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amyrosepickard 04-23-2013 07:18 PM

Calories - Under 1700 - Sunday Monday Tuesday
Fruit & Veg - 3 or more - Sunday Monday Tuesday
Exercise - 30 mins a day - Sunday Monday Tuesday
Exercise - 10 sit-ups a day - Sunday Monday Tuesday
Exercise - 12 minutes on the Ab Circle Pro - Sunday Monday Tuesday
4 Glasses of Water - Sunday Monday Tuesday
No Fizzy Pop - Sunday Monday Tuesday

Walking the dog is really fun, I even let my son out of his pram to walk down the path.

Playgroup today, 30 mins walk instantly, then walk the dog and I will be upto 90 minutes walk today.

Must drink water.

I am eating around 1200 calories a day, is this sufficient for my body or do I need to eat more?

Keep up the good work, Today is measuring day.


Robingen 04-23-2013 10:04 PM

Amyrose you are doing so great with the exercise! Only you can know if you are getting enough cals. 1200 seems to be pretty standard for women who are trying to lose weight. Are you hungry (not cravings)? Do you feel good/energetic (sounds like you do)?

Mike I love PB. I have some on toast if I have cals left in my budget. Nothing satisfies more.

Well today I am going to the gym to do weight training. It's been several months since I have been and the torn ligaments in my back are not fully healed. But now I have gotten over that crazy "work through the pain" idea I can do gentle on my back weight training. My weight loss is so slow right now I am hoping this will help. Looking forward to breaking into the 160s.

wildbeanerz 04-24-2013 12:44 AM

Goals for this week....
1. Lots of water M: yes, T: yes,
2. Exercise 2 times before work M: no, T: no, W: no,
3. Exercise 2 times after work M: no, T: no
4. Take Chloe for 1 walk (30 mins) M: no, T: no,
5. Planned foods during work & snack M: work yes but snack no, T: Yes,
6. Walk 9 miles on lunches M: 3miles, T: 2miles,

Life Goals...
1. Be honest (even the white lies) M: yes, T: yes(didn't want to a few times but I did),
2. Do something to the rest of the laundry daily M: yes, T: yes,
3. Wipe down kitchen cabinets M: nope, T: No

Bombing on my exercise goals this week so far. Thing is, I feel like I am losing so walking & eating right are working for me. Now to put the whole thing together. Seems lately like when I am exercising right, I eat bad. Then I eat right and don't exercise. I am really tired again this week so maybe the walking will have to be the exercise I need for the week. I will keep trying though.

dmartz 04-24-2013 01:20 AM

This seems to be the right recipe:
  • Workout > 150 min/wk: 55, 15
  • Calories Avg. < 1400 /day: 937, 1130
  • Cholesterol < 200mg: 176, 67
  • Vegetables > 3 / day: 3, 5
  • Protein > 50 g / day: 38, 40
  • Do something I've never done before:

dmartz 04-24-2013 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 98287)
[...] it actually feels great to not have to log AND still lose weight. Besides, all I had was apples and water. NOTHING else. It wouldn't matter if I had 1 apple or 500, the macros wouldn't change. ;) So no pushups.:p

Well, I log every day and don't lose weight. Except for that 2.5 pounds of water weight dropped between Monday and Tuesday. (~ 2% of body weight.) Apples & PB&J doesn't sound like an especially balanced diet, but, Whatever.

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 98288)
It is so beautiful outside. Wearing a skirt today...

You are rocking it, April! I'm often wiped out if I've worked hard over the weekend. It takes a few days to recover. And ... It's beautiful here too, folks. Going out to enjoy the weather!

