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srd1975 06-05-2010 01:28 PM

Hi Everyone.
My name is Susan and I just found this site today. I am 35-two kids and the heaviest I have ever been! I am trying to lose 50 lbs after many failed attempts because I realize that my relationship with food is out of sheer entertainment rather than health- and well quite frankly I am sick of feeling the way that I do and my self-esteem has hit rock bottom.
My husband has never had a weight issue and can eat whatever he wants. I find this to be extremely difficult for me.
I know what I need to do (I am a yo-yo dieter) The more that I have let myself go -the more I lack the motivation to do anything about it, because I feel tired all the time. I am 5'2 at 200 lbs. I am actually experiencing numbness in my legs and feet along with daily headaches and am very ashamed that I have let myself get this way.
I am trying to make small changes with my eating habits at first along with increased water intake-then we will see about activity level.

bsaz 06-05-2010 04:25 PM

Welcome! I know what you mean. After 2 kids, I felt I had to take control.

Here is what has worked for me.

1. Log your food faithfully and honestly daily. Even before you make a change. It helps you see where you need to make the changes.

2. Take control (if you haven't already) of your family's food. My husband is the same as yours, but as long as I'm cooking, he's not complaining about it.

3. Increase your activity, even if only by a little bit at a time. Walking is a great way to get moving without pushing yourself to early defeat. Then when that gets easy, move on to something harder.

4. Don't be in a hurry to lose the weight. The only way to keep it off is to make lifestyle changes, so they need to be sustainable.

5. If you fall off the wagon, get back on THE VERY NEXT DAY! It's a new day every day.

I wish you the best of luck!

Built 06-06-2010 01:12 AM

Great advice Bsaz! SRD, the only other suggestion I have is to seek support from forum members as you make changes one day at a time. Find a thread that looks encouraging and positive, and stay connected. Before long you'll be giving support to others which is also a big part of getting and staying healthy. Also, if the numbness continues, I'd go check it out with the doctor to rule out any conditions that may need addressing. Best wishes!

Lizzycritter 06-06-2010 01:22 AM

Welcome to the club! I started at 182 in October, really didn't lose much in November or December-who can diet during the holidays? I started logging here around the new year at 176, and this morning I'm at 150.6. I'm also 35 with 2 kids, age 2 and 6. I want to end up around 135, so that's 48 pounds totat I'm trying to lose. I have a hard time too with feeding my family while losing weight. It was especially tough in the beginning, the last thing I wanted was to be around food, but especially with the kids in the house there were a lot of things (like cheese sticks and peanut butter) I'd have to prepare for the kids that were major temptations for me. My husband used to be a toothpick in his younger days, and could eat anything that wasn't nailed down. These days he really needs to get serious about the diet and exercise, but I'm not the type to nag and anyway, that would just bring out his stubborn side and make things worse. He's starting to pay more attention to what he's eating, and I've gotten more healthy recipes on the dinner table. But all 3 of them are picky picky picky! I'd love to eat grilled fish with spinach or broccoli 2 or 3 times a week, nobody else will touch that.

It does get easier with time, but bsaz is right, this is a lifestyle change not a diet. I don't "forbid" myself from eating anything, but if I can manage to log it BEFORE I eat it, I do pretty well. I get sidetracked when I change dinner plans at the last minute, because when I log after the fact, it's usually at least 300 calories more than I'd guessed. After a while too, you get a feel for what you can eat at each meal and still stay on track. The logging gets easier too, because most of us tend to eat the same things over and over, so you can just log from your history instead of having to look up a bunch of stuff. I have a lot of custom foods created as well, and there's lots of recipe calculators online that can help you guesstimate the nutritional information for things you cook at home.

srd1975 06-06-2010 03:53 AM

Thanks Everyone :)
I appreciate the posts. I am committed to doing this as slow as need be in order to make this a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix-this time.
I do think the numbness is from my weight gain. I have a small bone frame- very fit lower legs and small feet (the weight I am carrying has got to be stressful on them) I think it may be a circulation issue. I am making an appointment with the doctor -just to make sure.

Everyone have a great day!

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