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behlorsantifit2012 07-31-2012 12:43 PM

Your opinion on sugar...
What is your opinion on refined sugar? I already consider soft drinks, regular and diet, dead to me... should I totally cut out other sources -- including Domino bags? Behlor:confused:

RunbikeSki 08-03-2012 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by behlorsantifit2012 (Post 86597)
What is your opinion on refined sugar? I already consider soft drinks, regular and diet, dead to me... should I totally cut out other sources -- including Domino bags? Behlor:confused:

To me, a little refined sugar is fine. But it can be a trigger for over indulgence for many people. As you know carbohydrates are essential, and refined sugar can provide a nice energy boost - when used in moderation.

I don't know if you are old enough to remember but back in the 80's one of the cookie companies was advertising that a little cookie snack before a meal can help with portion control. Lots of people slammed the idea, but I gotta tell you as long as 1 cookie doesn't lead to a dozen cookies, it actually works.

behlorsantifit2012 08-04-2012 08:52 AM

Hi, Pam,

I found out that cutting that sweet taste is a bit too restrictive... so I now drink diet soda, a little too much for the health purists... but it cuts my desire for the real thing... I'm already down to 229 from 232, so I must be something right.. I also eat Fage Total Greek yogurt, the full-fat kind... it's incredibly yummy, and it also cuts my cravings for sugar... Behlor

JaimeMWS 08-04-2012 05:24 PM

I allow myself 1 teaspoon of sugar as part of "real food." For example, if I have berries for dessert I will put a little sugar on them. It keeps me from feeling deprived at eating berries instead of ice cream! But it has to be part of a meal that includes adequate protein and vegetables, so it doesn't trigger cravings.

canary52 08-05-2012 01:31 AM

I can't eat it, it makes my fibro flare up. Refined sugar anyway. I can eat fruit or sweet vegetables: carrots, yams, etc. I love sweets so I try for sugar free treats, when possible: I've been drinking soda made with Stevia. Or if I eat sugar, I try to limit it. And if I could do it over, I would never have allowed my kid to have it. She, like many teenagers, is a sugar addict. Marilou Henner calls sugar "kiddie cocaine" and it is true. My daughter has been overweight for years and mostly it's due to sugar.

I also have to say that when you stop eating sugar, after a while, you stop wanting it as much. Most things that tempt other people don't tempt me. And it's funny how people push it on you and push it on kids. My writing group could not believe that I could "resist" the chocolate goodies they brought in. And it seemed like everywhere my daughter went, they offered her sugar, at the fish store, lollipops; even school (as a reward.) I wrote about it. I called it "gratituous sugar." And we wonder why so many of us struggle with our weight and why kids are developing Type 2 diabetes.

Sorry for the rant.

1dwing 08-06-2012 11:47 AM

[QUOTE=RunbikeSki;86794]To me, a little refined sugar is fine. But it can be a trigger for over indulgence for many people. As you know carbohydrates are essential, and refined sugar can provide a nice energy boost - when used in moderation.

Could you expand on this? I have been unable to find info that carbs are essential as protien or fats are.

I eat both refined and complex carbs. Neither of which have been a issue with fat loss. I do find that the more I have the more I want and this could be an issue with others also but does not mean there needs to be an elimination of refined sugars. I would suggest to start small and find your limit.

RobbG73 08-07-2012 04:01 AM

Originally Posted by behlorsantifit2012 (Post 86597)
What is your opinion on refined sugar? I already consider soft drinks, regular and diet, dead to me... should I totally cut out other sources -- including Domino bags? Behlor:confused:

As with anything, moderation is important. If you can stop yourself after eating two or three cookies once in a while, you are in good shape.

RunbikeSki 08-08-2012 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by RunbikeSki (Post 86794)
To me, a little refined sugar is fine. But it can be a trigger for over indulgence for many people. As you know carbohydrates are essential, and refined sugar can provide a nice energy boost - when used in moderation.

