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butterflybabe1997 11-10-2011 12:21 PM

I really need some support here...:(
I just went to the doctor on Monday, and I've found that I'm 171 pounds. That's way over weight for my height of 5 ft 7 inches. After coming home I was extremely depressed and I went right into my bedroom and cried for a while. Ofcourse I know my crying won't make me loose weight, so naturally I decided to pray. Of course this doesn't help much either, except for strength and spiritual guidance.

I have been anorexic in the past and it really cuts me to look at other girls my age and see that they're skinny, and wish that I could look as good as they do. When I realize that I don't look as good as they do in my clothes it makes me rush off to cry somewhere. I don't want to keep crying and being sad. I don't want to be that one kid who is fat their whole time in high school. It really sucks to be the fat kid when you go to school functions. Ever since middle school I've been shunned for weighing more than other people and it really hurts me.

Previously I have exercised and eaten right and I lost a little weight, but I am really bad at commitments and often forget to exercise, which leads me to stop doing it altogether until I get depressed over my weight again. I've considered asking my mother to enroll me in a weight loss summer camp, or maybe to sign me up for a gym membership, but I'm always too pathetically wimpy to ask her.

Please, someone, give me some support and advice. I'm really getting unhappy here and I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown.


kag123 11-10-2011 12:55 PM

:)I as well as many here on this site understand the emotional side of being over weight unfotunetly there needs to be a major commitment on your part to exercise and eat better. If you know it will make you happy then you need to do this. I am one that absolutely needs to exercise to lose and then to maintain. Exercising can be fun you just need to find something you enjoy. I do a few different DVD's at home like Zumba and Turbo Jam. This past summer got too busy to exercise and gained 10lbs back I was very depressed and now I have just told myself I will always make time maybe it is only 30 min a day but it does make me feel better when I am done. I currently have been doing 1.5 hours everyday and on the days where there is just so much I do a quick cardio...all the DVD's have generally a 20 min workout as well as the longer ones. Those work great on the busy days. You can do this just stick around with us and we will help...there are many groups on here just find one that works for you. I recommend watching the carbs and sugars and then uping your protein and drink lots of water...

rmdaly 11-12-2011 01:36 PM

If you think that your parents would pay for a summer fat camp, do you think they would pay for a dietician instead that could advise and coach you on diet and exercise? I know there are dieticians around here that will give you a package deal like 10 sessions for a fee. I would try to find a registered dietician rather than a nutritionist because nutritionist qualifications vary by state. You can find a dietician at

I have trouble with long-term commitments as well, but I have found that if I make a long-term commitment then just tackle small pieces to get to the goal. For example, I plan my exercise only for the week ahead and decide what and when I am going to do it. I typically do this on Sunday. Then the following Sunday, I review how well I did and make a new plan for the next week.

Finally, with this whole journey, make sure to take care of yourself and love yourself. If you have the attitude "I'll be happy when I lose the weight" if will be very difficult to lose it. Work on being happy. Know that this journey will be difficult and praise yourself for your accomplishments and awknowlege the difficulties and work around them. You will stumble, but how you deal with it will determine how you do.

Good luck.

Rubystars 11-12-2011 09:18 PM

It's important to believe in yourself. You're still the same person whether you're overweight or at your ideal weight. Losing weight won't change who you are inside, it will only help your body to be healthier and look better, so you should really focus on learning to love yourself. Your body isn't you, it's just the packaging.

With that said one of the things that can really help is to make sure you get at least 5 servings every day of fruit and vegetables. Radishes, Cabbage, Lettuce, Greens like Spinach, and Squashes (both winter and summer) are all low calorie options. For fruits try things like berries, pears, apples, and melons. For beans I found that green lima beans have fewer calories than do other types.

I've even been eating an avocado every day and funnily enough it seems I lose more weight when I am eating them than when I'm not, but that's up to you.

Whatever you eat make sure you eat at least 1200 calories every day (and if you're young you probably need more than that).

For exercise maybe you quit because you get bored with it? Try different things, one thing that might help is if you can find safe places to walk where you can look at interesting things. I like walking in my neighborhood because I can look at the plants everyone planted in their gardens. Other ideas would be walking around at the zoo or a mall, just so that you don't really think about the fact you're walking for exercise, as you can be interested in the things you're walking by.

You could also get different tapes with different themes to them, some of them are dance, some of them have other themes, etc. so that you can change up the routine.

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