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canary52 09-25-2015 03:01 AM

I think I need to plan food. So here it is:
bkft: one egg, one egg white with spinach, mushrooms, scallions (already had)
snack:goat yogurt with raisins and sunflower seeds
lunch: tuna or chicken with salad
dinner: veggie burger with salad or fish with veg
snack: nuts and fruit

canary52 09-25-2015 03:03 AM

1) Eat better: ummmmm
2) Get back to work: a bit
3) 3 RAKs (I already did one); 2 so far

Grumpy72ga 09-25-2015 03:41 AM

Ha Mike, wifi and paper are just not connecting, what am I doing wrong?? LOL!

Annette, hang tight and hold fast to your goals.

Lisa, yay on the NSV! With the Atkins shake!

Vicki, glad the cooler weather is doing ya some good.

Mike, yay on your goals. I love that you're including RAK in your goals.

So apparently that's a goal I'm not quite ready to work on just yet, recording food. I've fallen in love with running and the idea of exercise, a new thing for me. And while I can't seem to log food on the slow clunky wifi, or the old fashioned way with pencil and paper, I am happy to report that I am making conscious choices that are better than I would normally make. Over the last 6 months I've stopped eating out, which makes the food choices 99% better. I've started choosing healthier foods (natural things like fruit, upping veggies at meals and hubby is cooking healthy otherwise.). Food allergies plague me, but I can work with them when I put a conscious effort forth and I'm seeing the effects. Yay! I love all foods that are bad, like cookies and muffins and chocolate, but since deciding I was going to do this journey, I find myself passing on the cookies, they're just too sweet. My hubby has spoiled me for chocolate, by getting me addicted to 72%+ so a bag of m&m's taste like a bag of sugar lately.

I think the biggest change in me, is the goal of 10,000 steps per day and actually hitting, exceeding or at least getting darn close (I'll thank the 9 yr old for that, yes the one that is trying to kill me!)

Today is my birthday, and I'm working out how to celebrate it. I will have cake, just a small piece, but I will also run! I have promised the girls a walk on the beach and it will likely turn into a 2 mi walk. Yes some of my fluids will come from a wine bottle! :)

1. Didn't check on Wed or Thurs.
2. No paper contact
3. Didn't run yesterday (been fighting a headache for 2 days)
4. Sufficiently hydrated

Grumpy72ga 09-25-2015 12:32 PM

2.21 mi on the treadmill in 30 mins, plus 14 floors down and 10 floors up.

I figure I deserve a cupcake!

AZLisaLou 09-25-2015 12:37 PM

Grumpy, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoyed your cake and wine, but also the 2 mile walk. It's amazing, isn't it, how our palate changes when we give it some time? As you're more sensitive to sugar, I am more sensitive to salt.

Mike, how are the RAK's going? Water intake?

your food plan for the day is incredibly healthy. Good for you for being able to eat like that. I don't think I'm mentally and emotionally ready for that level of health. I'm working on it though!

Annette, don't go and get yourself sick before your mom's surgery especially. You've always got so much going on. I don't know how you handle it!

Vicki, so glad to hear your pain is lessening.

Sara wanted yogurt pretzels and the best place I know to get those is Sprouts. I used to go there quite a bit but have gotten away from it. I don't know why. Their fruits and veggies are so fresh and vibrant! And they're way cheaper on most stuff than the grocery stores. I was shocked when I saw the strawberries...they were soooo reddish-pink...the perfect color you would imagine strawberries for only $1.50. I need to make it a habit of going there again for produce and other treats. I also got her a little scoop of chocolate covered almonds from the bulk bins. Ok, I might have had 1 of those and I might have had 4 little pretzels. lol I couldn't resist.

Unfortunately I gained a lb this week. :( I think part of it was going overboard on the leftovers with flavored rice that was processed in a box....tons of sodium! Also, I still haven't been able to completely get away from the soda yet, and I'm sure that's contributing. And I had 1 candy bar.
And I had a sausage egg mcmuffin this morning while out and about. So, still far from perfect, but I'm also seeing more good choices as well. I just need to get the scale tipped in my favor to more good choices than bad choices.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? I don't have much going tournament this weekend. phew! a break 2 weeks in a row! I'm going to do my best to do well this weekend, and I'm also going to make a goal of logging my food all weekend. I need to get back in the habit of doing that too.

rosabella2012 09-25-2015 02:38 PM

Grumpy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Good job on the treadmill and stairs! Enjoy your birthday!

Hope: Where do you get the goat yogurt and what does it taste like? Do you make the yogurt yourself? I have a friend who makes her yogurt from cow's milk and cheese too--her cottage cheese is so much better than what you can get at the store.

Lisa: We belong to a consumer supported agriculture group in our area and we get a box of fresh, locally grown veggies each week along with things like honey, spices and sometimes fruit. We also have access to local eggs and some meats. It encourages us to eat more veggies and I've learned to enjoy so many more than what I ate years ago.

Not much planned on my homefront for this weekend, just grocery shopping in the morning, finish laundry, housework and a ladies meeting at church tomorrow night, cooking will be very minimal, maybe make a soup with my leftover grilled veggies.


canary52 09-27-2015 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by rosabella2012 (Post 117803)
Grumpy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Good job on the treadmill and stairs! Enjoy your birthday!

Hope: Where do you get the goat yogurt and what does it taste like? Do you make the yogurt yourself? I have a friend who makes her yogurt from cow's milk and cheese too--her cottage cheese is so much better than what you can get at the store.


Hi Vicki,
I buy the goat yogurt at the health food store. It is called Redwood Hill Farms. It comes in flavors but since I try to avoid sugar, I buy the plain and add coffee flavoring, liquid stevia and sunflower seeds and raisins. It really has a nice taste and no funky aftertaste. I wish I could have the other kind but regular yogurt makes me really sick; homemade is awesome tho.

canary52 09-27-2015 05:30 AM

Lisa, That was my plan, not what I actually did lol but I do feel better when I get as close as possible to eating that way. Poker night last night I didn't just play with chips, I ate them A whole lot of them.

Plan today:
Egg salad with sugar free mayo and lettuce on sf bread and an orange- ate already

The goat yogurt I didn't eat the other day lol

Some kind of southwestern quinoa salad with homemade carrot juice and squash

Might go to a vegetarian potluck tonight so I have to be careful... buffet situations are dangerous for me...

canary52 09-27-2015 05:33 AM

Happy Belated Birthday, Grumpy!!!!! Cake, wine, run, time on beach with loved ones, sounds great. I hope it was.

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