C, and cough syrup :(, 1235, 1490, 1209, 1333, 1281
2. Follow my pie chart rules. Yes, Perfect today!, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Sleep 7 hours a night, melatonin if I have to. Yes, Yes, Yes, Nope :(, Yes, Yes: 8.5, baby!
4. Exercise 6 days (hope I can get this; I'm sick right now). One, Two, Three
5. Fluids all day long. Yes, Yes, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium
6. No white sugar/flour (note to self: this means frozen yogurt). Totally forgot; had half a fortune cookie, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

7. Deal with insurance company provider issues.Done all I can till I receive some responses
8. Reorganize/file in home office. Not yet
9. Clean basement (weekend goal). Not yet
10. Take the boy shopping (weekend goal). Postpone till week...spring break

Jho82 04-01-2012 01:52 AM

Cassie - Good luck on the double workout!!!!!!!! I feel like I live on Fitday... If I'm logging in here it means I'm not eating junk!!

I should not feel this stressed out to get on the scale tomorrow :(.... I've been working hard, meeting my goals and I feel great. I know I need to tweak my food a little bit and concentrate on more protein but I think If I don't weigh in I may go nuts - even 1/2 a lb would be enough to satisfy my brain into knowing I'm going in the right direction!

I was going to give myself a break today but I think I need to hop on the Elliptical just to work out some of this stress - my rational is that if I don't get on today, and the scale is up - I will blame myself for not getting on that one day! Its so weird - its like I'm addicted to working out.... I guess thats good... hubby is somewhat encouraging but I almost felt like he was mad at me for going to workout for half an hour yesterday - he looked at me with a face that said "really? your going to workout again" like I was inconveniencing him... Maybe he is a little jealous that I am on the wagon and he hasn't had the guts to hop on with me?? (I'm being such a women overanalyzing again!- sorry)

canary52 04-01-2012 01:56 AM

I used Cassie's 10 minute rule and changed it to 15: 10 minutes slow walkignon treadmill, 5 on elliptical. I realize I cannot do anywhere near the exercise I wouls like to do without causign a flare so I have to be happy with just doing something, anything, and trying to build myself up to more.

Thanks, Cassie for the incentive. Good luck with your double.

taubele 04-01-2012 02:01 AM

Hi ladies,

I am SUPER BUSY this morning so I will check in properly with Saturday/Sunday numbers later. But I had to report!!

I hopped on the scale this morning (I normally don't weigh Sundays, but it's for the April Fool's 10% challenge) and I saw 156.1!!! :eek:

I hopped on and off about ten times in disbelief but the number was rock solid and not even fluctuating around.l

This plateau is breaking. I can feel it. I've actually been super-sore this entire week but it hasn't been reflective on the scale (Usually when I'm sore for real, from workouts or whatever, the numbers skyrocket from inflammation) so I've been telling myself that my body is howling in protest of giving up the weight it's grown so comfortable in. In telling myself that it's been really motivating in a me-against-my-fat kind of way, lol, and it's made me be really accountable. 155 is coming up soon, and I am now at a BMI of 25.98, so I'm officially less than 1 BMI count away from that healthy weight (which I hit officially at 150.2)

When I hit 155 I told myself I'd consider this plateau officially over. I am COMING for you 155! Do you HEAR ME?! You can howl and scream all you want, muscles and fat, but you're not stopping me!!!!

canary52 04-01-2012 02:10 AM

1)Walk 3 x -No, NO If I feel better will have to aim for this, Yes short walk, No, No (wanted to but had doctor's appointment), NO
2) gym 3 x - Yes, NO If I feel better, will have to not even try 3 lb weights, No,No, yes
3) 1650 per day (plus one cheat) No (over 2000) No (over 2000) No, No, Yes, 1458
4) 6 glasses of water -8, 9, 9, ?, 7, 6
5) meditate- NO, NO, Yes,[COLOR="red"] No[/COLOR], Yes, No
6) write one hour per day -YES broke my block!!! writing class + writing at home so Y, Yes, NO, Yes, No
7) return books to library ( surely I can do that? My name is not Shirley - remember from the movie Airplane?)- YES, DONE, brought more stuff in8) STAY POSITIVE _YES, YES, YES, YES, Yes, Yes
9) 3 servings of veg minimum- YES, NO, YES, NO, Yes, Yes
10) be a stretchy mama -YES, NO, YES, YES, Yes, Meh

Congrats Terri!!! I know you're gonna nail 155. I know it!!!!

