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Mern 06-14-2011 09:56 AM

Oh, there y'all are! Most of last week I didn't get on to post at all and then last night and a lot of today I tried over and over and could get to my food lists but not to the forums. I'm so glad to be able to reconnect!

Monday report

Calorie limit 1600 1577
Calorie deficit 800 per day 961
Carbs less fiber 25g 22.9g
Saturated fat target 12% 15%
Dietary Cholesterol target less than 300mg 362mg
Track grams & % of calories from protein 115.3g or 38%

Artificial sweetener limit 1 packet per day 0
Sugar free candy limit 2 pieces per day YES
Water 64 oz. YES
Exercise 30 minutes, 5 days--no lame excuses YES
Be sure the day's custom foods in FitDay have sat fat & cholesterol listed. YES

quinnesec 06-14-2011 10:20 AM


I've had trouble logging into the site all day. Some pages will let me log in and some wont. In fact, on one of the log in pages, there's a place to enter your user name, but the place where you would normally enter your password is missing. ???

Mern 06-14-2011 10:40 AM

Mary, congrats on working on your sodium intake. Sure--dipping blueberries in melted white chocolate cancels out ALL the calories when we're 64 years old. It's a perk for senior citizens. LOL

Mike! Glad you decided to take it more easy this week on the exercise.

aspikes, MAIN80 and xcurlygirlx, best wishes this week.

canary, hope you can stick with the group this week. Hard sometimes, I know.

Wowgirl88, I probably missed you, but hope you are successful with your goals while you're absent from posting.

Almeeker, best wishes with the kids' summer activities. I've got my hands full with my four grandkids and since I took care of them only on school holidays this past school year I'm out of practice on how to take care of their needs and my own all in the same day. Best wishes to you on balancing the two.

Cassie, I hope your shoulder is better soon. I know what you mean--meeting my goals is an all day job--so much work logging every bite of food that goes into my mouth. So time consuming planning my menus and having to do math in order to eat a snack. But it'll get easier as time passes--I HOPE!!! You're certainly off to a great start this week! Congrats on that.

mhibdon, wow, that's great you can party and still lose weight. Kudos to you on the non-drinking and non-smoking.

Terri, that scale is still moving. Fantastic! Congrats! Best wishes on your low bp problem. Good you know how to handle your low bp. Wishing you much better and cooler days.

Quinn, you're off to a great start this week--great on goals and your to-do list, plus a new hair cut to boot. :) I had trouble logging onto the forums for two days.

almeeker 06-14-2011 12:09 PM

Monday + Tuesday Report Card

Health and Fitness goals:

1. Average calories 1,500/day. 2,274, 1,500 (average 1,887)
2. Drink 96 oz of water. Y, Y,
3. Cardio 3 hours. 48 min, 30 min (total 1:18)
4. Weights and calisthenics 3 hours. 0 min, 0 min (total 0:00)
5. Abstain from grain 2 days. N, N
6. Weekly calorie deficit 3,500. -271, -993, (total 1,264)
7. Average 30% calories from protein. 25, 23 (average 24)

Other stuff:

8. Finish planting garden. a little, a little
9. Weed flower beds 2 hours. N
10. Help kids get 1 4-H project done (each). A little bit.
11. 1 load of laundry daily. Y, Y
12. Clean house MIL is coming :eek:.
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: bathrooms and dining room
Wednesday: Living room and 1 bedroom
Thursday: 1 bedroom, stairs and hallway
Friday: Master bedroom and den
Saturday: basement and porch

I took today off housekeeping, it was my mother's birthday, so we went and bought her some new stuff for her new kitchen and surprised her with patriotic cookies and hugs & kisses. Then we went out and picked like 40 quarts of strawberries, no lie. In my food log I put 30 med strawberries. I don't know how accurate that is, but it's as close as I'm going to be able to get without an autopsy. I don't have time to deal with my share of the berries tonight, but I'll have to find it I guess.

Mern, I hear you on entertaining kids. I'm in practice and still can't keep up. My suggestion to you would be to get a trampoline, containment, entertainment and exercise - all good. Only problem is that it seems to be giving my kids MORE energy.

canary, Mrs. E. is a saint. Her boys were both very very high energy children (I've seen kids with half their speed on medication), but not only did she survive them, they thrived under her wings and are both successful men today.

aspikes, PMS is hard, I don't care who you are. When you're swollen and bitchy of course you're going to eat the house down. I swear there is a rule that says if you're going to have to spend time with the MIL, then Aunt Flo might as well visit too. I'm expecting both the end of next week, now won't that be fun?

quinn, every once in a while I've tried to cut out breakfast, and guess what? I'm so bitchy that people bring me food, seriously. I must have a flashing sign on my head that says, "feed me carbs now or I'll bite your head off". Very jealous of the new awesome haircut, I've worn the "Mrs. Crocodile Hunter" look so long myself that I often dream of making a big change. Won't happen this week, way too much going on, well that and much lack of local hair talent. OY!!!

Terri, glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself.

Mike, good luck with the back, take it easy.