Could you expand on this? I have been unable to find info that carbs are essential as protien or fats are.

I eat both refined and complex carbs. Neither of which have been a issue with fat loss. I do find that the more I have the more I want and this could be an issue with others also but does not mean there needs to be an elimination of refined sugars. I would suggest to start small and find your limit.

Hi 1dwing,
I need to amend this statement. As your research points out, carbohydrates, in and of themselves, aren't essential, but carb-rich foods like fruits and veggies contain the vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants that are. While you can replace many of these with supplements (IMHO) nothing beats eating the whole foods. ;)

Icewithin 08-08-2012 02:18 AM

What do people think about the new sugar substitutes like Stevia?

lcriswell0421 08-08-2012 03:32 AM

i love stevia. i have baked with it (i replace half the regular sugar with it) and i have it in my oatmeal every morning.

1dwing 08-08-2012 06:45 AM

I use stevia all the time from protein/coffee shakes to cookies. I have found some after taste but once bakes it tends to be less so. I use it alot when I make peanut butter cookies though I still use about 1 tbsp of sugar in the recipe.

lcriswell0421 08-08-2012 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by RunbikeSki (Post 86794)
To me, a little refined sugar is fine. But it can be a trigger for over indulgence for many people. As you know carbohydrates are essential, and refined sugar can provide a nice energy boost - when used in moderation.

Could you expand on this? I have been unable to find info that carbs are essential as protien or fats are.

I eat both refined and complex carbs. Neither of which have been a issue with fat loss. I do find that the more I have the more I want and this could be an issue with others also but does not mean there needs to be an elimination of refined sugars. I would suggest to start small and find your limit.

1dwing, in response to your question about info on why carbs are essential, here is an article i found, and i know there are others because i've read them, but i had this one bookmarked. It is here if you'd like to read the whole thing, but i just copied a portion of it to post here.

Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that we need in the largest amounts. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes published by the USDA, 45% - 65% of calories should come from carbohydrate. We need this amount of carbohydrate because:

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel.
Carbohydrates are easily used by the body for energy.
All of the tissues and cells in our body can use glucose for energy.
Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, the kidneys, the brain, the muscles (including the heart) to function properly.
Carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy.
Carbohydrates are important in intestinal health and waste elimination.
Carbohydrates are mainly found in starchy foods (like grain and potatoes), fruits, milk, and yogurt. Other foods like vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and cottage cheese contain carbohydrates, but in lesser amounts.

SteviaHall 08-31-2012 05:03 PM

Eating too much simple sugar can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes. It is difficult to resist sweets but sugar can be substituted by other natural sweeteners like raw honey, maple syrup, agave and Stevia.

LMB2011 09-06-2012 09:06 AM

Is splenda and all those other sugar's really better for you then regular sugar? I have heard that all splenda and the other sugar's do is make one grave sugar more. In the long run end up using just as much if not more of the "diet" sugar then if they would have only used half of real sugar. Has anyone els heard anything like this?

RunbikeSki 09-06-2012 09:30 AM

In my opinion, it is all about quantity and portion size. A cup of coffee a day with a non-sugar sweetener isn't going to cause you much harm (as long as you don't have an allergy). But using a non-sugar sweetener in place of regular sugar when you have a huge sugar habit isn't going to be good for you, nor is it going to solve the fundamental problem of an overly active sweet tooth. ;)

So if you are inclined to put 3 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee, drink 5 sodas a day, and can't resist desert after lunch and dinner, simply replacing sugar with any of the artificial sweeteners isn't going to do your health any good - for many reasons including prolonging the sweets habit.

It is really hard to break the sugar habit - but it can be done. And once you do, you will have crossed a hugely important milestone.

canary52 01-06-2013 08:07 AM

I saw it on a bumper sticker; "Sugar is a gateway drug." And I believe it. If I had it to do over again, I would NEVER give it to my daughter. She's a total junkie.

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