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erinmrystrom 04-06-2011 03:26 AM

Too Intense
Last week my weight stayed the same. So I've been trying to make more of an effort this week to really see a loss. Well when weighing myself every day (I know you're not supposed to but it helps me keep on track) I'm definately NOT seeing a loss. In fact I'm almost gaining! :eek:

Last night I went to work out and found that I just didn't have the motivation. I'm finding this a lot lately and I think I figured out why. I think I'm getting too intense in this weight loss thing. I'm focusing SO much on how low of calories I can eat or how much I can workout that it's stressing me out. Which my body does NOT handle the point where I get sick. Being too intense and taking it to the extreme is how I've failed to lose weight countless times in the past. solution is to ease up on myself. Work out when I can but not beat myself up if I can't or just don't feel like it. I will still journal my food, but not freak out if I don't have a huge calorie deficit that day. I promised myself that this would be a LIFESTYLE change. Not a diet. Yes I have goals, but I have the rest of my life to reach them and this will be an every day thing. I know I can't work out every day or be spot on with my eating EVERY day for the rest of my life.

Sorry for my slight word vomit...I think I just had to get it out so that I can get some relief on my mind that it's OK to not work out EVERY day and it's okay to have a cappuccino and bagel for breakfast if I REALLY want it.

If you've actually read this whole thing...thanks! :D

dear_abby 04-06-2011 04:00 AM

If I've learned anything on Fitdday Forums it's the danger of "all or nothing thinking". It sounds like you have been a victim of that - giving yourself a hard time when you don't do it all!

A sounder, long term way of thinking is the way to the goal - anything we do happens step by step!

Good luck!


dear_abby 04-06-2011 04:01 AM

PS To my prior post
Your birthday is two days before mine, and I've set that as my goal weight day! Let's cheer each other on, we've got time.


RunbikeSki 04-06-2011 04:58 AM

love your strategy
Hi Erin,
I am impressed with your self evaluation. I think many of us have come to the same conclussion over time. It is the learning to live with ourselves while still striving to improve that is so difficult for us. It sure seems like you are well on the way.

Hopefully your story with inspire a few others - it seems almost impossible to "tell" someone how to acheive this - we all just have to figure it out on our own - good job.

PS, we all backslide from time to time too - so just keep your eye on the prize and you'll be fine


almeeker 04-06-2011 05:33 AM

I have similar trouble. What I've been doing lately that helps is to tell myself that I "choose" to be healthier, not that I "must" do this this this and that, and that I "can't" have something to eat. "Must" & "can't" tend to make me want the opposite and stress me out when I fail. I "choose" is much much better. I also live with the idea that as long as my good days out number my bad days by at least 3 or 4 to 1, it's all good.

erinmrystrom 04-06-2011 06:20 AM

Thanks Ladies! I feel much better (and relieved) with my new outlook on everything.

And I have to share's pretty ironic that as I was eating a Dove Milk Chocolate Square (:rolleyes:...don't judge...) the saying on the wrapper said "It's OK to not do it all"! :D

Lizards13 04-06-2011 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by erinmrystrom (Post 42800) solution is to ease up on myself. Work out when I can but not beat myself up if I can't or just don't feel like it. I will still journal my food, but not freak out if I don't have a huge calorie deficit that day. I promised myself that this would be a LIFESTYLE change. Not a diet.

Hi Erin, you have absolutely nailed it, we are too hard on ourselves sometimes and I think it's maybe the same reason that makes me not want to be seen eating anything "unhealthy" in public, other people's opinions. My very skinny best mate eats all sorts of c**p some days but doesn't even let it come under her notice as she usually eats fairly well. I agonoise over my slip ups and sometimes focusing on our mistakes is not a good thing, let's concentrate on all the positive choices we are making as well.

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