Mary, I love those wafers too. Don't even get me thinking about it, there must be 7-8 lbs of them in the basement. I think the calories still count if you dip blueberries in them, but it would be difficult to estimate just how many, so you could err on the side of denial if you want. I'm not above it myself.

cjohnson728 06-14-2011 12:26 PM

almeeker, I'm the same way. I was never a breakfast eater till I revamped my eating habits; now, if I don't eat it, I am not only cranky, but I waaaayy overeat the rest of the day. BTW, was that the eye doc that threatened to report you to protective services for medical neglect? :eek:

quinn, thanks for the website. Lot of good ideas on there, and I like the way it advises you about hair types it works for, age ranges, face shapes, and, lol, body weights! I printed about 5 out to take to my stylist next time I go; we'll see what we come up with.

Terri, feel better soon! I just answered your other post about clothes. Have fun picking something out, and have a great time with your fam!

Mern, glad you found your way in! Missed you while you were having fun with the kidlets last week.

Hope, I'll be looking for you, so don't drop into oblivion this week, or I'll have to hunt you down! How goes the romance?

aspikes, been there, done that. Usually I don't PMS, but somehow earlier this month, that was the week I lost control most of all. Coincidence? Dunno. Hang in there!

Mike, hope you feel okay today, and hope everyone else is enjoying their day as well.

I'll do my check in later...the night's still young for me ;).

BTW, I think calories should NOT count if you can't get into FitDay to log them in!

almeeker 06-14-2011 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 48659)
almeeker, I'm the same way. I was never a breakfast eater till I revamped my eating habits; now, if I don't eat it, I am not only cranky, but I waaaayy overeat the rest of the day. BTW, was that the eye doc that threatened to report you to protective services for medical neglect? :eek:

No. That one didn't threaten to report me, she just sent a really nasty letter calling me a negligent parent, there was an illusion to being reported but it wasn't actually spelled out in so many words. We saw the eye doctor that we used to go to here in our town, but she's changed to a larger office in a bigger town, which also happens to be her husbands' practice. When she moved we were sent the nasty letter by her old office because we didn't make an appointment with her replacement. BTW I signed a release to have our old records transferred from the old office to her new one. Which hopefully will keep the old office from sending protective services our way.

quinnesec 06-14-2011 02:37 PM


Food and Fitness:

1. 1200 calories/day average. 1049, 1150

2. Walk two miles per day minimum, weather permitting. 2 mile hike through some pretty rough terrain... can I count that for 5 miles? lol 4 miles.


4. Take multivitamin, flax and vitamin E daily. Yes. Yes.

5. This week, I will get my BMI back under 20. Working on it. Still trying.

Personal Stuff:

1. Work on college apps. and related paperwork. Yes, got it all done today.

2. Return order to company ASAP. Done!

3. Balance checkbook. Umm... no. (Why do I hate that so much?) Husband's the banker... let him do it! Still no.

4. Get new, cute haircut for summer. Not yet. Yes! :)

01gt4.6 06-14-2011 02:44 PM

just getting caught up...

Originally Posted by taubele (Post 48554)
Just wanted to say a quick hi to all, and I will be joining in as soon as I get a moment to breathe!!

Happy to say the scale showed 178.2 this morning - that's 2.4 lbs. off from last Monday, so the plateau got busted! Yay!

good job on busting your plateau

Originally Posted by wowgirl88 (Post 48558)
Hi all, just to let you know, I've got no internet at home for a while, and can't risk posting on my blog from work. Also can't be on here as much as I'd like at work, so everyone have a great week, I'll see you all when I get back. :) /hug

having no internet sucks. Take care, we'll be here when you can start posting again

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 48568)
I mean, like, they're a well known, often chased bad boy in the local scene. This is the same person who said that I was "too young and too thin" Since I'm under 21 I still count as one of the "youngins" apparently :rolleyes:

ummm 21 is young. Beware, once you turn 40, you begin to fall apart, I'm proof of this.

taubele 06-14-2011 02:53 PM

Mern -- There you are! Good to see you! :) And thanks, my low bp got better as the day went on, and I did get a workout in, so I'm happy about that. Feeling only slightly weird afterwards, and more ice water is helping.

almeeker -- Ugh, that doctor's office! I remember that, I'm glad you're never going back there if you can help it!

Mike -- Thanks! I hope that taking it easy isn't making you feel badly :) You gotta do whatcha gotta do, man.

Cassie -- Haha, thanks! Clothes are like a whole new beast for me, but I appreciate all of the very good advice! Let us know when you decide on a new cut, I need to go to the hairdresser myself before I go home for the fam reunion...

01gt4.6 06-14-2011 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 48570)
Had another really productive day today. Knocked out a pile of paperwork, managed to get in a great hike and kept my eating really clean. Haven't had many cravings lately so it's been really easy to keep on track. Sure wish I could figure out why so I could take advantage of it. May have to look more closely at my food log to see if my food choices are keeping me full longer for some reason.

It may be that now that school is out, the stress has reduced, the family has relaxed and life is pretty darn good. Stress just may be my biggest trigger. Looks like that may be a really big key as to when I feel a need to eat poorly or simply eat too much.

That's all great news. I'm trying to keep my stress level down but my pain in the ass is keeping it up.