- Donna

canary52 04-24-2013 01:55 AM

1) plan food (except maybe Friday) - yes, yes
2) stick to plan (except maybe Friday) -yes meh but I stayed at 1260 or so, lost weight at first and then gained half a pound back. I need to not get too crazy about this stuff or I will wind up weighing myself on the mantle
3) 6 glasses of water -6 4
4) lower sugar (except maybe Friday unless I find a sf dessert) - yes ish but not low carb5) stretch -yes, yes
6) move, even small amount -yes meh back bad
7) practice Spanish -si no
8) meditate - yes no
9) don't give up -yes, yes

Cheerios and almond milk
one egg, one egg white, bacon
steak and broccoli
banana or apple or prunes
100 calorie nuts
sf Vitamuffin or agave sweetened truffles

episode2011 04-24-2013 01:56 AM

Goals for the week:

Log everything, no exceptions (nibbles and "tastes" count!): yes, yes (and goodness, it was a whopper...)
At least 1500ml water per day: 2500, 2500
At least 15g fiber per day: 21, 15 (14.8 but I'll take it as 15)
Maintain 7-day calorie rolling average under 1550: 1237, 1537 :eek:
Maintain 7-day sodium rolling average under 1400mg: 815, 1177 :eek:
No red entries on this report: Monday, Tuesday (but just barely)
Study every day: yes, yes

My report for Tuesday isn't a diet report. It's a Damage Report. You see, there was a major collision between my lips and a whole mess 'o food. To the tune of 2600+ calories for the day :eek:! Fortunately, I had insurance -- the past 7 days were safe (average = 1237), so the total impact of this one day gorgefest won't derail the entire train, as long as it's just one day (and it will be just one day).

Did I at least enjoy the gorgefest? Oh you betcha!!! It was DE-LISH-OUS! No guilt whatsoever. It was my choice, my decision, I'm quite content with it and am mentally prepared for the repercussions that may follow. I already saw a bigger scale number this morning; I assume it's sodium-related water retention, because I doubt fat can develop overnight.

So, will it be a totally blue week? Only time will tell.

jjrudd 04-24-2013 03:11 AM

Hi everyone. I have been reading the posts. Everyone is doing so well.
Me...not so much. I'm maintaining my weight (which is good) but I am slacking on exercise and fruits and veggies.
I realized I need to come back and get some motivation--which has totally left me.

Hope I am working on a couple of poems and when I feel like they are finished I will share.
I also made a HUGE dent in cleaning out spare bedroom :D


canary52 04-24-2013 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by jjrudd (Post 98312)
Hi everyone. I have been reading the posts. Everyone is doing so well.
Me...not so much. I'm maintaining my weight (which is good) but I am slacking on exercise and fruits and veggies.
I realized I need to come back and get some motivation--which has totally left me.

Hope I am working on a couple of poems and when I feel like they are finished I will share.
I also made a HUGE dent in cleaning out spare bedroom :D


I am looking forward to the poems. I was just thinking how I miss them.

canary52 04-24-2013 03:18 AM

Originally Posted by episode2011 (Post 98311)
Goals for the week:

Log everything, no exceptions (nibbles and "tastes" count!): yes, yes (and goodness, it was a whopper...)
At least 1500ml water per day: 2500, 2500
At least 15g fiber per day: 21, 15 (14.8 but I'll take it as 15)
Maintain 7-day calorie rolling average under 1550: 1237, 1537 :eek:
Maintain 7-day sodium rolling average under 1400mg: 815, 1177 :eek:
No red entries on this report: Monday, Tuesday (but just barely)
Study every day: yes, yes

My report for Tuesday isn't a diet report. It's a Damage Report. You see, there was a major collision between my lips and a whole mess 'o food. To the tune of 2600+ calories for the day :eek:! Fortunately, I had insurance -- the past 7 days were safe (average = 1237), so the total impact of this one day gorgefest won't derail the entire train, as long as it's just one day (and it will be just one day).

Did I at least enjoy the gorgefest? Oh you betcha!!! It was DE-LISH-OUS! No guilt whatsoever. It was my choice, my decision, I'm quite content with it and am mentally prepared for the repercussions that may follow. I already saw a bigger scale number this morning; I assume it's sodium-related water retention, because I doubt fat can develop overnight.

So, will it be a totally blue week? Only time will tell.

I love that: damage report, not diet report and the "collision." Best of all? Lack of guilt!!! Yeah baby!!!

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