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7-Day Motivational Thread for 2/11/13


7-Day Motivational Thread for 2/11/13

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Old 02-13-2013, 02:27 AM
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Plan hahahahahaha

turkey bacon and egg whites
tuna or fish and salad
seafood and veg (and that is not see food and veg out)
dried kale
clementines (or cuties as they are apparently called here)
protein shake
sf choc or sf biscuits
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:29 AM
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Originally Posted by sophierich77
Hey people!
Here are my goals this week:
1. gain 3 pounds
2. eat 2 packages of Oreos this week
3. watch 10 movies to keep me on the couch!
Would love support Thanks!
Tooooo funny....
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:31 AM
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Hope, my back is soooooo much better. Going back to regular exercise today. So glad you enjoyed that fried chicken--you can afford to do that. Great news on DD, too. She's going to thrive in college.

April, I did that two days in a row--was good all day and then carb binged in the evening. I made a post several days ago saying the way I could avoid evening carb binges was to have something yummy, on-plan and made ahead of time for my evening snack. Well, that didn't work. I wanted to cheat with sweet goodies like pudding, snack cakes, crackers, cereal, and bread and I did. Best wishes on your exercise with your new kettlebell. Also best wishes with the test kitchen leftovers.

OK, back on the wagon and pre-planning today's menu. I will pre-log it before eating it:

Breakfast: 1/2 oz. almonds already eaten and flaxmeal and protein powder and unsweetened peaches faux oatmeal.

Pre-exercise snack: peanut butter and protein powder on half a low carb tortilla

Late Lunch: turkey and spinach wrap with horseradish sauce, black soybeans with chili powder.

Snack: 1/2 oz. almonds and 1/2 oz. fat free cheese

Dinner: casserole of low carb sausage, pasta, and peppers casserole; cooked spinach, broccoli slaw.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:38 AM
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April. look at my long post again. I added more about you.

Nice plan, Mern. That dinner looks stellar.
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Old 02-13-2013, 02:55 AM
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Just a quick check in.

Originally Posted by Mern
Mike, LOL--I'm a midwest Yankee through and through, but am only 8 miles from the Kentucky border. But as far as the "southern Ohio" oxymoron goes, we do have a lot of dumb ox morons here--and they ARE the opposite of the definition of Ohioans.
That's funny.

Originally Posted by dmartz
  • Workout > 30 mins x 4: Y
  • Cholesterol < 250mg: 203, 122
  • Protein > 50 g: 52, 55
  • Sugar < (??? g): ~, N
  • Vegetables > 3 /day: Y, Y
  • Calories < 1750: 1283, 1259
Mern: Glad we can up with essentially the same work-around.

Cassie / Mike: Can you let support know there may now be an issue with the 'datepick,' since the Date and day forward / back selection links are not displaying on the Dashboard or Log pages using Firefox.

- Donna
great job on your goals. I'll bring your tech concern up, thanks.

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz
Did great all day yesterday again. Then had pizza for dinner followed by ice cream and two more slices of pizza. Kinda not a good end to a good day.

Bought a 8 lb kettlebell last night on clearance at walmart for $6. A girl can't pass up something on clearance right? So I did a workout this morning with it. It was the shortest one I could find on the fitnessblender channel on YT that I just love. It was about 14 mins long but I wasn't sure if I was going to get sore from it. So far so good. Will attempt some walking on lunch again but it is really cold and supposed to snow today. May have to settle for reading fitness magazine on lunch. Think I will do one of the longer half hour type videos tonight and see how that feels if I get some laundry done first.

Next 2-3 days are going to be hard food-wise at work. The test kitchen is in full swing with cuttings (taste tests) for an amusement park and our local baseball stadium. So you know what kinds of foods that means will be leftover and free for the taking in the break room all afternoon. Ugh! And I sit just around the wall (my back is to the wall that separates me from the kitchen when at my desk) so I get to smell what they're cooking ALL...DAY...LONG!!!
April, it's a struggle. When you fall, just get back up. You know I won't coddle you but I'm here to support you!

Originally Posted by canary52
APRIL, WELCOME BACK!!!! So glad to see you here!!! Mike told me you were back but I wasn't on FD cause we were too busy with Party Gras!!!! Funny story about your friends and the ummm objects on the phone may appear bigger than in person... Mike can tell you my DH (cute that Mike called him that) is a BIG FLIRT but if he did something like that, he'd be parking his junk elsewhere. I mean his things, his umm stuff, uhh nevermind....
Good job withtht kettleball!!! I don't think I could even lift an 8 pound kettle balla t this point. Funny about the bargain...DD says I'd buy stuff I don't even like if it's on sale (kinda true.) What do you do for work again? You prolly said.

Hey Frenchhen, cute pix of horses.

Cassie, please treat yourself like the goddess you are.

Mern, I hope your back is OK.

Hey, Donna, Jenn, Jezzie. Where y'at? Mike, did I get that right? If I missed anyone, big hugs to ya.

Tori, cream cheese, cinnamon and Mississippi Mud, you sure he didn't also put a piece of fried chicken on it? I would say your Bubba is trying to sabotage your diet like he did to me with those chips (yeah twist my arm.) Those "chirrens" (did I get it right, Mike?) he brought to the parade were great, so well behaved and so much fun. His stepdaughter actually gave me a glass bead necklace she caugt that she said was like the original Mardi Gras beads they used to throw. A gift and a history lesson!!!