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 48577)
Check in for Monday:

1. Daily calories 1300 or less. 1241
2. Exercise 6 times. Ran at the park
3. Rest shoulder three consecutive days. Yes
4. Log everything. Yes
5. Journal mood/reasons for eating. Yes
6. Weigh in daily. Yes

7. Get vacation plans nailed down. Narrowed it down
8. Get new cell phone contract, or renew/renegotiate. Hubby's got the lead on this one; I've got the vacation legwork
9. Finish painting the last of the trim; touch up walls. Wait for weekend
10. Stay caught up with work. Somehow the less I have to do, the less productive I am!? On a good timetable today

Some days feel like a giant logic problem, trying to make sure the macros are not way out of whack, making sure to get in all my fruits and veggies, and getting in enough fiber, all while staying in a restricted calorie range. It's do-able but I need some more variety, so will experiment with that this week...did do a lot of things differently today.

Work is caught up, house is caught up, yard is caught up. Why does the house stay straighter when my husband is out of town than when my son is gone somewhere? One of life's great mysteries, I suppose!

Work, house & yard... check. Nice job. When's the vacation?

Originally Posted by aspikes (Post 48588)
Monday check in!

Originally Posted by Kumochi (Post 48594)
Good day yesterday. Went for an hour long walk along a wooded area - beautiful but makes me miss my dog. Ate well, watched the salt, journalled everything, drank my water and 6 cups green tea, resisted temptation re some white chocolate wafers I made the mistake of buying -- rationing is hard so I may allow calories to get rid of them tonight, does melting them and dipping blueberries in them cancel out any bad calories?

Feeling positive about sticking to my program. Now to get to work.

The weather is turning nice so I hope to burn at least 2500 claories each day this week. Mary

Nice going on the walk. My two girls are mad at me b/c I can't walk them right now. :( I can't wait until the day that I can. It scares me knowing that I have a 1/2 marathon scheduled in Sept and I can barely walk. :eek: I may have to miss this one and write it off as a lo$$. Stick to your program girl!

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 48596)
OK joining late. Usually I join early and drop out by the end of the week. This week I am going to try to stick. And I am making my goals as specific as possible.

So goals:
1) 1600 calories max
2) stretching every day
3) walk or gym 3x a week minimum
4) 8 glasses of H2O minimum
1) 1 hour "real" writing every day, not just journaling
2) 14 minutes meditation
3) Trust. And worry less.

Good luck, everyone!!!

Hope, I've been dropping out too, maybe we can both stick this week out.

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 48597)
Is anyone else having trouble logging into the site today? :confused:

Yes, were are in the midst of an update. There may be some kinks along the way...

Originally Posted by aspikes (Post 48598)
Come on Canary, you can stick with these goals! I have tried to keep mine simple and specific as well. Too much and I shut down and dont accomplish anything. Good luck to you!!

Wise move on the goals!

quinnesec 06-14-2011 03:02 PM

Just got back from a looooong, interesting hike. Husband and I walked approx. 4 miles down a logging road that came out at a very cool, old, abandoned, iron bridge. Started to head home, as it was starting to get dark, and we heard a pack of coyotes and their pups howling. :eek: Can you say "freaked out"? Baby coyotes sound just like crying babies. Husband was raised in the country, so he didn't think much of it. As for me, I've never walked so fast in all of my life. There's a full, or nearly full moon, tonight to boot. You can hear them calling from multiple locations, in a huge circle around you. Although I've lived here for many years, I was raised in the city, and wild animals can still really intimidate me.

If I attempt that hike again, it will most definitely be during the day. ;)


Glad you liked the site. I actually book marked it to use in the future! lol I love that you can print things out easily, too. To my surprise, husband really liked the cut. :)

01gt4.6 06-14-2011 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 48604)

On top of all that the oldest started tennis camp yesterday. I'm on the fence with this whole tennis thing. I've tried it, but I'm naturally a really lousy player. Sure it's great exercise,
1. Average calories 1,500/day.
2. Drink 96 oz of water.
3. Cardio 3 hours.
4. Weights and calisthenics 3 hours.
5. Abstain from grain 2 days.
6. Weekly calorie deficit 3,500.
7. Average 30% calories from protein.

Other stuff:

8. Finish planting garden.
9. Weed flower beds 2 hours.
10. Help kids get 1 4-H project done (each).
11. 1 load of laundry daily.
12. Clean house MIL is coming.
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: bathrooms and dining room
Wednesday: Living room and 1 bedroom
Thursday: 1 bedroom, stairs and hallway
Friday: Master bedroom and den
Saturday: basement and porch

Tennis is very good exercise! I also suck at it. Nice laundry list of goals that you have there?

Originally Posted by xcurlygirlx (Post 48607)
Well, I messed up yesterday..blah. But I'm not worried about it, and I'm not weighing myself this morning. I believe I can do this and I will! Today is a new day, and I'm more than ready for it today I'm going to do my workout first thing after breakfast! No excuses! Going back to my motivational pictures and youtube videos!

Today is a new day, as long as it doesn't mirror yesterday. Did you say youtube videos? :eek:j/k

Originally Posted by taubele (Post 48608)
Yaaaaaaaaay I finally have a moment to catch up! This week is going to be NUTS for me through Thursday and it started off with one of those Murphy's Law Mondays -- everything that could go wrong did!

Ok so!! I didn't get to posting my goals yesterday, so I'm going to post them along with Monday's numbers. I had a reallllllyyyyy long day at work and skipped lunch, so yesterday's food is all out of whack (super high-carb, because I had to eat quickly, and quick foods are carby foods) and my goals are very red-looking! I'm paying for it this morning, I feel really tired and sluggish and it was horrible getting out of bed. My low blood pressure is angry today as well, I've already gotten faint twice. Not sure what the cause is, but thankfully I get to spend most of the day sitting. I hope I feel better this evening so I can work out!

