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morgansmith8146 06-12-2018 12:04 AM

Do I Need to Take Dietary Supplements?
Dietary Supplements

olivia2018 07-23-2018 11:09 PM

It depends how much your body weight is actually. If you think that you are overweight and want to lose weight but do not have time to go out for exercise, then weight loss dietary supplements are good for you. Being natural, this is a painless approach and effective mode of weight loss.

hushpuppy 07-28-2018 07:03 AM

My cardiologist believes supplements are a joke. She says if people would just eat right they'd get all the nutrients they need. Not only that, but if you're using the Fitday food log, you can look under the nutrients tab to see what you're missing. Then look up what foods have those nutrients and add those to your diet.

SecondBreakfast 02-16-2019 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by morgansmith8146 (Post 138536)
Dietary Supplements

Not knowing your age and health situation makes it difficult to provide you with an answer. Having said that, there are certain supplements that are helpful during weight-loss and weight-maintenance phases. For women of a certain age, we have a tendency to produce higher than normal amounts of cortisol - which results in the build up of fat around our middle section. Certain supplements help combat and regulate that cortisol production. Cortico is the one my MD has me take, and it helped tremendously. After taking it for a month, my BP dropped 10 points, as well as 13 pounds on the scales.

Have you had a CBC done recently? I learned after having mine done, that I am anemic. Despite eating red meat and the iron rich veggies, my iron count was in the single digits. I was dizzy, tired, constantly exhausted. So, again, my MD put me on Iron Complex. After just a few days, my energy level skyrocketed and I felt normal again.

Magnesium and Potassium are also key supplements that help to ease muscle discomfort during dieting phases, because even if we're not dieting, we still have trouble getting enough in our diets. Iodine/iodide as in Iodoral was a key nutrient that people in certain regions are void of. That's why folks end up with goiters sometimes. Iodine is the key element required by the thyroid,to facilitate the T-3 and T-4 hormone conversion for the body. Because of other toxins we take in- bromide, fluoride, and chloride- our iodine receptors on the thyroid become clogged. The thyroid will eventually draw the iodine from breast and ovaries in women, prostate in men, leaving those organs wide open and unprotected. What 3 cancers do we hear so much about nowadays? Iodoral combats other ailments as well, such as poor sleep patters, loss of hair, swollen tongue, dark circles under the eyes, lethargy, itchy skin, etc. The iodized salt we eat does not provide nearly enough of what our bodies need, and the little effect it has is often quashed by the bromide we take in through baked goods. Bromide and Iodide are both anti-caking agents. Bromide is toxic to the thyroid while iodide is not. Dr. David Brownstein has a fantastic book, Iodine - Why you Need it-- which explains in more detail why this nutrient is so essential to our diets. Iodoral can be purchased on Amazon, and I''ve not found it anywhere else. If you want to see whether or not you're deficient, you can take a drop of colored iodine, and dot it on the inside of your arm or wrist. If the dot is still there after 12-24 hours, you're okay. If it disappears in a few minutes- like mine did, then you're deficient.

While many conventional medicine doctors poo-poo the idea of taking supplements, there are legitimate reasons other MDs recommend them. Sometimes, our bodies do not absorb or process the nutrients from foods as they should. To get the answers from someone who understands both schools of thought, try to locate a naturopathic doctor that is also an MD. We are so blessed to have one near us, though she is very hard to get an appt. with. Getting a CBC is going to be an essential element to understand what you need, what you don't need, and what forms of supplements are more beneficial.

sachk771 02-17-2019 07:33 PM

You should take all the essential nutrients from your diet naturally. But if you are facing major deficiencies of any nutrients and you think it cannot be recovered with the natural diet. In such condition you can take the supplements under the guidance of a doctor.

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