As for me, I have a fried chicken hangover. Yes I am not proud. After you left, Mike, DH and I limped home, had a fabulous HEALTHY dinner DH cooked (chicken and zucchini.) All was good until DH said "Let's go out." Nothing that much doing on Royal, Boubon was a ZOO, we ended up in a bar on Decatur. I had my usual one drink - we met a young couple who were very nice but getting HAMMERED. Since I am NOT a big drinker, I figured I need to soak up this liquor with some food and what better way to do it than fried chicken at 11 pm? Yeah, not a good example, I. Should I mention the jambalaya and chocolate too? Hmmm, yeah. I may not quite be going to hell with myself but let's just say I am going to N'awlins with myself and leave it at that.

On a GREAT note, DD and I had a fabulous talk. She was mad at me so would answer texts and FB messages but would NOT talk on the phone with me cause of something stupid I said in my effort to "help her" re her eating habits. Anyway, if you will allow a little proud momma braggin, she published her second article in the school paper, is editing an interview for her third, and is getting a poem published in a literary journal. Plus she got a callback for a drama production. And she's a freshman. Mike, what is the singular for chirrun? Cause whatever it is, I got me a good 'un.

OK that's about it except I must hunt for a scale down here. Maybe that will cure those fried chicken cravings. I could eat that right now for breakfast.
Yep, looks like you've got it all right. You seem to catch on to our ways rather quickly! You're getting better at the blaming, keep trying. Maybe Tori can school you some. Oh, cuties are different... http://cutieskids.com/ you know dem chirrens don't know what theys talkin' 'bout

Originally Posted by sophierich77
Hey people!
Here are my goals this week:
1. gain 3 pounds
2. eat 2 packages of Oreos this week
3. watch 10 movies to keep me on the couch!
Would love support Thanks!
Interesting, I'll be keeping an eye on you and your "progress".

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz
Hey that sounds like my plan last week!!! Go you!

Originally Posted by canary52
1) HAVE FUN - YES, YES!!!!
2) plan meals; yes and are you kidding me? It was Mardi Gras, nuff said. That last post was like War and Piece of Chicken 3) stay even remotely near plan, especially lunch and breakfast- yes and there was no plan but I was OK until those chips (Blame Mike 101)4) stretch EVERY DAY (you should too, Mr Mike) yes, yes
5) get back to meditation -yes and um I contempalted King Cake
6) water is the new beer, drink more= N, N
7) Have fun (however will I do that in NOLA?) Notice that is TWO of my goals!!!! I'm taking this seriously. See #1
8) Find a scale (do I even WANT to know?) N, N, I do want to know I think
Now you see why I think we should be able to log Mardi gras as exercise. It's tough work being a party animal. Tori was trying to figure out how to log "cooler dancing" because she said she stood on top of an ice chest dancing the day away.

Last edited by 01gt4.6; 02-13-2013 at 03:01 AM.
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Old 02-13-2013, 03:16 AM
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"Cooler dancing" as exercise lol I love it. Maybe it could be in the Olympics if they have em down here!!! I bet DH could qualify!!! I'd be exempted due to lack of rhythym haha.
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Old 02-13-2013, 06:37 AM
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Logged another 2 miles on lunch in 36 minutes. Not running but not too shabby for a fat chick either. It is still freakin cold out and getting ready to snow soon. It's very cloudy.

Hope...I work for the 2nd largest food distribution company in the US. Right about when I stopped posting I accepting a position in the credit collections department. It is a nice challenging position and I have a great group of sales people that I collect for. ... The kettlebell was fun. So far (only did it once), it didn't give me a full workout that I require to see progress. I will have another go with it tonight. I saw some half hour long videos on YT (fitnessblender) that should fit the requirements. It's weird but I need to feel sore after working out to know that I did enough.

Mike...I'm betting troll on that one. Oh and I definitely don't need coddled. I know there is no reason for what I have done to myself, again. I also know that there are many reasons to put an end to it now and get back to what I need to do.

Mern...glad to hear you are feeling better and getting back to your regular exercise. I plan to have healthier snacks available now too. I even brought a protein bar to work for this afternoon just in case I am really tempted by the leftovers in the breakroom. I did walk through two tables filled with food to go to & from my walk and only snitched one french fry so I call it a win and I don't even think I am going to eat that protein bar unless something really changes between now & 5pm.

Hubby is making chicken soft tacos for dinner and I am excited! We've never made them at home so hoping they turn out well.
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Old 02-13-2013, 07:59 AM
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Oops: I forgot it's Ash Wednesday. Although I like fish just as well as meat and am not bound by my church fasting laws due to medical conditions, I will make the pasta dish, but have cod for myself instead of turkey sausage--just a reminder of the season of Lent.

Sophie, welcome! LOL on the goals. I came close to doing that both last night AND the night before, but I'm being good now.

April, just one French fry IS a win! Kudos on THAT! As I am reading your post DS is in the kitchen making his own tacos. He likes the crunchy taco shells. I couldn't talk him into one of my low carb soft tortillas--and they really are delicious. Great job on your 2 miles at lunch! I did one mile this morning and will do another after dinner.

Mike and Hope, yeah, sure--cooler dancing is exercise. LOL
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Old 02-13-2013, 08:04 AM
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Mike, them chirrens are right. Clementines ARE cuties, I believe, or vice versa. Only these come from Spain. If anyone would like to join the great clementine/cuties debate, jump in...

April, soft tacos yum. One french fry IS a win, shows remarkable control, in my book. I used to work out til i was sore. Now I get sore just thinking about it !!! I'm gonna work on my cooler dancing tho, just in case, for next year...
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Old 02-13-2013, 08:04 AM
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Good day eating so far. Had big salad for lunch. A win since I was not having a good morning and didn't give in to having c-r-a-p.
Have been drinking my water too.

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