Monday Report Card

Food, Exercise and Lifestyle Goals:

1) Achieve a 7,000 calorie deficit through a combination of eating and exercise M: -685 (Total: -685)
2) Week Average of 1200-1300 calories, with no one day going over 1450 cals M: 1,238 (Week Average: 1,238)
3) Do the 30DS six days a week (one day off per week is allowed): M: no (day off)
4) Two "extra exercise" cardio days per week M: No
5) Week Average of 50% carbs or less M: 64% (Week Average 64%)
6) Week Average of 30% protein or more M: 21% (Week Average 21%)
7) 120 oz. of water a day M: no (104)
8) Take multivitamin and fiber pills every day M: no

Other Goals:
1) Make an effort on my appearance every day possible: M: Not possible, I was working with animals all day and dressed accordingly in scrub clothes
2) Do something nice for BF - he needs and deserves a good surprise M: Not yet...
3) Budget out upcoming trip home M: No
4) Clean the darn bathrooms (weekend goal) M-F: N/A

The "Other Goals" #2 of doing something nice for BF is long overdue. He's been particularly wonderful lately and I want to come up with something for him. His latest wonderful act: I found out the story I interviewed for last week ran in the local Sunday paper. Unfortunately, I found out at about 11:00 on Sunday night (when I was all ready for bed) and went to bed kind of dejected that I'd missed the e-mail notifying me (I'm bad about checking e-mails on the weekend). After I went to bed, he went out at around midnight and raided some of the nearby paper stands to get a half a dozen copies or so of the newspaper so I would have them to send to my family and to keep if I wanted - I woke up to the pile in the morning with a very sweet note. He knew it meant a lot to me to be able to send copies to my family (who are all very supportive and interested) and I was touched that he went out like that (especially since he had to be at work at 6:30 the next morning!)

BF is notorious for sniffing out surprises so I need to think of something clever and easy-to-hide to do for him. I'll come up with something, but having the reminder to really sit and think about it will be good for me.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Mondays can suck at times. I hope the other days turn out better for you. You also have a long list of goals, good luck with them. That was really nice of your BF, you better thing of something good for him.

Originally Posted by Kumochi (Post 48613)
Diverting cravings is hard. I am best not to have the triggers in the house. I should not have bought the chocolate wafers! When I'm in control I can have chocolate arround and mix it with pecans and cranberries in small amounts for a high calorie trail mix! -a somewhat healthy treat. It seems right now the chocolate has got to go. Coke and baked goods are my other bad triggers. I don't buy baked goods except whole grain low calorie bread and thin bagels. I seem to be able to control those.

Mary, I couldn't agree more.

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 48622)
I can control cravings if I avoid grain first thing in the morning and eat a fairly light breakfast that includes some sort of protein. It also helps if I don't have access to anything edible between noon and dinner. But alas in moments of severe desperation I would eat my own arm, so this is always a trial for me.

Mornings is when I need my grains... b/c I can't stand eggs.

Originally Posted by aspikes (Post 48632)
PMS week is a killer for me as well. I can eat everything in the house and still not feel satisfied. Ive been on vitamins too, but can't really tell that it helps at all. If anyone has some tips for this that would be great!! :D

Maybe PMS is my problem??? :confused:

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 48634)
I read something interesting yesterday. It said to avoid mindless binging, have a single spot to eat. (... your chair in the kitchen, for example.) Not in a car, or in front of the tv, etc.) If you have to go and sit by yourself, you're less likely to want to eat. Makes sense to me. It also eliminates standing in the kitchen picking at food. You have to sit in your chair like a little kid. I tried it out today, and it actually does work. If you are not at home, all bets are off, though. :D

Well, I just got back from getting the best haircut EVER!!! (Women will understand what a HUGE accomplishment this is!!!) LOL It's just hitting my shoulders, which is really short for me. My husband's probably going to freak out. Oh well. As long as I can still put it up, he'll be fine. lol

That makes sense about having a spot to eat. I was going to say something funny like "I miss having hair to cut." but that would be a lie, I actually enjoy being bald. Congrats of the new cut.

01gt4.6 06-14-2011 03:13 PM

I'll try to reply to those that I missed tomorrow. Time for me to soak in a hot top, then lay on an ice pack. I feel so lucky. ;)

01gt4.6 06-14-2011 03:16 PM

It confuses me putting no in green and yes in red...

1) lift weights no, no (I miss it already)
2) weigh myself yes (bad habit I guess), no
3) miss a day logging food no, no
4) miss a day posting here no, no
5) eat junk/snacks no, no
6) drink less than a gallon of water per day yes (I think I came up short), no

cjohnson728 06-14-2011 03:33 PM

Tuesday report:

1. Daily calories 1300 or less. 1241, 1389 (honestly, was too hungry to fall asleep, so had a quick snack. Boo for me)
2. Exercise 6 times. Ran at the park, Cardio tennis
3. Rest shoulder three consecutive days. Yes, Nope-tennis
4. Log everything. Yes, Yes
5. Journal mood/reasons for eating. Yes, Yes
6. Weigh in daily. Yes, No

7. Get vacation plans nailed down. Narrowed it down, Ready to finalize tomorrow
8. Get new cell phone contract, or renew/renegotiate. Hubby's got the lead on this one; I've got the vacation legwork
9. Finish painting the last of the trim; touch up walls. Wait for weekend
10. Stay caught up with work. Somehow the less I have to do, the less productive I am!? On a good timetable today, On schedule!

