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libby135 11-30-2015 12:41 AM

Motivation and Support 11/30 -12/6
Hi all and happy Monday. It was very quiet over the week end but now we need to make some noise. Let's get working out and eating right and show that scale who's the boss. We have 5 weeks till the end of the year so let's finish strong.

dschefer 11-30-2015 07:45 AM

Yow, the end of the year is upon us already!

I have not been doing well--my emotions have been guiding my evening eating, and I've just glommed onto tortilla chips and dip and beer. I didn't take in that many calories but have somehow been retaining water.

I'm getting back on track this week--the holiday weekend and all the family time threw me off.

Glad to see there are quite a few of us still around, and glad to see Hope back here too.

AZLisaLou 11-30-2015 10:01 AM

I was MIA over the weekend, sorry! I'm now on the road to recovery from my holiday eating. Actually, I didn't do that badly. The worst thing I did was have a few slices of pie over 2 or 3 days. I did gain weight, but I think I'm retaining water for some reason. I haven't been losing as easily that past couple weeks. Tonight some things are going to change. Tonight I start my 60 day PiYo program, and guess what! My 15 year old son is going to do it with me! yea!!! He's not fat, just a little muffin top and he wants to tone/define his muscles. I'm so glad to have a buddy to do this with. I hope we can both manage to do it without it killing us!

Hope, nice to see you back!

rosabella2012 11-30-2015 01:46 PM

Got a great workout in this afternoon and I'm so tired--but it's a good tired! Lost 4#s this past week--and it was Thanksgiving AND we had to go out of state to a funeral. With all that, I managed to lose! Vicki

AZLisaLou 11-30-2015 02:40 PM

good for you Vicki! That's quite an accomplishment!

Tonight Matthew and I did the first workout in PiYo, which was lower body. The part of my body that was absolutely screaming and prevented me from finishing all the way through was my feet. My feet were cramping sooooo badly I think from trying to support all my 257lbs in odd positions that it's not used to. We went halfway through and then the phone rang. It was my son calling from jail, and I have to take his calls when they come in so I told Matthew we'd just call it a night at the half way point. It was good though. I'm not flexible or fluid or graceful or strong, but I did pretty well for a fat old lady! :) I watched tomorrow's workout, Upper Body, and I'm pretty confident I can make it all the way through.

Each day I will get stronger and more flexible and each day I'll be able to do a little bit more. Our form left something to be desired! lol We'll get there though.

libby135 12-01-2015 01:56 AM

It's December first. Where did the year go? I am trying to think of Christmas gifts for my family and nothing comes to mind. I would like to get it done this week before it gets too crazy at the mall. They are doing valet parking now for
$8.00. I saw it on the news last night.
I am glad to see people back on board and exercising.
Vicky 4# loss, congrats.
dschefer, back away from the chips and beer. I know that once I start it's hard to stop but you can do it.
Lisa, so good that you have your son to exercise with you. Prayers for your son in jail.
Now we need to hear from the rest of you. Don't be shy.

libby135 12-02-2015 01:24 AM

I didn't get to aqua fit last night because I was too tired but I will get out for a walk today. How is every one doing?
Lisa, How is PiYo going? Is your son still exercising with you?
dschefer, I'm so glad that you are back on track this week.
We need every one here to keep us motivated so keep posting and we can all
get closer to our goals.

AZLisaLou 12-02-2015 04:42 AM

Last night I didn't want to exercise. I just wanted to skip it. But my son pushed me and I couldn't say no to him. That's what an exercise buddy is all about! I am not feeling any soreness in any of my body, except for the arches and heels of my feet. Monday's workout was lower body and I think from trying to balance myself and such an extreme amount of weight in awkward positions that I strained the tendons or something in my feet. It hurts to walk! Tonight's workout is called "Sweat", and it's 37 minutes long. yikes!!! I don't know if my feet will hold up. I'm going to try it wearing tennis shoes to see if the shoes give me any more support and stability and take some of the pressure off my tootsies.

I roasted my 2nd turkey last night, and I'm going to rip it apart today. I am going to split it into packages and hopefully have enough for 3 dinners out of it for this week. Tonight we are having a BBQ turkey salad (supposed to be chicken but same thing) It's got a combo of bbq sauce and ranch dressing. Sounds kind of weird, but maybe it will be great.

I need to get back to logging my food. I stopped on Thanksgiving after I had been so diligent about it for quite a while. Yesterday I'm pretty sure I stayed at or around my goal. So far today I am on track. Hope I can stick to it!!!

