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jennygoodman 08-02-2010 02:33 PM

Is this mean of me...?
So I have a younger sister, who just turned 20 in May (I'm 25). It's always been one of those "I got the brains, she got the beauty" type things, you know? Granted, I'm not hideous, but she always has been way more into makeup and looking good than I have.

I stand 5'8", she's around 5'9" and as a rule has generally always weighed at least 30 pounds less than me. She also has a tendency to eat whatever the bleep she wants, and never gains a pound.

Until this past year. Bwa ha ha...she's getting fat. I now weigh 5 pounds less than her.

And while I know that I should feel bad for her that she is gaining weight, I can't help but feel a little smidge of satisfaction that I am finally the skinny one. God knows that I have tried to help her keep the weight off, but she just has no desire whatsoever to make any effort to change. She still eats terribly, and doesn't exercise EVER.

Like I said, I feel bad that her bad habits are catching up to her, but...after years of being the squishy one, I am proud to say that I am finally the skinny sister! Now if only I could get a little skinnier hahahaha :cool:

smooshmcsmeesh 08-02-2010 03:28 PM

I think what you're feeling is natural, and not necessarily mean-spirited. Like you said, you're trying to help her, but she has to help herself too.

Enjoy your moment of achievement, but don't let it go to your head or keep you from trying to help her, and stay focused on your personal goals. =)

jennygoodman 08-03-2010 02:30 AM

Lol I just read what I posted...I didn't want to come off as "gloating" about it. I just feel like I have always worked really hard to maintain an average body, or to be pretty, and she has always been the one who naturally looked like a supermodel. She used to go to McDonalds and get a 10pc chicken nugget meal AND a double cheeseburger AND an apple pie...and would never gain a pound. I guess now I kind of have some satisfaction in the fact that she's turning into a woman and actually has to deal with what it's really like.

And like I said, I DO try to help her...I sat here one day and sent her six different emails, all of them like 8 paragraphs long, telling her how she can better herself, things she can do to workout, better food choices to make...and she completely ignored all of it (this is after she asked for my help, mind you).

I guess it's up to her to make the change for herself.

smooshmcsmeesh 08-03-2010 03:09 AM

Yeah I agree. If she ignored your help, after asking for it, all you can do is be there when she is finally ready to accept it.

I didn't think you were gloating. I can even relate, as my two older sisters are normally weighted and I've always been the 'chunky one with the pretty smile'. OMG how I hated hearing I had a pretty face from people. I used to take it as an insult, rather than a compliment -- which now that I'm older, I realize that a compliment is a compliment, take them when you can! LOL

So, if I ever achieve my long term goal weight (which I do hope to do in this lifetime, LOL) I am sure I will have that same sense of satisfaction that you're experiencing at 'finally being thinner' than the sibs. :D

nottango 08-03-2010 10:59 AM

I have 2 sisters and we've all struggled with our weight over the years. I've been both the heaviest and lightest at times. Thinner feels better, and enjoy your success, but be careful not to get too smug. You're both still in your 20's and that means there may be pregnancies, illness or injury which affects weight and the ability to exercies, etc...and you could find yourself the heavier one again. Just continue to enjoy your success and hard work, and encourage your sister to work towards health.

Luckygir15 08-03-2010 01:41 PM

The same thing happened to me and my brother. I have always been the overweight child, he has always been wicked skinny. Five years ago he discovered "cake" (he had always been a WEIRDO and only ate breakfast or hot never went out to restaurants) The discovery of cake put him over and he instantly gained something like 70 pounds. (Mind you I was 21, he 20)

It felt SOO good not to be the fat one anymore. I felt like the gods of genetics were on my side for once.

Now that he has identified the cake eating problem, he has eliminated it and gone back to breakfast and hot loosing all the pounds.

Relish the moment while it lasts!!!

almeeker 08-03-2010 03:51 PM

I don't think it's mean, sometimes the truth just hurts. I sat next to my younger brother the other day, patted his beer gut and said "Hey there Skipper, where's Gilligan?". When we were kids he terrorized me with that nickname, so he had it coming and he knew it too. The look on his face was PRICELESS. I am looking forward to the day when I'm skinnier than my SIL's... Now there's something I can have a little fun with.... Okay, maybe I can't actually get skinnier than they are, but I'd settle for "just as skinny and in much better shape".

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