Need to add a goal; I must do this so I can return my rejects on time:

11. Make a decision on bathing suit this weekend!! (I ordered about 8 pieces - hey, free shipping - so I could try on various styles, but I need to make a choice and return the others. And you know how much we all love bathing suit trying-on).

Crazy day; had cardio this morning, then work, then running around with various kid stuff, then writing reports. I have been hungry All. Darn. Day. I would have thought the busier I was, the less I would notice, but no. It's been all clean food, with the exception of frozen yogurt, one serving ;).

I completely forgot to weigh in this morning. For once, I wasn't avoiding it, but I'm not sure why I forgot. I remembered halfway through my breakfast and morning tea, so I just skipped it. However, I did put on a pair of dress-pants-I-wear-when-I-push-the-boundaries-of-my-comfort-zone and they were baggy, so I'm hopeful.

Tomorrow we have to be across town so I'll take the boy to Whole Foods & let him pick some healthy snacks. Of course, we'll also be out to lunch, so gotta go scope out a good plan for that!

MAIN80 06-14-2011 04:23 PM

Oh boy, lots of activity going on today! Which is great, love having stuff to read :)

mhidon, I meant more of what almeeker and Terri had to say, no one is out of your league . Oh... the bad boys :)

quinn, congrats on the haircut! It is one of the most wonderful feelings when you get a great haircut! Excellent work on the rest of the goals too! Those coyotes and full moon... creepy, bet you got more calories burned though.

Cassie, nice job on having caught up with everything! I am envious! Best luck with the bathing suits, go for color :) For being hungry all day you did great on calories!

Aspikes, great going on your goals!

Mike, hope you soon feel better to walk your dogs, keep taking it easy. The double negatives in your report confuse me too, but it looks like you did great today. Resist the weights.

Mary, I vote that if you mix them with lots of blueberries the chocolate can get cancelled.

Canary52, hope you have a great week!

Almeeker, best of luck with tennis camp and being supportive of your daughter. As long as she still enjoys it.

xcurlygirlx, hope you had a better day today! I can blame my hormones for almost anything, PMS gives me the worst cravings, for salty stuff, if I am lucky then I will get one day in which I don't want any food. I read somewhere the food you craved for was related to a nutrient you were missing, so then you could snack on a food that had that nutrient and you would feel satisfied. I will try to look it up.

Terri, I love the surprise for your BF, hope you think of something he does not discover it! Good that you managed your workout but take care of the bp.

Mern, Happy to read you! You will be happy to hear I have been doing my workouts this week :) How are the grandkids?

MAIN80 06-14-2011 04:29 PM

Report for Monday and Tuesday

1. Calorie limit of 1250 weekly average 1010
2. Drink 3 L of water a day. Yes, Yes
3. Exercise 4 times during the week. Yes, Yes
4. Take the dog out to walk 3 times. No, No
5. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm Monday to Thursday. No, No
6. Make a To Do List. Yes
7. Work on at least three things on the list per day. No, Yes

quinnesec 06-15-2011 01:03 AM

Great news on the scale this morning! BMI is back under 20 at 19.87! :D 2.4 lbs. to go to my goal which is my low, summer weight. Still have two weeks, so it's pretty achievable.

Bracing for a bad day with elder care issues today. Wish me well.


canary52 06-15-2011 01:09 AM

1) 1600 calories max: 1545
2) stretching every dayyes
3) walk or gym 3x a week minimumno :(
4) 8 glasses of H2O minimum: er 6
1) 1 hour "real" writing every day, not just journalingyes
2) 14 minutes meditationyes
3) Trust. And worry less.yes

canary52 06-15-2011 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by taubele (Post 48644)
Thanks Hope; I'm taking it pretty easy today. It's likely that I got the bp attacks this morning due to the heat - it hit 102 in FL today, and I have a form of vasovagal syncope that makes me very sensitive to changes in temperature :)

I tried to get out of bed too quickly, and I think in my sleep I had wrapped the blankets around my body and gotten my body temp a bit out of whack. I laid down right when I felt faint -- I also got a little faint when I opened the door to the apartment and got knocked with the hot FL air.

There's not too much I can do except keep quiet, sitting/laying down a lot, and avoiding the heat as much as I can. I do want to work out tonight -- what I'll probably do is go through an extended warm-up and see how I feel. If I get a little fuzzy or get any warning signs, I won't work out. I've been ok at work so far, and drinking a lot of ice-cold water, which seems to be keeping me clear!

How's your writing? :D

It sounds like you know your body and what you have to do. And that heat will knock anyone out. I didn't know it affects low bp, that's interesting. And re exercise trying a warm up first and seeing how you feel is an excellent plan. I have the opposite -high bp but I take pills for it and am generally OK.

