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free86da 08-03-2010 05:15 AM

Motivation to continue this weight-loss...
I just started today on Fitday and this will be my upteeth time beginning weight lost. The thing is I get motivated to do it, then I lose it. My motivation usually begins with not wanting to see certain parts of my body bulging out and hanging out and wanting to fit into certain clothes, but then after a couple days I lose that motivation...I know I need to do this because this is the heaviest I have ever been and its depressing to see myself get so far away from the size i used to be. I saw that my BMI was extremely obese and that felt really depressing to see because i dont think of myself as obese but in reality I am so how do i turn this depression into motivation and continue to hold on to this motivation?

me2forever 08-03-2010 09:48 AM

Hang Tough we are all in this together. Keep posting and reading it really helps me. I like putting all my foods down found out I really wasn't eating enough........need more veggies and protein. Trying to keep my carbs around 60 or below. I just can't do the 20 carb thing it makes me feel weak and sick.

Happy FitDay.

fletch8502 08-03-2010 09:53 AM

Hello and welcome!

It sounds to me like you're biting off a little bit more than you can chew. If you set your sights too high, the longer it will take to reach your goals, the more difficult it will be to stay motivated, and the more likely it will be to give up.

Why not try breaking your goals into smaller, more achievable sections?

For example, if you want to lose 50 lbs, that can be an overwhelming thought. Wouldn't it be easier to try to lose 2 lbs over the next 2 weeks, or 5 lbs over the next month?

Or, if you want to wear a size 6 but you're currently a 12, don't set out to go straight towards a size 6. First, try for a 10 (and by an awesome pair of jeans or a new dress when you get there!).

Once you reach those first mini-goals, you should have some motivation and inspiration to keep going.

Also, try not to look at this as a diet or something you can turn on and off. Think of it as a healthy lifestyle that you're starting. That will make it less likely for you to quit or give up. Resign yourself to being healthy for the rest of your life. That doesn't mean you can't eat chocolate or cake or pizza or french fries ever again. That means that if you want a piece of cake at a party this weekend, you eat as healthy as you can the rest of the day (including proper amounts of carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats) then you eat the cake and enjoy every bite of it!!! I did that just this past weekend with my aunt's homemade peanut butter pie. YUM!

Hopefully those two tips will help you get started. Best wishes and take care!

rlynn456 08-03-2010 11:52 AM

Thats the same way I always felt, I found out my bmi is obese but this time I'm gonna stick to it. Just try for two weeks to eat less and exercise, then you will start seeing the weight loss and that will be enough motivation to keep going! Good Luck and dont give up.
Starting weight 7/13: 215
Current weight 8/3: 208
weight goal: 145

free86da 08-05-2010 08:12 AM

That you guys so much for the motivation. I think I will take you advice and start small. I will give myself two weeks eating right and exercising and see what happens. How often do you guys reccommend working out a week?

smooshmcsmeesh 08-05-2010 09:59 AM

Hi Free!
Make a promise to yourself to check in here everyday. Posting on the forums is really a great motivator, and you get such wonderful support from the community.

USE THE TOOLS. Log your food, activities, weight, all of it. It couldn't be easier to do, and looking at those reports as you progress will be a wonderful motivator.

The other thing to remember is that no matter how many times before you have tried, you continue to succeed at not giving up! We have the power to change ourselves. That option is always there. Other people have done it, so can we! =)

Good luck hon, and get excited about living healthier!


almeeker 08-05-2010 11:02 AM

One of my best friends once said to me, "if you have skinny habits, you're skinny and if you have fat habits, you're fat, it's all about habits". Now I know myself to be a habit former, so what helped me make the necessary changes was to study myself, so for 3 days I wrote down every thing I ate, when I ate it, and what I was doing while eating it. I didn't diet at first, just kept a record. Then I sat down with my record and looked for areas to improve, and low and behold I had some really bad habits (like eating breakfast 3-4 times every day) and some really good ones (I ate fresh fruit 2-3 times/day). So one by one I worked on getting rid of the bad habits and adopted some better habits in place of the old ones. It's working pretty well so far, I've got a ways to go, but I feel certain that I can make it and maintain my goal weight once I get there. I still have bad days and good days, but hopefully the good days out number the bad ones by 3-4 to 1.

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