As for me, I am too much in the red but watch out next week!!! I'm gonna nail it!! (tho Passover is gonna be tough)

01gt4.6 04-01-2012 02:11 AM

I been MIA b/c I've been out riding but wanted to let y'all know that I did get in 3 RAKs this week. :)

wildbeanerz 04-01-2012 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 77886)
Nobe....cheer up buttercup! You are doing amazing - I hope you have some positive support in your life because your mom sure is not very positive. I know she is your mom but if that was my mom.... yeah I don't know what I would do in that situation!! Thats hard!

I found this last night - I think everyone should read it!!

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."

I am stealing this for my facebook status today. I know just the friend on there who could use it. And I can too :)

wildbeanerz 04-01-2012 03:20 AM

Sorry I'm not here posting, just wanted to pop in and say that I am not slacking either. Yesterday was spent running errands until about 2pm. Then moving all the family room furniture to one side so I could rug scrub. Moving it back then moving all the dining room furniture to that side so I could rug scrub. Doing about 4 loads of laundry as well. And going to the inlaws for about an hour in between room swaps. Today will be whole house cleaning including 3 bathrooms! :rolleyes: and mopping all the linoleums and vacuuming all the carpets. And oh yeah about 3-4 more loads of laundry. Baking an angel food cake and peeling & boiling about 5 lbs of potatoes for hubby to make his famous potato salad. My dad is coming tomorrow - tuesday so we are having a week early bday party for my soon to be 15 yr old son! :eek: I'm getting old if he is gonna be that old!!!!

Well, I'm off to get some stuff done. Oh and according to this morning's scale I am 257.2lbs. That is after Chinese for lunch yesterday and an apple dumpling (but that is all I ate all day besides popsicles LOL) So tomorrow is my day of sig updating, we'll see if it holds! ***fingers crossed***

cjohnson728 04-01-2012 04:27 AM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 77929)
I feel like I live on Fitday... If I'm logging in here it means I'm not eating junk!!

This is totally me, too. I will jump on and post random stuff just to get my head where it needs to be!

I think maybe your hubby does have some guilt/inferiority/jealous feelings about knowing that you're exercising. He may also not be crazy about change...even good change can be stressful and by getting healthy and taking time for yourself, you're changing the way things happen around the house. Seems like it takes spouses a while to get used to it. It is much, much easier when they're on board, so hope he gets there soon!

Speaking of spouses, just got back from a 5-mile trail walk with mine. His ankles suck so I didn't take him up the mountain, but I'm counting it as one exercise down so far today.

Hope, hang in there...Monday's coming and you are going to knock it out next week. You go, girl!

Terri, how stoked are you!?! Sooo happy you got that drop :D. Keep up the great work!

Off to make some granola bars...the guys depleted my stash ;). I will definitely be back soon.

canary52 04-01-2012 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 77936)
I been MIA b/c I've been out riding but wanted to let y'all know that I did get in 3 RAKs this week. :)

I wish I could just take your bike (I don't know how to ride but this is just a fantasy) and tear out. So glad to hear you are enjoying it; it sounds like so much fun!!!

What is an RAK?