As for writing, I'm trying to get back into it but since it is now summer and DD is home distractions abound. I need to get that focus. I have a class starting in a few weeks so hopefully that will help. Thanks so much for asking.

cjohnson728 06-15-2011 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 48691)
Great news on the scale this morning! BMI is back under 20 at 19.87! :D 2.4 lbs. to go to my goal which is my low, summer weight. Still have two weeks, so it's pretty achievable.

Bracing for a bad day with elder care issues today. Wish me well.


Yay, Quinn! Keep up the good work! I hope all goes well today.

I had a happy scale this morning, too. One pound left till bikini weight, two till my lowest weight. My body fat percentage is down two points also, to where it was before I began screwing up :p.

Unfortunately, the boy and I are out running around today and I promised him a Chinese lunch. I'm saving breakfast calories and hoping that I'm not totally ravenous the rest of the day because of this.

Hope, nice job on the goals. Good to see you check in.

MAIN80, your goals look wonderful also. You are so steady!

Have a great day everyone!

canary52 06-15-2011 01:28 AM

Everybody I want to thank you for your support and trying to keep me on here: you guys keep me honest!

Cassie, I do believe you would hunt me down!!! :)

As for the romance, so far it is continuing in a sweet way. The BF came over last night, DD had me make mac and cheese and then we found out he doesn't like mac and cheese. Oops! He and I are talking about cooking ribs together.

Any good rib recipes? Almeeker, I have to think you have one since I am convinced you can do anything!!!

As for the sleepover, I did elect to trust her and it worked out. There were a number of girls and ironically, he wasn't even there most of the night (and this according to good sources) because he was out with the guys. She's 17 and pretty level headed considering that teenagers (I'm sorry for this overgeneralization) are often somewhat insane. I keep the lines of communication open and hope for the best. That's why one of my goals is trust!!!!

Mern 06-15-2011 01:45 AM

Tuesday Report

Calorie limit 1600 1577, 1599
Calorie deficit 800 per day 961, 885
Carbs less fiber 25g 22.9g, 22.5g
Saturated fat target 12% 15%, 9%
Dietary Cholesterol target less than 300mg 362mg, 354mg--oh, wow, I thought sardines were low in cholesterol. Oops.
Track grams & % of calories from protein 115.3g or 38%, 149.3 or 37%

Artificial sweetener limit 1 packet per day 0, 1
Sugar free candy limit 2 pieces per day YES YES

Water 64 oz. YES YES
Exercise 30 minutes, 5 days--no lame excuses YES, 20 minutes

Be sure the day's custom foods in FitDay have sat fat & cholesterol listed. YES YES

Kumochi 06-15-2011 02:21 AM

Hope -- there is good authority that teens are insane and stay that way till their 20's -- 25 for males. The recent theory is that the teen brain goes through as much rewiring as the brain does from age 0 -7. Explains the lack of impulse control.

Having a good week and the scales is rewarding me. I have lost most of the holiday weight gain. Today is my group weight in. Feeling motivated and the sunshine helps. Mary

almeeker 06-15-2011 04:39 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 48697)
Any good rib recipes? Almeeker, I have to think you have one since I am convinced you can do anything!!!

You're so sweet, I can do a lot of things, but not everything. Cartwheels and quantum physics are both out of my realm, can't do either one to save my life.

As for ribs, my mother makes the best! She starts the raw rack of ribs in her pressure cooker or crock pot, all depends on her schedule. Pressure cooker at 10lbs pressure for maybe 30-40 minutes and the crock pot for 3-4 hours on high. Then she takes them out and grills them slowly with a ton of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce. With beef ribs she rubs them with black pepper and maybe a little salt, pork she cooks plain and for rack of lamb she uses a rub with coriander, sage and a little pepper. Sorry for the food porn, but ribs are not diet food.

taubele 06-15-2011 04:49 AM

Tuesday Report Card

Food, Exercise and Lifestyle Goals:

1) Achieve a 7,000 calorie deficit through a combination of eating and exercise M: -685 T: -1,160 (Total: -1,845)
2) Week Average of 1200-1300 calories, with no one day going over 1450 cals M: 1,238 T: 1,015 (Week Average: 1,126.5)
3) Do the 30DS six days a week (one day off per week is allowed): M: no (day off) T: yes
4) Two "extra exercise" cardio days per week M: No T: No
5) Week Average of 50% carbs or less M: 64% T: 36% (Week Average 50%)
6) Week Average of 30% protein or more M: 21% T: 33% (Week Average 27%)
7) 120 oz. of water a day M: no (104) T: yes
8) Take multivitamin and fiber pills every day M: no T: yes

Other Goals:
1) Make an effort on my appearance every day possible: M: Not possible, I was working with animals all day and dressed accordingly in scrub clothes T: a bit
2) Do something nice for BF - he needs and deserves a good surprise M: Not yet... T: Haven't given this good thought. Presentation looming.
3) Budget out upcoming trip home M: No T: No
4) Clean the darn bathrooms (weekend goal) M-F: N/A

Did much better yesterday :) And I felt better, too! I got in my exercise after a LONG warm-up, where I did some low-impact moves with my resistance band to see how my bp was handling it. I did OK, so I popped in Jillian. The 30DS did make me dizzy during one exercise with the weights, so I just dropped the weights and moved my limbs the proper way, and it cleared up. No shame - I didn't stop, I just did what my body let me do!

