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speedyfair 05-10-2010 12:04 PM

hi ladies - to funny the tub stories - great job!
Had a bad day emotionally today, but made myself eat my regular meals just not any snacks so I wouldn't fall into my same cycle of starving and binging. I feel very proud of myself- it was a mind battle for a while, but just finished my dinner and feel good about myself so that's an improvement.

so helpful and uplifting to read your posts - thanks everyone for sharing

almeeker 05-11-2010 01:16 AM

Sorry to hear you had a bad day, eating-wise I've had a few rough ones myself. Just keep in mind that bad days happen no matter your size, and that sometimes the only fix for a bad day is the setting of the sun, not food. Well honey, it's a new sunrise, so here's to a much better day (coffee cup raised in your direction).

pattialbert 05-11-2010 03:52 AM

I like that Almeeker....lets all raise our coffee mugs or water bottles to a new week!!!!!

Got in a good work out yesterday and stayed on track eatingwise..feel much peppier today!!

montanacricket 05-11-2010 04:06 AM

Softball is here
And it was a late game last night, which meant I was in bed late and didn't haul my carcass out of bed at 4:30 this morning. So today is a "slug day" for me where I'm really really going to watch my calorie intake.

On a bright note though (a couple actually), our daughter won her game last night, and when my hubby put his arms around me this morning while he was laying in bed and I was sitting up reading, he could tell I've lost inches. :) That made me happy even though I'm feeling slug like!

egmdobbs 05-11-2010 05:00 AM

Montana - I'm glad your DH is noticing your progress! Sometimes its hard for the people who see us everyday to really notice a difference. Must have felt great!

Speedyfair - Sorry about your bad day yesterday - I'm raising my Diet Coke to you!

Having a good week so far after avoiding most major pitfalls this weekend. And I just can't stick to my once a week weigh ins, and I've been stepping on the scale everyday or every other day - but the good news is, I'm into a new "decade" this morning - 229! Only about 9 more pounds to go until I'm the weight I was right after having my son. Which means I will have lost all the "depression" weight. Since I have some time to type (and I'm sorry if you don't have time to read!) I got laid off from my job the day before my son was born, and ended up finding the wrong job 5 months later that just added to my depression from being let go. The job had way too much stress, late nights, long weekends, and I was also dealing with putting my kid in daycare after 5 months home with him. Of course, I ate my troubles away. Now I'm at a new job that I love, but it took me a year to find it, and as a result, I lost NONE of my "baby weight" and I gained 15 pounds on top of it. 15 pounds of fast food, chocolate, too many sweets, and all sorts of nasty food. So when I hit the 220's this morning, I realized that by losing this weight that I had put on as a result of all these difficult times, I am washing away the troubles too. Granted, I still have a ways to go to get back to pre-pregnancy (and since I was a little overweight when I got pregnant, some more after that), but it's a sign that I am moving on, I am going to be healthy, and I'm not going to let a job or my emotions rule my life. :)

almeeker 05-11-2010 10:09 AM

You guys are all so inspiring!!!!

egmdobbs, I love that you are figuring out what put the weight on you and saying goodbye to all those bad vibes and feelings. I sort of wonder if that didn't happen to me a little too. I got laid off while on maternity leave and it sucked big time. Not only because I didn't have a job, but because it became clear to me that there was gender and racial discrimination going on company wide, all fully sanctioned by the all white male executive committee. How horrible is that?

Montanacricket, you go on losing those inches, and it was especially nice that DH noticed and said something. I swear sometimes I could dye my hair pink and my DH wouldn't notice. He did laugh at my pants the other day, because they're so big it's almost a joke. My oldest DD is really funny, sometimes she runs back and forth between my DH and I hugging us, then she'll say "psst, mommy I think you're skinnier than daddy now". It's very funny, especially since she's never mastered whispering.

pattialbert, glad to hear your peppier today. Amazing how good that workout can make you feel. I had trouble sleeping a few nights ago and it made it much harder to stay on track eating wise. It was almost like my body was trying to substitute food for sleep.

traceymc1985, I hesitate to even say this, but my stretch marks look a little worse now than they did filled with fat. Doesn't seem the least bit fair. I think when you lose weight the skin should zip right back up to pre-split shape. Who's with me on that one?