Tunnrida 04-01-2012 06:39 AM

I had a a slight weekend!
tomorrow again to exercise and diet plan ...
following break in two weeks!

nobe 04-01-2012 07:06 AM

GUYS! I can't recommend this enough (well, if you're a giant nerd like me):

I had an hour to myself so I dug out my old Sweatin' To The Oldies DVD. I haven't used it in over a year, and back then I wasn't really motivated, and had a one year old attached to me, so I didn't get into it. BUT IT'S SO MUCH FUN! I like it because, well, Richard Simmons is awesome, but also, they have normal people doing it rather than people who look like yoga instructors and body builders, it's basically dancing, and by the time you get really sweaty and tired, it's cool down time.

I'm probably in the minority, but I love love love Richard Simmons. All his cheesiness actually makes me really happy and even if he can't see me, it makes me want to keep going because he's just so darn excited about it. And I like that he's not just in it for the money. I read somewhere that he spends hours every day phoning strangers to encourage them. OMG I love him.

Anyway, I wasn't sure what to file it under, so I logged it as "aerobic dancing (general)" and in 40 minutes I burned 280 calories. What the what?

So yeah...I think it cost me like ten bucks on Amazon. If you like dancing and cheese, get it immediately.

(this has been a message from Richard Simmons' official spokesperson, haha)

cjohnson728 04-01-2012 07:43 AM

Well, I blew my sugar goal accidentally, but hopefully I can still stay within the calories. I made granola bars and my thought process was, "Well, I use agave syrup and peanut butter, no sugar," so I ate one, but of course 3/4 of the way through it I realized that there were chocolate chips in it.

So having blown that, I had a second one :o.

Off to clean the basement!

HOPE>>>I am thinking RAK is a random act of kindness. Mike does those for some folks.

01gt4.6 04-01-2012 12:11 PM

well... my diet has pretty much been nonexistent since I got my bike. I haven't logged a thing but I haven't eaten much. Today I got up and played tennis for a couple hours (not hardcore playing) then went home, got cleaned up and jumped on the bike. It wasn't until 4:00pm that I put the first piece of food in my belly. It's amazing how much you can eat when bored and how little you eat when occupied. pretty much all my calories have been coming on in the evening.

I just weighed myself and I was 181.0, the same thing that I was Tuesday morning. I usually weight 3 pounds more in the evening, so I'm probably 2-3 pounds down. I'm getting a tan and I'm probably dehydrated as well.

I'm about to take the girls (Chloe' and Mytsie) to the store (in the car;))and get something for dinner. I'm going to try to guzzle some water because I kinda feel... blah.

Jho82 04-01-2012 01:31 PM

Cassie - We did it!!! If the worst thing you had was a couple of granola bars then good for you!!

When I "cheat" I normally go on a binge that may include a whole bag of Doritos (mmmmmmm Cool Ranch).... followed by a bag of Cadbury mini eggs AND probably finished with a huge bowl of Icecream... with mashed cookies in it....and chocolate chips...... and more doritos if I didn't finish the bad the first time around..... I have a feeling I may cheat a little next week LOL :p

Nobe - You may think that Richard Simmons is great but the best DVD is TaeBo with Billy Blanks - man he gets me pumped! I think this week I might try the Bootcamp workout offered at the Y!! Glad to see your spirits are up!!

Mike - great job checking in! You probably feel blah because of everything you mentioned including not eating!!! Plus its Sunday and you know you have to work tomorrow :( Good job on the RAK's!! I'll probably be doing some RACKing this week (Random Act of Coupon Kindness)!

cjohnson728 04-01-2012 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 77962)
Cassie - We did it!!! If the worst thing you had was a couple of granola bars then good for you!!

When I "cheat" I normally go on a binge that may include a whole bag of Doritos (mmmmmmm Cool Ranch).... followed by a bag of Cadbury mini eggs AND probably finished with a huge bowl of Icecream... with mashed cookies in it....and chocolate chips...... and more doritos if I didn't finish the bad the first time around..... I have a feeling I may cheat a little next week LOL :p

Again, I can totally relate to you! Are you sure we weren't separated at birth, lol? Although my food choices are different only because I don't keep those you listed in the house, I will go through runs where I just eat one thing after another, going from salty to sweet to salty, to savory, and so on! That's part of the reason I eliminated white flour and sugar this week, because (and I never used to be this way) but seems like since the holidays, once I've had a little, the train starts and I can't stop it. Part of it is stress, I know, and part of it is impulse control, but I also think there's something physiological there with the refined carbs. Although I can just as easily get a run on nuts, homemade wheat bread, raisins, etc., so this is a work in progress for me. I call it "chain-snacking."