The bp is much better today - I made sure to sleep only with a sheet on the bed and it helped. Still in the 100s in FL though, yucky. I'm banging out a presentation right now (just checking in on lunch break!) So I will catch up with everyone properly tonight - this thread has been busy!!

Happy Wednesday!

aspikes 06-15-2011 04:51 AM

Yesterday was not so great, BF called from work asking about supper, wasn't gonna cook since kids were at VBS but felt guilty and decided to cook for him, ended up eating a very fattening supper. I had planned to have a mango smoothie.... ugh

I have a better handle on my bitchiness tho, was happy and cheerful with everyone, even DD 16!

Spent the morning in the canning plant, doing 6 bushels of peas, feel like I have accomplished something today at least, and the manual labor seems to have given me some energy. Maybe I will tackle one of the kids' rooms tonight!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Daily fitness goals:
Eat clean (fruit/veggie) lunches. yep, tomatoes, yum Yes, rice and veggies
Three pink containers of water. yep, yes!
Walk/dance 30 minutes daily. dirtroad walk with kiddies,Nope, was lazy
No nighttime sodas. ugh, had 2!none!

Non fitness goals:
No nail picking/biting. Yes!!, yes! (day four of no nail biting)
Clean out daughters dresser.Not yetnot yet
Clean out kitchen cabinetsnot yetnone yet
1 load laundry per day.nopedid 2!

I'm also gonna steal "smile more, bitch less" Monday was a bust on this one, better luck today!!happy all day!

Quinn-I LOVE that cut, very fun and summery! There are coyotes out where I live as well, and bobcats. Scary at night for sure!

Mike - I really hope PMS is NOT your problem!! hee hee! I sure hope you feel better soon.

Cassie - I live in Georgia too, way down south, about 20 minutes from Valdosta. Congrats on being so close to your bikini weight, Ive been wearing mine, but not so sure I should be. :p

Canary - I feel you about the teenage daughter stuff, I have a 16 year old. No boyfriend right now tho...thank goodness. Good luck with that, its definately challenging!

Mary, congrats on your successful week!

MAIN80 06-15-2011 08:01 AM

Going to do some catching up mid day :)

Quinn, congrats on reaching your BMI goal, hope your day is going as smoothly as possible.

Cassie, thanks for the encouragement!

Canary52, glad to hear the romance is going well and that the sleepover was not an issue. Send me some ribs!

Mary, congrats on the good scale news.

Terri, keep taking care of yourself in that FL heat!

aspikes, glad your mood was great all day and congrats on the no sodas!

cjohnson728 06-15-2011 08:22 AM

aspikes, I bet it's hot down your way! I say you should join almeeker and me while we crash mhibdon's bar hopping fun in Charleston!

Terri, smart girl; listen to your body and it will not steer you wrong. However, I've learned it's an art to really listen.

Mary, totally agree with you on the teenage thing and I've also heard it's about age 24 before things settle. Kinda scary when they drive at 16, isn't it :eek:?

I did okay with Chinese today. If I eat, as they say, a "sensible dinner" and keep to the planned snacks, I should be fine for the day. The boy and I made some neat finds at the Whole Foods. I wish it were closer. Unfortunately, when I make new grocery discoveries, I always want to try them right away, so that's my battle now ;).

almeeker 06-15-2011 02:13 PM

Wednesday Report Card

Health and Fitness goals:

1. Average calories 1,500/day. 2,274, 1,500, 1,430 (average 1,735)
2. Drink 96 oz of water. Y, Y, Y
3. Cardio 3 hours. 48 min, 30 min, 0 min (total 1:18)
4. Weights and calisthenics 3 hours. 0 min, 0 min, 0 min (total 0:00)
5. Abstain from grain 2 days. N, N, N
6. Weekly calorie deficit 3,500. -271, -993, -481 (total 1,745)
7. Average 30% calories from protein. 25, 23, 31 (average 26)

Other stuff:

8. Finish planting garden. a little, a little, No it rained today.
9. Weed flower beds 2 hours. N, N it Rained
10. Help kids get 1 4-H project done (each). A little bit. A little, No
11. 1 load of laundry daily. Y, Y,N
12. Clean house MIL is coming :eek:.
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: bathrooms and dining room
Wednesday: Living room and 1 bedroom
Thursday: 1 bedroom, stairs and hallway
Friday: Master bedroom and den
Saturday: basement and porch

I did a little better with calories today than I have been, but it was only because I was nuts busy. How I get myself sucked in to these things is anybody's guess. I'm working on a renovation/addition project for our church, for free of course. Anyway I spent most of the day running numbers so I could give them an estimate tonight at the meeting. I hate estimating, by nature I'm too optimistic for it, and well not nit picky enough to be really thorough. On top of all that I had an extra kiddo. A friend of mine has had one of those weeks, she and her husband have 6 kids, and this past week 3 of them have been in the hospital. 4 of the kids plus the husband have some sort of blood disorder and when they get sick they turn yellow and need blood transfusions. So I had one of her kids today so she could hopefully get the youngest one home this afternoon. She's a great kid, but mine went into "show-off" mode and pulled out every toy we own. I would say more but I'm dead tired and sore from sitting in this chair all day. Nighty night.

Kumochi 06-15-2011 02:25 PM

Another good day. Did my sauna and Yoga this morning, 1/2 hour walk at noon and 35 minute bike ride this evening. Went out for dinner with friends and had salmon. Only concern was the veggies were overcooked and oily. Left most of them on my plate.