Well gotta go, it's time to cook something for supper, and from the battle going on in the living room I can only guess that WWIII is under way...

almeeker 05-11-2010 10:59 PM

Morning ladies,

Coffee cups up (coffee optional), here's to an awesome, low-cal, plenty of water drinking, fat burning day. I got my workout in this morning, so this morning I'm telling myself that today I started strong and I'm going to stay strong all day. I've had a couple of bad days food wise. Mother's Day was OTT, and ever since I've been fighting a swirling vortex of food addiction symptoms. Today I've made sure to book my schedule up solid, keeping busy always helps me stay off the food. I also took a minute to plan my foods out, which doesn't always help, but today I'm going to print it out and keep it in my pocket. Well gotta go, the little monsters need to get to school... Have a good one, big squeeze.

montanacricket 05-12-2010 02:11 AM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 10628)
Morning ladies,

Coffee cups up (coffee optional), here's to an awesome, low-cal, plenty of water drinking, fat burning day. I got my workout in this morning, so this morning I'm telling myself that today I started strong and I'm going to stay strong all day. I've had a couple of bad days food wise. Mother's Day was OTT, and ever since I've been fighting a swirling vortex of food addiction symptoms. Today I've made sure to book my schedule up solid, keeping busy always helps me stay off the food. I also took a minute to plan my foods out, which doesn't always help, but today I'm going to print it out and keep it in my pocket. Well gotta go, the little monsters need to get to school... Have a good one, big squeeze.

Oh boy do I hear you on that...between Mother's Day and the fact that my darned period finally decided to start, and my daughter's late ball game Monday night, I missed my work out yesterday and Monday's was LAME.

However, I must not be doing everything wrong, because not only did I get almost to the 3 mile mark on the treadmill in my 60 minutes this morning, but got on the scale after my walk, shower and shake (and a liter of water) and it was down 2 POUNDS!!! So I've broken into a new decade! And have officially lost 1/10 of my goal weight! :)

Keep on keeping on people!!!!!

pattialbert 05-12-2010 03:43 AM

Ok ladies ...some of us are struggling with staying on plan on weekends so how about this weekend we have a little challenge (with ourselves) to stay on the straight and narrow! I will start a new thread for it...we can post what we ate,,,or how much we exercised...or even if we strayed and why...maybe this will keep us on track. Anyone up for it??

Nice NSV (non scale victories) this week you guys!!!! Baggie pants and smaller hugs are great incentives!

almeeker 05-12-2010 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by pattialbert (Post 10641)
Ok ladies ...some of us are struggling with staying on plan on weekends so how about this weekend we have a little challenge (with ourselves) to stay on the straight and narrow! I will start a new thread for it...we can post what we ate,,,or how much we exercised...or even if we strayed and why...maybe this will keep us on track. Anyone up for it??

Nice NSV (non scale victories) this week you guys!!!! Baggie pants and smaller hugs are great incentives!

I'm in!!! Better this weekend than next for me anyway. Next weekend I'm going camping with the whole Girl Scout Troop, now won't that be fun? Can you say sleep deprivation and junk food? I'm going to pack my own chow, but I'm sure there will be issues with the menu.

Funny thing happened yesterday, I took snacks to Girl Scouts, it wasn't my turn but the mom in charge forgot and I live near the meeting place. So I ran home and grabbed the jug of granola bars. Anyway the jug has a bunch of different flavors in it, so I just let the kids pick which one they wanted. Anyway this one little girl kept pulling them out and saying "this is low fat, I don't eat anything low fat", then putting them back and fishing for another one. Finally I said to her, "they are all low-fat, welcome to life at our house". She made a horrible face at me, but I told her to give it a try because they are just as good as the full of fat kind. Do you know that kid ate the whole thing and asked for another one? Too funny. It just goes to show what she's learning in her own home doesn't it? Of course in the meantime one of my kids pipes up with "yep, we all have to be healthy at our house, it's mandatory". Mandatory? Well out of the mouths of babes I guess.

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