Hope you all have a good day.

libby135 12-02-2015 08:33 AM

Lisa, PiYo sweat sounds intense. You are so lucky to have a buddy to work out with. Tell us how your exercise and turkey dinner turned out. I am having on off day, too many carbs and not enough exercise. I did get out for a short walk but I should do more. Tomorrow is a new day.

AZLisaLou 12-02-2015 03:07 PM

Libby, even if you're a bit off, overall you're doing marvelous. Tomorrow is a new day, and you are doing great.

Well, I think I really did injure the tendons in the bottom of feet, or whatever it is that's under there. They hurt when I'm not on them, and to try to walk is excruciating pain. I did not do my PiYo today. Matthew has a marketing project that needed to get done. He, Sara and I sat out on the back patio splattering different colors of paint with toothbrushes on 48 bucket hats. Up and down a ton, which for me is exercise. Sitting on the hard concrete hurts! I'm too old and fat for that! lol. We had a really good time, but by the time we were done, I still had to pull apart the turkey and get dinner ready. Not enough time in the day today.

I made the turkey bbq salad, and I really liked it. I didn't quite like the bbq sauce I bought and I know it would be great if I had a better brand or flavor or something. It was good though. I really like salads. Tonight's salad was pretty high in calories though...810! 4 oz of turkey, 1/3 c of shredded cheese, ranch dressing (that did me in! I should have bought lite), black beans, corn, bbq sauce, and a few crushed corn chips. The cheese was high too. But you can't have a salad without cheese!

Have a good night, all!

libby135 12-03-2015 02:57 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your sore feet and no PiYo. You spent the time helping your son and enjoying their company. I am going to go through my exercise DVS's and do one today. I am so out of shape and need to strengthen my muscles. I don't think my weight has been this low in the last two years and I have so much more to lose. I just have to think of it as one pound at a time and then go for the next one. We can do it.

dschefer 12-03-2015 03:16 AM

You all inspire me with your continued effort! I'm having a tough time staying on track--my life is just so haywire at the moment--it's hard to stay focused.
My 8-year-old had the stomach flu last night--you moms know what that is like...and I was thinking about the poor people in San Bernardino :(

I need to make some real progress before the end of the year. I will not let my emotions get the better of me.

libby135 12-03-2015 03:30 AM

I get into trouble when I am away from the board for too long. Stay here with us, make a plan and follow through. You can do it.
Special shout out to Debbie, where are you buddy.
deschefer, I feel sad about the state of the world. We can only make our corner of the world a better place to be in.
I hope that your daughter feels better soon.

dschefer 12-03-2015 01:29 PM

Yes, I know. I try to make things better where I am. I don't know if I'm doing a good job, but I try to exhibit kindness and patience with others.

I wanted to make it a goal to do something nice for someone else during the holiday season (someone besides immediate family). I was thinking about inviting some neighbors I don't know that well for coffee and cookies.

I didn't do so great today with eating. My husband brought home wonderful dessert and I just couldn't resist....

AZLisaLou 12-03-2015 01:29 PM

Libby, I get in trouble when I don't stay connected too.
dschefer, don't give up. We're here to cheer you on and to give you support. Sometimes when I get off track I have to take baby steps to get back on track again. I often have to go back to changing one thing at a time for a few days to a week until I get back into my groove. What is it that you're struggling with the most? Also I hope your 8yo is feeling better!

I am taking a couple days off from PiYo. My feet are feeling a bit better today, and I don't want to risk reinjuring them by jumping back into it too quickly. When I do start back into it I'm going to try wearing tennis shoes, thinking that it may help take some of the pressure off my feet getting in those warrior poses and maybe help me balance better.

I'm gaining weight and I'm not quite sure why. I haven't changed anything, been eating more or drinking more soda than usual. It's a mystery to me. :(

AZLisaLou 12-04-2015 09:37 AM

Trying not to go off the deep end. At least I had a .2 loss this week, which is definitely better than the gain I thought I was going to have. I went down from this morning until this afternoon, otherwise it would have been a gain. Grateful it isn't a lot worse! I actually haven't gained as much as I thought I did. About 3 lbs. I'm way off track for the challenge. I'll be happy with what I can accomplish.

How is everyone doing today?

libby135 12-04-2015 10:27 AM

Lisa, glad to see that you are back on track. I had a good day and if the week end goes well I should make my January Challenge weight on Monday. My weight hasn't been this low in about 3 years and I am looking forward to seeing the 160's on the scale by the new year.