Signed up for sailing lessons this summer. Wondering if someone my age should sign up for something that requires your health card number and Dr's name!! I looked up the calories they should burn after I signed up. There goes another pound. Mary

quinnesec 06-15-2011 02:52 PM


Food and Fitness:

1. 1200 calories/day average. 1049, 1150, 968 :eek:

2. Walk two miles per day minimum, weather permitting. 2 mile hike through some pretty rough terrain... can I count that for 5 miles? lol 4 miles. No, at hospital all night.

3. LOG EVERYTHING! Yes. Yes. Yes.

4. Take multivitamin, flax and vitamin E daily. Yes. Yes. Yes.

5. This week, I will get my BMI back under 20. Working on it. Still trying. YES! 19.87 :D

Personal Stuff:

1. Work on college apps. and related paperwork. Yes, got it all done today.

2. Return order to company ASAP. Done!

3. Balance checkbook. Umm... no. (Why do I hate that so much?) Husband's the banker... let him do it! Still no. No time today.

4. Get new, cute haircut for summer. Not yet. Yes!

01gt4.6 06-15-2011 03:02 PM

I know I've been MIA today. I finally made it back home today. It's been a long day. I need to check a few things, I should be back to post my #'s.

01gt4.6 06-15-2011 03:09 PM

Being that I was out and super busy I had dinner on the road. I had Wendy's and I must say that besides having my Sonic Blasts, I never eat fast food. Holy crap. I just got home and logged my food.:eek::eek: 980cals for a hamburger, med fries and a diet coke??? That is ridiculous!:mad: Some how I still manage to be under 1850 calories for the day....

1) lift weights no, no (I miss it already), no
2) weigh myself yes (bad habit I guess), no, no
3) miss a day logging food no, no, no
4) miss a day posting here no, no, no
5) eat junk/snacks no, no, yes (Wendy's)
6) drink less than a gallon of water per day yes (I think I came up short), no, yes :mad:

quinnesec 06-15-2011 03:14 PM

Sounds like everyone has had a long, tiring day. My biggest fear was realized today concerning my elder care responsibilities and I had to hospitalize my mom this afternoon. Didn't really have time to eat much and now I'm way too tired. Tomorrow I should know more as to where this situation is heading.

I may go MIA for the next few days, depending on how things go. I'll try to check in with my numbers, though, because I want to keep on track through the stress. You know, it's odd with me. When I'm under stress, I either eat everything in site, or I shut down entirely, which kind of happened today. I'm going to make an effort to make my own health important this time around. Too many people are counting on me.

Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully, we'll all have an easier day tomorrow. :)


cjohnson728 06-15-2011 03:19 PM

Thoughts and prayers with you and your mom, Quinn. Take care of yourself.

quinnesec 06-15-2011 03:22 PM

Thanks, Cassie. ;)

Goodnight, all.

01gt4.6 06-15-2011 03:33 PM

Take care and be there for your mom Quinn. You get an MIA pass.

cjohnson728 06-15-2011 04:33 PM

Mike, I'm sure being on the road didn't do much for your PITA. You take care of yourself, too.

Report for Hump Day:

1. Daily calories 1300 or less. 1241, 1389 (honestly, was too hungry to fall asleep, so had a quick snack. Boo for me), 1297
2. Exercise 6 times. Ran at the park, Cardio tennis, Weights
3. Rest shoulder three consecutive days. Yes, Nope-tennis, Nope-but should be able to now
4. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes (though had to guess on the Chinese)
5. Journal mood/reasons for eating. Yes, Yes Nope
6. Weigh in daily. Yes, No, Yes

7. Get vacation plans nailed down. Narrowed it down, Ready to finalize tomorrow, Tried to finalize and now vaguely homicidal with the rental agent, as what was billed as possible per the website is supposedly not
8. Get new cell phone contract, or renew/renegotiate. Hubby's got the lead on this one; I've got the vacation legwork
9. Finish painting the last of the trim; touch up walls. Wait for weekend
10. Stay caught up with work. Somehow the less I have to do, the less productive I am!? On a good timetable today, On schedule! Still okay, but need to stay on it

The new quality time with the bathing suit goal will probably entail getting a full length mirror...I've never had one and in order to see my bottom half I usually stand on the bed and look in my dresser mirror. Then I can't see the top half, so I definitely need a better option :p.

MAIN80 06-15-2011 07:06 PM

Quinn, stay strong and I hope tomorrow is better for you and your mother.

Almeeker, good going on the calories, I hope you get some well deserved rest after the day you had.

Mary, sailing sounds like fun, I think all things involving water need insurance.

Cassie, rest the shoulder and good going on the chinesegs involving bodies of water require the insurance :) Mike, it was probably the fries, its always the fries :) Hope you are feeling better too!.

Report for Wednesday: Now that I look at it didn't do so good... and I don't even know why... oh well.

1. Calorie limit of 1250 weekly average 1054
2. Drink 3 L of water a day. Yes, Yes, No
3. Exercise 4 times during the week. Yes, Yes, No
4. Take the dog out to walk 3 times. No, No, No
5. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm Monday to Thursday. No, No, No I am pretty much forgetting this one.
6. Make a To Do List. Yes
7. Work on at least three things on the list per day. No, Yes, Yes

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