So, congrats on making it through your day and your week! You did a great job!

I'll log in at the end of the night; still got a few things on my to-do list. One planned snack left; if I can hold it to that, I'll break even for the week with my average cals at my goal level.

nobe 04-01-2012 03:06 PM

1) 1,650 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,650) - 1780, 1499, 1367, 1496, 1667 (I'm counting it as green), 2440 (guilt free day!), 1434
2) walk for 1 hour, lift weights for 1/2 hour at least 5 days per week - no, yes, 1/2 walk/yes, 1/2 walk/yes, yes/no, yes/no, yes (+ bonus Richard Simmons!)
3) 20% protein minimum - 19%, 24%, 16%, 24%, 20%, 22%, 35% (?!?!)
4) 72oz water minimum - 72oz, 72oz, 72oz, 72oz, 56oz, 64oz, 72oz
5) calorie deficit at least 600 - 725, 840, 890, 804, 610, +163!, 1086

6) finish my resume - no, no, no, no, no, no, no
7) get a definite plan for the house painting job I'm doing for my friend done
8) keep my spending log up to date - no, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes

cjohnson728 04-01-2012 04:24 PM

Wrapping it up:
1. Calories no more than 1300. 1249, and 150 of that is cough drops, vitamin C, and cough syrup :(, 1235, 1490, 1209, 1333, 1281, 1288
2. Follow my pie chart rules. Yes, Perfect today!, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Sleep 7 hours a night, melatonin if I have to. Yes, Yes, Yes, Nope :(, Yes, Yes: 8.5, baby!, 8!
4. Exercise 6 days (hope I can get this; I'm sick right now). One, Two, Three, Four, Five
5. Fluids all day long. Yes, Yes, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium, Medium
6. No white sugar/flour (note to self: this means frozen yogurt). Totally forgot; had half a fortune cookie, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Unintentional oops

7. Deal with insurance company provider issues.Done all I can till I receive some responses
8. Reorganize/file in home office. Done!
9. Clean basement (weekend goal). Done!
10. Take the boy shopping (weekend goal). Postpone till week...spring break

See you all Monday for another week!

Mern, I had my favorite tortilla snack and thought of you! Hope you are feeling okay and hope to see you back tomorrow morning.

jesswilliams76 10-03-2012 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by ToriD1012 (Post 77252)
Most of you know that I've been MIA. Sorry for that. I'm starting the thread early so I don't forget to make goals. Mike told me that I had to make goals. In fact, he suggested these....
But all that ain't happening. So I think I'm going to go with a modified version of them.

1--no more than 1400 calories
2--workout or walk 4 times.
3--drink water--minimum of 64 oz a day
4--log EVERYTHING!!!!--I haven't logged a damn thing since Tuesday evening
5--post weight daily

1--wash and vacuum car on next day off
2--make an effort on appearance--which means no Longhorns cap, makeup optional, don't live in Ponytail City (even though it's nice there)
3--breathe don't cry
4--breathe don't cry

I probably won't be around a whole lot, or super chatty. But I will at least try and remember to post goal updates.

Interesting! lol ;)

I also think you can add drinking lots of water to the list. I hear that many people eat food when in actually fact they are thirsty and should drink water instead. Water is a natural appetite suppressant apparently.

I also feel much more energetic and up for exercise when I drink plenty of water. Feel like crap when I don't drink enough. ;)

rpmcduff 10-03-2012 06:06 AM

You may want to re-post in the NEW '7 day motivational thread' stickied at the top of the Women's section. This thread starts over each week and this one is from April.

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