AZLisaLou 12-04-2015 11:00 AM

Libby, I saw that you had almost 2 lbs this week come off. That's fantastic! You've been really consistent, and to be your lowest in 3 years is quite an accomplishment.

libby135 12-04-2015 11:18 AM

How is every one doing? Thanksgiving Day is behind us and Christmas is only three weeks away. It's a very busy time of year of parties with family and friends. Take time out to keep in touch with your fitday family over this season of celebrating.

dschefer 12-04-2015 04:16 PM

Libby, You're doing great--I'm sure you must feel wonderful.

Lisa, I have times like that too, where I've gained even though I'm hardly eating anything. One reason could be that you are working out pretty intensely and building muscle, which weighs more than fat. Could you look more at how your clothes fit? I always gained muscle pretty quickly, and never saw much of a loss when I was really working out--weight lifting and such.

Lisa, thanks for your kind words. This time of year with all its activities and responsibilities is hard for me. I feel completely overloaded with things I need to take care of, and there is never a break. I haven't even been able to make any friends since coming to Washington (besides families who come over for dinner sometimes, which is nice). There's just never any time. I used to be able to meet a friend in the evening once in a while--now every evening is booked with kids' activities.

Do any of you feel this way? Like too much is expected of you? Like you never get a moment to yourself?

I love my kidlings--which is why I take them all over, but they do have a lot going on...

My 8-year-old is better, thank you.

AZLisaLou 12-04-2015 04:45 PM

dschefer, I feel for you. I'm easily overloaded too. I don't work outside the home, and my duties revolve around the house and kids. I have no social life to speak of; however, I personally like it that way. I have mental illness issues and social anxiety is one of them. I have to remind myself that I need "me time" in order to be the best I can for my family as much of the time as I can. Maybe you should make yourself a priority and schedule a date night for yourself that can include anything you want, whether with someone else or alone. Put it on the calendar and let everyone know you have to take care of you as well........As for my weight gain, it ended up being I had a .2 loss. Any gains or resistence to loss I have isn't due to muscle gain. Unfortunately, I injured my feet my first night into the program, I did the 2nd day, and then I had to stop because my feet were hurting terribly. I'm hoping they are better in the next few days so I can restart on Monday.

AZLisaLou 12-05-2015 10:29 AM

fell off the wagon today and got a concussion from the force of the fall.

libby135 12-05-2015 04:35 PM

Me too, apple pie, potato chips and pop. OH MY

AZLisaLou 12-05-2015 05:18 PM

Libby, for me it was a cheeseburger, onion rings, soda and ice cream. yikes! tomorrow i'll be pulling in the reigns for sure.

libby135 12-05-2015 06:37 PM

We will be back on the wagon tomorrow.

libby135 12-06-2015 01:56 AM

Happy Sunday everyone. Tomorrow is Challenge weigh day and I am going to be extra good today. No more little indulgences for me. I felt so sick last night that I just don't want to do that again. How are you feeling Lisa? We are back on the wagon today.

libby135 12-06-2015 10:22 AM

Old habits are hard to break. I was looking for something sweet tonight after supper and I found some peanut butter cookies. Lucky for me I can stop at one. I hope every one had a good day.

AZLisaLou 12-06-2015 03:56 PM

I did pretty well today. was within 45 calories of my daily goal. Had the last of the 2nd turkey I made at dinner...turkey and dumpling soup. It was delicious. Had some soda, but not as much as usual. I'm going back to diet. I can't drink as much soda as I do and expect to lose weight. I don't drink enough water to stay hydrated, so diet is the only option I have.

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I don't know how well I'll do. We'll just have to wait and see.

brian.dte 12-14-2015 01:41 AM

Hey All.... I've been missing in action... I have had a few stumbling blocks and setbacks.. Last weekend I traveled to the east coast of Canada to visit with my family... I was just a weekend trip - long and exhausting - but worth it.. When I returned back from this trip I was up 5 pounds... :( to 265#

Now here I am, trying again to get on track.. I have done well the last few days, and trying to 'reboot' my system..... This morning I was back down to 256.8#.

My goal of 240# by Hawaii trip is not going to happen - oh well.... Perhaps I can still get to 255# by Friday when we leave.... Then when we are gone for 12 days - I am a bit fearful of what is going to happen

This sure is a challenge....

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